Right decision?

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Right decision?

Post by JelliedJonquil » Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:02 am

I was asked for a reason to leave another forum.  I wondered if I should just keep my mouth shut or to speak up and let the boss there choose what he would want to do with my answer.

All hell broke loose.

My question is, should I have shut up and left it alone, or was it right for me to have spoken up even though I'm the one that faced the backlash.

26th March 1974
3.15am GMT
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
question asked 10am GMT exact.

Thank you

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Post by Youdah » Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:22 am

you really haven't given the right information to do a horary reading.  Read the "sticky" notes at the beginning of the forum.  Instead of birth details, a horary chart uses the time/place where the question was asked.

Are you talking about problems on a forum here at MB?

I know from wandering around the internet for quite a few years that things can get hot very fast.  Egos get involved, hen-pecking, and a general lack of manners or consideration...especially if you give a viewpoint that is different from the reining bully on the forum.  I am glad to see that this doesn't happen very often at MB, though.  Other websites, I've seen, can get pretty vicious.  Personally, I'd rather not spend my time where that kind of atmosphere is prevalent.  When that happens, it's a poorly run website with moderators who are absent or choose to bully themselves instead of moderate.  Bullying can't be beat with talking, because those kinds of people aren't listening.  Were you right or wrong for saying anything?  That's up to you.  But, I'd leave.  If it's here at MB, I think those in charge would want to correct the problem rather than see people leave, though.


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Post by JelliedJonquil » Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:34 pm

Rest assured it wasn't about MB, I agree with what you have said whether it was the right decision, truth hurts but am wonderig if I should have left it unsaid and let them get on with it.  I guess I'vpathe messed up this, may I ask a different question instead?

Will the recent decision on my part enrich the path forwards even though I can't see it now?

13.32pm GMT
Llanharan, South Wales UK
hope this is okay, and thak you for takig the time.

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Post by Youdah » Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:28 pm

I'll try to get to some readings soon.  It's taken a lot of time to get the astrology class going, so I haven't spent as much time doing readings.

For now, though, just some personal comments.  Try not to second guess yourself.  Your truth is your truth.  No one has to respond to anything you say...that is their choice.  It is also their choice to get angry, upset, or critical.  You can't control what people do with what you say or what you do!  All you can do is put it out there.  As long as you do it respectfully to the other person, then there is no reason to feel that you did anything wrong.  If you can, try to step back and watch the situation without emotions on your side.  Most of the time, you'll see some very insecure or angry people who you won't want to associate with anyway.  Running away or leaving isn't always the answer, but I think it is the ONLY answer if people aren't respecting YOU!  On websites, there are always more lurkers than those who ever post...so remember that although no one backed you up, there are just as many who agree with you as not.

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Post by JelliedJonquil » Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:26 pm

Don't worry about not having time to reply, am enjoying the class.

Thank you for your comments, it is something I have to learn from, I hadn't thought about the lurker angle, even though what happened happened in private, but I get what you are saying.  My gut feeling has never let me down, I'm always thinking the best of everyone, maybe time for me to start listening to my gut feeling a lot more, and to trust it too.  

Thank you.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:28 pm

I will say you did the right thing to speak your mind....and I hope all will do that.

And bulling shall we always hit on...Why?

Because that is the only way we are able to change thing.....the only way we can protect those who are weaker then our self.

The most important lesson for us all...in my opinion...is that none of us own the truth.

If we can agree on that, then by speaking, we get our thoughts evaluated, and we might even get new ways to see things, because they are brought out in the open for all to see.

We must never be afraid to make a fool of our self  (done that many times :) ) because the "greatest fool" is the one who run away, because you will always run into people who don't agree with you, and the more one run, the more insecure one become.

We can never expect a forum to contain people with equals opinions, (it would have been a dull place :) ) but we must expect that we can show respect for each other!

Good luck with your class....you have got an excellent teacher there :)

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:13 am

Rhutobello wrote:I will say you did the right thing to speak your mind....and I hope all will do that.
After reading my post again, the above need a clarification.

People who bully are seldom open for reason from a fellow member.
Any approach to them will fast lead to a quarrel, and quarrels attract others who like such kind of action.

This is why we always want our members to make a complain to the administration, this way we can handle it, and take off the heat from those who suffer under it.

I agree that our own feelings many times "demand" us to give a warning before we go to the administration and complain, and I have nothing against that, as long as one don't start quarrels, because then everything start to be complicated, and both part become more and more equal guilty.

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