Ouija Boards?

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Ouija Boards

Post by neilcamp » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:34 pm

I have just caught up with this thread. There seem to be many bad experiences, but mine, also as a young man, was a good one.
I had ridden a motor bike to South Africa from Zambia for about 1000 miles to meet my brother at my uncle's farm in a coastal town. he didn't pitch and it was getting late and my cousin & I were quite worried as he was also on a motor bike and may have had an accident. We made our own ouija board letters and numbers and the glass quickly went into action. After two or three questions we were given a telephone number in a town about 250 miles away. I dialed the number, asked if my brother was there and he was put on the line. He was amazed to hear my voice as his motor bike had broken down in front of this strangers house in the late afternoon and he was expecting to spend the night in a bedroll on the pavement. But this chap asked him to come in and sleep the night there.
I was warned off the Ouija board by so many people after that that I didn't try it again.
Strange how some get helped and others get into trouble. Could it be something to do with Karma?
(Sorry if you read this where I posted it yesterday - Mental Telepathy or what - but I didn't see the Ouija board subject until tonight.)

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we had one

Post by silverphoenixwillow » Fri Mar 09, 2007 4:11 am

my family had one,,,,, we used it for years,,,,,it really did seem to have a powerful energy around it....
you need to make sure when using it,, after wards you say good bye to the ennities,, that you call up on,,,,,
my mom and step dad,, was locked in there house,,,, my dad had to break out a window,, go out and unlock the door from the inside..
needless to say,, that was my moms last experience with the board,,
you can stilll find them at mystical stores,, and at the mall at like spencers

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ouija Boards

Post by Brighid » Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:24 pm

My friends and I use " the psychic Circle" whats cool about this board is that they have included a protection ritual to protect from unwanted entities. I've tried it a few time without problems but have trouble working it by myself, I guess I need to be open a little more. The most moving experience was talking to my step-father who died when I was five and helping him move on.

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I've never had one.

Post by triggersad » Thu May 17, 2007 9:31 am

I've used the internet ones. They never seem to work, Lol.

Interesting stories, however. :-)

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Post by trickyvicky6 » Thu May 31, 2007 5:18 pm

I did this every weekend with my mates. It seemed to work better if more than two people were doing it. Sometimes there would be a very powerful energy, to the sliding of the glass, sometimes nothing at all. Make sure you all agree prior to the actual session, to how far you should take it . We stopped because two sisters had a wierd experience where they were both at different locations and both could'nt breath simultaniously. One guy came through and started laughing at us spelling...ha ha ha!.
The best night however was on holloween that was scary! I can also suggest you tape record the whole thing as i got some brilliant audio on the tape. Say a prayer on closing the boared and treat the spirits with respect as you would with someone alive.
I'm no expert but this seems to work for me.
Good luck!

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Catching up

Post by SilverMoon7 » Mon Jun 11, 2007 12:14 am

Wow, this is fascinating stuff.

I've tried the ouija by myself and with family or friends, and always with absolutely no luck at all.  Or maybe that WAS my luck!  I've always wondered why others have so much activity with it, and i never have...  Not so sure i'm interested in pursuing it, anymore...

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ouiji board

Post by tengypsies » Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:01 pm

I used a ouiji board in the past with the help of my girlfriends.  We had success using it and found it very reliable.  However, we had a strange thing happen once that scared us.  Usually after use, we would put everything back in it's box and store it on a shelf.  When we took it down to use it, we found the needle missing.   My girlfriend found it later when she went to bed.  When she took the covers off her "made" bed, she found the needle.  It was eerie.

However, if you are alone, you could use a pendulum with a ouiji board.  It works that way as well.

Brightest Blessings,


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Post by Flame haired one » Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:14 pm

I prefer to not utilize a Ouija board.  So many things/spirits may cross over to your path and you may not want or be prepared to deal with them.  My POV, though.

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Post by Gem » Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:39 pm

What about ways to make the use of an Ouija safer? Anyone any tips to share?

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Post by Flame haired one » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:28 am

Gem wrote:What about ways to make the use of an Ouija safer? Anyone any tips to share?
IDK if i would call it 'safer'.  Some say to put the White Light of the Holy Ghost around you.  Some say to perform a ritual of sorts before and after.


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Re: Ouija Boards?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 16, 2007 3:02 am

has anyone ever used an ouija board? how has your experience been with it? I have heard about them but never even seen one in fact... :smt017
do throw some light on it.[/quote]

Dear Swetha --

I have not bothered to read all answers to this message since there are too many :-) but I hope I am not serving rehashed and rewarmed beans in this message!

It has always bothered me why the board has been only called a Yes Yes (FR: Oui = yes, GER: Ja = yes) and then its more modern version OUIJI board!

The way OUIJA and TABLE-TIPPING works is that they utilize a joining of human transreceivers so that we can join forces and improve our receptivitiy and attain something more than any of us alone can!

Perhaps some electrical engineer may be able to explain better but humans have a lot of R-C couplings. Resistors and capicitors -- which are the foundation of amplifiers unless I am mistaken.

In a sense each of us have within our bodies many circuits that allow us to become receivers and transmitters of subtle energies that are remotely connected to radio waves.

When enough of us join and with full trust -- we can together become sensitive to subtle and faint energies and radiations that come from other realms.

I think of this as being in a desert. There are all kinds of energies and information floating around but only if you have a radio can you transduce those into a form which you can hear and understand.

In an ouija or table-tipping experience or similar, we are connecting several amplifiers to be able to hear or become aware of those very feeble energies.

As any radio explorer would tell, much of the information is well simply information but it does feed the curiosity center that we all are born with.

There are certain phases in our life as humans when we can TUNE-IN very strongly to these vibrations and sometimes they decide for us our life and goals and what we would become and do in life!

Never to be taken lightly or dabbled in for fun, simply because it can change your life! But if you are an explorer by spirit, maybe it can clarify things and get you back on your lifeplan and get you on track!


<By the way -- Table-tipping has nothing to do with why writers working as waiters continue to work in restaurants while they hone their penmanship!>

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I used

Post by samsjr » Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:54 pm

i used a board once. i seemed to have woken up some nasties in my old house. I used the board with my brother, we asked all &nbsp;kinds of questions. He has done oujia numerous times, but i was new to using it for this length of time. we used the board for 3 differen't nights. i didn't sleep right for a week. he was perfectly fine.

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Re: I used

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:05 pm

You may have woken up some 'nasties' in your old self!
If you are imaginative, suggestible and sensitive, it is best not to dabble in these things. Make that, "It is best not to dabble!"


[quote="samsjr"]i used a board once. i seemed to have woken up some nasties in my old house. I used the board with my brother, we asked all  kinds of questions. He has done oujia numerous times, but i was new to using it for this length of time. we used the board for 3 differen't nights. i didn't sleep right for a week. he was perfectly fine.[/quote]

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Post by Ani » Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:06 pm

well we didnt have a board, my friends and I just wrote down the alphabet, numbers and "yes" and "no" on a piece of paper and the cursor was replaced by a needle. we held the needle by a thread and it was bending towards the letters as we asked questions. we did it in different places and talked to different "spirits". at the beginning it seamed fun but later I noticed some unpleasant things started happening to us and I felt it was the result of our "ouija" games, so we stopped. Ive never had a desire to do it again. by the way, nothing those spirits predicted ever came true. I dont believe either they were who they claimed they were.

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Post by sk33t9392 » Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:41 am

I actually made a paper one tonight after reading this forum and used a quarter.

It was really, really interesting. &nbsp; I talked to a person who gave me his real name. &nbsp;Found out his last mudane name was Frankee. &nbsp; I asked him his when he was born and he gave me a 43295 which confused me and soon after said JK. &nbsp;Told me he was born Aug 8, 2002 and died Oct 15, 2003 from SIDS. I asked him who I would marry. &nbsp;He gave me a first and a last name, his age, his birthdate. &nbsp;I asked when I'd meet him: &nbsp;told me "Acept a delay". &nbsp;Asked how long. &nbsp;3 years. &nbsp;Asked how to make sure I'd meet him: told me Cowdobe..some event or something, no idea.
Asked why he became a spirit guardian for me (already asked that and he told me) and said because of Gaia (I have no idea...all I know is that on my tarot cards, Gaia is the world...will look up). &nbsp;Then I asked him why and he said mum...
When I asked him what that meant he let me know he's my second child. &nbsp;I tried to get information about his sibling but it took a while. &nbsp;Most I got was that in a different life, the relationship between me and the first previously was 'foe.' I asked did he choose me or did I choose him for the family. &nbsp;He had chosen me. &nbsp;When I asked why all I got was "sad".So I asked my relationship with the guy he said I was going to marry. &nbsp;Said there wasn't any previous history so I asked why I'm getting with him--its because at one point they were either friends or he was his father...any who he also said in a different life he was my husband and now he's being my son...cuhrazy
He also asked...glow now. &nbsp;Confused slightly I asked if my body glowed. &nbsp;He said yes. &nbsp;Asked if other phyiscal bodies glowed, he said yes. &nbsp;I concluded the physical body were protected by this light from being possessed.

Anywho somewhere amongst these questions, he had told me to "rite down" "g-a-g-i-t." &nbsp;

I laughed really hard lol

He also gave me a list of people I shoudl be wary talking to. &nbsp;Erl, Thoney (i think anthony prolly), Gabrel, and Sal. &nbsp;Asked why I should be wary, he gave me the word "low".

Ironically, when he had left (reason needed rest), Erl talked to me on the board and I understood what he meant by low. &nbsp;He asked for "TT show"...*rolls eyes* &nbsp;I asked if he saw me naked before he said 9 times. &nbsp;I asked if he ever saw me doing something, he said no. &nbsp;I asked again if he was being honest and he said goodbye lol

Then Teg came on. &nbsp;Let me know how many spirit guardians I had in total, told me 9. &nbsp;Asked him if you were born or you acquired them. &nbsp;Said yes no yes. &nbsp;I quizzed him on whats mine sign and kept thinking capricorn a thousand times in a row but he still got it right: pisces. &nbsp;said he's been assigned to me only for a couple months. &nbsp;Asked if him and Nibe (1st one) &nbsp; were my spirit guides he said yes. &nbsp;asked that i was visited by 3 spirits, said yes. &nbsp;asked if i been visited by 3 spirit guardians, said no. &nbsp;Anyhow eventually he told me that I needed rest so I put the board away.

Everytime I had lost track of what was being said or wasn't concentrating hard enough, they would go down to the marker that said "Hello" lol

Overall..my first experience with one was pretty pleasant lol

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