Advice/Help Needed

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Advice/Help Needed

Post by Charlesman » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:05 am

Hello Mystics,

After several years of personal hardship, I have recently come to realize that just about every member of my close family has suffered a lot as well, which leads me to believe we may be under the influence of a family curse. (Or two.)

I will try to provide all the information I can think of, that might be relevant:

My mother's side.

My mothers father died of cancer about 15 years ago - he had more than 10 siblings, and almost all of them are dead - all from cancer. My mother's mother (as well as 2 of her three siblings) are still alive, pushing on 90.
My mother herself and each of her siblings suffer from at least one form of addiction (alcohol / cannabis). Her eldest brother died of cancer in 1996.

My father's side.

I know very little. My father's father got hit by a train and died when my father was four. My father's mother died sometime before I was born. (Meaning she probably lived around 20-30 longer than her husband.)
My father himself died 4 years ago - from cancer. He suffered the same addictions as above. He has an older brother and an adopted older sister, neither of who suffered any addictions, but who certainly had an easier time making enemies than friends. His older brother has survived heart surgery some years ago, I was about to write that it was cancer but frankly I can't remember. He is impossible to get ahold of, as he sails around the world, not giving a damn.

As for myself and my sister, we've both had our problems with addiction as well. (I'm "happy" to announce I'm "only" addicted to tobacco and my computer; personally - things have been worse.)

Generally, our family is a complete lack of success in just about every way imaginable.

In my perception, it seems that the lines of both my grandfathers might be where it's at.

So my question is: How do I figure out if we are in fact cursed? And if we are, what can I do about it?

Please let me know if any more information is required.

Thank you,

~~ Charlesman.

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Post by RedMercury » Sat May 26, 2012 8:50 pm

Ancestral curse - a curse, which was subjected to one of your ancestors. It is valid, if not remove it before, for seven generations to come. If you sort damnation in your family will be sure to patients suffering from various mental illnesses, neuroses, inappropriate behavior of relatives, failed personal life, as written on one scenario, chronic gynecological diseases, sterility, debauchery, the early death of children and women, hereditary endocrine diseases, complex nature of many relatives. All this, of course, if this is not an isolated incident, this time - an indication that your family is not all right. If your family is unjustly convicted or repressed, it is said that the curse of the genus has an active form.

The same can be said of hereditary chronic alcoholism: if it is impossible by conventional methods to get rid of this habit, the most original of these is ancestral curse.

Ancestral curse can not catch a cold or flu. Just once in your family was a negative event, which a few generations, growing like a snowball, destroy your life.

This leads to what is now on every member of this family (including children and grandchildren) hangs a curse. Someone in the family dies, a part of the curse of inheritance is distributed among the survivors. So often after the death of a loved one feels leaning weight. Not always is the result of the test of grief. Perhaps, the proportion of these sensations is associated with inherited part of the family curse, before lying heavily upon the souls of the deceased.

Often it is a generic curse is the reason that does not allow you to make a successful career and / or conduct business, do not allow to get married (married) can not conceive or have a child makes to drink heavily, are difficult to cause health problems, constantly turns away favorable circumstances of life.

And if the curse is kind to your family, then your life may be the most inexplicable things.

Indeed, the generic curse directed at the destruction, it is passed on for generations until it reaches its main goal - the total destruction of all members of your family!

Removing the family curse frees you for acceptance of all the best that can happen in your life, facilitates all spheres of life. After removing the ancestral curse (if any), you get to take from life all that you are destined by fate, and what you can from it.

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Post by Charlesman » Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:40 am

Thank you RedMercury for the feedback - I really appreciate it! :)

Many of the things you describe apply to my family. I don't feel completely certain I/we are cursed, although I suppose I was certain enough to make the original post.

If possible, I would like information as to:

The cause. Does it have to be directed at someone specifically? I could easily imagine a curse-"trap" that activated and were directed towards the agent that triggered it. An example of this being me placing a curse that will be directed at any and all who steal my computer. The reason I am asking is because my father was a sailor and brought a load of stuff home from all corners of the world - some of which I currently possess.

Detection. How can I actually tell if I am cursed or not? Maybe I feel negative because I'm cursed - maybe I feel cursed because I'm negative. Do you have any suggestions? My main divination tool is tarot cards - I don't suppose there's a spread for this?

Action! What can I do? I don't feel like passing some curse - if I am indeed cursed - along to my children. As such the curse needs to die. How can I kill it?

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