Jade Crystal - used a pendulum... kept me awake

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Jade Crystal - used a pendulum... kept me awake

Post by AeraCrescent » Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:08 am

Before I could really read anything about 'dowsing' or find Gem's fun little course, I tried to see if I could do what I saw at a meetup group where a woman channeled spirit guides.

When I came across my old jade pendant with it's 11 1/2 inch chain, I would guess, I drew up a pendulum board and my partner asked some questions to test it. Questions about his past. Most of them had 'no' answers and the pendulum was indicating 'yes'. Which I guess, thinking back on it, I was thinking the answers might be 'yes'.

I found an old pouch given to me about 6 years ago and put the pendulum in it and slept with it under my pillow after reading Gem's informative posting, and I swear I had a hard time falling asleep, despite being tired.

I had some disturbing dreams, too. They weren't nightmare level, like I didn't wake up screaming or anything. But there was blood, and there was a cat that scratched me, all sorts of odd things and gross things. I woke up really early, too instead of sleeping all the way through until when I would normally wake.

I have a high suspicion it was not the coffee I had that day, I think even though I had a bit of a caffiene buzz that day, that enough time had worn off and the caffiene was no longer affecting me that late at night, I'm pretty certain. I was tired before going to bed. I had no more active caffiene in my system. I believe it was the energy of having the jade crystal under my head, and i am becoming more and more sensitive to energies, despite my skepticism.

I am also curious if there are any healing properties to Jade because I woke up with less pain in my arm than I usually do. I have chronic pain in my arm.

I felt like, I had taken a rather activating medication that was causing me sleep disturbance. Eventually I did wind down and was able to fall asleep. At which point, I had some very lucid, disturbing dreaming.

Insight? Experience? I"ve never experience energies before, prior to the end of May/early June....

I also have a box of Amythest and Rose Quartz under my bed right now, I am not sure if that played a role.

I do not remember where I  got this jade crystal pendant, or for how long I have had it. I expect it needs some cleansing before I can really begin using it for dowsing or Q&A..... (I would also expect to put it on a shorter chain, I can't rest my elbow on a table... it's too long)
Time Heals All Wounds

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