Will we eventually date?

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Post by DG65 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:57 pm

RishiRahul - Thank you for responding.  I have had no romantic relationship with Kenny at all.  I was wondering if we would ever be romantically involved.

So the answer is no - we will not eventually date.  That is what I interpreted but I didn't arrive there the same way you did.  In regards to Saturn - It is in the 6th house - does that relate to our working together as volunteers for baseball?  Or is it directly related to my insecurities?  Is it read as the 6th house or the 12th house from the 7th?

Is the Moon in the 11th house from 7th the reason this is a friendship as opposed to anything more?

I assume you looked at my natal chart for the timing questions.

You asked, "Did you relation start/flourish from end 2008 possible Nov."
Hmmm, I can't put my finger on what happened at that time.  I met him in March of 2008 and it is possible that we started talking more in November of that year.  However we didn't become close until June 2010.

You asked, "Also marriage, or its ordeals began from POST Sept 1999?"
I did indeed marry in September 1999 but it was short lived and a disaster!  That's a looooong story as my divorce was just finalized this year in July however we did not live as man and wife since 2001 and were "legally" separated during that time.

You state, "Ketu Vimshottari dasa started in mid March 2010, showing that the problem in some way started then"
What problem?  Related to Kenny who I questioned about or my ex-husband?  Is this from the horary or my natal?

I remember that Ketu represent one of the moons nodes from Vedic astrology. Rahu is the other right?  And that Ketu causes much grief!  Ughhh.  Can't remember the significance of Vimshottari dasa.  Can you eloborate?

Thank you!

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:17 pm

DG65 wrote:RishiRahul - Thank you for responding.  I have had no romantic relationship with Kenny at all.  I was wondering if we would ever be romantically involved.
RishiRahul=Everything is not told in Horary, but only the urge/questions at the query time.
It could be maximum sexual in the dark. Not romantic depending on Mars Venus synastry, or maximum Uranus.

So the answer is no - we will not eventually date.  That is what I interpreted but I didn't arrive there the same way you did.  In regards to Saturn - It is in the 6th house - does that relate to our working together as volunteers for baseball?  Or is it directly related to my insecurities?  Is it read as the 6th house or the 12th house from the 7th?
RishiRahul=The relation lasts  maximum TILL 2012; BUT NOT SURE. Palm prints and natal charts would absolutely confirm this.

Is the Moon in the 11th house from 7th the reason this is a friendship as opposed to anything more?
RishiRahul=Mars, Venus, Saturn conjunct in the 7th. signify hurt in any ROMANTIC endeavour in this relation.
The moon, kind of taking place in translation of light and rapt conjunction wars as moon in 4th and 5th. lord signifies friendship and sports could be supporting.

I assume you looked at my natal chart for the timing questions.
RishiRahul=I could have, but not in this forum, if I had access to your natal chart!!

You asked, "Did you relation start/flourish from end 2008 possible Nov."
Hmmm, I can't put my finger on what happened at that time.  I met him in March of 2008 and it is possible that we started talking more in November of that year.  However we didn't become close until June 2010.

You asked, "Also marriage, or its ordeals began from POST Sept 1999?"
I did indeed marry in September 1999 but it was short lived and a disaster!  That's a looooong story as my divorce was just finalized this year in July however we did not live as man and wife since 2001 and were "legally" separated during that time.
RishiRahul=This is reverse progression.

You state, "Ketu Vimshottari dasa started in mid March 2010, showing that the problem in some way started then"
What problem?  Related to Kenny who I questioned about or my ex-husband?  Is this from the horary or my natal?
RishiRahul=Obviously Horary.
Probably related to your present friend; or indirectly could be the previous one too. Not sure.

I am sure you would understand that Horary talks in riddles.

I remember that Ketu represent one of the moons nodes from Vedic astrology. Rahu is the other right?  And that Ketu causes much grief!  Ughhh.  Can't remember the significance of Vimshottari dasa.  Can you eloborate?
RishiRahul=Ketu is South node of moon.

Thank you!


P.S: you did not mention about the Saturn synastry.

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Post by DG65 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:35 pm

Few more comments for RishiRahul.

I guess the rules in horary are a bit different depending on who you study/follow and then there are those of you who have performed many and have developed your own techniques based on what has worked in the past.  As far as translation of light from moon.  Lilly says it must be within 6 minutes to be considered exact.  This is at 7 minutes.  I realize this is only 1 minutes past his suggested time but I believe that it is either is or it isn't.  The line must be drawn somewhere.  Also the translation of light is correct from my understanding:

Translation of light and nature is, when a light Planet (in this case the moon) seperates from a more weighty one (Mars), and presently joyns to another more heavy (Venus);

Collection of Light is where the more weighty planet comes in:

Matters are also brought to perfection, when as the two principall Significators doe not behold one another, but both cast their severall Aspects to a more weighty Planet then themselves, and they both receive him in some of their essential dignities.

Also can you clarify for the moon?  The moon is the co-signifactor of me.  Because of it's placement in the 5th from the 1st - does this represent my desire to pursue more with him?  And because of it's placement in the 11th from the 7th does this means he views me more as a friend?  I do not understand the relationship of the moon as Lord of the 4th in the 5th.  If this is representative of the end of the end of the matter - what siginificance does the 5th house have?  Also if it is turned, it would be 10th house would become the 4th?  Again what's the significance?  Is this where Saturn comes in to play?  Otherwise I see no signifcance to Saturn at all in this chart.  What am I missing?  Not sure what you mean to always look at Saturn.  It isn't a signaficator and doesn't aspect any of the signaficators or the co-significators.

I have also read that the 2nd house from the 1st is the future of the question.  Do you agree?  If so then the 2nd from the 1st is ruled by Venus and the 2nd from the 7th is ruled by Mars. Of course I have no idea how to interpret Venus and Mars to begin with so again....CONFUSED!

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Post by DG65 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:40 pm

LOL RishiRahul  -  Of course you do not have my natal chart as my time or location of birth are not indicated in my profile.  I actually had NO IDEA you could deem all of that just from an horary chart.  That is amazing!  I am very impressed. :)

Horary and Vedic are very foreign to me but I have much interest in the techniques.  It took me 13 years to learn (not master) Western Astrology - I may not live long enough to understand Horary and Vedic. :(

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Post by DG65 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:11 pm


How do you do palmistry over the net?  Interesting.  Would you be interested in reading mine?  With all of this information I am now very intrigued with what is in store for me in the near future with regards to a new relationship.  I will move on from worrying about a relationship with Kenny.  Doesn't seem that much good would come of it and I don't need any further heartache.  We are great friends and no need in ruining it.

Thank you again for all of your help.  I still am interested in learning Horary interpretation.  Perhaps trying to read a question for a freind would be more conducive to gaining that knowlege.

Thank you again!

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Post by DG65 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:10 pm

I am curious.  The reference to Saturn being on the 7th house cusps is 8 degrees away.  Lilly says an orb of 5 should be used.

Does anyone have input on the orbs they use...

RishiRahul on the Saturn in Synastry...My saturn squares his Moon (tight orb) and trines his Venus and Mars.  His Saturn squares my Jupiter.  UGH!  I hadn't looked at our synastry until you asked because I have become wary of making too many preconceived notions/decisions about any of my potential relationships.  I like to let free will prevail.

He has Saturn square his venus/mars conjunction and so do I.  My Saturn is in my 7th house and I am all too familiar with how that has affected my relationships.  The older I get the less it hurts me because I consciously choose to ignore those nagging tendancies.  BUT IT IS HARD AS HELL.
His moon is conjuct my Venus/Mars conjunction and mine is conjuct his Venus/Mars conjuction.  INTERESTING!  Our Venus Mars are inconjunct each other so it's recipricol. His Ascendant is in Libra conjunct my sun.  My Ascendant is in Leo and so is his sun but they are not conjunct.  His sun is in my 12th house.  We also have reciprocal mercury aspects.  All of my planets are at the bottom of my chart and his are at the top of his.  It's like a mirror .  Talk about Karma - scary stuff!

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Post by Airgon » Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:19 pm

DG65 - mostly I use 8 degrees on orbs but I will go
to 10 degrees if its obvious through planet in sign that
something is being described accurately.

Your first entry in this thread refers to this question,
as I read it, as a friendship that may deepen into
a closer connection.

Although analysis of the 7th house is interesting for
sure as the querant, it appears with the additional
information you provided that 11th house of
friendship is a possible but look at where the Sun
and Moon are ... Moon is in 5th, Sun is ruling
the 5th and is in the 2nd from the 5th ( 6th house )
so the future of the 5th so to speak..

Fifth house is about play and speculation --
would that not be a better fit than the 7th
house ? 7th is for established and openly
acknowledged relationships like marriage
or business or open enemies but open and
public exchange - this I would say is a
question dealing with the 5th.

So Querant is the first house and quesited
is the 5th - then go from there :)

Dont you think ? what is your opinion Rishi...

In any case a most enlightening analysis
Rishi ... always refreshing to read your

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Post by DG65 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:58 pm

Hi Airgon,

Okay I will give that a go!  ...and yes Rishi amazed me with his insight.  I think also since he saw my previous marriage in exactly the month and year through reversed progression of the 7th that you may be right, it isn't the appropriate house for this question.  That wasn't about Kenny, it was about my ex-husband.  I agree the 5th does support the question better.  I was trying really hard to stick with Lilly's rules to keep this simple for me but alas - nothing about astrology is simple is it?  :)

Thanks again everyone for your input.  I will post back my interp of house changes but I feel confident that this relationship is best left as friendship.  Hopefully our collective impending desire to merge set forth by the composite will be over-ridden by our own natal tendencies to resist relationships.  LOL - I couldn't resist looking further after viewing the synastry since this is my forte.  This has past debts written all over it... and I have paid enough of those in this lifetime or have I?  Free will doesn't always work when something is still owed or unfinished... YUCK!  BUT...maybe the friendship is the debt and that's what I prefer at this point.  It's certainly more comfortable and productive.


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Post by fensi88 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:10 pm

Where are querent significators there are querent interest regardnig the question. In other words it is simply describing the situation as per the querent's story.
So your significator Ma is in 7 house, so you are interested in possible relationship with him and co ruler Moon  is in 5 house, house of date and fan.
We see Moon translate the light from Ma, you to Ve, him, and as Ma is in conjunction with very fortunate fixed star Spica, in my opinion, that is Yes answer to your question.

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:18 pm

DG65 wrote:Few more comments for RishiRahul.

I guess the rules in horary are a bit different depending on who you study/follow and then there are those of you who have performed many and have developed your own techniques based on what has worked in the past.  As far as translation of light from moon.  Lilly says it must be within 6 minutes to be considered exact.  This is at 7 minutes.  I realize this is only 1 minutes past his suggested time but I believe that it is either is or it isn't.  The line must be drawn somewhere.  Also the translation of light is correct from my understanding:
RishiRahul= Horary astrology, as you guys follow is the Western thought. I follow the Eastern thought, and blend it with the Western.
It emerged in the East, and the West developed it, as there was more development there.   The fact is that thhe Eastern though is not yet well understood by the others.

Translation of light and nature is, when a light Planet (in this case the moon) separates from a more weighty one (Mars), and presently joyns to another more heavy (Venus);
RishiRahul= The concept of 'ithasala' is the main thing behind the concept of orbs.  
The concept of orbs are when action occurs. But what if the action/ orbs are about top occur in future.  But that asgain has its own limitations and exceptions.
I, through experience do not follow orbs strictly.

Collection of Light is where the more weighty planet comes in:

Matters are also brought to perfection, when as the two principall Significators doe not behold one another, but both cast their severall Aspects to a more weighty Planet then themselves, and they both receive him in some of their essential dignities.

Also can you clarify for the moon?  The moon is the co-signifactor of me.  Because of it's placement in the 5th from the 1st - does this represent my desire to pursue more with him?  And because of it's placement in the 11th from the 7th does this means he views me more as a friend?  I do not understand the relationship of the moon as Lord of the 4th in the 5th.  If this is representative of the end of the end of the matter - what siginificance does the 5th house have?  Also if it is turned, it would be 10th house would become the 4th?  Again what's the significance?  Is this where Saturn comes in to play?  Otherwise I see no signifcance to Saturn at all in this chart.  What am I missing?  Not sure what you mean to always look at Saturn.  It isn't a signaficator and doesn't aspect any of the signaficators or the co-significators.
RishiRahul= Moon is always a co significator; but to the extent that it shows the  question in mind at the time of query, and is related to the main event/answer.
Rightly as Airgon said the 5th. here would signify play, but also co curricular actitivities/love affair like things/sports.
Saturn in the 7th. house in Vedic horary means impediments in romantic relation... for which i thought of saturn synastry. If you ask why, its a feeling through experience, and due to vedic significators.
Dont understand the turning to be the 10th to the 4th.

I have also read that the 2nd house from the 1st is the future of the question.  Do you agree?  If so then the 2nd from the 1st is ruled by Venus and the 2nd from the 7th is ruled by Mars. Of course I have no idea how to interpret Venus and Mars to begin with so again....CONFUSED!
RishiRahul=Yes, it is aid to be so.
Actually the second house is our mouth/ the food we eat... or how our bodies and thus our minds and selves sustain.
So the second sustains the first house.  Imagine if the first house was not sustained, then what would have happened to the question?


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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:38 pm

DG65 wrote:RishiRahul - Thank you for responding.  I have had no romantic relationship with Kenny at all.  I was wondering if we would ever be romantically involved.
RishiRahul= I  know that very well. But the expectation?/ Romantically no. Sexual chances.. yes; but without romance.

So the answer is no - we will not eventually date.  That is what I interpreted but I didn't arrive there the same way you did.  In regards to Saturn - It is in the 6th house - does that relate to our working together as volunteers for baseball?  Or is it directly related to my insecurities?  Is it read as the 6th house or the 12th house from the 7th?
RishiRahul= Saturn in the 6th. is not good for relations here, and somehow i dont consider it too important; but that it 'could' remove differences in later life with him. But that if so would only be confirmed thru natal charts.
It could also be that that present insecurities could be removed later with time.

Is the Moon in the 11th house from 7th the reason this is a friendship as opposed to anything more?
RishiRahul= No. not in my reasoning.

I assume you looked at my natal chart for the timing questions.
RishiRahul= Did u give me the natal chart? Or am i am a mind reader??!!?

You asked, "Did you relation start/flourish from end 2008 possible Nov."
Hmmm, I can't put my finger on what happened at that time.  I met him in March of 2008 and it is possible that we started talking more in November of that year.  However we didn't become close until June 2010.

You asked, "Also marriage, or its ordeals began from POST Sept 1999?"
I did indeed marry in September 1999 but it was short lived and a disaster!  That's a looooong story as my divorce was just finalized this year in July however we did not live as man and wife since 2001 and were "legally" separated during that time.
RishiRahul= Your actual proper personal life began then (1999), and the troubles following...Reverse progressions in horary.

You state, "Ketu Vimshottari dasa started in mid March 2010, showing that the problem in some way started then"
What problem?  Related to Kenny who I questioned about or my ex-husband?  Is this from the horary or my natal?
RishiRahul= Maybe regarding Kenny. The query as I/we know is about Kenny.  I/we never knew that the ex husband was still alive in your horaryt/question/indirect question.   You should have said so before?

I remember that Ketu represent one of the moons nodes from Vedic astrology. Rahu is the other right?  And that Ketu causes much grief!  Ughhh.  Can't remember the significance of Vimshottari dasa.  Can you eloborate?
RishiRahul= Ketu= south node. Rahu= north node.

Thank you!

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Post by Airgon » Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:39 pm

Rishi, I am assuming that you used Vedic to resolve the question.

Don't Vedic houses present a little differently as compared to
the western house system ?

I recall vaguely in looking at some books that compare the two
in relation to Death and severe events that there are significant
differences in Vedic and Western house assignments especially
for prediction. Would this different interpretation of house make
a very valid argument for the use of the 7th house ?

In any case, 7th house has probably a lot to do with this style
of question ( romance maybe ? ) and especially in this chart
with the ruler of the querant in the 7th.

As usual, I concur with fensi that the answer is a yes...

It may be of real value to look at the synastry of the
two charts and each charts transiting Saturn, and progressed
aspects ( progressed Moon would be very interesting in
each chart ).

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:44 pm

DG65 wrote:LOL RishiRahul  -  Of course you do not have my natal chart as my time or location of birth are not indicated in my profile.  I actually had NO IDEA you could deem all of that just from an horary chart.  That is amazing!  I am very impressed. :)
RishiRahul= Eastern thought with Western thought with EXPERIENCE with feeling. I guess.    Thank you abundantly!!!!

Horary and Vedic are very foreign to me but I have much interest in the techniques.  It took me 13 years to learn (not master) Western Astrology - I may not live long enough to understand Horary and Vedic. :(
RishiRahul= Vedic horary and Western horary blends together in a Deeper meanings/results. Actually they are more than husbands and wifves.
It is unfortunate that their Souls are still separated and not allowed to join.
Which is onl;y possible with their knowledge blending.


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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:57 pm

DG65 wrote:RishiRahul,

How do you do palmistry over the net?  Interesting.  Would you be interested in reading mine?  With all of this information I am now very intrigued with what is in store for me in the near future with regards to a new relationship.  I will move on from worrying about a relationship with Kenny.  Doesn't seem that much good would come of it and I don't need any further heartache.  We are great friends and no need in ruining it.
RishiRahul= You are in Mysticboard, and you should see other forums in it too. The is the palmistry and the palmistry reading forum. I operate their too in predicting and moderating, as in this forum, but quite rarely.

Thank you again for all of your help.  I still am interested in learning Horary interpretation.  Perhaps trying to read a question for a freind would be more conducive to gaining that knowlege.
Link to Palmistry reading forum  =  

Below you will find my signature which directs you to my website, where you could read my palm predictions in MB in the success stories....... You will understand in these 2 linkshere how palms are read

Thank you again!

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:10 pm

Airgon wrote:DG65 - mostly I use 8 degrees on orbs but I will go
to 10 degrees if its obvious through planet in sign that
something is being described accurately.
RishiRahul=Yes very true. In a previous post in this thread today, I gave my understanding.

Your first entry in this thread refers to this question,
as I read it, as a friendship that may deepen into
a closer connection.

Although analysis of the 7th house is interesting for
sure as the querant, it appears with the additional
information you provided that 11th house of
friendship is a possible but look at where the Sun
and Moon are ... Moon is in 5th, Sun is ruling
the 5th and is in the 2nd from the 5th ( 6th house )
so the future of the 5th so to speak
RishiRahul=sports i think too.

Fifth house is about play and speculation --
would that not be a better fit than the 7th
house ? 7th is for established and openly
acknowledged relationships like marriage
or business or open enemies but open and
public exchange - this I would say is a
question dealing with the 5th.
RishiRahul=Did not follow.

So Querant is the first house and quesited
is the 5th - then go from there :)
RishiRahul=In terms of sports and play, I think. But the quesited should be the open challenge in the question.. the 7th./the partner in question.

Dont you think ? what is your opinion Rishi...
RishiRahul=Given above Sir/Ma'am.. I dont know which?   I have to do Horay for this??!

In any case a most enlightening analysis
Rishi ... always refreshing to read your
Thank you wonderfully Airgon; and its mutual


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