white magic

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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white magic

Post by pahoblue » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:21 pm

Hello... i am still interested in good spells as i feel im getting no where in certain areas of my life....i hope someone out there can advise.....i was ready to go through with a site....which would do spells for £50 but i couldnt justify this.....am i wrong? is that a fair price? i just want some simple good spells that  can work...have shown to work.........appreciate any info.PAUL
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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:38 pm

The spell itself will not do anything for you, because then it had to interfere with your free will.

By paying 50$ and strongly believe that the spell will help you, it will do so.
But it will not be the spell itself that helps you, but rather the belief that it will do so..then your will, will try to fulfill it.

Normally we can say...be careful to all who want to sell you spell for prosperity, luck, love and good fortune...it can't be done.

You might pay for a good reader, that will give you good advices and put you on the right track here in life....but you yourself is the ultimate Reader for yourself :)

Good luck!

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Post by tourbi » Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:52 pm

Please, write your own spell for yourself.  Empower yourself by doing the writing and then doing the spell.  You will feel much better in the end and will have put your own energy into what you want, while asking for the energies you want to fullfill your needs.  
You sit down, with pad and pen, sit and be very sure about what you want. Don't manipulate others.  You can only ask for yourself. Then write a simple poem stating what you want.  rhymes help.
Are you Pagan?
Set up a simple altar, define clearly what you want.  Ask for help from the Gods/Goddesses you feel would be best to attend your rite.  With intensity, from your heart, respect and reverence, even if loud and playful, dancing or sitting, say over and over and over your poem you wrote, until you know it is enough.  That can be 10 times or even 100 times.  Then let it go.  LET IT GO!!! and let it happen.  Don't think of it again.

Does that help?
Stand in Love,Walk in Love, Live in Love ड़ारा
Nora Roberts
Love and magic have a great deal in common. They enrich the soul, delight the heart. And they both take practice.

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