Are we destined?

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Are we destined?

Post by nightangel » Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:36 pm


I was wondering if someone could tell me if my partner and i are destined to be together? I am going to Canada next week and talk about my relationship with him in more detail.. and i really hope things go good from my end as things are going great with his family.

my birth date details are:

Nov 24, 1983
Calgary, Canada

His birth details are:

Sept 7 1979
London, England
and unsure of time.. aprox 5pm.

Because of his unknown birth time its been hard to get an accurate predicition.. but this is very important to both of us.. we both want to get married.. hopefully sometime next year.. i'm just scared about my families reaction.

I really hope i get a response soon.. it would mean alot!


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Post by nightangel » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:41 am

Am i doing something wrong? i seem to have posted as others have.. but i still haven't got any responses.. i don't understand why just about everyone has except me.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:55 am

Well, first off, this is a horary section, and horary has some strict rules to it.  I haven't read the sticky for this section in some time, and so I can't say just how much it tells you, but generally a horary question is composed for the date, time, and place someone asks a question seriously for the first time.  Such questions as 'Are we destined?' and 'Is he the one?' are probably not going to be accurately recorded unless you think it and go 'I should make this a horary chart, better find a clock!' right after it.  You don't mention how long you've known your partner, but I'm going to just assume you've thought of this before, whether he was the one for you.  Perhaps a more appropriate question would have been 'Will I obtain the results hoped for?' regarding going to seriously speak to him about the relationship.

Now, if you were looking for a synastry or Davison reading (don't you do that composite now), which I think you may have actually been searching for, since instead of supplying the required data for a horary, you supplied the data necessay for such charts, then that's something else entirely.

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Post by nightangel » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:22 am

Hi Sei no Senshi,
Thanks for your reply.. i think i see where i am going wrong now.

ok well i do want to find out if my bf and i are to get married in the near future. I am back home now and about to bring it up in the next week or so and just am scared about how my family is going to react.

If i was to rephrase my question as you suggested.. Am I going to achieve a positive result with my family regarding my bf? is that more direct? But in this moment in time which is 8:27pm mountain time on Dec 19th, 2007.

We have known eachother for 7-8 months now and are seriously thinking about getting married.

my birth info is
nov 24th 1983
9am, mountain time
calgary, canada
and his is
sept 7, 1979
uk, london
between 4-5pm

So basically i am asking are me and my bf going to get married? And that too with everyone's blessings?

thank you.. please correct me if i have done this wrong again!

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:31 am

No problem, the first time is always the hardest because you don't normally know what you're doing!

The only thing I see wrong now is that you're asking two questions in one, which splits the focus, we can't have that.  So, you're going to have to figure out what's more important to you.  You two ultimately getting married or your family's feelings towards the union.

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Post by nightangel » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:39 am

Wow! that's a really hard question... both are important to me.. of course my families feelings are very important to me.. afterall its the reason why i am on this forum. I know i found the person i want to be with.. but after the series of events in my life i don't trust fate.. which is why i asked if he and i are to get married. I know we have the blessings from his family.. i just don't know about my family. Since i am certain and have faith in what God has brought into my life.. i won't focus on my question about weather he and i are to get married.. because without my families happiness i don't know if i could do it. God i believe has presented Himself many times to bind me and my bf together.. and i am keeping my faith in Him.. that he has brought my bf and i together for a greater good to last our lives.

So my question is then this.. time is 8:47pm mountain time, Dec 19, 2007 in Calgary, Canada.. will my family be happy with my union with my partner?

thanks Sei no Senshi.. your guidance has helped me direct my true thoughts and feelings.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:02 pm

Since this is about judging people's acceptance of a relationship, the best way to see where problems may emerge is to see what all the planets are doing in relation to Saturn (since Saturn is ruling the Seventh house of union).  Leo rises, so you're signifed by both of the Lights (Sol as the ruler of Leo and Luna as per the rules).

Before I even really start, I have to ask, are you more concerned about your mother's acceptance than anyone else's?  Luna is very tightly conjunct the Tenth house cusp, and since Luna rules the Twelfth of the hidden enemies I think you're afraid that she is indeed a hidden enemy, not telling you what she truly thinks.  Another weird thing I found was that Saturn is receiving Jupiter who rules the Fifth and Eighth houses, so the idea of this union is receiving both your love and fear.  :D  Crazy astrology and it's comments.

Anyway, back to the whole figuring out what planets are doing in relation to Saturn.

Sol - Saturn is in Sol's face (so mutual reception there) you and the union are receiving one another.  Good.

Luna - Saturn is in Luna's Triplicity as Earth by Night.  Also, the exalted and powerful Luna is hastily Trining Saturn.  I think you're marrying this one.

Mercury - Saturn is in Mercury's domicile, so those represented by the houses Mercury rules (Eleventh and Second) are more than eager to accept the union.  These are your friends I'm talking about here.

Mars - Mars does not receive Saturn in anyway, so here is your flag.  Mars rules the Fourth house and so signifes your father.  Don't worry though, Luna receives Mars and hastenes a Sextile with him, so I think you'll talk your father into it, or he'll give in once he sees how happy you are.  Mars is in your Eleventh house of benefactors and supporters. :)

Jupiter - Saturn is in Jupiter's detriment of Virgo, which sounds bad at first, but don't worry, Jupiter doesn't rule any family houses and I told you about what Jupiter's doing up above.

Venus - Saturn is in the Fall of Venus, but is also in one of her degrees of Terms, so Venus doens't know if she's coming or going as far as this is concerned.  She's more worried than she is confident about it, though.  Venus rules the Tenth and Third, which are actually pretty vital houses.  The Tenth being your mother and the Third being just about everyone else (siblings, cousins, etc).  Seems like you're going to have the hardest time convincing this one.  Venus is in Luna's detriment and Luna will eventually oppose her.  However, Luna is in Venus' domicle of Taurus and in her house, so you're desperately trying to get her to approve of you and notice you that you've in some way come to be like her.  I do, though, think Venus will approve as she receives Mars who will help her see what's going on.

Just out of sheer curiosity I threw in Juno, who turns out to be Squared to Saturn.  So, I expect a sort of bumpy road.

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Post by nightangel » Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:40 am

hi Sei no Senshi

Thank you for your reply :)

And you are right about my mum. We have a weird relationship and i do see her as an enemy at times.. not good i know but we have a bad relationship and i am desperately trying to seek her approval. But from the sounds of it, its going to be a real chore.. something i was afraid of. I am really scared to talk to my mum about it all. i might talk to her about it over the weekend. But don't know when i should tell my dad.. do you see my mum ultimatley happily accepting?  
Your right about me having love and fear for this relationship. My fear stems from my family. His family are great and have treated me very nicely. Its my mum especially who i fear. With what you were saying about Venus.. is it really bad? I don't quiet understand everything you were saying. (I'm sorry.. i don't know much about astrology) And about how you think i am marrying him.. is that something your pretty confident about?
thank you for everything.. i've been waiting for a response before i talk to my mum... now i know its just as i expected.. a bumpy road. if you don't mind my asking what is a juno?

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:46 am

i might talk to her about it over the weekend. But don't know when i should tell my dad.. do you see my mum ultimatley happily accepting?
I was actually thinking your father would help you win your mother over.  You are receiving your father who is acting as a supporter of you.  Your father is receiving your mother.  So, he can agree with you, and she can agree with him.  I hope that makes sense.  @.@
With what you were saying about Venus.. is it really bad? I don't quiet understand everything you were saying. (I'm sorry.. i don't know much about astrology)
Yeah, sorry about that.  Sometimes I just get going about rules and what I'm seeing in case someone reading it is trying to learn from it I get distracted from actually getting around to saying what it MEANS!  Well, Luna (you) and Venus (your mother) are going to come to an opposition, which speaks of conflict.  However, I totally think you'll win out.  Luna is exalted, waxing, and in the Tenth.  Venus is detrimented and in the Fourth.  

In short, it's like a tank vs. a clown car.

And about how you think i am marrying him.. is that something your pretty confident about?
I'll bet five dollars!  XD
if you don't mind my asking what is a juno?
The third member of the Asteriod Quartet.  She has to do with unions and all kinds of stuff like that, I was just curious to see where she fell.  Not that I attribute much power to her or the Outers in horary.

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Post by nightangel » Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:52 pm

Sei no Senshi wrote:
I was actually thinking your father would help you win your mother over.  You are receiving your father who is acting as a supporter of you.  Your father is receiving your mother.  So, he can agree with you, and she can agree with him.  I hope that makes sense.  @.@
Ok so i should talk to my dad first? My parents are divorced and its very well safe to say that they hate eachother. Don't know how my dad would convince my mum.. but i guess i can try that route!
Yeah, sorry about that.  Sometimes I just get going about rules and what I'm seeing in case someone reading it is trying to learn from it I get distracted from actually getting around to saying what it MEANS!  Well, Luna (you) and Venus (your mother) are going to come to an opposition, which speaks of conflict.  However, I totally think you'll win out.  Luna is exalted, waxing, and in the Tenth.  Venus is detrimented and in the Fourth.  

Ok.. well that sounds ok.. if i win the battle that is.. why do i always get the clown car! :smt012  :) I am trying to bring up the conversation with mum closer to when i go back to uk.. but i don't  know what the best strategy would be yet. She has a lot of anger in her, i already see that. i want to face her anger with coolness.. to calm her down.. but i know i too will lose my temper with the things my mum will say. I'm trying to stay focused on the objective rather than get all tangled up in the emotions of what my mum is going to drag down with it. How do i do this? any idea? i don't want to fight with her.. but let her know that i do love her and i will do what it takes to wait this out and win her approval. But i want to do it with peace.. not anger.

In short, it's like a tank vs. a clown car.

And about how you think i am marrying him.. is that something your pretty confident about?
I'll bet five dollars!  XD
is that it?! is there something else you see that you haven't mentioned? you don't sound so confident about it :smt009
if you don't mind my asking what is a juno?
The third member of the Asteriod Quartet.  She has to do with unions and all kinds of stuff like that, I was just curious to see where she fell.  Not that I attribute much power to her or the Outers in horary.
where does Juno fall then in the union side of things for me? is it good or bad?


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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:28 pm

Ok so i should talk to my dad first? My parents are divorced and its very well safe to say that they hate eachother. Don't know how my dad would convince my mum.. but i guess i can try that route!
Unless I'm just completely off the mark.  Since you are receiving your father, he shouldn't have a problem with it.  It's like getting his support.  Mars receives Venus, so he'll get her support for you...somehow.
Ok.. well that sounds ok.. if i win the battle that is.. why do i always get the clown car!
You're the tank!  Silly!  :P
i want to face her anger with coolness.. to calm her down.. but i know i too will lose my temper with the things my mum will say. I'm trying to stay focused on the objective rather than get all tangled up in the emotions of what my mum is going to drag down with it. How do i do this?
I would say that if you start to lose your cool, tell her you'll call back later and hang up the phone.  That'll give you time to just sit back and think about what happened.
is that it?!
Well, seeing as how my bets usually range from one dollar to two dollars, five is quite a thing for me. :)

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Post by nightangel » Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:23 am

Sei no Senshi wrote:
Unless I'm just completely off the mark.  Since you are receiving your father, he shouldn't have a problem with it.  It's like getting his support.  Mars receives Venus, so he'll get her support for you...somehow.
Ok.. hmm now its about when and how to talk to my dad.. gosh this feels like playing chess :smt017 .. there are going to be things that i know my dad won't like about him.. things i know that can be worked upon and will be deffinitely in the new year.. but another thing i should toss into this complicated mess.. i don't know if you can see this in my partner's birth chart (assuming your using charts to do this analysis) he also has a dependent in his life from a previous relationship. This is the most complicated part of my relationship with him and i have no idea how to put it across to them or when. i thought of waiting it out til they get to know him and then tell them about it.. but then i might be taken as again hiding and keeping things a secret and lose all the support i might have gained!
You're the tank!  Silly!  :P

Really?! So i've got leverage?!! wow.. NO Seriously! Wow.. that is deffinitely a first for me.. usually i'm the clown car and my mum is the massive tank! how i've managed to suddenly become a tank i have absolotely no idea..  :smt017 .. but i'm soooo not complaining!! Thank you!! :)
I would say that if you start to lose your cool, tell her you'll call back later and hang up the phone.  That'll give you time to just sit back and think about what happened.

Yup.. think i will have to do that when i am back in the uk.. because i have a feeling this will get ugly.. while i'm here i can't do that.. and since we are sleeping in the same room.. it could get a bit uncomfortable.. tears etc.. but will have to stick it out.. focus on objective and stay calm.. just very afraid i will do the same thing i always do and bow my head down in shame at my mum's disapproval.. *sigh*.. i really hope i can overcome this all.. i'm going to be really cheeky and ask.. do you know how long its going to take to win my family over?? :smt003 .. sorry i had to ask!

Well, seeing as how my bets usually range from one dollar to two dollars, five is quite a thing for me. :)
Wow! ok you don't realise how big of a smile you have just put on my face! :D thank you for saying that! Looks like i really have found the right one for me!! :D that would also explain the little signs i've been getting from God.. it all made sense awhile ago (i know that sounds really ubsured.. but seriously.. there have been little signs that i've asked for thoughout my life for God to give me when i find the one i am meant to be with.. and since they have happened i keep praying that i'm reading the signs right..sorry if i sounds nuts :smt002 ).. and now you've confirmed it! :D
thank you!!

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Sei no Senshi

Post by nightangel » Mon Oct 13, 2008 9:58 pm

I really need your help or insight here... lots of time has gone by and lots of bad things have happened as well..

This is my question.. I really hope that you can help me... I found out that he's been meeting different girls.. and i think cheating on me.. i broke it off with him, but now slowly he is showing signs of change..

Is he the man i am to marry? it is 10.27pm UK time. I am at work right now and my mind is all over the place. I'm not sure if i have given you all the info you need.. i hope you remember who i am.. i know its been a long time.. but i'm so confused right now.
Thank you

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Post by Youdah » Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:26 am

Nightangel, Sei no Senshi hasn't been seen or heard from for awhile.  I'm sorry you're having some turmoil in your life.  If you'd like another reader to take a look, try starting a new thread.  Anyway, I just wanted to let you know why no one has answered...Sei no Senshi hasn't posted for quite awhile...and presumably not visiting this website anymore.

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Post by nightangel » Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:03 pm

Hi Youdah,
Thank you for your message and thank you for letting me know :)
I will try posting this thread again and i hope that someone will help me.. thank you again.


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