Yule 17, Winter Solstice and a Shamanistic Herbal Ceremony

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Yule 17, Winter Solstice and a Shamanistic Herbal Ceremony

Post by cimerianarcania » Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:34 am


Once again, the Winter Solstice of the year is upon us. The season when we honor the closing of circles, the Northern Quadrant of the Medicine Wheel, we honor the closing of circles, the Northern Quadrant of the Medicine Wheel, the White Buffalo, the White Owl, the Ancient Spirits and Wisdom among us and within us. The season when we learn, from nature, how to honor the darkness of Life's Mysteries without losing faith...how to recognize the seeds of growth and nurture them in our own inner warmth until the Light returns...how to dignify the elder who lives always within us, and to face our own old age with serenity and faith and power. Once again we learn, that even in the darkest moments, health, serenity, and healing energy are available when we focus on them with positive intent.


I tune the hearth song of my soul, loving words upon my lips...
light-giving songs upon my heart...
life-bringing praises upon my eyes...
The music of comfort resound in the souls of all beings,
Preserving them in peace,
As the sun and moon renew themselves this night.

I give thanks to the Wise Powers of the Universe that have protected me this day, this season, this year; may their blessings attend me wherever I go, and a special blessings to those who have touched my life, who are now in need.

I look to the unfulfilled places in my life, may my Ancient Wisdom Teachers show me how best to prepare these as fields where I may sow seeds of hope, especially.............I ask, both for myself and others, may self blame, disappointment, disappear, self-doubt be transformed by self-confidence, hopefulness, an awareness of my potential, and Love.

DECEMBER 21, the shortest day of the year

A ceremony that honors any aspect of the natural world, honors us as well, for we are each a mini universe, a microcosm of the cosmos we live in.

The winter solstice, the shortest sunlit day of the year, the day when the sun is farthest away from us and his light is most remote, has been celebrated in ceremony the world over for as long as human memory exists. The celebration was most enthusiastic in areas of the earth where the winter is very dark and very long, and the yearning for sun and light was so passionate. Although we now have  electricity, and can "see" with the a light flick of a switch, we still honor the power and mystery of darkness, both literally and symbolically. We recognize it as a mighty contender to our sense of safety and equilibrium, and we are always anxious until we can see the first flicker of light, the first ray of hope, the first seeds of solution, to any darkness that has invaded our life light. For this reason, celebrating the winter solstice, and the sun's return to our atmosphere, and the longer hours of light, is as appropriate now as ever...maybe more so...regardless of whether or not you follow a more traditional religious observance at this time of the year.


1. To lure the sun back to our atmosphere and welcome his return and the
longer hours of light he brings with him. (In many beliefs the sun's gender is male, to the moon's female.)
2. To honor the growth, energy, and life force of things and concepts we cannot see, and recognize that they are manifesting even when hidden.
3. To honor our FAITH in the silence, darkness, and mystery of life, from which new creation emerges. To honor the places of dark, silent, safe incubation: the earth, the sea, the human heart, the human mind, the womb...where life, solutions, and inspirations find the nourishment and fertile space in which to begin their journeys.
4. To reclaim HOPE in the face of troubles, knowing that the seeds of changes are always present...to honor our own STAYING POWER, collectively and individually...for having the energy to "see" something through until the end, despite the darkness.
5. To say, 'Thank You" for all the stages of the seasons and of our lives.


Because the Lakota Medicine Wheel concept of life is so meaningful to me, I use it, with the deepest respect, in many ceremonies. To the Lakota, as to many tribal peoples, life is circular, rather than linear. We walk around the big circle once each lifetime, yet, with every project we complete, we walk around a smaller hoop, within the circle again.

In terms of the Medicine Wheel, the Winter Season in the universe and in our lives is in the North quadrant of the circle. Traditionally, its animal totems are the Sacred White Buffalo, who is to bring peace to this planet, if we humans learn to cooperate with each other and the Great White Owl. Its color is white or clear, and it's stone is quartz crystal, although the book, DANCING WITH THE SUN, mentions the rich blue sodalite stone, for calm courage and old knowledge; Peridot, for the balance and courage of renewal; and Herkimer Diamonds, the exquisitely clear crystals found only in upper New York State.

In human terms, it is symbolized by revered old age which has brought wisdom, understanding, and closure...and the ability to pass knowledge onto the next group of people. It is the time when we come to the end of a project, of a season, or of this earth walk, with true insight, love, and compassion, and with the ability to share this knowledge. It is an honored segment because it shows completion, hope in endings and yet-unknown beginnings, and courage in the face of universal mystery and closure. It represents the faith that is required to go into that darkness and mystery, before the spring brings new light and rebirth. It combines incredible joy
and incredible somberness It is a Sacred Direction and a Sacred Season.
Hugs, MJ

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