tea leaf reading

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tea leaf reading

Post by wtch152 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:55 pm

I am interested in learning to read tea leafs.  Anyone have any information on this subject? :smt017

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Post by suzisco » Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:27 pm

I learned tea leaf/coffee grounds reading from an egyptian man many years ago.  It was practical lessons rather than learning from a book and i never forgot the lessons.

guess what i am saying is that you perhaps need to look around you and see if there is anyone local willing to teach you failing that a research trip to the library and order some books about Tasseography.

My other piece of advice is there are lots of websites about tasseography and most of them are pretty good so use google and do some research that way too.

I wish you luck, its a dying artform, but its really interesting and i think its a cool form of divination.


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Post by swetha » Sat Sep 29, 2007 8:26 am

and u can try our tealeaf reading software too
http://mysticboard.org/mb ... f-reading/

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:49 pm

In a workshop I found that it is a little like cloud reading - what do the shapes and sizes tell us?  Keep abreast of symbols and what they mean to you.  They will play a big part in your readings.  Trust your own instincts in this as well.

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Tea Leaf Reading

Post by starmaster » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:55 pm

Tea Leaf Reading

Tasseography, otherwise known as tasseomancy or tassology, is the art of tea leaf reading. The terms derive from the French word tasse (cup), which in turn derives from the Arabic tassa (cup), and the Greek suffixes -graph (to write), -logy (expression), ology (study of or science of), and -mancy (divination).

Reading tea leaves or coffee grounds has traditionally been practiced in many countries by the women in the family, typically at gatherings of family and friends. Tea leaf reading is also referred to as tasseomancy, tasseography or teomancy. Coffee reading is known as cafeomancy.

Tea leaf reading is a mystical art which has been practiced since ancient times. Since people first began drinking tea, they have been fascinated by the shapes left at the bottom of their tea cup. The early Greeks practiced a variation of tea leaf reading, using wine instead of tea. They called this technique "Kottovos." If you consulted a Greek seer, he would throw wine into a metal bowl and observe the shape of the resulting splash and the formation of the sediment at the bottom of the bowl. Depending on the image, future events would be forecast which could be interpreted as positive, negative, or simply unclear.

In the Middle East, it was more common to read coffee grounds, especially with the thick and syrupy Turkish coffee. Professional coffee grounds readers are common throughout Asia even today.

The Europeans seem to have adopted tea leaf reading around the mid-1600's, possibly due to the influence of Romany gypsies who practiced the art as they traveled from town to town. The gypsies specialized in dramatic proclamations about a future clouded in gloom, but if you crossed their palm with an extra sovereign or two, they would try to remove the curse from you. Their style of tea leaf reading, while entertaining in its shock value, often discouraged sincere seekers who were hoping for genuine guidance and enlightenment from their tea leaf reading.
First of all sit, down and enjoy a nice cup of tea. Remembering of course, that you need to make your tea the old-fashioned way using a teapot, so that you end up with some tea leaves! You need a teacup with a wide mouth, sloping side of cups, and a plain, undecorated surface inside of cup. Do not strain the tea as you pour it.

If you prefer coffee, simply brew your favorite variety of coffee and add a pinch or two of dry coffee grounds to the coffee so that there will be enough grounds to read. If you add the grounds before drinking, then let the cup sit for a few minutes so that the grounds sink to the bottom. Otherwise add the grounds to the remaining coffee dregs after you have drunk your cup of coffee. You will find that different varieties of coffee, such as Turkish or Greek coffee, are more suitable for coffee reading.

Part of the ritual of this form of divination is to actually sit down and enjoy the tea and the company of your fellow drinkers before you get started. This is not as silly as it sounds as it allows you to relax and also gather your thoughts.

Before you even start the reading , there may already be some early signs to interpret:

* Bubbles on the surface of your tea or coffee means that money is on its way.
* If any tea leaves are floating on the surface, then visitors are imminent. The number of leaves shows how many days away they are.
* If two teaspoons are accidentally placed on a saucer, then you can expect news of twins soon.
* If a teaspoon is placed upside down onto a saucer then you will hear news of the ill-health of a close relative.

Finish your tea leaving a small amount of liquid in the bottom of cup of the cup. Holding the cup in your left hand, swirl the tea leaves round three times in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the remaining tea swirls around the whole of the cup.

Then, up-end the cup on the saucer and let the liquid drain away.

Coffee drinkers can use the same method with the remains of their coffee, or they can pour the remains across a plate and interpret the patterns that are left on the plate.

Now you can examine the cup and the patterns of the tea leaves inside.

As a general first impression, just a scattering of leaves inside the cup indicates a tidy mind and disciplined life. A lot of leaves indicates a rich, full, busy life.

To learn to read your own tea leaves, you will need loose tea leaves which are somewhat large. It is best to use a teapot with a wide spout so that when you pour the tea out of it and into your cup, the leaves can easily pass through. Some tea leaf readers recommend using only the highest grade teas and your best china, and all readers advise against using a mug, which makes it hard to look at the leaves sitting at the bottom of your cup.

The person wanting their tea leaves read should concentrate on a question or area of their life that they would like insight into. Drink the tea quietly until about a half of a teaspoon's worth of tea is left in the cup. Swirl the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup three times while thinking of your question. You can ask a question about yourself, about the past, about the future, or even about someone else in your life. Turn your cup over onto a saucer and let the moisture drain out for about two or three minutes. Then turn your cup back over gently and see how the tea leaves have settled. If all the moisture is removed, you are ready to have the leaves interpreted.

The cup is held so that the handle points towards the questioner. The handle represents the questioner and his or her home, and the tea leaves are read in relation to the position of the handle.

The rim of the Cup represents recent events. Leaves lying closer to the bottom of the Cup indicate events that are more distant in time. The very bottom of the Cup represents misfortunes.

Leaves that lie to the right of the handle indicate the future, and leaves to the left of the handle indicate the past.

The further away the leaves lie from the handle, the further away the events are in either time or even physical distance.

First take a quick look inside the cup to see if there are any signs that jump out at you:

* Any distinct drops of tea or coffee that remain in the cup despite the swirling and emptying of the cup, represent tears.
* A very large clump of tea leaves indicates trouble. Near the handle - trouble caused by your own making. Opposite the handle - the trouble is not your fault.
* Tea-stalks indicate people. Long stalks indicate men. Shorter stalks indicate women. Pale or dark stalks indicate colouring. Slanted stalks indicate untrustworthy people.
Symbols and Positions in a Reading
Tea leaf readers from all cultures based their readings on objects and images which were common in everyday life. Natural forces like the weather, or animals, people, and even man-made objects each may turn up as a tea leaf symbol. Some modern readers have added contemporary symbols to the list of possible images, for example, using cars to represent travel or roller coasters to represent drama. Other readers are more old-fashioned and like to stick with the universal images that all people have witnessed in their daily lives for thousands of years. As long as the reader is good at interpretation, the images that they choose to work with don’t really matter.
Position of the Leaves
In a tea leaf reading, it is not only the shape that the leaves form which counts. Readers also place importance on which area of the teacup the leaves stick to. For instance, leaves that land near the handle represent events which will happen to the questioner. Leaves on the opposite side from the handle indicate events outside of the questioner's life, perhaps happening to a family member or friend. Traditionally, leaves that end up near the rim of the teacup are good luck. Leaves settled closer to the bottom of the cup may show disappointment or challenges.

A good reader, though, recognizes his responsibility to be helpful and clear with the person receiving a reading from him. It is not a reader's place to scare or depress his subject. All omens and shapes in the cup can be seen as positive, because as we all know, it is sometimes necessary to endure great challenges before we can reap the appropriate rewards. We make many choices in our life's journey, and each choice is an essential step towards learning and growth. A good reader will respect this and guide his questioner in working through any upcoming challenges.
The Four Types of Symbols
Tea leaf symbols are broken down into four main categories. They are:

These include all symbols having to do with the outside elements and their influence on us. They can be seen as influences beyond our control, because nobody controls Mother Nature! Sometimes they can provide a warning of potential danger, or the coming of good luck, but mostly they represent the backdrop upon which we are staging our lives.

These symbols are types of people or parts of the body (i.e. face, hands, eyes). These images are reflections of what role we are playing in our personal lives and which stage of wisdom we have reached. A person symbol can act as a short-term or long-term influence.

Animal shapes represent our helpers on the Earth plane. The types of animals which appear in a tea leaf reading often mirror our hopes, fears, or dreams. They can also reveal personal qualities that we are expressing or show us the inner truth of how we are feeling.

These include all the things that man has physically invented. They include tools, toys, clothes - you name it. When these kinds of symbols show up in a reading, they show us what we are doing with our lives. They reflect what we are creating and generating, be it positive energy or chaos.

The symbols and meanings that follow below can be used as a general guide when doing your tea leaf readings. However, you may find that certain symbols have a particular meaning for you alone and vary from the meanings given below. Feel free to follow your own instincts when doing readings. Basically, the rule of thumb is, if it works well, then stick with it.

Abbey Freedom from worry.

Ace of Clubs A letter.

Ace of Diamonds A present.

Ace of Hearts Happiness.

Ace of Spades A large building.

Acorn Success At top of cup - Financial success. Middle of cup - Good health. Near bottom of cup - Improvement in health or finances.

Aircraft Sudden journey, not without risk. Possible disappointment. If broken indicates an accident.

Alligator Treachery, an accident.

Anchor Top of cup - success in business and romance. Middle of cup - prosperous voyage. Near bottom of cup - social success. Obscured - anticipate difficulties.

Angel Good news.

Ankle Instability.

Ant Success through perseverance.

Anvil Conscientious effort.

Apple Business achievement.

Arc Ill health, accidents.

Arch Journey abroad, a wedding.

Arrow Bad news.

Axe Difficulties and troubles that will be overcome.

Baby A series of small worries.

Bag A trap ahead. If open - you can escape; if closed - you will be trapped.

Bagpipes Disappointment.

Ball A person connected with sport, or variable fortunes in your life.

Balloon Short-term troubles.

Barrel A party.

Basin Trouble at home. If broken - serious trouble.

Basket If empty - money worries. If full - a present. If near the handle of cup - a baby. If near the top of cup - possessions. If full of flowers - social success. Surrounded by dots - unexpected money coming your way.

Bat False friends, a journey ending in disappointment.

Bath Disappointment.

Bayonet A minor accident, a spiteful remark.

Beans Poverty.

Bear Facing handle of cup - irrational decisions cause difficulties. Facing away from handle of cup - a journey.

Bed Inertia.

Bee Social success, good news. Near handle of cup - friends gathering. Swarm of bees - success with an audience.

Beehive Prosperity.

Beetle Scandal, a difficult undertaking.

Bell Unexpected news. Near top of cup - promotion. Near bottom of cup - sad news. Two bells - joy. Several bells - a wedding.

Bellows Plans will meet with setbacks.

Bird Good news.

Birdcage Obstacles, quarrels.

Bird's nest Domestic harmony, love.

Bishop Good luck coming.

Boat Visit from a friend, a safe refuge.

Book Open - expect legal actions, future success. Closed - delays, difficult studies.

Boomerang Treachery, envy.

Boot Achievement, protection from pain. Pointing away from handle of cup - dismissal. Broken - failure.

Bottle One bottle - pleasure. Several bottles - illness.

Bouquet Love and happiness.

Bow (Bow and Arrow) Scandal, gossip.

Box Open - romantic troubles solved. Closed - the lost will be found.

Bracelet Impending marriage.

Branch With leaves - a birth. Without leaves - a disappointment.

Bread Avoid waste.

Bridge An opportunity for success.

Broom small worries disappear, a false friend.

Buckle Disappointments ahead.

Bugle Hard work necessary.

Building A move.

Bull Quarrels, enmity.

Buoy Keep hoping.

Bush New friends, fresh opportunities.

Butterfly Frivolity, fickleness. Surrounded by dots - frittering away money.

Cab A disappointment.

Cabbage Jealousy causes complications at work.

Cage A proposal.

Camel Useful news.

Candle Help form others, pursuit of knowledge.

Cannon News of a soldier or a government employee.

Cap Trouble ahead - be careful.

Car Good fortune.

Cart Success in business.

Castle Financial gain through marriage, a strong character rising to prominence.

Cat A quarrel, treachery, a false friend.

Cattle Prosperity.

Chain An engagement or wedding.

Chair An unexpected guest. Surrounded by dots - financial improvements.

Cherries A happy love affair.

Chessmen Difficulties ahead.

Chimney Hidden risks.

Church Ceremony, unexpected money.

Cigar New friends.

Circle Success, a wedding. With a dot - a baby. With small lines nearby - efforts hampered.

Claw A hidden enemy.

Clock Avoid delay, think of the future, a recovery from illness.

Clouds Trouble ahead. Surrounded by dots - money trouble ahead.

Clover Prosperity.

Coat A parting, an end of a friendship.

Cockatoo Trouble among friends.

Coffeepot Slight illness.

Coffin Bad news.

Coin Repayment of debts.

Collar Dependence on others for success and happiness.

Column Promotion, success, arrogance.

Comb Deceit, a false friend.

Comet An unexpected visitor.

Compass Travel, a change of job.

Corkscrew Curiosity causing trouble.

Crab An enemy.

Crescent A journey.

Cross Sacrifice, trouble, ill health. Within a square - trouble averted. Two crosses - long life. Three crosses - great achievement.

Crown Honour, success, a wish coming true, a legacy.

Crutches Help from a friend.

Cup Reward for effort.

Curtain A secret.

Cymbal Insincere love.

Daffodil Great happiness.

Dagger Impetuousness, danger ahead, enemies.

Daisy Happiness in love.

Dancer Disappointment.

Deer A dispute or quarrel.

Desk Letter containing good news.

Devil Evil influences.

Dish Quarrel at home.

Dog Good friends. If running - good news, happy meetings. At bottom of cup - friend in trouble.

Donkey Be patient and optimistic.

Door Strange occurrence.

Dot This symbolizes the importance of the nearest symbol. Several dots - money.

Dove Good fortune.

Dragon Unforeseen changes, trouble.

Drum Scandal, gossip, a new job, arguments.

Duck Money coming in.

Dustpan Strange news about a friend.

Eagle A change for the better.

Ear Unexpected news.

Earrings Misunderstanding.

Easel Artistic success.

Egg Prosperity, success - the more eggs the better.

Eggcup Danger is passing.

Elephant Wisdom, strength, lasting success, a trustworthy friend.

Engine News on its way fast.

Envelope Good news.

Eye Overcoming difficulties, take care.

Face One face - a change, setback. Several faces - a party.

Fairy Joy and enchantment.

Fan Flirtation, indiscretion.

Feather Instability, inconsistency, lack of concentration.

Feet An important decision.

Fence Limitation to activities, minor setbacks, future success.

Fender Beware of a person you dislike.

Fern Disloyalty, an unfaithful lover.

Finger Emphasizes the symbol to which it points.

Fir Artistic success. The higher the tree, the better.

Fire Achievement, avoid hasty over-reactions.

Fireplace Matters related to your home.

Fish Good fortune in all things, health, wealth and happiness.

Fist An argument.

Flag Danger ahead.

Flower Wish coming true.

Fly Domestic irritations. The more flies, the more petty problems.

Font A birth.

Fork A false friend, flattery.

Forked Line Decisions to be made.

Fountain Future success and happiness.

Fox A deceitful friend.

Frog Success through a change of home or job, avoid self-importance.

Fruit Prosperity.

Gallows Social failure, enemies confounded.

Garden roller Difficulties ahead.

Garland Success, great honour.

Gate Opportunity, future happiness.

Geese Invitations, unexpected visitors.

Giraffe Think before you speak.

Glass Integrity.

Glove A challenge.

Goat Enemies threaten, news about a sailor.

Gondola Romance, travel.

Gramophone Pleasure.

Grapes Happiness.

Grasshopper News of a much traveled friend.

Greyhound Good fortune.

Guitar Happiness in love.

Gun Trouble, quarrels.

Hammer Overcoming obstacles, ruthlessness, work that is uncongenial.

Hand Friendship.

Handcuffs Trouble ahead.

Hare Timidity, news of a friend.

Harp Harmony in love.

Hat A new occupation, a change. Bent and broken - failure likely. In bottom of cup - a rival. At side of cup - diplomacy.

Hawk Sudden danger, jealousy.

Hayrick Think before you act.

Head New opportunities.

Heart Love and marriage, a trustworthy friend.

Heather Good fortune.

Hen Domestic bliss.

Hill Obstacles, setbacks.

Hoe Hard work leading to success.

Holly An importance occurrence in the winter.

Horn Abundance.

Horse Galloping - good news from a lover. Head only - romance.

Horseshoe Good luck.

Hourglass A decision that must be made.

House Security.

Iceberg Danger.

Initials Usually those of people known to you. If next to a triangle, the initials of strangers.

Inkpot A letter.

Insect Minor problems soon overcome.

Ivy leaf Reliable friend.

Jester Party or social gathering. Alternatively - avoid frivolity, be serious.

Jewellery A present.

Jockey Speculation.

Jug Gaining in importance, good health.

Kangaroo Domestic harmony.

Kettle Minor illness. Near handle of cup - domestic bliss. Near or at bottom of cup - domestic strife.

Key New opportunities, doors opening. Crossed keys - success. Two keys near bottom of cup - robbery.

Keyhole Beware of idle curiosity.

King A powerful ally.

Kite Wishes coming true, do not take chances, scandal.

Knife Broken relationships. Near handle of cup - divorce. On bottom of cup - lawsuits. Crossed knives - arguments.

Ladder Promotion.

Lamp Near handle of cup - money. Near rim of cup - celebration. On side of cup - personal loss. On bottom of cup - Postponed social event. Two lamps - two marriages.

Leaf Prosperity, good fortune.

Leopard News of a journey.

Letter News. Near dots - news about money.

Lighthouse Trouble threatening, but averted. Success through a friend.

Lines Straight and clear - progress, journeys. Wavy - uncertainty, disappointment. Slanting - business failure.

Lion Influential friends.

Lock Obstacles in your path.

Loop Impulsive actions could bring trouble

Man Near handle of cup - a visitor. Clear and distinct - dark-haired visitor. Not well-defined - fair-haired visitor. With arm outstretched - bearing gifts.

Mask Deception.

Medal A reward.

Mermaid Temptation, an offer that is not what it seems.

Mitre Honours.

Monkey A flattering mischief-maker.

Monster Terror.

Monument Lasting happiness.

Moon Full - a love affair. First quarter - new projects. last quarter - fortune declining. Obscured - depression. Surrounded by dots - marriage for money.

Mountain Obstacle, high ambition.

Mouse Theft.

Mushroom Growth, setbacks. Near handle of cup - a home in the country.

Music Good fortune.

Nail Malice, injustice, sharp pain.

Necklace Complete - admirers. Broken - the end of a relationship.

Needle Admiration.

Net Traps for the unwary.

Numbers Indicate a timescale, the number of days before an event occurs.

Nun Quarantine.

Nurse Illness.

Nutcrackers Difficulty is passing.

Oak Good fortune.

Oar A small worry, help in difficulties.

Octop of cup us Danger.

Opera glasses A quarrel, loss of a friend.

Ostrich Travel.

Owl Gossip, scandal, failure. At bottom of cup - financial failure. Near handle of cup - domestic failure.

Oyster Courtship, acquired riches.

Padlock Open - a surprise. Closed - a warning.

Palm tree Success, honour, happiness in love.

Parachute Escape from danger.

Parasol A new lover.

Parcel A surprise.

Parrot A scandal, a journey.

Peacock With tail spread - riches, land. Surrounded by dots - a life of luxury. Next to a ring - a rich marriage.

Pear Comfort, financial ease.

Pentagon Intellectual balance.

Pepperpot A troublesome secret.

Pig Material success brings emotional problems.

Pigeon Sitting - an improvement in trade. Flying - important news.

Pillar Supportive friends.

Pipe Thoughts, solution to a problem, keep an open mind.

Pistol Danger.

Pitchfork Quarrels.

Policeman Secret enemy.

Pot Service to society.

Profile New friend.

Pump Generosity.

Purse Profit. At bottom of cup - loss.

Pyramid Solid success.

Question mark Hesitancy, caution.- loss.
Rabbit Timidity, be brave.

Railway Long journey.

Rainbow Happiness, prosperity.

Rake Be organised.

Rat Treachery.

Raven Bad news.

Razor Quarrels, partings.

Reptiles Treacherous friend.

Rider Hasty news.

Ring Completion. Near top of cup - marriage. Near middle of cup - proposal. Near bottom of cup - long engagement. Complete ring - happy marriage. Broken ring or ring next to cross - broken engagement. Two rings - plans working out

Rocks Difficulties.

Saucepan Anxieties.

Saw Interfering outsider.

Scales A lawsuit. Balanced scales - justice. Unbalanced scales - injustice.

Sceptre Power, authority.

Scissors Domestic arguments, separation.

Scythe Danger.

Shamrock Good luck, wish coming true.

Sheep Good fortune.

Shell Good news.

Ship Successful journey.

Shoe A change for the better.

Sickle Disappointment in love.

Signpost Draws attention to the symbol to which it points.

Skeleton Loss of money, ill health.

Snake hatred, an enemy.

Spade Hard work leads to success, or avoid taking side of cups.

Spider Determined and persistent, secretive, money coming.

Spoon Generosity.

Square A symbol of protection, comfort, peace.

Squirrel Prosperity after a hard time.

Star Good health, happiness. Five-pointed star - good fortune. Eight-pointed star - accidents, reverses. Seven stars together - grief.

Steeple Slight delay, bad luck.

Steps An improvement in life.

Sun Happiness, success, power.

Swallow Decisiveness, unexpected journeys.

Swan Smooth progress, contented life.

Sword Disappointment, quarrels.

Table Social gathering. Surrounded by dots - financial conference.

Teapot Committee meeting.

Telephone Forgetfulness causes trouble.

Telescope Adventure.

Tent Travel.

Thimble Domestic changes.

Toad Beware of flattery.

Torch A turn for the better.

Tortoise Criticism.

Tower Opportunity, disappointment.

Tree Changes for the better, ambitions fulfilled. Surrounded by dots - your fortune lies in the country.

Triangle Something unexpected. Point upward - brings success. Point downward - brings failure.

Trident Success at sea.

Trunk A long journey, fateful decisions. life.

Umbrella Annoyances, a need for shelter. If open - shelter found. If closed - shelter refused.

Unicorn A secret wedding.

Urn Wealth, happiness.

Vase A friend in need.

Vegetables Unhappiness followed by contentment.

Violin Egotism.

Volcano Emotions out of control.

Vulture Loss, theft, an enemy in authority.

Wagon A wedding.

Walking stick A visitor.

Wasp Trouble in love.

Waterfall Prosperity.

Weather vane A difficulty, indecisiveness.

Whale Business success.

Wheel Complete - good fortune, earned success. Broken - disappointment. Near rim of cup - unexpected money.

Wheelbarrow A meeting with an old friend.

Windmill Business success through hard work rather than brilliance.

Window Open - good luck through a friend. Closed - disappointment through a friend

Wings Messages.

Wishbone A wish granted.

Wolf Jealousy, selfishness.

Woman Pleasure.

Worms Scandal.

Wreath Happiness ahead.

Yacht Pleasure.

Yoke Being dominated.

Zebra Adventure overseas, an unsettled life.

Zeppelin Delays, perseverance necessary.

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thanks for the post starmaster

Post by BlackDiamond » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:50 am

thanks for the post starmaster

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