marry a foreigner??

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marry a foreigner??

Post by jovanna » Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:10 am

hello to all! id like to know if i will marry a foreigner in the future.. the reason im asking this is because i meet men for abroad lately, i dont why. it just happens ..  this is my chart can anyone help??
marr foreigner.gif
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Post by fensi88 » Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:57 am

It seams - yes.
You are represented with Ve in Can, foreigner is represented with Me in Vi. Me will sextile Ve and that is "yes" answer to your question. Moon is VOC, but because of that aspect I told you about, I think, we could say "Yes, you do not have to worry!"

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Post by jovanna » Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:29 pm

hi! thanks for ur reply! well,i have some questions.. u said that he is represented  by mercury ( mercury as a ruler of the 9th ) But since im asking about marriage partner should he be in the 7th house? ( aries, ruler mars) ? im confused because of this ..

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Post by fensi88 » Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:17 pm

If you ask "will I marry someone" I would use 7 house, but because you was specific (foreigner) I used 9 house ruler.

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Post by Airgon » Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:58 pm

Personally I interpret your question ( to get the house rulers )
as "Will I marry soon ? Will he be a foreigner ? "

The idea being we go from the most general concept
to the most particular. Marriage being a more general
socialization of two people and the birth place of the
partner more of a style. This has to be confirmed by the
querant of course :) if that could be done please jovanna ?

Ok so "Will I marry ? "
Querant ruled by Venus ( Libra on first house cusp ) and
7 th house ruled by Mars (Aries on 7th house cusp )
Moon void of course - no change forthcoming - and
Moon has an applying trine to Venus - lo and behold -
Venus is in 9th house of foreigners ! - Natural sign of
9th house is Sagittarius currently on the third cusp of
"thinking, ideas and communication ". Ruler of third
is Jupiter intercepted in the fourth and retrograde.
Thoughts going back and forth about the future
creation of a new foundation ( 4th house ). Pluto is
retrograde in the third and Pluto ruled by Saturn in
the 11th with Mercury in same house (11th ).

Ruler of 9th house ( foreigner ) is Mercury in 11th house
of friends with Saturn. Mercury strong by dignity.

So at least we know the chart signature reflects
the clients current concern.

Observe Sun is intercepted in Leo in 10th house as if
reputation or perception as partner is clouded or held
back by some issue.

Part of Fortune is in 7th house ( of marriage  ) reflecting
"something to do with the Sun and Moon" and seperating
sextile to Querant ruler Venus in the 9th. THis is weak
but just  indicates additional evidence that the chart is of
the clients original concern.

I do not judge for marriage a although there is an applying
Moon in 4th to Venus in 9th. But the Moon is Void of Course and
Moon is intercepted in Aquarius with maleafic Neptune retrograde.
There is definately tension as Jupiter retrograde is with the
Moon and Neptune in Aquarius and the fourth but the worst
tension seems to be over as Jupiter is seperating from both
the Moon ( functional feelings ) and Neptune.

Mars is in applying trine to Jupiter so some support from the
partner in the querants thinking from him as Jupiter is to
do in this chart with 3rd house but Jupiter is intercepted,
retrograde and with VOC moon in 4th. Nothing will be
realized despite North Node or sensation that this is
"my destiny" . North Node has applying sextile to Uranus in
the 5th so again some mild possiblity of speculative
interaction but North Node is square the Ascendant
so again nothing comes to fruition.

No marriage currently but note if we just take the question
to be "Will I be involved with foreigners ? " then the houses
are querant first and questited is 9th.. this looks strong
and very possible.

The big issue overwhelming or perhaps underlying this
is the Void of course moon in Aquarius. Moon will move
into Pisces ( a period of disappointment and confusion )
and then Aries. We need to allow for a change in approach
of the querant and how she is perceived ( intercepted Sun
in the 10th ) then we can reask the question.

Foreigners involved yes as first and ninth rulers are ok
in an applying sextile but but no marriage to a foreigner
as 7th and 9th house rulers essentially opposed by Moons
activity and position, and no marrriage as 1 st and 7th
rulers opposed by Moons activity and position:)

Does anyone agree ?

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Post by jovanna » Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:43 pm

thanks for your answer.. so if i get it right , me as a venus im in the 9th house.. so this shows my interest in this ..and possibly me meetings with foreigners.. but its not sure if i marry a foreigner right ?   and if this happens , its not going to be soon ..

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Post by Airgon » Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:49 pm

Hi jovanna,

Yes this is essentially what the chart shows in my
personal judgement. I was hoping to get others
to confirm these views.. but what your summary
is essentially or briefly is the chart description.

Horary typically lasts for a period of 3 and sometimes
6 months - so the situation may change especially
if your natal proressed moon ( fastest moving
object except if things like Ascendnat et al )
goes to a new house(s). I didnt notice your
natal information so I couldnt check for that.

Definately the tension is powerful and focused
from you and there is a lot more in the chart.
But I do not judge for marriage although
certainly many meetings with foreigners.

This may change in three to six months though
depending on other factors. We can run a new
horary as time passes though with the change
of conditions ( progressed Moon or other progressed
objects changing aspects to house cusps or
natal objects ).

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