Ethics question on a "Tarot Spell"

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Ethics question on a "Tarot Spell"

Post by wolfmama7 » Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:44 pm

Hi all   :smt003

I just wanted to get some feedback on an issue.

I have used my Tarot Cards many times over the years, to aid in casting spells of a various nature. For the record, I do not dabble in any "dark" spells. They have basically been of more of a self-improvement nature, or to aid in a particularly difficult situation.

There are, however, 3 spells that I have used, which can be found in a book entitled, "Tarot Spells", by Janina Renee, regarding "enemies".
On the last past Dark of the Moon, I performed one of them to aid a family member of mine, who is being stalked by the ex-girlfriend of a man she has been seeing for 2 years. (A real winner in and of himself, but don't get me going on that). They both know that it is she who is making the calls, both to the home & workplace, leaving untraceable packages with vile things inside of them, letters are sent to her calling her every name in the book, wishing ill on her & the baby this woman believes my family member is carrying. (side note: she has suffered 2 miscarriages in the last 6 months, and has also recently undergone a "LEEP" procedure to remove cancerous cells from her cervix. I have wondered if any of this maliciousness coming from this woman has aided in causing her "female health" problems, but that is not the reason I'm posting this. Any comments on the subject, though, feel free!)

After discussing the situation with my family member, it was decided that she would allow me to assist, magically, if I was able to, that she'd try anything at this point. (The police, of course, say that it can't be proven that it is this woman, so they refuse to be involved in any way. It has continued for months.)

The spell I used, requires a spoken affirmation, obviously, that reads basically that the subject is "bound, blocked, confined, unable to move, can do no harm, that any negative energies they send out will be deflected back onto her, that she will stew in her own juices, until she learns to do only good deeds, and send out only positive energies". I then take the picture I obtained of her, place it inside of a bell jar, seal it & put it away until the problems are resolved with this individual. (I prefer the freezer; I like the connotations of "keeping her on ice" or "cooling her down")

I would appreciate any input as to whether you believe that it is an appropriate spell to conduct. I know that people could go either way on their opinions, and just really wanted to start a dialogue on how you might feel about such an issue. Is what I have done in line with "an ye harm none"? Harm may very well come to her if she is busy stewing away in her own intentions, which have been very malicious & hateful. Is that my responsibility, though? All just questions I'd like to throw out there.

I respect your opinions, even if they may differ from mine, so please speak (er, type) freely!

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:01 pm


I personally don't believe in spells. Some do though as you. To me it is about intent. To me ethics is about intent too. What does your heart tell you?

I know this sounds weird...time to pull yourself down/back. I don't know.

Take it easy my friend.

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Post by chrisdee » Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:42 pm

I would appreciate any input as to whether you believe that it is an appropriate spell to conduct. I know that people could go either way on their opinions, and just really wanted to start a dialogue on how you might feel about such an issue. Is what I have done in line with "an ye harm none"? Harm may very well come to her if she is busy stewing away in her own intentions, which have been very malicious & hateful. Is that my responsibility, though? All just questions I'd like to throw out there.

a long time back i was interested in Wicca still am but not actively
I would not worry about the harm that comes to her and you are not responsible if she comes to any harm ,in a way your protecting her from her self: as with psychic attacks you can deflect energy back to the person that sent it with mirrors its called protecting your self or in your case those that can not protect them selves its their energy your just returning it

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Post by Gem » Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:27 pm

Hi Wolfmama,
I do not agree with the spell you are suing, much better ways to deal with these problems. But, it is quite possible that the stress and worry has turned into ill helath for your friend.

I am moving this to Occult and Magick where I hope you might get more replies. it isn't really tarot.

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The spell I used

Post by wolfmama7 » Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:27 pm

Hi Gem   :)

Thank you for your input! It was actually done as a last resort after several months of madness coming from this woman, and the local law enforcement not doing anything about it. Honestly, if you have any suggestions on an alternate route to pursue, it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks!   :smt003

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tarot spells

Post by midnightmlk » Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:51 pm

You know ,Spells ,curses.. It starts in the MIND.. your mind. If u got a strong enough mind u can make anything happen .. I think those tarot cards are tools  to help the mind get into a mood.. But trust me I really do think its all in the mind..
Hello everyone  How are you fine i hope .God bless and keep you

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Post by Baruch » Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:29 pm

Maybe you should of just won the euromillions and moved away, I suggest you have a Dead Sea Salt Bsth seems your attracting negative people in your life.

By some Dead Sea Salts the pain one and full emerse 7 times this should help and just hang out with postive people :)

I can understand what this person may of caused I have been living with bad neighbours for 11 years I just wish everyday that I could gain a lot of money and move.

Its best to figure out the positive ways out of a bad situation :)

Seems that you have a lot of energies that empower your magic it gets a bit wild when I use tarot I think my psychic energies are too strong the eletrics go hay wire so I dont use them.

I am a karite its a ancient form of Judaism similar to kabbalah and Alchemacy oils and herbs for healing

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Hello wolfmama7

Post by Baruch » Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:53 pm

I searched the book on Amazon its quite cool pages on Business, friends , healing, luck and prosperity.

Wolfmania your a real blessing :) keep strong healthy and wish many blessing

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Post by Aradia » Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:28 pm

I know the post is kinda old, but i d lke to share my opinion about spells. No man has the power to change one s destiny, but it can certainly influence it, so in my point of view the worst spell that one can cast on another is pure negative energy, the act to offer something to a God, or to write, use someone s photo is merely symbolizing what u wanna do, it s directing your energy towards that person/situation, it will not change whatever the outcome or what the person is, but it can influence, so, is that the way to fix that problem? in my opinion it isnt, the best way to help a little (always on my point of view) is to simply involve yourslef with positive energy, the act of mentalyzing a pink cloud around yourself is a good way to do it (again, symbolizing to create a channel of energy), the rest just put in God s hands, what  s meant to happen will happen.
The worst thing one can do is obsess about something, our own mind can play tricks at us, for instance, that woman had health problems, to me it s all in her head, she channelized the wrong  energy and made it work against her.
Anyways, that s my point of view....

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