Question about House Strength

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Question about House Strength

Post by citra » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:51 am

When judge a yoga, it often find word like: own house, exaltion house, etc.

Beside house ownership and exaltion position, there often have other ways.

For example, Cancer Sign have Moon in Own house and Jupiter exaltion here.

But if other planets in Cancer Sign rather than Moon or Jupiter, And with Moon or Jupiter, shall we say that other planet is in a Own house or Exaltion house since Moon or Jupiter give Cancer Sign considerable strength?

For example, Sun in Cancer is considered Great Friendly, but neither Own house or Exaltion house. If Sun conjuntion Moon or Jupiter, can we say Sun is in a Own house or Exaltion house because of its conjuntion planet's dignity?

And Mars is considered Deb in Cancer Sign, if it is in conjuction with Moon or Jupiter, shall we say Mars in a Own house or Exatlion house?

Thanks for your insight.

Raman Deep Singh
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Re: Question about House Strength

Post by Raman Deep Singh » Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:33 am

citra wrote: But if other planets in Cancer Sign rather than Moon or Jupiter, And with Moon or Jupiter, shall we say that other planet is in a Own house or Exaltion house since Moon or Jupiter give Cancer Sign considerable strength?
Hi Citra ji ,
Nice point.... :) but deblition or other effect of palcement of a planet cant be over come by dispositor's condition.

There is one formula given by KN Rao ji to judge a chart in systematic way..Which i found to be quite helpful..

PACDARES.. (Position,Aspect, Conjunction.......)
Where P stands for Position of a planet.So position of a plane in a raashi and bhava is a primary concern before understanding about dispositor's condition..

Let me try to explain this with an example though its gona be based on other reasons also but for explanation sake i think it may get the point across :-

7th house debilitated Mars for Capricorn lagna gives a clear indication for troubled marriage, especially when it is said in classics that 7th house Mars can cause 3 marriages.. This is raw meaning..
Now here Pakesha or dispositor is going to play a big role. If moon  is going to be with Mars here it gives strength to the Cancer raashi.. the plae where Mars is sitting... This gives stability to the position of mars so even though Mars is debilitated here the results wont be that bad...
This may mean marriage break off will be more calmer and with a  mutual understanding...

So you see Deb mars i still playing a part BUT since the PLACE it is sitting in has got strength that makes the reaction more stable..

Now the above emntioned things also depends upon other factors also lik UL and all BUt im just trying to clarify the point..

I hope i was clear some issues :)

Raman Deep Singh

Posts: 26
Joined: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:29 am

Post by citra » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:47 am

Thanks, Raman.

If Moon is in conjuction with Mars in Cancer Sign, Mars's Debilition could be considered concelled by its dispositor's dignity, and rise another Raja Yoga called Neechbhanga Yoga, because Moon is in H1 from Moon Lagna. And if Lagna is Cap, Moon is in Kendra from Lagna, too.

But can we say a house have dignity because a stronge planet's occupation? I think so, Moon or Jupiter in Cancer have dignity, and Cancer House becomes stronge too. But if four planet, Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn in conjunction in the same Sign Cancer, Mixed result could be considered? Or it becomes positive, or the opposite is true? If we ignore Navamsa diginty here and only consider D1.

And further, if in former four planets conjuction case, or some other cause, for example, many planet in the same house and with the house's dispositor, such as Mecury and Moon and Venus and Jupiter and Mars and Sun in Leo, only Sun in Own house rather than the other four planets, and Sun as dispositor gives dignity to the other four, shall we consider only Sun in own house, or all Five planet in Own house?

And more, if many planets in one house, and the house's dispositor is weak, shall we say, in Enemy's Sign or Debilition Sign, for example, Moon and Venus and Sun and Jupiter in Cap but Saturn in Aries, and Aries is also weak, such as in Cancer or Libra, shall we say the four planets in Cap very weak?

And if Neechbhanga Yoga cannot formed, but Deb planet's dispositor is stronge, for example, Deb Venus conjuction with Exalted Mercury in Virgo, and Virgo Sign is not Kendra from Lg Or Moon, shall we consider Venus have diginty here?

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