
A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Oct 15, 2007 6:19 pm

Hi guys,
I normally don't post on this forum, but want to get more insight regarding satanists and possibly their activities?

Where I stay, even Wiccans are really frowned upon and seen as witches, or Warlochs casting evil spells and so on. Having a brewing pot and the paraphynalia accompaniyng it as seen in Hollywood movies.

Anyway, i'm a fairly well-known figure in our town and has always been able to get "famous", very controvercial!!!! mmmm, not always good. Was one of the very first gay guys to "arrive" and dropped in, I made it a very noticeable spectacle.
Other gay guys has had uphill and even attacked by the very same guys protecting me, when angry girlfriends start becoming lionesses with tarantulas on the paws.

Getting to the subject, i'm wiccan, but more ecclectic and do not belong to a structured group(because there is not one!!!) The Police is investigating 4 Satanic cults in our town???? I've never been convinced by claims of X amount of groupssss, in one town, please. we are about 4000 people,hahaha.

But, one of my employees removed spells which i was looking at from my table. These got into the wrong hands and the bomb burst, and yes again me, smack bang in the middle. So the absolute conclusion was drawn that we are "SATANISTS" and practice offerings at our restaurant in town, hahahaha, the only offerings we do is when our chef burns the meat.

This is now why i'm asking for some assistance, invariable we should respect those with this orientation, but me, don't want to associate with these cults, not only are they against the christian faith, but also our faith or way of life.

The fact remains, is that the perception of the community is not the actual scenario. How to change their point of view.

Another question, is Moloch the actual demon conjured or are there another specific demon to fullfill their requirements?

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Post by brightrose » Mon Oct 15, 2007 7:51 pm

You know the best way to educate them would be to offer them some literature on Wicca and Satanism and show them that they are not the same.  I know there are web sites online (you might want to check witchvox) that have printable brochures you can use.  Also I am a little bit confused as to why you would feed into their misconceptions by giving them the name of a demon?  Sometimes all it takes is just telling them exactly what you believe and what you practice.  Once all the guessing is out of it then they can't make up wild stories anymore.  Good luck on finding peace with your neighbors. :smt003

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:58 am


Yes, that's exactly what i decided to do, in fact want to research this subject so intensively and then put it together in a "lecture".

I read up on Moloch, I think if anyone reads this, their perception of Satanism and the full impact on society in general will make them see the very reality what they are dealing with. I'm convinced the will want to run like the wind, because even the best and hardened christians, hasn't got the potency to keep him out of attacking all of us.

Blessed be

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Post by karel2121 » Fri Oct 19, 2007 6:28 pm

Satanism is a kibosh. Look at Bible of Satan by A.S. Lavay.
Demons of Hell? Shiva? A saint spirit of Hindu. Ishtar? A queen of the Heaven i Babylon...........................................Satan? See Book of Hiob on Bible. Only a servant of God.........................................

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Post by PaganPriest » Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:11 am

Satanism is a very Christian concept. Satanists are anti-Christian. The simple answer is, if I don't believe in the Christian God, why would I believe in his Devil?

Most Pagans are not anti-Christian, or anti-jewsish, ant-Muslim or anti any other group. Live and let live, we will only know the Truth when we are dead.

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Post by tyr » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:26 pm

I can only speak from personal experience, and some research. I have in the past come across Satanists , and also Satanism. Until contact with them I really had no idea  of what, and who they were, nor the path they followed. Roughly you can divide them into two or three different fractions.
The first is the typical `Christian` Satanist who sees the Devil as the arch enemy of God. This is the Dennis Wheatley type. Reverses good for evil, black for white. thus the upturned crosses.
Then you have the pre Christian god Satanist who worships the earliest form of an Devil as seen in Myth. Set, Loki.etc. Some of these call themselves Setian. They seem to tap into this negative energy for a purpose. I have know one such group which did healing for people.
And then you have the far more serious type. They follow a spiritual path which accepts many Wiccan principles, will use many Godforms. They believe in the duality of the creative force (God/Goddess) and that the world is ruled by a balance between the two opposing forces. They accept reincarnation as a way of living many times not to improve the Soul, or to learn lessons, but to enrich their existances by retaining the same personality , and skills through many life times. Is this posssible?but at a great cost to themselves.
I know some people who firmly believe they can, and have . I keep a open mind.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:35 pm

PaganPriest wrote:...we will only know the Truth when we are dead.
Sometimes I wonder if this is even true.

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Re: Satanism

Post by sidewalk_bends » Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:38 pm

tyr wrote:Reverses good for evil, black for white. thus the upturned crosses.
Interesting I heard, though don't really know for sure is that the upturned cross actually came from Peter who was crucified this way because he did not believe he was worthy to be killed in the same way as Jesus.

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Post by tyr » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:42 am

Yes it is said, Peter was executed on a upside down cross. Although this makes sense with modern understanding, it would not have at the time of his death.
To reverse the Christian cross is to turn things into reverse ie. Good to bad, Light to Dark, Positive to negative. The cross itself is seen as a symbol of rebirth. (Empty) with no figure on it. So turn it upside down and you represent Death, End, No ressurection.
But when Peter was executed the cross was not the universal symbol of the Christians .It was a Fish. The Cross was not adopted till much later, for at that time it remained a symbol of Roman rule. So it seems likely that Peters cross was a piece of elaborate spin put into the gospels far later.

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Facts about Satanism

Post by Behemoth666 » Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:26 am

I'm reallly trying to figure out the importance of satanism, and I've never found anything meaningful about this religion nor met a person to explain it to me :( So please, help me on this one :)

- Who do Satanists really worship?
- What are the benefits of being a satanist?
- Was Aleister Crowley a satanist or a black magician?
- What books are great about satanism?
- If the devil is so "evil" doesent he hurt his worshipers?

Thanks :smt003

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Satanism Info...

Post by Serqet » Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:22 pm

Best to start with reading 'Satanic Bible', by Anton Levay, which will give you an overall view of what it is all about.

Most of the beliefs are harsh reality, and not the slaughtering of animals and offering of virgins as most christian churches depict.

Benefits are to treat & worship yourself as a God, as you are a creation & image of God himself.

Aleister Crowley was a Thelemite.  Some may say he was a black magician, others may not.  Those who do not have the knowledge and fear the unknown, will always deem him as being a sinister individual.

Aleister Crowley embraced all there was regarding High Magick, whether it was deemed bad or good, because all magick has its rightlful place & purpose.

A good starting place to go for free texts about the occult & Aleister Crowley is, &

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Post by LordLeckie » Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:16 am

You'll find that most modern Satanism is basically a ripped off version of Objectivism (The philosophy of Ayn Rand) with a few rituals thrown in for good measure.

Most of the news stories you hear on Satanists are basically by some deranged teen who seems to think that slaughtering an animal and then making pronouncements againt religion in a robe constitutes some sort of Satanism but in reality satanists try to distance themselves from that sort of practice.

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:45 am

amen pagan priest  to each there own .theres some pretty good videos on you tube  lavay as the speaker  .he speaks in a few of  them about the misconceptions that people have about their beliefs  .you know i am as curious as a cat and being so i ran across a website  know as www.academyofsorcery i paid for access lol  but i am glad that i did the site is full of written books and text covering about anything you can  imagine .including some of the following

the art of commending spirits
secrets of the tarot @divination
casting black magic spells
science of potion mixology
introduction to gnosis
the magus book 1 and 2
the secrets to occult powercermonial magic unveiled
the necronomicon spell book

and hundreds  more   .this is not spam by no means i dont own the site are make any money off of it .lol
just passing information  

there may be some that are as curious as i am

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Post by tabi » Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:21 am

I always found the assumption that Satanism is a Paganist religion slightly ironic considering it leans towards the more Abrahamic religions then any known or unknown Pagan Path there is.

To believe in Satanism is to believe no only in the harsh truth and reality of life but in self. If it brings you pleasure, go for it. Do they sacrifice virgins, babies, and animals? Probably not because that would get them arrested, which most Satanist look out for themselves and themselves only. It seems to be a self-centered religion, the fact that they look out for the One and Only THEM.  If the greater good doesn't help a Satanist, they are NOT going to do anything to help the cause. This is MY view point only. A view from a Satanist, past or present would be great...but most likely ain't going to happen.

As to Crowley the man is brilliant insane, but I believe him not to be a Satanist at all. An Occultism would be a better description of him. He did cross a lot of lines in most religion's views he was true to his Gods and not strictly himself. He viewed himself as the Breast, the Satan, because of his mother. If you read a bio for him it will go into his younger childhood which explains some of this....add in the fact he was a few french fries short of a happy meal might explain the rest, who knows.

One of Crowley's greatest Theories is that there are Three Aeons of God.

1) That of the Goddess (Paganism)
2) That of the God (Abrahamic)
3) That of the Inner God (Self)

Which seems to reflect back upon the Satanistic view right? No not really, because he believed that the HIGHER POWER was within us not us ourselves. We are not the God but a temple in which the God lives. Confusing as hell but incrediblly interesting...and oddly makes you wonder if you're as insane as he is when you are able to completely follow his thought process without any help.

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Post by dhav » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:47 pm

drrnwynbchnbrgr wrote: .you know i am as curious as a cat and being so i ran across a website  know as www.academyofsorcery i paid for access lol  but i am glad that i did the site is full of written books and text covering about anything you can  imagine .including some of the following

the art of commending spirits
secrets of the tarot @divination
casting black magic spells
science of potion mixology
introduction to gnosis
the magus book 1 and 2
the secrets to occult powercermonial magic unveiled
the necronomicon spell book

and hundreds  more   .this is not spam by no means i dont own the site are make any money off of it .lol
just passing information  

there may be some that are as curious as i am

oh i did try this website.i liked it but i had to pay for them which i can't afford for the moment.well good you tried it and liked it.  :smt003

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