Will I get this job?

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Will I get this job?

Post by sandyv63 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:31 pm

Back in July I Interviewed for a job as a buyer with a California city. They liked me but for whatever reason, I didn't get the job (I might have been viewed as overqualified because of my MBA.) Anyway, I found another buyer position with another, better California city and I want to know if I will get this job.  
This chart looks positive at first but I don't know... The 2 rulers are in aspect.   Jupiter (the job) in the 11th house is approaching to a trine to  Saturn (me) in the 7th house. The  is 1 degree and 4 seconds from being exact. Sounds great, right?  The  Moon trines both rulers so it seems so positive to me. But, Neptune is in the 1st house, 3 degrees and 12 minutes away from a conjunction to the ascendant.  I know Neptune isn't used in horary generally, but you never know. The good news is that Neptune receives 3 trines.

Then, Saturn is in the 7th house! I just read that according to Lilly, Saturn in the 7th house can mean that the astrologer does not interpret the chart correctly. Would that apply to me (the querent) since I am trying to interpret it? Would this diminish the grand trine between the three rulers (Saturn, Jupiter  and the Moon )?  I don't know what to make of this chart.
Thank you all for your help!
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Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:16 pm

A saturn in the 7th house means that you can't be objective about doing the reading.  If it's a reading for yourself, that's why.  There are exceptions to this rule, but I wouldn't advise reading the 7th house saturn in any other way until you are VERY experienced with horary astrology.  It still trips me up, when I consider myself a "professional" astrologer, so a beginner should always read a 7th house saturn as indication that the chart shouldn't be read.

When doing a reading for yourself, aquarius on the first House cusp (rising sign) has the same meaning as a 7th house saturn.  So even if saturn was placed elsewhere in the chart, you still have indication that this chart shouldn't be read by yourself for yourself.  Neptune (the planet of self-delusion) is in the 1st house (YOU) conj asc.  I think this says also that you can't be objective reading this chart!

There are several "strictures against judgement" or certain chart placements when doing a horary chart that always tell the reader that something is wrong, or that the chart shouldn't be read.  Horary uses many of the same meanings of astrology, but it is an art within astrology that has certain rules that must be followed if an accurate reading is to be given.  You should become familiar with these if you intend to do horary readings, for yourself or anyone else!  

Another problem is that your significators are in the via combusta position (venus and mercury).  That attaches some misfortune or inauspicious meaning to the chart.  Beware of any planet that is in via combusta.  If a significator, or planet or asteroid relevent to the question in via combusta, it is a placement that "debilitates" that planet and any meanings to that significator.  In combination with the 7th house saturn in this chart, the reading should not be done, as so I must decline.

This is an interesting chart, because your comments and the indications in the chart show very clearly why this chart should not be read by anyone.  Although I haven't gone into each individual thing, there are several other indications here that show it is a chart that should not be read. It is a good example of a "no read" chart.


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Post by sandyv63 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 10:47 pm

Thank you for your interpretation. I have had no success with this job hunt and I don't understand why. I am qualified with a good education. I feel like something is purposefully blocking me and I am very frustrated. When I saw the grand trine I thought it was too good to be true because nothing has been going well. Now I see I was right. I feel like I will never get out of this lousy town and all I have to show for my hard work is a useless degree and lots of debt. I am tired of waiting. It's been about 18 months now.

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Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:22 pm

I'd be happy to do a reading for you.  However, I would suggest that you post in the western astrology reading forum, since finding the problem is not appropriate for a horary question...but a full look into the natal.


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Post by sandyv63 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:52 pm

Thank you! I have posted in the forum you suggested. I appreciate your help.

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