Will I get called for the job?

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Will I get called for the job?

Post by HandsomeVersue » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:43 am

So I had a job interview last month for a company that I have been waiting to work for in a long time. Will I get the job? Below is my Horary chart.

Time- 8:43 PM
Date- September 09, 2011
Location- California
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Post by Airgon » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:38 pm

Hi HandsomeVersue,

Is this a job which has a career potential ?
Or is this a project or contract style working ?


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Post by HandsomeVersue » Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:15 pm

Hi Airgon,

This job has career potential and it is a permanent position with limited hours.

I was scheduled for interview in Vacaville, California at 9:30 AM but was actually interviewed at 10:00 AM.

I am also trying to get a clear picture of my long-term potential within this company from my Natal Chart below. Thank you for any help/advice you can dispense!
NatalChart.gif (51.99 KiB) Viewed 4801 times

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Post by Airgon » Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:48 pm

ok... took me a little bit to sort what is what is what is what is where here...

So just to clear my mind ( and confirm what I am seeing ) when you say

"This job has career potential and it is a permanent position with limited hours."

essentially they are giving an offer of limited hours to see how you do with
relatively unsophisticated approach to work and then if that goes well there
is the door open to a career position or longer hours and working directly
for their profit and not just as you start as more of a "worker bee" ?

I say this because with Capricorn on the 10th house of career we see Saturn
in the 6th house of "worker"... not for example in a finance or planning house
and Mars is in the fourth house of foundations as in you are set to create
and be limited to only limited end working ...

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Post by HandsomeVersue » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:22 pm


Thanks for your help.

They are offering me a permanent position with limited but flexible hours (as long as it doesn't exceed 1,500 hours per calendar year) to fit within their budget. The company has been hard to get into because of the recession but provides a stable opportunity once in. I figured it would be easier to apply "from within the company" once the door is opened...

And of course, this will be all dependent on the alignment of my stars. I would be fine with limited-end woking for an entry-level as I have been kind of "unemployed"  since college, not fully independent from my parent's yet because I still live with them. It has just been tough! (I commute to work on an  on-call basis... not the job I have thought of having).

What do you see in my Natal Chart with advancing for a Permanent-Full Time position for this company in the long term (with regards to synastry of my personality, attitude, etc.)?

Lately, I have been feeling the effects of Sun squareing pluto in 11th and 2nd houses and I am not really sure how to deal with the effects with the other planets in the houses as a whole. Any insights/advice would be appreciated!

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Post by Airgon » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:47 pm

Thanks for your expansive reply...
By defining the question we can see or rather I can see
the houses involved... this approach yields success in horary.

Ok so the initial question was "Will I get the job?"
but now you are saying "They are offering me a permanent
position with limited but flexible hours (as long as it doesn't
exceed 1,500 hours per calendar year) to fit within their budget."

Does this mean they have offered the position and you have
indicated acceptance but they have yet to confirm their offer ?

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Post by HandsomeVersue » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:59 pm

Airgon wrote:
Does this mean they have offered the position and you have
indicated acceptance but they have yet to confirm their offer ?
They have offered the position through an "Inquiry" they sent me in the mail. I replied with my application/resume and have interviewed with them on Thursday, August 11, 2011. I am currently waiting for their response whether I am hired for the position based on the outcome of my interview.

I have indicated my interest but I am still awaiting for them to officially confer me the job (after much evaluation in their part) through the telephone.

So the Horary Question is:
Upon applying, interviewing and doing the necessary legal paperwork in their part...

1) Will I eventually get the job I applied for?
2) And will I be given the opportunity for advancement if hired?

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Post by Airgon » Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:58 pm

Yes you will eventually get the job.

But eventual is the key idea here...
Jupiter rules the 9th and 12th houses and is in your 1st house as a co-ruler
indicating that you are willing to learn ( 9th ) and the control of how
your past skills  ( 12th ) can benefit you ( Moon applies sextile to Asc )...
all this seen and understood by the company ( ruled by Saturn ) as there is
a sextile to the North Node of the eventual destiny of this question.

The career side of the question is signified by Saturn - in the 6th of
day-to-day work ( controlled hours ) displaced by Venus in the 6th
as well... Mercury rules the 6th in the 5th house of taking a chance
or betting on you but Mercury being in the 5th house - the turned 12th
of the 6th - that the work itself will create the demand for you
and control eventual career ... Mercury also opposes the Moon
in the 12th of the companies profits - their profits required before
a move to a career position. This will be delayed as Mercury
squares the 8th house of their available funds for your career
based hire. Mercury has a trine to the Ascendant showing their
oppurtunity to take you in as a hourly worker.

You are signified as Mars with a square to the Ascendant reflecting
your determination to eventually succeed in gaining a position with
a sextile to Venus in the 6th which rules the 7th... they have attention
on you but fixed nature of Mars square to the Asc will take
some availablity and willingness on your part while they build
the profits. You as Mars are involved with their money as
Mars rules the 8th, and  Mercury squares eighth cusp indicating
confirming delay.

They will make you an offer with eventual career possibility but
this question has delay and difficulty... positive, without question,
as long as you can present loyalty to their profit based goals.

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Post by fensi88 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:00 pm

I do not see you will get the job.
You are Ma nad Moon , job is Sa, we do not have applying aspect between the rulers, and Moon is VOC, so the answer is No.

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Post by HandsomeVersue » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:31 am

Thank you Airgon :). I PM'd you...

Airgon wrote:Yes you will eventually get the job.

But eventual is the key idea here...
Jupiter rules the 9th and 12th houses and is in your 1st house as a co-ruler
indicating that you are willing to learn ( 9th ) and the control of how
your past skills  ( 12th ) can benefit you ( Moon applies sextile to Asc )...
all this seen and understood by the company ( ruled by Saturn ) as there is
a sextile to the North Node of the eventual destiny of this question.
They will make you an offer with eventual career possibility but
this question has delay and difficulty... positive, without question,
as long as you can present loyalty to their profit based goals.

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