What happens after death?

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What happens after death?

Post by Dj I.C.U. » Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:51 pm

This is one of the great questions of life: What happens when we die? Is death the end of human existence and consciousness, or do we continue in some other place or state of being? Do we go to a place of everlasting reward or eternal torment? Are we destined to be reincarnated, coming to life again in a different body in a seemingly endless cycle of living and dying? Will we ever see deceased loved ones again? Is there somewhere you can go to find the answers?

In spite of centuries of research, science cannot tell us when, where or how life began. Only one source tells us how life began and for what purpose. Shouldn't we go to that source to understand the mystery of death? The Bible tells us exactly what happens after death. It tells us what happens to those who have done right and wrong and reveals the fate of the billions of people who have never known God and His way of life. Most churches claim to teach what the Bible says—but what does it really reveal? You need to discover the answers yourself. You'll be shocked when you find out what the Bible really teaches about what happens after death!

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Post by Vishwas » Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:10 am

Good Question DJ.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:52 pm

So what are your opinions regarding this topic?

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Post by Vishwas » Sun Apr 02, 2006 9:24 am

I still believe in the concept of Heaven & Hell. We go there after we die, we are either rewarded or punished for what all we have done, & then we come back to earth for another life.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Sun Apr 02, 2006 9:27 pm

I think it's like when you go to sleep and don't dream a thing you just end. No props no afterlife.Like a story of a friend of my'n:There was one a old man which did not belive in God but every sunday you'll se him at the church.One day someone asked him:"If you don't belive in God why do you come here?" he replyed with a smile:"I don't have anything to do in a saturday mornig so I come here ,but if God doesn't exist I wasted my time but if he exists aint I screwed?"

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What happens after death

Post by Nksagar » Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:17 am

Dj I.C.U. wrote:I think it's like when you go to sleep and don't dream a thing you just end. No props no afterlife.Like a story of a friend of my'n:There was one a old man which did not belive in God but every sunday you'll se him at the church.One day someone asked him:"If you don't belive in God why do you come here?" he replyed with a smile:"I don't have anything to do in a saturday mornig so I come here ,but if God doesn't exist I wasted my time but if he exists aint I screwed?"
Knowing the mysticism would have been so easier then our life would be so dorment and so inspid that we can say anything and everything to the ultimate.Thats why our life develoves around the low level jokes which is definetly good pass time strokes of life.
But if any youngster feels that none is known then you are wrong.
Your capability of your mind is written which you can read from your astro chart,raising question of this type show your bend of mind towards mysticism
those inetersted in it go through the mysticism of the religions to which they belong and the answer is definetly there.your question here remains unanswered because if you want ocean in cup of tea.coffe mug,or bear musg,none can serve you.
You have to be like a ocean to know ocean which is not even a part of mysticism yet its comparison is enough to make you understand this science which is keeping the being as beings.
with regards for your lovely inclination.

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Post by Betrayed » Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:46 pm

I've been haunted by these thoughts for months. Somehow it affects me quite a lot... Thoughts like

we can still sense everything on our bodies like when being alive but we can't fight it.

we'll be trapped in a dark space, a confined space, emptiness for all time.

and what it's like to die and what if death is repeated again and again.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:09 am

If you want to see a well processed opinion about death and what happens after I reccomand: http://www.leaderu.com/truth/1truth28.html

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what happens after death.

Post by burrari_joiya » Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:39 am

i have studied science, maybe , this may have affected my views. but i believe that nothing remains of a person after death.all the memory that exists in us, is the set of chemicals that are stored in our brain. if the chemistry of these chemicals is disturbed , our memory changes, as we may have seen people forgetting events after accidents, or when we forgets  the facts , after we get old.so when we die, everything dies with us, as no memory is left.when harmones are given to a hen, she sits in as if she is hatching the eggs,even though there are no eggs really present. this shows that harmones , which are chemicals , have altered her brain.aslo, from a practicle point of view, so much of voilence, unjust happenings around us , trimph of muscle power, etc shows that there is no god, who is keeping account of everyones good deeds/bad acts etc . many people are rerearching this phenomena of life after death, but i believe that they do not have yet got any conclusive proof . we might have seen people suddenly changing there behavior after there brain chemistry is altered , as when we drink excessively, we are not the same persons , that we really rare. when a man is alive, he may acquire occult powers, but to say that something stays of man after death is not really believable.

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What happen after death

Post by Nksagar » Tue May 02, 2006 8:54 am

Just as death approaches we enter the state

OF Timelessness.................which is real.............................

The  Time............around us.........is unreal ...........................

Just meditate.......................................................................find urself


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Post by NoobixCube » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:46 am

Science is yet to find where our consciousness comes from.  A machine can be created with the same five senses we have, and with far far greater capability to process the information it's receiving, yet it won't develop a personality, unless you consider a personality to be an amalgum of memory.  I think we all have a soul, perhaps someday machines will become complex enough to seem as though they have souls too, and perhaps they will have souls.  Now won't THAT throw a spanner in the works of religion and philosophy?  And science for that matter, because the people that created it will be thinking "now how the HELL did THAT happen?!".

Personally, I think our soul needs to learn lessons in this life, and then when we die, it goes back out to a "waiting room", to wait for our soulmates to die (not romantic partners, just... colleagues, I guess you could call them.  People we reincarnate with, each cycle).  Then the group chooses a time and place to be born into, positions to assume in society, and in relation to eachother, in that cycle to better learn the lessons they need, and this keeps going until everyone has learned all they need.  Then those "colleagues" become one soul and graduate to the next level of existence, ready to find new soulmates on the orientation day of the soul's perpetual study.  On the next plane, new lessons are required.  If we royally screw up our lessons enough times, then we get sent back a grade, to a lower plane.  Our current soul gets broken up into smaller pieces, which become colleagues when relearning old lessons.  I won't say it's endless, but I have no idea where we are in this grand scheme.

I'm strongly in favour of this idea because I've tried past-life regression, and seen a past life before.

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Post by Vishwas » Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:56 am

Sounds good noobix, a very good way of saying about the process of life, death, afterlife, rebirth & the time inbetween all these & also the progress or demotion after & before every life. I had the same thing in my mind, but coulsn't put it into words, especially not so elobrately as u have.

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Post by NoobixCube » Mon Jul 17, 2006 10:15 am

lol, Always with the complimenting of my prose, Vishwas :P  I appreciate it of course, it took me quite a while to analogise it to school, until I realised that's all it really is :P

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Post by Owl of Minerva » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:25 pm

I'm intrigued by Spiritualism and what it presents; I know mediums differ in what they suggest goes on at Home but the more I read about it, the more it seems to "fit" for me, just as I got to know God through chemistry - the way water molecules behave runs contra to most other fluids, and it seemed that water - as an essential ingredient for most kinds of life we know on this planet - could not have become that purely by chance. The fact that this question was the "winning" question for me on the subsequent exam and I passed clear enough to go on to do what I have essentially have to do here only reinforces my beliefs. Plus in my dreams I have heard voices of angels, spirits, whatever - and although I may have difficulty understanding my own thoughts or believing in them, I do not doubt the veracity of my own senses, even in dreams I have heard information which I know I can trust through seeing it repeated or verified in "real" waking life.

I have been brought up a Christian, and remain one, but that is a mortal religion - it teaches me how to live my incarnate life. As for any discarnate Spirit life I believe in, that is for later, and Spiritualism should not be seen as an escapist philosophy precluding one from living well and enjoying one's incarnate life. I am sceptical of people like Doreen Virtue who preach withdrawal from earthly concerns or say that in a few years' time we will be living in peace and harmony with each other and gaining sustenance merely from light. (Isn't that just what the Communists predicted for the future of the USSR? and look what happened. And I rather like eating, even for mere pleasure! I don't eat to excess, maybe more than my fair share of cakes, but it is an expression of my human self.) Rather, what happens here on Earth happens for a reason, and it is our duty to participate as far as possible in earthly matters and try to shape them to the best of our ability, and counteract the worst excesses - that is, help the pendulum to keep swinging back and forward. A pond stagnates if it is not kept refreshed by moving water. For me it doesn't matter whether someone is theist, atheist, Buddhist, or so on, what matters is that they understand where they live, how they live and who they live with - not necessarily always agreeing - but at least learning to live with the differences and use them to create a dynamic equilibrium.

I know I have been reincarnated and I believe in that, but I think I just want to get at the facts, as it is easy to believe in something that you want to believe in, but difficult - and for me fascinating - to find out factual information and learn to harness it. The Enlightenment had to happen for science to evolve to the level at which it could start to merge with spirituality as it is doing now. The pendulum swings from side to side, and from that swing, we get evolution, biological, cultural and social. For me the greatest worry is that people will try to stop that pendulum from swinging, not that it will swing too far in one or other direction.

My philosophy is - if it works, use it. Divination techniques and magick work, therefore we are permitted to use them "an it harm none" (including ourselves). Even black magick works to a certain extent (and I know who is the greatest mis-user of it in the UK), but the pendulum, having swung to the dark side, must certainly swing to the light side, and vice versa. A knife can be used to cut bread for the hungry, but also to kill them in the name of some religion not worth its name.

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Post by samantha234 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:59 pm

hi! :smt006
 I know for a fact that we go on after death, for i have died twice, and have seen the other side! It is absolutely beautiful, There is a love there that surrounds you and when you come back to earth, you miss it terribly.
There is nothing more beautiful than leaving this casing we are trapped in and floating out of it to a place where there is love and light and other shining souls whom we have known before. It is a feeling of belonging, where noone judges you, only help you in your soul development.
It is so hard to describe, but if you all look deep into your soul i am sure you can retrieve the feelings again, your spirit guides will help you!

I ask you, have you ever felt a longing for a better place? Do you feel lonely alot of the time and do not know why?  When you look around a room, do you sometimes see a small dot with a bright light and think it is
a figment of your imagination? It isn't, its a glimpse of the other side! :)

I know this is true also because i am a medium and can recieve messages from those who have passed, and how could i talk to them if there is nothing but emptiness and darkness after we die? I have many dreams also of the light and the shining souls whom i know and beautiful gardens and waterfalls, i believe i travel there in my sleep alot.

i also used to be a nurses aid and have sat with many who have passed on, and someone always came for them and comforted them on their journey. So, yes, i believe in life after death. :)


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