Sade Satti as per Vedic Astrology Signs

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Sade Satti as per Vedic Astrology Signs

Post by jetesh » Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:06 pm

Vedic Astrology is a vast topic and followed all over the world . astrology as we know makes a person see ups and downs in our life. To know how Saturn as per vedic astrology is going to effect our life in the near future. Transiting Saturn is changing its sign from 9th of September 2009, which shows that  so many of jatka(individual) will get relief from sade satti and so many of jataks(individuals) sade satti will get started . Sade satti starts when Saturn is in 12th from natal moon and continues when its over natal moon and when its in the next house to the moon as per your natal horoscope .

As per transit Saturn stays in each house(rashi) for 2 ½ years  so as three houses are affected leading to the term sade satti litereally meaning 7 ½ . This time sade satti is starting for those whose natal moon is in libra sign and ending for those whose moon is the cancer sign, Sade sattis results depends on the placement of Saturn and moon in your horoscope or which houses is getting involve in the period of sade satti. Its not  that sade satti will give everybody a disasterous result. So don’t fall into this trap as people make you believe that’s its always going to be negative only as if you see in history lots of famous people have risen in life achived international fame or high positions during their time of sade satti only.

Some jatak(individual) gets benefit also from sade satti. When transiting Saturn transit over natal moon that’s a time when jatak(individual) gets problem related to mind. Some time it cause dipression also. Jatak experience sade satti three times in their life span .  Every body gets scared of the name of sade satti  because its there for seven and a half years and people as well as some intimidator make use of this weakness of the already sacred person just to make money and fleece them as it is a long period and our shastra also says that sade satti is not good for jatak(individual) it means that jatak seven and a half year can’t be all along be good. Jatak(individual) will always experience bad time inbetween it could be health related , finance related ,carrier related ,or family related before jumping into any conclusion you should  consult to a good astrologer to know about your sade satti.

Now we will see which part of the sade satti will be bad for a individual ,so jatak can be aware of when to do what . Now when I am talking about lagna means moon placement in a natal horoscope. This shows you which part of your sade satti will be troublesome for you if you break it up in to 2 ½ yr period

Moon in Aries middle part ( middle 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Taurus first part (first 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Gemini ending part (last 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Cancer middle part and ending part (first & last 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Leo first part and middle part (first & 2nd 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Virgo first part (first 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Libra ending part (last 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Scorpio middle and ending part both (second & third 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Sagittarius starting and ending part both (first & last 2 1/2 years)
Moon in Capricorn all parts are good
Moon in Aquarius all parts are very good
Moon in Pisces ending part is good

So now we know that for whom what sade satti will do. so you can do remedies accordingly. And consulting a good astrologer is a good option.

REMEDIES : you can do prayers ,havan, donations, mantras to help ward off malefic effects of a sadesatti

You can do Mantra Japa for Shani Sade Sati :

Aum prām prīm praum śanaiścārāya namah

Ekadashakshari Hanuman Mantra
Aum ham rudrāya hanumate namah

Beeja Mantra of Saturn
Aum śam śanaiścārāya namah

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Post by mysbcrs » Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:22 pm

Thanks Jeteshji,
Some jatak(individual) gets benefit also from sade satti. When transiting Saturn transit over natal moon that’s a time when jatak(individual) gets problem related to mind. Some time it cause dipression also. Jatak experience sade satti three times in their life span .
Can you throw some light on the type of jataks who actually get benefitted by sade sathi? Also I have heard some say that out of the 3 possible sade sathis, the first one is difficult, second not very bad and third extrememly difficult. Is this true?


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my additions

Post by astro_scholr » Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:24 am

There is dynamic part apart from the rules mentioned above.

1. Time at which Saturn has entered the Sign and planetory positions.  Predictions based on this can tell how 2.5 years will be.

2. When saturn enters 12th house ( which is start of sade sathi). Since statun enters via legs there legs are identified using Metals: Loha (Steel/Iron) Pada , thamra (Bronz/copper)Pada, Ruhya (silver ) Pada and Svarna ( Gold ) Pada.  Travarsal is circular in nature.

for example: If saturn enters in loha pada then saturn leaves in Suvarna pada. Person of this sign will face problems in early part and then happiness in end part.
If saturn enters in Svarna Pada then he leaves in ruhya pada. Early part will be excellent. then in middle he will have deep fall then he will recover at the end.

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Post by projenator » Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:21 pm

                    can you please  explain this with the most recent entry of saturn on sep 9 for libra rashi ? I am not quite clear about this concept of metals, if you could specifically elaborate on this, i thought the judgement was made based on the nakshatra position of moon at the time saturn enters a new sign.

thanks and regards,


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Some more informations on Shani transit in Kanya and Sade sathi.

Post by prasanna » Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:44 pm


The transit of the planets in Western astrology is considered from the 'orb' and aspects caused to the cuspal mid points as well as to the planets' position in the birth chart. The Hindu method of finding the transit results is from the transit of the planets across moon-sign (rasi). The major planets Shani (Shani), guru (Guru), rahu (northern node) and ketu (southern node) are considered. Extra-Shaniine planets i.e. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not considered in Hindu astrology. Brihat Jataka says, "Mukya saptaha" (important 7 planets). In this article the transit of rahu and ketu are not explored as the results are similar to the transit of Shani and kuja. Further, they being shadow planets, do not exactly give their 'own ' results - but reflect the results of the planets aspecting /conjoining them.

saturnTransit of Shani is always most feared one. There is a saying in Sanskrit, "If you can tell that the problems are due to Shani, you have already learnt astrology! "Some astrologers, priests get on well due to Shani! Shani in ardhastma (4th) produces separation from family members, passing away of mother or her equals. Unhappiness, problems related to purchase of properties. In the saptama (7th) position he would cause separation from family members, delay in marriage or discard in married life, ill health to wife. The native will be prone to accidents and will have confinement in bed due to this. In the astama (8th) position, he gives disgrace, humiliations, loss of popularity, poverty, failures in all fronts. In the 12-1-2 positions (popularly known as sade-sathi) he causes hospitalizing, separation from family, untimely meals, lack of rest and sleep, loss of name and a sense of left alone in life. Financial and familial problems, mental worries also will be there. Shani during his adverse transits will cause sufferings due to any in-born tendencies. Any health problems during such periods will have a tendency to prolong. Similarly, 10th Shani gives anxiety, misunderstandings in the professional circles. In 6th shani causes weakness and  infections due to break down in immune system. Anxiety, mounting loans, losses due to enemies, penalties from the government, and no help available in time. Trusted friends, relatives not available at the time of need. In the 8th, he causes failures in all fronts, unhappiness, disputes with elders. In the 12th shani gives ever increasing expenditure. Wasteful investments, worries related to children.

There are certain points called vedha points. When shani transits in the 5th, if there is a planet (other than ravi) in the 11th, the adverse effects will not be felt. There are no vedha points for 4-7-8-10-1-2 transits.  If Shani  is a functional benefic in the chart, the problems (though they seem to be so) will put foundation stone for good progress later on. Depending on the affliction, shanti by recitation of certain beeja / veda mantras several thousand times to some simple mantras which can be recited by the native can be used. Rudrabhisheka, service in temples, keeping good company is better.
Period Status
11.09.2009 to 05.10.2009 combust
14.01.2010 to 31.05.2010 retrograde
14.09.2010 to 18.10.2010 combust
27.01.2011 to 13.06.2011 retrograde
27.09.2011 to 31.10.2011 combust
15.05.2012 to 25.06.2012 retrograde

Shani transits in Kanya rasi from 11.09.2009 to 16.11.2011 and from 15.05.2012 to  05.08.2012.    retrogression starts when Shani is away by 251° from Surya and the direct motion is resumed when Shani comes close to Surya by 109°. Retrogression is apparent phenomenon, no planets track backwards in its orbit. When your car accelerates, the car beside you seems to recede backwards, though both cars move in the same direction. Some panchangas give different dates for the entry of shani into kanya. As a matter of fact, Shani has already transiting in kanya rasi, if you ask any astronomy student. There is no ambiguity about that date. Hindu astrology uses a deduction factor called ayanamsha and hence minor differences are seen in the date of entry, depending on ayanamsha employed.

In my humble experience, the planets in retrogression give 'stay' order! Nothing happens - neither good nor bad - but the issues are kept on low flame. They do not go away either. For those having benefic transit, the results will be withheld. There will be respite from evil transit for those who suffer evil effects. Shani's transit in 3rd, 6th and 11th from rasi (moon-sign) brings good results, provided there are no planet/s (other than Sun) transiting in the 12th, 9th and 5th respectively from moon-sign. Similarly, for those having evil transit in the 12th, 9th and 5th, the planet/s (other than Sun) in 3rd, 6th and 11th respectively give relief from evil effects.

Anga Shani, murthy nirnaya methods are not reliable. Transit effect can also be considered using astakavarga of Shani, which depend on individual charts. It is more technical in nature and is beyond purview of this article. Though shani is bad in other houses (other than 3, 6 and 11), the WORST transits are 4th (ardhatama shani), 7th (saptama shani), 8th (astama shani), 10th (dashama shani) and 12-1-2 transit (sade-sati).

If you are born in  makara, kumbha, tula and vrishabha rasi or lagna, you need not have to worry - no matter whatever the position of shani be in transit. You will not suffer any harm at all. You need not have to implement any remedial measures. If shani is causing delay in any aspects in your life - due to his association, aspect etc., - you are not exempt and should perform shanti to speed up the fructification of results. That is independent of the transit.

Some astrologers in Philippines, Gulf, Pakistan and Hyderabad (fortunately not complete Andhra Pradesh) suggest blue sapphire (also known as pusharaga, neelam, indraneela) to ward off the evil effects of shani's transit. This is against the principles of Hindu astrology. Wearing blue sapphire during the adverse transit will further aggravate the sufferings!

If your chart has shani in dignity being in own sign, in exaltation or being yoga karaka in the birth chart, you can continue wearing blue sapphire, even in adverse transit.


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Post by astro_scholr » Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:25 am

projenator wrote:Astro_scholr,
                    can you please  explain this with the most recent entry of saturn on sep 9 for libra rashi ? I am not quite clear about this concept of metals, if you could specifically elaborate on this, i thought the judgement was made based on the nakshatra position of moon at the time saturn enters a new sign.

thanks and regards,

I dont know how these pada is calculated. It looks cryptic. Mostly followed in south india. But it works well. Its called "Murthy niryana"

Here is sample for Saturn entry in 2009 for zodiacs based on metals. ... 09-effect/

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Post by mysbcrs » Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:56 am

astro_schlr ji,
When saturn enters 12th house ( which is start of sade sathi). Since statun enters via legs there legs are identified using Metals: Loha (Steel/Iron) Pada , thamra (Bronz/copper)Pada, Ruhya (silver ) Pada and Svarna ( Gold ) Pada.
Looks like it is the same as what is given in JHora help "Timing with Transit". JHora mentions the murthy in the transit search results also.

This essentially depends on position of Mo vis-a-vis the natal Mo at the time the transit starts. This takes me to another question as to when exactly sade sathi starts. For e.g, if natal Mo is in 10Li00 do we take the time Shani enters 10Vi00 as the start of transit?


Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:52 am

mysbcrs wrote: Can you throw some light on the type of jataks who actually get benefitted by sade sathi? Also I have heard some say that out of the 3 possible sade sathis, the first one is difficult, second not very bad and third extrememly difficult. Is this true?

I remember Reading in BV Raman ji's book that generally 3rd Sade satti results in death, if little bit supported by dasa and for escaping there shud be strong dasa negating death.

So clearly mentions strength of 3rd Sade satti.


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