My love prospects

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My love prospects

Post by divinehelpneeded » Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:35 pm

This question has been going on in my mind for so long.
I am so much in love with a girl for last one year or so. She is a very good friend of mine. I even recently expressed my feelings, but she says she has a boyfriend. I am not sure if this is true or she is just trying to test me.
I still have the same feelings. What I want to know is, is she really the one I am going to still end up with getting married or I will marry someone else.
I think, in Horary astrology, a querent is not supposed to ask two questions, but I have many more questions. I cannot resist myself asking one more which is equally important and that is, when I am going to meet my life partner, with whom I will get married.

Oh yes, right now, I am in UK, Sheffield. Current time is 11:35 PM GMT (daylight). But I am from India. Please let me know if any more information is needed.

Thanks a lot. Please help me in getting my questions resolved. I am dying to know about this.

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Please answer!

Post by divinehelpneeded » Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:50 pm

Sorry to bother so much... I dont want to be seen as rude, but I am really desperate to know the answers. If possible, please spare some time to answer...

If you think I just joined recently and then immediately asked, let me tell you that I had been following the vedic section for atleast a year but recently could'nt keep up with it and then forgot my id and password. Hence I had to create a new one.

Please help...

Thanks again

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Post by Youdah » Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:33 pm

I can see from an horary chart that you have quite a lot of affection for her.  She is not the one, though.  I'm sorry.  Saturn is in the 5th house (romance) and saturn is usually a denying position or "no" position.  If I may advise?  In some circumstances, great love can be  one-sided, but it is not typical.  So, you must consider the possibility that you are projecting your perfect mate onto her, but these are attributes that she may not have in reality.  I suggest this as a possibility, because Neptune (a planet of self-delusion) is in opposition to the 5th house.  There is also a mars square pluto.  Be careful that you are not pressuring her.  This is not your mate.  I'm sorry.

The other question I cannot answer at this time since I "read" your first question as the horary question, and so there are no indicators in the chart for a second question at the same time.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:15 pm

Hi Youdah,

First of all, Thanks for the reply... I am really grateful for the answer. Many thanks for that.

Now finally my hopes should come to rest. Although I already knew that it's a no from her, but I was just thinking that God would not be so Harsh with me. He was not so in the past, so... I was also denying that in my mind because it is really hard to accept, isn't it?  :)  hmmm It's difficult to express what I am thinking...

If I may, can I ask my other question again? I know, I should not be greedy, but I can't help but ask. Would again be grateful to you!

Can you please find when I am going to meet my life partner, with whom I will get married? Hope I get happy atleast with her.

Yes, I would certainly follow what you are saying. Whatever comes my way, I have to accept, like it or not.

So, thanks again for your help.


P.S.: I am not sure asking how many questions is too much (not in one post, in total). I have so many on my mind, should I really ask, should I not... More of them now, after this reply. Can you suggest?

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By the way...

Post by divinehelpneeded » Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:25 pm

I re (and re, re...) read your reply. About the possibility that you said, do you mean I should consider a slight possibility that it may happen the way I would like it to be?

I am really sorry if I am wrong. I am just trying to find a small ray of light in the darkness... Please forgive me for the same.

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Post by Youdah » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:43 pm

As we talked through private messages, I believe this answer to be wrong.  You should ask the question again, start all over.  I used the Mystic Board clock as the "time" of the question.  Although I calculated the correct location, the time is most likely wrong because no adjustment was made for your LOCAL time.  In this case, it can make the answer very different, because a different time would shift Saturn into a different House.  A Saturn in the 4th or 6th House, while the other planets remained in the 5th house, would give a different interpretation to Saturn (and the "no" answer).

So rather than try to correct a bad reading, I'd suggest re-posting this question with an entirely different chart.

When there has been a mistake or bad reading, I like to review the chart to see what happened, and why, because this is also answered in the chart that was done.

There is Mercury opposed Neptune, with a retrograde Neptune.  Mercury is traveling with Venus, and Venus is the subject of this question.  In other words, Mercury represents communication, and Neptune can give a great deal of confusion in an opposition.  Uranus (which typically represents astrologers) is in the 12th house retrograde, giving more strength to 12th house or Neptunian tendencies in the chart.  So, now we know why this question, and this chart, wasn't going to be correct from the very beginning.

The bottom line: For some reason, it was the wrong time to ask, or the question could not be answered when you asked it.  Charts do not make mistakes, but astrologers do.

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Re: My love prospects

Post by RishiRahul » Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:38 am

divinehelpneeded wrote:Hi,
This question has been going on in my mind for so long.
I am so much in love with a girl for last one year or so. She is a very good friend of mine. I even recently expressed my feelings, but she says she has a boyfriend. I am not sure if this is true or she is just trying to test me.
I still have the same feelings. What I want to know is, is she really the one I am going to still end up with getting married or I will marry someone else.
I think, in Horary astrology, a querent is not supposed to ask two questions, but I have many more questions. I cannot resist myself asking one more which is equally important and that is, when I am going to meet my life partner, with whom I will get married.

Oh yes, right now, I am in UK, Sheffield. Current time is 11:35 PM GMT (daylight). But I am from India. Please let me know if any more information is needed.

Thanks a lot. Please help me in getting my questions resolved. I am dying to know about this.

Hi divinehelpneeded,

You should not pursue any love relations for the present. Did this relationship take a busier tone, or a confusing tone, since March 2008?

Did her attitude turn indecisive from around May 10th. 2008?

If the above is correct, then before early Sept 2008 is not the time to pursue relations AT ALL.

After August 2008 you will be in a new, positive mental make up building slowly towards relation with the opposite sex.

Even then you will equipped to take on relations after end Nov 2008.

A favorable climax would Oct/Nov 2009. One hint: Feb 2009 is the time for such an action.

Let end Aug to end Nov 2008 be the time for self observation.


P.S: Could I request to keep us informed about the developments, even if wrong? Or right?

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Your reply almost shocked me

Post by divinehelpneeded » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:04 pm

Hello RishiRahulji,

Frankly speaking, I was completely shocked by the reply. Not because of anything else, but it was because of what you said about the past. Although I knew and heard that things can be predicted pretty much close to the time, but it never happened to me though and never experienced myself.

The things you mentioned about march and may are perfectly correct, almost word to word. If giving some more information helps, I would like to say that from March, we started talking a lot. And on 8th May she said she has a boyfriend. But actually her attitude didn't change, it changed mine a lot. Or may be she was indecisive but not that I know of.

There is still something interesting in this reading. About early sept 2008, actually that's the time when I am coming back to India (where she is).

What I have not got clearly in this reading though is, have you seen any future for our relationship? I was a bit confused when you didn't mention anything about us together, so I thought you are talking about love relationship in general (can be with anyone else).

So if it is possible, can you please let me know if we are eventually going to get together or it is going to be some other relationship?

And also, if this is not too much to ask, can you please be just a little more specific about the various events you mentioned? Some of them sound a bit similar to me... So couldn't make out clearly what is going to happen.

Oh yes, most important thing... Thanks a Lot for doing a reading for me. And I really mean that. And yes, definitely, whatever happens, I will keep you posted, as soon as possible. That's a promise.

I know I am asking a lot of questions but you might as well know that how much close this matter is to me. I hope you understand.

Thanks a lot again...

Warm Regards...

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Re: Your reply almost shocked me

Post by Chaaya-Neeta » Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:25 pm

Simply wanted to express my admiration for RishiRahulji!


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Post by Youdah » Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:56 pm

Me, also!  Your readings are a pleasure to see RishiRahulji!  I will hope the querent keeps us informed!

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:02 pm

Yes, sure, obviously...

But that's what I earlier asked RishiRahulji, exactly what I have to expect... Actually I am not really clear about which relation he is talking about... Is it me and this girl or another girl.

So RishiRahulji... I still standing here... waiting for your reply!!!

And it's a promise, whenever something happens, will keep you posted... Hope this will be what I will like...


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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:26 am

Thank you guys for the wonderful appreciations!!!!  I was out of station and just returned to see this wonderful post of appreciations.

What I feel like telling you guys is that Astrology... and especially 'Vedic Astrology' is limitless with its Knowledge. But we have to have the patience, perseverance, scientific attitude, love of the people whose charts we meditate/concentrate in, to proceed and analyse.

I will get back on this thread, when I am reasonably free.

Thank you guys again.


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Post by divinehelpneeded » Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:02 pm

Hello RishiRahulji,

Yes, the things you said are true.

What's the use of the knowledge if it doesn't help other people? And I think that's where you guys are doing a humane cause, by using your knowledge, helping people like us giving support, a good advice and showing us the way of life. (Although these are heavy words, but the meaning still remains the same)...

I am not sure if I can attain this much knowledge, but if I do, I am planning to use it the same way as you do.


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Post by Youdah » Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:20 pm

There is always learning.  There is such a huge amount to know in astrology that there is never an end, even for those who are Masters.  I believe I have achieved a level of understanding so that I can help others.  Almost always someone needs an answer because they have some distress in their life.  RishiRahulji has much knowledge in Vedic astrology as well as knowledge of Western Astrology.  His knowledge is much more comprehensive than mine.  He can give answers as well as ways to heal.  I study a branch of Astrology called "humanistic" astrology, which is concerned with the cycles of human experience, and how the individual evolves in this lifetime through the spirit, and often how that relates to past and future lives.  In other words, I would try to heal the spirit and teach with my answers.  Presently, I am learning about the doshas and balancing the mind, body, and spirit.  Yet there is also medical astrology, mundane astrology, predictive astrology, composite astrology, etc., and many other more specialized branches of astrology.  So I am trying to say that we are all students, no matter how much, or how little, we know.

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Post by divinehelpneeded » Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:57 pm

:) True indeed...

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