My love prospects

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Re: My love prospects

Post by RishiRahul » Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:56 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
divinehelpneeded wrote:Hi,
This question has been going on in my mind for so long.
I am so much in love with a girl for last one year or so. She is a very good friend of mine. I even recently expressed my feelings, but she says she has a boyfriend. I am not sure if this is true or she is just trying to test me.
I still have the same feelings. What I want to know is, is she really the one I am going to still end up with getting married or I will marry someone else.
I think, in Horary astrology, a querent is not supposed to ask two questions, but I have many more questions. I cannot resist myself asking one more which is equally important and that is, when I am going to meet my life partner, with whom I will get married.

Oh yes, right now, I am in UK, Sheffield. Current time is 11:35 PM GMT (daylight). But I am from India. Please let me know if any more information is needed.

Thanks a lot. Please help me in getting my questions resolved. I am dying to know about this.

Hi divinehelpneeded,

You should not pursue any love relations for the present. Did this relationship take a busier tone, or a confusing tone, since March 2008?

Did her attitude turn indecisive from around May 10th. 2008?

If the above is correct, then before early Sept 2008 is not the time to pursue relations AT ALL.

After August 2008 you will be in a new, positive mental make up building slowly towards relation with the opposite sex.

Even then you will equipped to take on relations after end Nov 2008.

A favorable climax would Oct/Nov 2009. One hint: Feb 2009 is the time for such an action.

Let end Aug to end Nov 2008 be the time for self observation.


P.S: Could I request to keep us informed about the developments, even if wrong? Or right?

Hello RishiRahulji,

Frankly speaking, I was completely shocked by the reply. Not because of anything else, but it was because of what you said about the past. Although I knew and heard that things can be predicted pretty much close to the time, but it never happened to me though and never experienced myself.

The things you mentioned about march and may are perfectly correct, almost word to word. If giving some more information helps, I would like to say that from March, we started talking a lot. And on 8th May she said she has a boyfriend. But actually her attitude didn't change, it changed mine a lot. Or may be she was indecisive but not that I know of.

There is still something interesting in this reading. About early sept 2008, actually that's the time when I am coming back to India (where she is).

What I have not got clearly in this reading though is, have you seen any future for our relationship? I was a bit confused when you didn't mention anything about us together, so I thought you are talking about love relationship in general (can be with anyone else).

So if it is possible, can you please let me know if we are eventually going to get together or it is going to be some other relationship?

And also, if this is not too much to ask, can you please be just a little more specific about the various events you mentioned? Some of them sound a bit similar to me... So couldn't make out clearly what is going to happen.

Oh yes, most important thing... Thanks a Lot for doing a reading for me. And I really mean that. And yes, definitely, whatever happens, I will keep you posted, as soon as possible. That's a promise.

I know I am asking a lot of questions but you might as well know that how much close this matter is to me. I hope you understand.

Thanks a lot again...

Warm Regards...[/quote]

Hey divinehelpneeded,

From your horary chart it seems that you may not unite with this lady. The horary chart has given you some pointers to follow, and  that is why Horary informed to use  the period End Aug to Nov 2008 for self observation.
Horary has its limitations, and within that I have answered this query.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:11 pm

Hello RishiRahulji,

Thanks for the reply!

hmmm... It seems like this period is going to be another difficult period for me :) Frankly speaking, my parents don't know about this and hence we are going for arranged marriage for myself (as is the indian tradition). Actually this is what we are going to decide about after I come back to India in early September. Since it's a no from this girl, there is no other option for me but to give in to my parents' wishes (I am not complaining about this though.)

So... if any miracle happens and this girl says yes, my life is going to be very turbulent in this period :) If she is firm with the answer, even then, it would be difficult for me to accept someone else... Anyways, if this is what is planned for me, so be it...

(I just thought of sharing this information, although it was not needed for the reading.)

Could I dare to ask another question? It would become easier for me to think about the future. This girl I am in love with, does she also love me? Or is she going to say yes to me?

I know I have been pestering you and Youdah all these days. I feel like I am nudging you people all the time :) So I would leave it upto you people to decide if you wish to answer or not.

If you wish to answer, the location, as you know, is Sheffield and the time I thought of this question is 7.58 PM local time (i.e. GMT daylight).

P.S. Just realised, I asked this same question in the different post, for which Youdah had asked me to ask it again 2 weeks later. But since this question again crossed my mind, I still left it in this post. Again, I will leave it upto you two, to decide.

Thanks again for the reply! Please do reply, about whatever you decide.

Warm Regards...

Hey divinehelpneeded,

Thanks for appreciations again. I am sure that other astrologers would get back to you. I took some time out to try answer your query.


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Post by Youdah » Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:11 pm

divinehelpneeded wrote:
Thanks for the reply!

hmmm... It seems like this period is going to be another difficult period for me :) Frankly speaking, my parents don't know about this and hence we are going for arranged marriage for myself (as is the indian tradition). Actually this is what we are going to decide about after I come back to India in early September. Since it's a no from this girl, there is no other option for me but to give in to my parents' wishes (I am not complaining about this though.)

So... if any miracle happens and this girl says yes, my life is going to be very turbulent in this period :) If she is firm with the answer, even then, it would be difficult for me to accept someone else... Anyways, if this is what is planned for me, so be it...

(I just thought of sharing this information, although it was not needed for the reading.)

Ah!  So this is where the problem was!  You thought this was not relevant to your questions, but it is most relevant.  If one girl said no, then another marriage would happen.  If she said yes, then the other marriage would not happen.  Do you see how this circumstance, that you did not say, would affect a reading?  How confusion could result in the answer?  When I withdrew my reading, I did so because I could see in the chart that there was a problem with judgment.  

I said when I withdrew the reading, "One significant indicator that I want to mention because it is so relevant to horary astrology, is the Saturn in the 7th house.  Traditionally, this is a sign that tells the astrologer to decline the reading because it suggest impaired judgment of the astrologer (not the querent) or else that the astrologer has not understood the question, or that the querent has not given a full question and that there may be hidden factors that have not been voiced by the querent, and so on.  The Saturn in the 7th is a sign that the astrologer should not attempt the reading."

This was the problem.  

Again, I suggest that you wait the two weeks to ask again.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:33 pm

Hello Youdah,

I am sorry if I should have given this information before asking the question. Actually that post would have become so lengthy, I thought someone might actually sleep through it :)

But really, why I thought this was not so much relevant because, obviously, if this girl says yes, then the marriage would happen with her. If not, then it would have to be some other girl. But yes, whatever happens, seems like my marriage is imminent, with my parents trying to push for it, as soon as possible.

So if this girl doesn't say anything, I would not be able to say no to any other girl as I have to think of myself at the end of the day. Although it won't be exactly what I want, but I guess that's the life. So anytime after I am back in India, things can change. As you can see, every day counts for me :)

I was really tempted to ask another question while I was writing this. But then again, I would better wait. Things are not looking good anyway :)

Sorry again for this thing... So really, I was destined not to get this information now :) Hard time, huh!

Warm Regards...

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:03 pm


Someone posted a reply yesterday (21/08) but with the site problem, I couldn't see it. Seems like I have lost 2 pages, almost 8-9 posts/replies. I remember my last post was a kind of a lecture about heart and mind and I also replied Youdah about why I am prepared for marriage and how I have been preparing for that for so long.

Whoever has replied (I guess it must be Youdah), can you re-post again, if you remember?


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Post by Youdah » Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:22 pm

Yes, I remember the post, and I did make an answer.  You said that you were sorry that you opened up the Pandora's Box of emotion.  Many people believe it is better that the mind rule the emotions rather than the other way around.  Yet, I think that too much mind leaves the heart empty and unexpressed, and too little mind leaves a person at the mercy of irrational emotions.  Pushing down emotions and attempting to ignore them creates a great deal of stress, particularly in whatever chakra is most represented by the repression.  Rather than choose one to be the ruler over the other, I think it is better that both be in harmony and in agreement with each other.  I have found that when my mind is telling me one thing, but my heart says another, it is time for a great deal of meditation so that I can understand myself and bring them into agreement.  In that way, I can act with full confidence and strength.  

I have been concerned and worried for you, because I did not wish you to have unhappiness.  I have hoped that you would understand by gentle questions (some that were lost) that you could have both love and obedience, and happiness.  That you did not need to give up love and attraction so that you could marry the girl chosen for you.  I have hoped to show you that you could have all that you wish for.  But, first, there is some meditation to be done, yes?

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:01 pm

True indeed... Please let me tell you that I am not the kind of guy who gets distressed, disappointed, gets alcoholic or does any such thing.

Forunately, I have got a good head over my shoulders and it has supported me through all these years. In fact, I consider myself one of the more fortunate ones because I got almost everything that I wanted (well, not everything but so to say).

I guess you might have seen my last reply that got last. I would reiterate that I have not given up the hope (to get any other girl) nor I am frustrated.

It's just that sometimes you feel that things are not happening your way and your heart takes over the mind and you say something to express your unhappiness. I guess, since this forum gives a kind of anonymity, you feel like expressing those to someone. And I think why I said those is because I could trust you and RishiRahulji.

So please treat it as a passing phase. I am sure and confident that I can start the things all over again with someone else. But this doesn't lessen the genuinity of my earlier feelings. But I will treat it as a past and will look forward to the future.

Nevertheless, thanks so much for the care and concern you showed about me. I am really happy that someone, who I don't know personally, cares about me and gets worried about me. Feels like I am someone important :) But really, thanks for that... From my side, I just want to assure that I have not given up hope and happiness.

Kind Regards...

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Post by Youdah » Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:12 am

Once we see how our mind works, we see how our life works, too.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:49 am

hmmm yes. If you understand yourself completely, if you can see yourself from third person's view, I guess it means you have achieved a big deal. I do that sometimes...

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An update

Post by divinehelpneeded » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:30 pm

Not an update as such. But since I promised I would let you know about everything, I thought I should share this as well...

So just sometime back, this friend told me that she is going to get engaged in December...

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:36 pm


If you chronologically follo whatever I have said before it would be a good guide.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:41 pm

:) Yes I am obviously trying to follow that. I am even trying to learn and trying to connect it with the chart and planet transits.

I wanted to ask this, but I think it will only reveal my poor knowledge of astrology. Should I write down what I have tried to interpret?

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:43 pm

DO Write it down. As this could explain how wishful thinking works out and the actual. I will try to follow up this thread to some extent.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:43 pm

Sorry my mistake,

I could make some sense from my natal chart. But I am not yet able to do that from the horary chart. Still doing that...

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:56 pm

I saw your reply a later, after posting the second time.

No, really. I should refrain from writing anything down. Because I am just checking the planet transits and trying to map it with the horary chart and then trying to work out relations between them. It's like I am just trying to map it superficially and making some inference about them.

Otherwise, on second thoughts, I will mention what I can see. I can see that moon is transiting into its mool trikona sign (which should be good I guess), in 3rd house. Mercury is exalted in Virgo which is 6th house in horary chart. Sun also in mool trikona sign, which is 5th house. Ascendant in 7th house.

All this, seems to me either good things or not related to what is happening to me... But I cannot see why this is bad for me. OR should it really be bad for me?

I am sure I am unable to see what you see (which is obvious). If it is possible for you, can you guide me in interpreting this? Just a hint should be fine, I will try to workout myself.

Thanks for the reply!

Warm Regards....

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