pyschic attack

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pyschic attack

Post by iridia » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:19 am

please help me --- i can't cope much longer with this -- I have visited a shaman who has given me a protection shield but these feeders are persistant as i have become a magnet to energies I experience feelings of rage, sadness, isolation and find it hard to get my old loving, happy light self back - I have become quite weak physically and mentally - i have had these feeders as the shaman describes them since feb 2005 due to my ex partner practicing a magic he did not know enough about -- i forgive him but still suffer the effects of which have become quite violent.  I want to be able to get back to the person I used to be but stronger -- love to all

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Psychic feeders

Post by virgo91967 » Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:12 pm

Iridia, your issue with feeders is a strong example of what can happen when one tries to work majicks that one is not completely comfortable and experienced with.  My reccomendation is to contact a Reiki healer or a wiccan with a specialty of auric healing.  They should be able to locate and remove the psychic cords that are connecting the feeders to your aura.  Perhaps a visit to a voodoun or Santaria priest/preistess will help.  They routinely deal with such "critters" and as such should likewise help.

Post a copy of this post in the MB Reiki and Wiccan forums and see what they advise.

I hope this has been a strong learning experience for both you and your partner

Blessed be...

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Post by suzisco » Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:35 pm

a hug to you iridia, and a note to say i have moved this thread to the appropriate forum.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:08 pm


Through intent from the heart all things shall happen. When you have a quiet time, imagine yourself surrounded by a pure white light that is full of unconditional love from God/Allah/Source, whatever name you wish to give. Imagine that it surrounds you and fills your entire being. As it flows through you, imagine that the negative energies that have been surrounding you and enveloping you begin to wash away. Picture as they are forced away from you by the love of God. Imagine as they slowly drip from your body and back to the earth, they will be recycled into a new positive energy. Keep imagining this light filling you until you literally feel the negative energy dripping away from you and that you are filled with pure love.

If you ever feel those negative feelings again, or even if you don't, continue to do this exercise. Always, always do it from the heart. Some may have other methods, but you must do what you feel works best for you.

I pray that all will be well. Worry not.

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Your Guardian angel

Post by rick_saxton » Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:45 pm

One thing you might try is asking help from your Holy Guardian Angel or Spirit Guide.  About 25 years ago, before I had much experience with magick, I was astrally traveling to a meeting place of like minds when I came across an entity that looked alot like the tarot card the Hermit.  But something didn't look quite right.  I tried to banish it with various gestures and symbols, but when the entity realized I was an inexperience fool, it came into my body.  I was immediately taken back to my physical body, but I couldn't opoen my eyes or move.  I didn't know what to do, so I prayed to my Holy Guardian Angel to help me.  Suddenly I felt a presence behind me.  In my mind's eye, I could see a robed arm gently but irresistably sweep through my body and remove the attacker.  There was no violence or hatred in the HGA, just an irresistable power and love.  I was overcome by feelings of peace and love. Then both the attacker and HGA were gone.  I didn't want to move, because I wanted to feel that way forever.  Finally after about five minutes I got up.  It was a long time before I did any astral work again.


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Post by erik » Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:05 pm

Hey there,

also here I have this advice to just chant this powerful mantra of this time and age, it's simple and you will chase away all negative entities' cause they just cannot take this super purifyer from the Spiritual is an example to how you can sing it and then please chant it in your own way, with love, it's like calling God's name, what happens if somebody calls you ? Yes, you look to who is calling you and wonder what he or she wants from you, so likewise if you need help, just call His name and He will look after you, it's a simple method...

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good luck and I hope you will find peace of mind....



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Post by erik » Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:41 pm

As I cannot post any links to some cool mantra here, then go to youtube and type Prabhupada there in the searchmachine and then scroll down untill you find the Sivarama Bhajanga with Prabhupada pictures....ENJOY....!!!

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Post by abalone » Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:01 am

a good book for you to read would be "The Art of Psychic Protection" by Judy Hall &nbsp;It is very informative and could help you get back to you happy self. &nbsp;You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Post by midnightmlk » Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:28 pm

Hello Iridia.. I am soo sorry U are under phychic attack... I am under such attack.. What i did was pray,I got a preacher to pray for me.. You evil can not stand the Light.. it really does kill the darkness.. You should ask God to forgive you of all your sins.. And cry to God from you heart to help you ,to get rid of this evil that is on attacking you.. Meditate go deep inside your self and fight this .. surround your self with God Holy White Light ask that it will sheild you from this mean evil spirit, You can do this ,darkness can not &nbsp;stand the Light.. it kills it(darkness,evil, demons,)God word will heal you . Love is the Key. Gods love.You will be alright .. you will fight this and win. with Gods help.. You have already done so.. the battle is not yours its the Lords.. God bless You .. You can do it Fight it .

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