Horary for Lost Item

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Horary for Lost Item

Post by hodad » Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:55 pm

Hi I was wondering if you could help me in looking for a lost item.It is an old photograph of my father when he was a young man.I took it out of a photo album about six months ago and was going to frame it but put it down somewhere and now I can't find it.It was in the kitchen last time I had it and I may have put it in between the pages of a book or on a shelf,maybe in a cupboard??  Or it could be in the room where I took it out of the photo album,which is right next to the kitchen.I have a lot of books and miscellaneous papers in the kitchen so it could be tucked in between them somewhere. I'm pretty sure it is in the kitchen somewhere because I didn't take it anywhere else as far as I know.I don't have many pictures of my father so I would love to find it. I have been looking everywhere for it but no luck so far. It might seem trivial but this item has a lot of meaning for me.
  The time I cast the chart was-- April 28, 2009 at 1:50 am in Tiburon California--Pacific Standard Time.
  If there are any other details that would help please let me know--Thanks very much--

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Post by fensi88 » Fri May 01, 2009 4:23 pm

There are several indications that photo will be found so keep search!
Ruler of lost item is in angular house  shows that it is near its owner, and suggests a quick recovery. Ruler is in fixed sign and that means to look  near the earth, well hidden, or on level ground. Ruler is in Aq sign (western astrology) and that means lost item can be in or near a built-in device or equipment, a shelf or a closet that is not part of the house, near electrical appliances, radios, televisions, in a TV room with stereo equipment, near a  telephone area, close to a meter panel or fuse box, close to a light in a room  that has been remodeled or modernized, an additional room with modern  furniture, part of the house that was in the original structure, in rooms upstairs, near a drafty window, planning or drafting room  or a room with barely comfortable furniture.
Ruler in 1st house means lost item is  usually where the person who owns . This house represents the place where the querent spends the most time, also the entry hall, front porch, front door and windows of a house.
Also check out in wearing  things. Look also near "things" of glass, mirror,   photographic equipment,  places where you keep tobacco, alcohol or medicine things for healing techniques.  

Direction: east
Near colour: red, blue, indigo

POF is in 2nd house in Pi. Pi means to look at bathroom, kitchen or bedroom, near aquariums or  religious areas at home,  also check out at dark rooms with cold damp floors.
Check out also at storeroom or larder, cloakroom or wardrobe, room next to the entrance.

Look also where money or precious things are kept; in some sort of safety box.

Direction: north by east
Near colour: white, sea green

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Post by Airgon » Mon May 25, 2009 3:37 am

Asc 16:13 - not too early or late

Querant ruler is Uranus ( 1st House Aquarius ) not retrograde
Quesited is Saturn ( 12 house capricon ) retrograde so possibility of return.

Should be primarily ona  West line or possibly a east line but associated
with some sort land or fertile garden even bewhind a flower pot or inside
a garge within a multiplcation factor of 2.4 so 2.4 feet or 24 feet
or 240 feet kind of approach :)

THis should take some time to find either 3 days or 3 weeks.

Should be associated with other items of a n intimate family
nature possibly other fotos but could be keys , trinkets memrobelia...

Let me know how it goes

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