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Re: The Magic School Bus!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:05 am

[quote="rohiniranjan"][quote="Nandini"]I would say it is the protagonist, the child, who is experiencing THE DAY.


BINGO on the nativity!

Still missing is the astrological indicator that we were seeking!

Not Lagna :-(

too obvious, 'm afraid...[/quote]

I think, Nandini, that the child in the story is lagnesh! You were close but drifted for a second from planets to houses! :-)

If this were a slightly more advanced story, say for the elder brother (!), then I would even say that one should consider the two indicators, lagnesha planet and the atmakaraka planet.

You see, the child has two aspects in this story! The child changes and yet the child remains unchanged. Each of us in essence have both facets throughout life, the child (sometimes called the inner child that never grows but remains the observer) and the outer persona that grows (the participant).

Please understand this is not coming from any classical tradition or extensive research as some people on this thread are hopefully inadvertantly drifting into, which is sad! What a way to destroy a child's story or a story about the child! :-)

I have always been very taken by the very concept of mid-points. The concept that indicates that between two particles lies a point where the energy field that connects the two particles is balanced, representing a null-point in a magnetic field from our school day experiments in physics. A point which is energetically-speaking (or forcefield if that is more your kind of thing) right where the two magnetic poles are exactly balanced, and a perfect magnetic equillibrium exists or really the point where no magnetism exists!

Modern physics is telling us that particles are connected through subtle energy fields and through these fields receive the information that tells them their place in the universe and also inform them about what else is changing in the universe.

In astrology which in a sense strikes a similar chord, perhaps a null-point to be observed and examined and followed-up is the point between the lagnesha and atmakaraka...

Hopefully, food for thought


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Post by rajitha » Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:13 pm

  You are right about learning the D-1 interpretation but even fundamentals are very important.

As far as I know, you have to look at the Divisional charts based on some promise in the natal chart.

You also have to look at the significations from Asc and Moon and finally arrive at a picture.

That is why prediction is so difficult and takes a lot of effort and a little bit of intuition.

Regarding SJC, I myself was lost when I saw their method. All the time, I learnt about planets, placements, etc but when I read some of their articles about Arudha pada and Argalas, I found myself wondering how and what they were? A million questions sprang in my mind and I also vexed some people here with my questions like Vivekji and Rishirahulji.
In SJC, I learnt about many new concepts like tithi pravesha or progressions. That is a fantastic concept and I applied it to some charts and found good results.

I feel that if you need some general on-the surface facts, basic charts and interpretation is enough but if you want to go deeper, you need many more tools.

But, I totally agree with you that you must first be proficient with the basics before going about learning the other tools.

Thanks for the various inputs you have given.

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:56 pm

rajitha wrote:Kiran,
  You are right about learning the D-1 interpretation but even fundamentals are very important.

As far as I know, you have to look at the Divisional charts based on some promise in the natal chart.

You also have to look at the significations from Asc and Moon and finally arrive at a picture.

That is why prediction is so difficult and takes a lot of effort and a little bit of intuition.

Regarding SJC, I myself was lost when I saw their method. All the time, I learnt about planets, placements, etc but when I read some of their articles about Arudha pada and Argalas, I found myself wondering how and what they were? A million questions sprang in my mind and I also vexed some people here with my questions like Vivekji and Rishirahulji.
In SJC, I learnt about many new concepts like tithi pravesha or progressions. That is a fantastic concept and I applied it to some charts and found good results.

I feel that if you need some general on-the surface facts, basic charts and interpretation is enough but if you want to go deeper, you need many more tools.

But, I totally agree with you that you must first be proficient with the basics before going about learning the other tools.

Thanks for the various inputs you have given.

Dear Rajitha,

The above was a superb quote and explanation. You are on the perfect track. Am in Toronto now and am very busy.I may even extend my stay by a week, not sure. I will get back to your question on return to India about health.


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Post by rajitha » Fri Dec 14, 2007 2:58 pm

Thanks Rishiji.
Hope you are having a nice time in Toronto. Must be very cold by now.

Is the picture in your signature your son's ?

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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:52 pm

rajitha wrote:Thanks Rishiji.
Hope you are having a nice time in Toronto. Must be very cold by now.

Is the picture in your signature your son's ?

Hi Rajitha,

Toront is getting colder everyday. Day after tomorrow would be -11 celcius. Having a busy time, but always making some time for board moderation. I love the hail and snow...a departure from the usual. The white expanse of snow is very refreshing.

My younger son' photo it is. He is a better picture of me. Absolutely pure in thought. Always open to receive postive signals.

Will return to New York around Dec 3rd. Didn't u join the classes yet? Joining it gives you the license to discuss in the learning forum (Under Mystic Academy).



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Re: The Magic School Bus!

Post by Nandini » Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:27 pm

rohiniranjan wrote:
rohiniranjan wrote:
Nandini wrote:I would say it is the protagonist, the child, who is experiencing THE DAY.

BINGO on the nativity!

Still missing is the astrological indicator that we were seeking!

Not Lagna :-(

too obvious, 'm afraid...
I think, Nandini, that the child in the story is lagnesh! You were close but drifted for a second from planets to houses! :-)

If this were a slightly more advanced story, say for the elder brother (!), then I would even say that one should consider the two indicators, lagnesha planet and the atmakaraka planet.

You see, the child has two aspects in this story! The child changes and yet the child remains unchanged. Each of us in essence have both facets throughout life, the child (sometimes called the inner child that never grows but remains the observer) and the outer persona that grows (the participant).

Please understand this is not coming from any classical tradition or extensive research as some people on this thread are hopefully inadvertantly drifting into, which is sad! What a way to destroy a child's story or a story about the child! :-)

I have always been very taken by the very concept of mid-points. The concept that indicates that between two particles lies a point where the energy field that connects the two particles is balanced, representing a null-point in a magnetic field from our school day experiments in physics. A point which is energetically-speaking (or forcefield if that is more your kind of thing) right where the two magnetic poles are exactly balanced, and a perfect magnetic equillibrium exists or really the point where no magnetism exists!

Modern physics is telling us that particles are connected through subtle energy fields and through these fields receive the information that tells them their place in the universe and also inform them about what else is changing in the universe.

In astrology which in a sense strikes a similar chord, perhaps a null-point to be observed and examined and followed-up is the point between the lagnesha and atmakaraka...

Hopefully, food for thought

The Lagnesh or the Atmakarak, would be one of the grahas already mentioned in the story. Wondering what new understanding that could bring in.

If the Lagnesh is Mars, then the child would be fascinated by the bus and how it works and consider the driver as his hero. The bus ride would perhaps be the best time of the day for him.

If the Lagnesh is Venus, then all day in school the child would be looking forward to entertainment time.

If the Lagnesh is Mercury, then the child would go to school reading in the bus, come back reading in the bus and during entertainment time be busy reading ....

Very different experiences of the same day with the same events.

Though we are using the term Atmakarak all the time, I think most of us can hardly differentiate it from the Lagnesh. Your presenting it as the child in us that remains a child, a sattwik, an observer, is a seed.

Wondering how the day will change if Mars is the Atmakarak.


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Post by asro » Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:40 pm

Hi Nandini ji !!

first of all i am sorry to you and Rohiniji too .. to just butt in like this ... but some how could not refrain my self [Mars atmakarka:-) ]

i do no  posses knowkedge or exp as you do , but for sure from what i  have learnt , i  separate the Lagnesh and the atmakarak. just for eg , i have Jup as lagnesh and Mars as my atmakarak. Now so by lagnesh i shuld have been more sattwik and religious etc.. but unfortunaltey i am not (as much as Jup expects me to be) but contrary i m quite aggressive , i do have strong liking for mechnical stuff (as matter of fact i chose it for my  engg), i have always loved cars and idolized drivers (if pilots count in ) .. etc .. This was just a simple glimpse to stress on that the lagnesh and Atmakarak do are diff and act  their subtlities with time.

as for the day changing for me ... i bet .. it all starts with energy (which i am never void of ) and remains thru out the day in terms of curiosity (to learn), anxiety (to know the working) eagerness  etc..  the Mars never allows to wonder , it just makes it all happen .... its tough to carry this "child" inside .. :-)

hope my exp helps in ne way ...

and i hope i have no way offended the discussion or any one of you .... with my naive knowledge


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Post by Nandini » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:21 pm

asro wrote:Hi Nandini ji !!

first of all i am sorry to you and Rohiniji too .. to just butt in like this ... but some how could not refrain my self [Mars atmakarka:-) ]

i do no  posses knowkedge or exp as you do , but for sure from what i  have learnt , i  separate the Lagnesh and the atmakarak. just for eg , i have Jup as lagnesh and Mars as my atmakarak. Now so by lagnesh i shuld have been more sattwik and religious etc.. but unfortunaltey i am not (as much as Jup expects me to be) but contrary i m quite aggressive , i do have strong liking for mechnical stuff (as matter of fact i chose it for my  engg), i have always loved cars and idolized drivers (if pilots count in ) .. etc .. This was just a simple glimpse to stress on that the lagnesh and Atmakarak do are diff and act  their subtlities with time.

as for the day changing for me ... i bet .. it all starts with energy (which i am never void of ) and remains thru out the day in terms of curiosity (to learn), anxiety (to know the working) eagerness  etc..  the Mars never allows to wonder , it just makes it all happen .... its tough to carry this "child" inside .. :-)

hope my exp helps in ne way ...

and i hope i have no way offended the discussion or any one of you .... with my naive knowledge

Dear Asro,

Glad you joined the thread and shared your view.

I have very little experience or knowledge of Jyotish, so please don't feel you are the only one trying to learn.

Jupiter as Lagnesh does not necessarily make one sattwik and religious. There are many people with Jupiter as Lagnesh but one comes across less and less people these days who are truly religious or even true.

If one has a Dhanu Lagna, then that is a fiery sign. It will jive well with  the fiery graha that Mars is. Aries, the mooltrikona of Mars is then 5th from Lagna. Mars may also rule the 12th house but due to its mooltrikona in a benefic house, would tend to be more of a benefic.

Also if Mars is very strong in shadbal, then that would be a pre-dominant characteristic of the nativity. Along with it if Mars is well-placed from the Lagna, conjuncts or aspects the Lagna, Sun, Moon or Lagnesh, those would also go towards creating a Martian personality.

If none of this is true and still the nativity displays characteristics of Mars, then we would consider the Atmakarak perhaps.

I have read that the charakaraks do not express themselves in every chart. The Atmakarak is linked to the mission in one's life and not many of us are aware of that mission. May be you are one of those who are!

Like I said I am a beginner and those who know and have seen more may help shed light and remove our misconceptions.


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Re: The Magic School Bus!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:02 am

[quote="Nandini"][quote="rohiniranjan"][quote="rohiniranjan"][quote="Nandini"]I would say it is the protagonist, the child, who is experiencing THE DAY.


BINGO on the nativity!

Still missing is the astrological indicator that we were seeking!

Not Lagna :-(

too obvious, 'm afraid...[/quote]

I think, Nandini, that the child in the story is lagnesh! You were close but drifted for a second from planets to houses! :-)

If this were a slightly more advanced story, say for the elder brother (!), then I would even say that one should consider the two indicators, lagnesha planet and the atmakaraka planet.

You see, the child has two aspects in this story! The child changes and yet the child remains unchanged. Each of us in essence have both facets throughout life, the child (sometimes called the inner child that never grows but remains the observer) and the outer persona that grows (the participant).

Please understand this is not coming from any classical tradition or extensive research as some people on this thread are hopefully inadvertantly drifting into, which is sad! What a way to destroy a child's story or a story about the child! :-)

I have always been very taken by the very concept of mid-points. The concept that indicates that between two particles lies a point where the energy field that connects the two particles is balanced, representing a null-point in a magnetic field from our school day experiments in physics. A point which is energetically-speaking (or forcefield if that is more your kind of thing) right where the two magnetic poles are exactly balanced, and a perfect magnetic equillibrium exists or really the point where no magnetism exists!

Modern physics is telling us that particles are connected through subtle energy fields and through these fields receive the information that tells them their place in the universe and also inform them about what else is changing in the universe.

In astrology which in a sense strikes a similar chord, perhaps a null-point to be observed and examined and followed-up is the point between the lagnesha and atmakaraka...

Hopefully, food for thought


The Lagnesh or the Atmakarak, would be one of the grahas already mentioned in the story. Wondering what new understanding that could bring in.

If the Lagnesh is Mars, then the child would be fascinated by the bus and how it works and consider the driver as his hero. The bus ride would perhaps be the best time of the day for him.

If the Lagnesh is Venus, then all day in school the child would be looking forward to entertainment time.

If the Lagnesh is Mercury, then the child would go to school reading in the bus, come back reading in the bus and during entertainment time be busy reading ....

Very different experiences of the same day with the same events.

Though we are using the term Atmakarak all the time, I think most of us can hardly differentiate it from the Lagnesh. Your presenting it as the child in us that remains a child, a sattwik, an observer, is a seed.

Wondering how the day will change if Mars is the Atmakarak.


Absolutely not Asro :-) I am very glad that you shared your views on this thread. Nandini's views expressed on jupiter etc make good sense. Atmakaraka is definitely different from lagnesha in terms of expression. And, you tuned into the keyword of mars very well: energy and assertiveness. Assertiveness must not be confused with aggressiveness which is generally an indicator of restraint (saturn) influencing martian energies.

Some believe that when two charakarakas are in the same degree (irrespective of the minutes and seconds etc, so let us say atmakaraka and amatyakaraka both in the 27th degree of different rashis) then one of them takes a backseat and does not express itself.  Others believe that the strength of the charakarakas based on a variety of factors indicate whether they will express strongly or at all. Other nuances exist too.

Many scholarly articles have been written on charakarakas with different viewpoints and from different angles. One should study these (they are only a google away!) and then pick a few charts and try to apply the principles. If something sticks, grab it, if it does not, toss it away or put it in the backpack and move on to the next article. Experience is gained when we test the rocks as we climb them, one step at a time. But cautiously because sometimes the rocks are not firmly embedded and one risks a fall ;-)

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Re: The Magic School Bus!

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:23 am

The Lagnesh or the Atmakarak, would be one of the grahas already mentioned in the story. Wondering what new understanding that could bring in.

If the Lagnesh is Mars, then the child would be fascinated by the bus and how it works and consider the driver as his hero. The bus ride would perhaps be the best time of the day for him.

If the Lagnesh is Venus, then all day in school the child would be looking forward to entertainment time.

If the Lagnesh is Mercury, then the child would go to school reading in the bus, come back reading in the bus and during entertainment time be busy reading ....

Very different experiences of the same day with the same events.

Though we are using the term Atmakarak all the time, I think most of us can hardly differentiate it from the Lagnesh. Your presenting it as the child in us that remains a child, a sattwik, an observer, is a seed.

Wondering how the day will change if Mars is the Atmakarak.


Exactly! The planets do not change and yet their roles do in each chart. That is why individuals have different reactions, different perspectives. Now mind you if we just go by the 9 planets 12 rashis or even throw in 27 nakshatras, the permutations and combinations would not cover the billions of human possibilities. It would be tempting to throw in as factors the different vargas and so on, even if at the risk of being reminded that most readers cannot even read the D1 fully or properly!

However, instead of slicing the pie into smaller and smaller quantitative pieces, perhaps one can inject qualitative factors: guna, awastha, functional benefics, malefics, karakattwas and many more similar factors. What this does is to bring into the reading or delineation a paradigm shift. One is not merely looking at quantities but each quantity can have many shades of qualities. It is almost as if a third dimension got added to 2-dimensional astrology.

Mars as atmakaraka will always be associated with energy, exploration, stubbornness but it will be expressed in different pursuits. Not all with mars atmakaraka will be interested in machines or even the bus which in our little allegory we consider as representing the bus, the vehicle that transforms our reality without us making an effort. But the bus could be a physical one, or a mental one or a spiritual bus! Depends on how the atmakaraka would unfold our specific destiny which is another name for the curriculum we are enrolled in, in this lifetime.

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Post by asro » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:37 am

Namaskar Rohiniranjanji & Nandiniji !!

As in my previous post on this thread ,I once again am very sorry to interrupt.  Knowledge to me is welcome from any source and I do not limit it only to the gurus. And with all due resprect Nandiniji , if  i am not mistaken Rohiniji himself has stated many a times he too is still a student of this vast ocean. So believe me when a guru himself says he is still student, I myself am not under any presumption that i am the sole student. But incase i have casued this image for you I am deeply sorry for that.

Also all i wanted to say was that Lagnesh and the Atmakarak are different and shuld be analysed in that sense, but no means,  i meant to interrupt your session of learning.

sorry for any inconvinience caused by me.


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Post by rajitha » Tue Dec 18, 2007 3:20 pm

   I enjoyed the snow too in my first year here. But, now, I don't like it because of the hassle of driving and cleaning :-)

I will join the classes soon. I just want to start when I have enough time to catch up with all the old lessons.

My wife is going away for a week next week  :smt003
So, that would be an ideal time.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:46 am

[quote="asro"]Namaskar Rohiniranjanji & Nandiniji !!

As in my previous post on this thread ,I once again am very sorry to interrupt.  Knowledge to me is welcome from any source and I do not limit it only to the gurus. And with all due resprect Nandiniji , if  i am not mistaken Rohiniji himself has stated many a times he too is still a student of this vast ocean. So believe me when a guru himself says he is still student, I myself am not under any presumption that i am the sole student. But incase i have casued this image for you I am deeply sorry for that.

Also all i wanted to say was that Lagnesh and the Atmakarak are different and shuld be analysed in that sense, but no means,  i meant to interrupt your session of learning.

sorry for any inconvinience caused by me.


Atmakaraka and Lagnesha cannot be similar because they have been clearly indicated in jyotish as two separate entities (unless they end up being the same planet in a given chart but even then their roles will be different! Bill Gates is the Atmakaraka for Microsoft. The current CEO is the lagnesh would be a simplified example, for instance :-)

[[Or the Father or Spiritual Leader of a Nation and his unrealized dream while the lagnas (lifetimes/lifeplans) change with each new government coming into power and promising a change!]]
Last edited by Rohiniranjan on Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:43 am, edited 2 times in total.

I_seek_the _truth
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Post by I_seek_the _truth » Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:10 am


What is the different role played out by a planet as an AK in comparison to the same planet as Lagnesha...?

Can you illustrate with some example....?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:32 am

[quote="I_seek_the _truth"]RRji...

What is the different role played out by a planet as an AK in comparison to the same planet as Lagnesha...?

Can you illustrate with some example....?[/quote]

Let us begin with the position that I cannot :-)

But can you counter? Can you provide an example that demonstrates that my premise was wrong?

I am not being combative, just trying to get you out of the "armchair". You are too young to be in it, in the first place ;-)

The knee_jerk_reaction of a true seeker must be this:

A statement is made on a forum
Seeker goes to their database and sees if it fits or not, in as large selection of charts as possible.
Then the seeker posts a message giving the frequencies in favour or against of the original postulate whatever he or she found.

This approach has been demonstrated several times in postings and articles all over the place, but I still hear this "voice from the couch" as some have described it as! "RRji, can you give an example?" WHAT is one or few examples going to prove?

Get the midnight oil burning, Seeker if you are serious about your handle! Or JYOTISH!!

Is no beginner on the path of Jyotish really serious, sincere or passionate anymore?

What will become of Jyotish when the 'boomers' die as all of us must, one day?

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