Eleven Things Every Witch Should Know

A forum that offers discussions on esoteric topics like demonology, magick, encounters, witchcraft, and all things spiritual or mystical in nature.

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Eleven Things Every Witch Should Know

Post by tourbi » Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:24 am

Eleven Things Every Witch Should Know

1. Magic is what happens when you open yourself to the Divine. All real magic is a manifestation of the Divine - it is how you co-create reality with deity.

2. The Divine is within you and is everywhere present in the natural world. And everything is interconnected by this sacred energy.

3. Wicca is not about information -- it's about transformation, so practice, practice, practice -- and do it as much as possible in Nature! Witchcraft enables you to commune with divinity and to manifest your destiny, your desires and your highest and sacred self.

4. The real ethics of how Witches live and practice magic are simple: Witches live in a sacred manner because we live in a sacred world. We therefore treat all of life with reverence and respect.

5. Because all magic flows from our connection to the Sacred, our lives and our magic, must be guided by the sacred nature of the energy with which we work.

6. The energy Witches work with is not neutral -- it is divine love.

7. Magic often works in unexpected way because it is not a mechanical process, and the Universe is not a machine. You are living and making magic within a divine, organic, living reality.

8. Witches don't command and control -- they commune and co-create.

9. The real secret of successful spellcasting, as with all of magic, is your connection to the Divine power that dwells within you, and surrounds you. And spells do work so be careful what you ask for!

10. Nature makes the Divine tangible. By working, living, and practicing your magic in harmony with Nature, you are in harmony with the Divine.

11. The ultimate teacher is the God/Goddess inside you and in the world of Nature all around you.

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Post by Molissa » Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:48 am

I have never classified myself as Wiccan, mostly because the God I believe in is the Christian God.  I believe the feminine and masculine make up that single deity.  Yet, in most every other way I have the beliefs.  the connection with the natural world, the connection with the Divine, the ethics of living in the Sacred spirit and the importance and relevance of nature.
Yet, I find no conflict with this blend except in semantics.  Magic works because it is the connection of all (for me, anyway).
Beautiful post, tourbi.  thanks for sharing.

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Post by ammo » Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:44 am

I am not a Wiccan either, but these are very wise words for any kind of witch to keep in mind.

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Post by whimsicalwitch » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:35 am

How Beautiful!

(One of) my favorites is:

6. The energy Witches work with is not neutral -- it is divine love.

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