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Post by nathan » Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:29 am

i have been addicted to drugs, food, exercise and sex. Everytime i give something up another ready made addiction is imediatley surfaces. I have been this way far as long as i can remeber.

How can i overcome the underlieing problem?

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Post by Isida » Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:55 pm

I have a friend that he is addicted
He tried many thinks to stop...........
The only that helped him was Ibogainne Search on the net...
Hope i helped you!

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Post by theleague » Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:50 pm

the trouble with that, is you must face the greatest fear of all....looking deep within oneself. you must take to heart all the good and bad and weigh the is it really worth what your doing to hurt yourself and others in these acts....i know, i went through it and it doesnt happen over night...i wish you luck and if you just want to talk, Pm willing to listen.

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Post by suzisco » Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:33 pm

It could be said that you have an addictive personality.  There is research that shows that addiction is genetic and there is a specific gene linked to overconsumption.  Most people use excessive consumption to make up for a lack in their own life.  eg, lack of love, self esteem, friends, support etc.  Until you work on what is missing in your life you will fill the void with over consumption.

or conversely you just enjoy having too much  sex, food, drugs etc and on occaision you feel guilty cos society determines what you do is bad and therefore your a bad person.......

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Here are some suggestions that may help....

Post by Rev_Vesta » Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:36 am

I know this is a very difficult thing to admit and I admire the courage you have to begin this very long journey........
This is something that you have to have support for if you are to move on......
Do YOu meditate?
Have tried Bach Flowers or Flower Essenses?
Homeopathic remedies may also help........
Spiritual Response Therapy- google it, read about it and let me know what you think....
SRT helps remove discordent energies within your life that have been carried over from Past Lives and replaced with positive programs to enhance current life......Connecting with HIGH SELF and working through Charts and a pendulum and a series of questions can get right down to the nitty gritty without actually reliving it....will take more than one session but well worth the journey...
Also keeping a journal, a personal journal for your eyes only, being totally honest with self may help too....

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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:10 pm

I agree with Suzi (then again I aways do) about addictive personalities - I have one, given up the drugs, that wasn't too bad, gambling - really tough, smoking is the hardest thing and I'm still trying.
I just have one query - how can you be addicted to sex?
Who says what amount is sufficient and what amount is too much, as Suzi keeps reminding me we have minors so don't go into detail but I keep reading about this star and that celebrity is sex addicted and all I think is - lucky them, I wish I had the oppertunity.
I think the only bit I've found is not to replace one addiction with another and it is to do with self image; I started smoking at school to look older and tougher now I am am older and tougher I struggle to control it.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:30 pm

Prof. Akers wrote: star and that celebrity is sex addicted and all I think is - lucky them, I wish I had the oppertunity.
But you have, you only need to be famous :)

"sex addicted" is just a new name for infidelity and shall try to explain why he/she must be allowed to do it.....

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Post by SingingBear » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:24 pm

I am speaking as a person who joined the ranks of the recovering 0ver 19 years ago. You name it if it got me high and you had it I wanted it. I was a miserable excuse for a human being and, was the last person you would want to have involved in your life. I would steal money from your wallet to buy you a drink at the bar.
I went to treatment and Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. There I learned one important thing Service to others no matter how incidental or seemingly minor is a Spiritual Tool to gain enlightenment, and Serving others is in effect Serving the Gods. I won't Tell you to go to AA or NA but if you are like me An Addict and an Alcoholic they were all that worked. Were it not for the 12 Steps I would not have become Pagan and or the Person I am today.

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Post by suzisco » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:43 pm

AA and NA do work for you if you are in the right frame of mind and in the right phase of your life.  Many people have found comfort when they have found their higher self.

Unfortunately this approach is not effective for some people and their struggle with addiction becomes an epic journey that often terminates in death.

Again it comes back to what you consider an addiction.  Not sure i see promiscuity as an addiction, i see that more as a byproduct of modern life.

I do believe that people have quirks in their personalities and very unhealthy ideas about things.  I was counselling a few people today about food, they felt they had a food addiction, i did not agree, i felt it was their attitude to food that was causing problems.  They said food was bad for them, i say no we need food to live, you just make bad food choices because it suits you to do so.

Singingbear i thought it was great that you shared your story with us and would like to thank you.


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Post by SingingBear » Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:26 pm

I was careful not to brand anyone and only stated what worked for me. I did not say it was the only way, I said it was the way that worked for me.
For What it is Worth, There are multiple things that make Sex an addiction from the build up, to the "Chase" to the Act itself as well as the Physical effect of the endorphine release at the end. With many Addiction is as Much the Ritual of the act as the Physical effect produced.
You are absolutely correct AA and NA and the 12 Steps are not for everyone, they are for those of us who want them.

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Post by Shortyfrm » Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:35 pm

The mindset and pshycological behavior of addiction is one that is individual and needs to be assested by a doctor that is certified.  If you are looking at an eastern medicine approach to you me in PM, because I for one, know that Ibogaine is not the only herbal on the market that assists with w/d and whatknot.

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Post by Serqet » Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:51 pm

I have been in a similar situation for so long, I cannot remember when it all started, maybe even from day 1!

I do know that my addictions are due to missing elements in, and throughout my life.

But mostly it is to ease the pain of having had endured a tortured life, and my acceptance that there is no bright future for me.

Many 'near death experiences', has also contributed to this morbid and dim outlook on my life, & because my personality can sometimes be very dark and despondent.

The things you desire are an indication of what you are trying to replace and are lacking in your life.

First step is to identify any underlying problems, and then you can work out how to overcome any addictions.

However, an addiction is only as strong as the persons will, to continue, or to quit.  

There is no easy way out, or quick fix.  It comes down to how badly you want to kick the habit.

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Post by starmaster » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:19 pm

There are herbs that will help with addictions.

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Post by whiteheart » Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:24 am

my bit:
You have taken the First Step Realising that you have a problem
You have taken the Second Step  and want to do something about it.
There are a lot of people and places around that will help guide you
But it is You that has to help you, Look in the mirror every day and get to love that person in it, get to really know that person and not that one that hides behind it.
take other people's advice and use them they are there to help you,
One day at a time
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Post by void » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:36 am

Im in recovery also 7yrs alcahol & drugs ,2yrs ciggarets ,8months codependancy, right now its food .

a twelve step program was essential for me .It works for everything.

Im also using" emtional freedom technique".

right now im just getting over the 5 yr relationship....oooch.

what I noticed about addictions is they , sometimes take root in people with low self ,childhood tramas ,loss of parent , or addicted parrent ,etc,etc.

Loise Hay ,auther of "YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE ",claims that all addictions are an inability to love oneself...I completly aggree.

I completly love & approve of myself even though Im 300 lbs ,,,lol.

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