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Post by Youdah » Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:29 pm

You are a very perceptive person, Sweetness.  I'm glad you were able to see through this "doctor."  I have every confidence in you that  listening to your own intuition will help you all through your life.  Good job!

For the record, from a person who has a 35 year background in medicine, there is no "pill" that will cause or cure cancer.  To date, there is growing knowledge of what "causes" cancer, but even this knowledge is so incomplete that we don't yet have a full knowledge to know why anything helps or causes cancer, let alone a certainty that anything will "cause" cancer just by not doing it!  So, I'm very, very glad that you didn't buy into that load of crap.

You might make a list of symptoms that you're having, things you've noticed, no matter how minor, before you go to your next appointment.  Then, give it to the doctor when you get there.

Keep us informed, because even if we don't know you, we can feel your frustration and pain, and have empathy for you, and wish things to be resolved for you.

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Post by Sweetness » Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:10 am

Aww RishiRahul and youdah thank you very much for your kind words, you've both shown me nothing but kindness. thank you i:)
it'll probably be a couple of weeks before I see the rheumatologist, but im keeping my fingers crossed that he'll give me a correct diagnosis. i'm pretty sure that my raised bilirubin levels and liver pain is a major clue in this puzzle. im very grateful that rishirahul brought my attention back to it. I also think my 'dry eyes' is another clue.  I'll also get a proper food allergy test done and also mention parasites to my doc just to see if theres any truth in what the kinesiologist said. its definitely some kind of possibility, even if it was suggested by a con artist. lol anyhow I'll pop back in a couple of weeks and let you know how i got on.:)

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Post by Youdah » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:21 am

Sweetness, if you don't have another appointment with anyone for 2 weeks, then you should probably get assertive and make an appointment for sooner.  A BUN that is climbing can be something that needs attention sooner.  If you have to wait, be sure to call your doctor or go to hospital if pain increases, you start feeling weak or faint, or any other new symptoms.  OK?

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:42 am

Though your liver is affected, I feel that the liver is in a good condition. Moon seems to be the main culprit being in mrityubhaga and marankaraka sthana.

Diseases indicated by moon and Venus. It is a repairable chronic problem affecting liver. I think it could be a parasitic infection where the vagina or the surrounding areas is involved.. but it is a guess. Not a wild guess by any chance.

13/14 Nov and 18/19thNov could be bright days for some useful detection.


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Post by Sweetness » Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:26 pm

Youdah without me sounding too thick whats a bun? lol do you mean a tumour?- im afraid the nhs has a long waiting list and unfortunately an urgent appointment still involves a couple of weeks of waiting. thats why my doc told me to just ring an ambulance if i get the severe pain again. its sad how you've got to wait until a crisis happens before you actually get all the appropriate tests done. *sighs* thankfully ive actually had more energy the last couple of days, which is a wonderful sign, even though ive still got the symptoms, just having more energy feels divine. i feel like my body is doing some self healing?

RishiRahul thanks for your honesty. its greatly appreciated, and very interesting to hear your suggestions. if im honest im not  having any problems with my periods or anything, any idea why you think it 'could' be related to my female parts?  interestingly the kinesiologist told me it was a candida parasite infection, which i 'think' is related to female hormones. would that be along the lines of what your thinking?

And do you or youdah know if doctors can test for parasites? the kinesiologist said id be wasting the doctors time because they wouldn't find anything. she said parasites are too difficult to test for. was she telling me the truth? -oh wouldn't it be wonderful, if it really was a simple parasite problem, as id just go to a herbalist if the doctors weren't able to give me anything for it.

i haven't had my rheumatologist appointment date through yet, but im expecting it any day. so i woundn't be surprised if i get it on the 13/14th. i like the sound of possible bright days. :) thank you rihirahul

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Post by Youdah » Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:30 am

BUN is just an abbreviation for bilirubin.  My concern is that a rising BUN can be an indication of bleeding, but this is only one thing it can mean, so I don't say that to worry you.  A slow bleed can start to make you weak or faint...and happen slow enough that you kinda get "used" to the feeling gradually so you don't realize you may be getting into trouble.  A quick check would be to lay down on your bed and relax for a few minutes, then sit up as quickly as you can.  If you don't get really light-headed, like almost pass-out, then things are fine.  

Another thing to watch is if your skin starts to get really itchy.  This is a reason to go ahead to hospital, too.  If it's something to worry about, you won't have any trouble missing this symptom because you will really, really be uncomfortable with the itching.  This is something that could happen if your bilirubin gets really high.  As slow as yours has been raising, I doubt this will happen, though.

Parasites are easily tested for.  It is the same kind of test that they do for routine vaginal exams...with the little swab that gets some cells from your vagina that they put on a slide to look at under a microscope.  Usually they look for abnormal cells in this routine exam, but any parasites are just as easily visible, including any of the STDs.  It's no big deal, just feet up in the stirrups.  To say that parasites can't be tested for is false and really wrong.  Even if the parasites are not where they can be reached, like in the bloodstream or in an organ, they leave some markers in the blood that would certainly show up in any of the labwork you've already had.  So again, I have to disagree strenuously with the "doctor" who said that they couldn't be tested for and any such tests would be a "waste of time."

Candida is a yeast infection.  Although you can have parasites and a yeast infection at the same time, there is no such thing as a "candida parasite infection."  There are some people who believe that you can have a low-grade yeast infection, so recommend that all limit breads/pastas with yeast, and sugars which help to ferment the yeast.  This is a theory of many alternative healers.  I can't knock it, because I've never done a lot of research into this, I'm only aware of the theory.  Yet, I can tell you without hesitation that a yeast infection would not cause your bilirubin to elevate, and it does not cause the kind of pain you describe.  If for some reason it was so severe that it caused your kind of pain, then this would have already shown up in the labwork you've already had.

The likely problem areas with an elevated bilirubin are either the kidneys or liver.  I'm glad that you are feeling a little better.  That is a good sign.  Be sure you take a good multi-vitamin with minerals, drink enough fluids everyday, and just on the safe side, you could not eat as much meat and protein until your next appointment since these are hard for kidneys to cope with, if that's where the problem is.

If you have any other questions, I usually check the forums at least once a day.

Warm regards...

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Post by Sweetness » Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:14 pm

thank you youdah, you've given me a much greater understanding of many things. Ive jotted down a few of the things you've mentioned. your very knowledgeable. :) i'll definitely ask for a parasite test now that i know they exist. :) aswell as a scan of my liver and kidneys, as i bet that will show up something, with my pain being in that area.

I tried getting up quickly after lying down and felt ok, which is a good sign. though I've noticed that every time i get off a bus i do feel out of sorts. i feel abit weird for a few seconds, but it truely doesn't scare me.  its hard to explain. i feel like i walking on air for 5 seconds, then i get my bearings. i know its related to my illness but i doesn't worry me as its quite minor.

a famous psychic has told me that my health issue is related to my cardiovascular and immune system. does cardiovascular mean heart? as my echo and ecg tests came back normal. or does it mean blood flow?

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Post by Youdah » Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:23 pm

Yes, cardiovascular is heart...or more accurately, the entire circulatory system including all the blood vessels, etc.

I can't think of anyway in which the bilirubin would be raised by anything going on with the cardio or immune system.


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Post by Sweetness » Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:18 pm

hi guys- i did alot of ringing around on the 13/14th and 17/18/19th to the doctors and hospitals. and found out that the consultant at the hospital, has decided that i only need a routine rheumatologist appointment, not an urgent appointment like me and my doc wanted. because of this wait, ive persuaded my doctor to book me in for a abdomen scan for my liver. which im having done wed 26th nov :)

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Post by Youdah » Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:04 am

What kind of scan?  MRI?  Good luck to you.  If they keep poking around, surely they'll figure it out sometime!  :)

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:59 pm

Sweetness wrote:hi guys- i did alot of ringing around on the 13/14th and 17/18/19th to the doctors and hospitals. and found out that the consultant at the hospital, has decided that i only need a routine rheumatologist appointment, not an urgent appointment like me and my doc wanted. because of this wait, ive persuaded my doctor to book me in for a abdomen scan for my liver. which im having done wed 26th nov :)


It feels great to know that you are following the directions given by me.

26th. to 29th. will be important and your doctors appontment on 26th. leads you next to 29th Nov, when your health factor is poised for proper identification, I think.. or important for that.


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Post by Sweetness » Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:11 pm

Hi everyone, my ultra sound scan was abit of a disappointment. the only thing that showed up was a couple of poly's in my gall bladder which i was told wouldn't be causing my symptoms. it hurt when she did the ultra sound over my kidneys, but nothing unusual showed up on the screen. but because it hurt, she told me i may have to have further tests done in the kidney area to see whats going on inside.

weirdly though, the day after the scan my throat went bad again, i thought i was coming down with a throat infection, but i didnt. and the same thing happened last time i had a scan-the ecg one. how could my throat symptoms worsen by pressing on my abdomen?

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:57 pm

Well, it did lead to some kind of detection.

It seems that your running around and finding out is from mid Nov to 20 Dec 2008 when one thing will lead to another.

Your final detection/recovery starts post 19 Dec 2008, due to some light around 9 Dec 2008.


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Post by babulupmg » Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:22 am

Please select a random no. between 1-249 cocentrating on something.  and it should not be lucky number.  take the help of a book containing 260 pages approx.

we can detect the organ which is creating trouble

good luck

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Post by Sweetness » Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:59 pm

Thankyou for joining this topic babulupmg xxx - following your advice I opened a book at pages 82-83. xxxx

RishiRahul I went to a cfs workshop tue 9th dec, which fits in with your dates. :) Cfs is what ive been officially diagnosed with you see. thats what the doctors think the problem is. but im unconvinced. Maybe im just in denial. but how would cfs cause me severe pain in the liver area and also affect my throat enough to cause hoarseness. do I really have cfs like they say. who knows.

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