RLS Restless Leg Syndrome

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RLS Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by ohcowgirl » Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:47 am

I have always had a problem with RLS...That's where your legs decide they want to dance...and the rest of you wants to sleep...and the legs always win...

I have found that Hylands for Leg Cramps works pretty well. It has quinine which is banned pretty much in the US for OTC...and probably shouldn't be taken without a doctor's ok...but it works for me. I haven't found anything else that works this well.

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Post by drdeoshlok » Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:57 am

Try Nat Mur 1M WEEKLY ONE DOSES FOR A MONTH. i.e. 4 doses

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:31 am

I take magnesium for muscular cramps which I get often.  Best to be taken with calcium and they are often found together in a pill.  Also many find comfort from RLS by taking Valerian at night before bed, it is a light calmative (used for sleep) and it also is great for muscular cramps etc.

If you are drinking coca cola then this wont be helping at all and not due to the caffeine alone but it strips magnesium form your body leaving it vulnerable to more cramps etc.

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Post by Darkfire » Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:31 am

RLS is a strange affliction. If you ever took pain killers you might have gotten it from the detox. Hylands is good stuff. Tonic water with Quinine is good too. Pain Killers like vicoden have been used for it. I haveit pretty bad, but the restless part puts me to sleep,  but can keep my poor partner awake. It bothers other people more than me. Your diet plays a big role in this, the balance of calcium, potassium and magnesium is key, those electrolytes really mean things.  Exercise is very good, even just a walk.  What can I say it feels better to move, yah caffeine is bad for RLS in a big way.

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Post by goodbot » Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:41 pm

There's been a very good "expose" recently (maybe since this item was originally posted?) that "restless leg syndrome" is essentially an artificial malady (one of a cascade of similar artificial maladies approved by the medical establishment over the past few years) to help prescribe and sell establishment pharmaceuticals.  (Maybe this was on "60 Minutes" on CBS Sunday.)  Obviously, however, if you truly suffer from something resembling the symptom picture portrayed in the TV ads for these drugs... you've got an ailment needing help (whatever we call it)... right?

All of these various suggestions sound palliatively useful, perhaps innocuous... except of the fellow recommending that you take a very powerful dose of Nat Mur 1m 4 times for a month... In homeopathy, this is a powerful "high potency" dosage... One should never take such powerful dosage's unless under the direct (sit-down-person-to-person) supervision of a professional homeopathic practitioner.  No professional homeopathic practitioner would ever "prescribe" such a remedy and dosage on the basis of your very briefly described symptom picture...

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Post by amcresume » Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:45 pm

I take soma which seems to help.  Not sure if it's because it puts me to sleep or is actually working to relax the muscles.  I have to be careful of what I take because of a liver cancer diagnosis 5 years ago.  The problem with the magnesium and calcium blend, is my body already stores too much calcium and not enough potassium.  Yikes, I'm a mess.  What is Hyland's???

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Re: RLS Restless Leg Syndrome

Post by chrisdee » Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:11 am

ohcowgirl wrote:I have always had a problem with RLS...That's where your legs decide they want to dance...and the rest of you wants to sleep...and the legs always win...

I have found that Hylands for Leg Cramps works pretty well. It has quinine which is banned pretty much in the US for OTC...and probably shouldn't be taken without a doctor's ok...but it works for me. I haven't found anything else that works this well.
I would suggest like many others on here that you look at your diet ,i to suffer with jumping legs not always when i wont to sleep but just when i sit and rest
after years of this i know now what starts mine
to much coffee (the occasional one is ok)
chocolate (i can get away with eating it during the day as long as I'm active)never eat after tea
the worst culprit i found was a snickers bar before bed that horrible feelings in my legs went in the muscles all over my body :smt010

after reading posts on here i am going to look into magnesium deficiency so although i didn't start this post thank you everyone :smt007

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Post by Kath » Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:35 am

I have suffered from the symptoms of RLS for many, many years; even before it was given a medical acronym.  I agree with the comment about this bothering my hubby if and when I finally can go to sleep.  However, I have found that many times I can "fool" my legs.  When I get that feeling that I have ants crawling on me, or I find that I have itchy places that just seem to move around my legs, I take a dry bath puff and rub all over my legs.  This seems to stimulate all the skin at the same time.  I can usually relax after that. :smt015

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