When will I get a job in California?

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When will I get a job in California?

Post by sandyv63 » Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:07 pm

I am still trying to get out of Florida and find work in California. I have been asking about particular jobs but it just occured to me that what I really want to know is when I will find a job in California. So here is the chart.

The traditional way of doing horary would have Saturn as my ruler (Aquarius rising) and Jupiter as the ruler of the quesited (Sag on the MC.) They are in an applying trine so this chart would look good for a quick resolution but then I noticed the Moon applying to a square to Neptune, never a  good thing, and the first house is intercepted! Gawd, how did I manage that?  But if we are going to consider the Moon square to Neptune then we have to use Uranus as my ruler and Jupiter is applying to a sextile to Uranus, although Uranus is still rx. Maybe this indicates a faster resolution since both are approaching one another? They are in favorable aspect, 6 degrees apart. Maybe 6 weeks, or 6 months until I get the new job? Oh but wait, there's that pesky Saturn in the 7th house again, intercepted no less.  :smt013  So I suppose this chart is unreadable, and once again I am left without an answer because for some strange reason the universe doesn't want me to know.  :smt018
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Re: When will I get a job in California?

Post by Rhutobello » Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:43 pm

sandyv63 wrote: because for some strange reason the universe doesn't want me to know.  :smt018
Be glad......if it was that easy....where would all the fun be?...where would the surprise be?....where would the competition be? where would we find our excitement? our initiative?

We would only pay 300$ and get our self a  Astro program, and see it all! :)

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Post by sandyv63 » Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:46 pm

And having such a program would be a bad thing?

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:02 pm

Nope....not if we are God.....but maybe he don't need it :)

I myself have employees....I need people who believe in them self, and by that can take a speedy decision, and who can work towards a goal.

I am not an USA based company....and from what I understand so are they more eager on self discipline...the ability to work fast...to get the job done.

The more we want to get finish solution from sources outside our self, the less confident we get in our self....the slower we are able to make decisions.

I am not saying that it is bad to ask for a reading...or advice...but if we have started and follow it up, in order to be further controlled....well then in my opinion it will be a "Bad thing" because each time you ask....you "downgrade" yourself.....you don't trust yourself....you start to trust the reading...or question it...but what happen to you....you wait and see if it happen....you don't work with a goal to let it happen.

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Post by sandyv63 » Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:33 pm

Yeah, I definitely like to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible. I suppose it comes with being ambitious.  I have been trying to get a job in California for over 18 months and I am plain frustrated. Usually an answer can be found through astrology but it seems astrology is avoiding me right now. It is difficult to be optimistic when all efforts for 18+ months remain fruitless. I generally do not lack confidence. I really believed I would find a job quickly.  I think it woud be more accurate to say I am frustrated. I am not patient and 18 months is way too long for me to be looking for a job. I can't stay here in Florida because there are no jobs where I am. The salary at my current job is terrible and I am having a difficult time getting by.  I have to go to the job because it isn't coming to me. The problem is that this job is playing hard to get and I don't like that game. I have worked hard to complete my MBA and now I want to find a job where I can use my education (and get paid enough to start paying off all those student loans!) I realize this would be much easier if  I actually lived in California but I don't have the finances to move there without having a job first. I have not lost sight of the goal and I still think I will get to California. If I am still determined after 18 months, it isn't very likely that I have lost confidence or changed my goal. I just want to know when the job will realize it has to surrender to me, hehehe.

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Post by Youdah » Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:44 am

What rationale are you using to say that Saturn is the significator, or you?

And why are you using Jupiter for the quesited?

You say this is the "traditional" way of doing a horary.  But, it doesn't seem to match-up with how I would do a reading on this chart.  Please explain your sources, reasoning, etc.  

I would use the first house to be you.  This would include pisces and Uranus, since they are in the first house.
Jobs/employees are always 6th house, so would include the sign of Leo.
The state of California is ruled by Leo.  (If preference for northern or southern California, the significator would change).  Since no planets in Leo, I'd pull the sun into the reading (for Leo).
The outcome of the question is governed by the moon.  In this case, 9th house Scorpio.
The angles between these things, and only these things, would give answer.

Anything else than above, just gives a little more information about the answer, but does not give THE answer.

With a major significator, Uranus, currently retrograde, this means (depending on all the aspects considered):
- this placement debilitated
- outcome may turn out to be undesirable or disadvantageous
- action should be postponed until Uranus turns direct
- a return to a former condition
- someone, possibly yourself, will have a change of mind about this question
- someone pertinent to the question is unavailable or will not answer

Some astrologers believe that a retrograde mercury has an unfavorable meaning to the entire chart even if not a significator.  Some simply say that this is a question, or the outcome, should be postponed until mercury turns direct again.

You prefer to read the charts yourself, so I won't do a reading of your chart.  But, instead, I am giving my opinion on "how" to read it, because I have no idea why you are pulling in Jupiter and Saturn into the reading.  I don't see them as relevant.


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Post by sandyv63 » Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:59 pm

As per Lilly, the ruler of the first house is the ruler of the quesitor and the ruler of the house pertaining to the question is the ruler of the quesited. This is a career question so I use the 10th house. That's how I get my significators. The Moon is a co-significator. If there are any planets in either house, they must also be considered. However, in traditonal horary, only the first 6 planets and the Moon are considered. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are ignored. I understand there are various methods used for horary and I don't claim to know which better, correct, more insightful, etc. I am just trying to learn.

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Post by Youdah » Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:18 pm

OK, I can see if you use 10th house as job, instead of 6th, then you would use Jupiter.  However, I didn't see it as a career question, since you didn't ask about your career, but "when you would get a JOB in California?"  I use 10th for reputation, one's career (after established), how others see you out in the world, for matters outside the home, etc.  I wouldn't use 10th for "career" except in general or once established.  Not while hunting or hoping for a job.

I use Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius rather than saturn.  Saturn is only a secondary ruler for Aquarius.  If you think about this, it makes more sense.  Aquarians are not staid, solemn, traditional, careful, long-planning, etc., like a Capricorn/Saturn.  Aquarians are revolutionaries, trying new things, ahead of their time, going against the status quo, etc....and this is more like Uranus.

Also, when asking a question about a specific PLACE, it is necessary to include the rulership for that place into the reading!  This necessarily pulls in the Sun/Leo as California is ruled by this sign (except southern California which is ruled by Cancer).

Another issue is that this is a "time" question.  In your description in the first posting, I did not see you taking into consideration any "time" placements.

Another thing that you should keep in mind is that saturn is in the 7th house...again.  When doing horary, whoever is reading the chart has the 7th house position, even if doing a reading for yourself.  With saturn in the 7th, when someone else is doing the reading, or when doing it for yourself, it always means that you can't be objective (or another stricture against judgment).  As I said previously, there are some exceptions, but they are few and reading a horary chart with a 7th house saturn must be done very carefully, preferably not at all.  If you read it at all, the answer is, "no" or "not yet," or "not at this time."  (Horary is limited to 3-6 month before a question should be asked again...so if I read this chart with the 7th H. Saturn, I would read this chart as meaning you would not get a job in California during the next 3-6 months...or I would tell you to wait until Uranus/Mercury turn direct and have returned to their original positions before they turned retrograde, before asking this question again.  Ironically, whether waiting for 3-6 months or until Uranus is back to its original position, the time frame is the same).

Also, with Aquarius on the 1st H. cusp, this is a situation unique to doing a horary reading for yourself.  This has the same meaning as a 7th H. saturn.  When doing a reading for yourself, with both placements saying the same thing (the chart telling your twice), it is emphasized that you can't be objective doing a reading for yourself...or some other stricture against judgment.

You might consider that the difficulties/confusion you are having about what houses to properly use, what planets rule what, this may be the exact "stricture against judgment" that the chart is warning you about...NOT that the "universe doesn't want me to know."  A problem of technique, not an unwillingness for the universe to answer your question.

Yes, learning can take several lifetimes, I think, with astrology!  This is why I liberally share what little I've learned by discussion of my reasons in all readings.  It certainly isn't the easiest method for getting a reading, but usually the most accurate, IMHO.

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Post by sandyv63 » Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:58 am

I thought California was a Virgo state. Regardless, if we go by your interpretation, we would need to use Cancer, or the Moon, as the ruler of the place as Orange County is southern California. I use the 10th house because I am passed the stage in my career where I am merely looking for any job. I am looking for a job that is in line with my education and experience. I won't move there for just a 'job.' However, what other word should I use to convey what I am looking for? Regardless, it is all a mute point as Saturn is occupying the 7th house. I suppose the opportunity will come when it comes.

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Post by Youdah » Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:33 am

I understand your reasoning, I just don't see it working for you.  You post your horary charts because you can't figure out the answer.  Rightfully, you point out that you have little experience and that you're trying to learn.  But, then, when I give you feedback about your methods, or point out errors, you want to stay to your own methods that only give you frustration and no answers at all.  I leave you to it, Sandy.

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