Elder Wife or Younger husband

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Post by govardhanvt » Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:36 pm

Kate January 9 1982
Prince william   June 21,1982

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Post by Milind » Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:42 pm

Two things I would like to add in the thread.

A) Sachin Tendulkar - Horoscope made as per 04.30 pm as the time on 24th April 1973

1. I dont see any chance of suicide for him. I wont make any comment on death.
2. He may be diagnosed and operated for either Cancer/similar to that in the abdominal or reproductive organ area during Jupiter Dasa and Mars Antara ie. in the year 2027-28. his is because

B) Marriage with Elder Wife or Younger Husband (General Observations)

1. 7th Lord Sun/Jupiter/Saturn in Kendra
2. Mercury in 7th House. Shows unusual results in Marriages. Extra ordinary Age Gap, Multiple Marriages, Death of Partners or Divorce too.
3. Retrograde Saturn/Jupiter in 7th House.
4. Rahu/Saturn in 7th House gives Age Gaps in partners.

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Post by Milind » Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:45 pm

2. He may be diagnosed and operated for either Cancer/similar to that in the abdominal or reproductive organ area during Jupiter Dasa and Mars Antara ie. in the year 2027-28. This is because Mars being 3rd and 8h lord placed in 5th House with Jupiter. He may get treatment abroad or will get Doctors from abroad due to Jupiter being with Mars.

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About declaration of someone's fertility and marriage

Post by kunjan_shah10 » Mon May 02, 2011 2:35 pm

To dear all,

With all due respect...I would like to say that no one has a right to talk about holiness of someone else's marriage as well as the fertility of a woman. Here, you are talking about old women (am I right?) or women older than their husbands. If a woman is 25 and the husband is 21 then what? Don't put science in this. A woman of 25-35 is more fertile with less health risks than a woman of 45. If a woman marries at 45 with a 48 year old husband then what??? She is better than that 25 year old? Ofcourse not.

There is a fair bit of hypocrisy in certain parts of our shastra because women haven't had the power to say anything or write anything even for next generations... Only men wrote the scriptures and only they were the rulers... Being a man in today's world...I feel women are equal to us and can do better than in all fields..

So I request you not to make comments as hard as cannot be called a wife...

I know we are talking about astrology here but sometimes clerical thoughts based on traditions hurt people like me because if we want we can take good things from every race and religion and try to avoid harmful ones...

Jai shri Krishna!!!

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Totally agree with Kunjan

Post by SeekingHelp » Mon May 02, 2011 7:57 pm

Yes... It is not fair to say that if a woman is older than the man she is not to be called a wife.. I was trying to say the same thing.... When it comes to shastras, I think all of it are primarily to benefit men, since all the rules and regulation written in them favour men more than women.... Saying things like a wife older than a husband is not a wife according to shatras, is fine... not many bother about them in today's time. But just saying older wife is not a wife is very offensive to many readers. As a woman, it offends me a lot, since I know women who are so committed, loving, caring of their husbands irrespective of the age. All that matters is mutual love and respect... If the couple dose not have it, be it according to shastra or anything else really does not matter... Since the whole point of marriage is to be together for life in love.. not just being together. The only down side of marrying a older woman is if she has crossed the age of bearing healthy children. But then again, it does not matter, if god wills, the couple will have beautiful healthy children..it will never matter if the couple decides not to have children at all.  I also feel bad to read about Sachin so much, it is like scrutinizing his life for no apparent reason... He never asked anyone to do this. I personally feel, referring to Sachin should stop before it crosses the line... I am very sorry if my words hurt anyone here... just felt like making a request. Please do not get me wrong. All i am requesting is to put yourself in the place of the people you all refer to, would you like being talked about the way it is here and then decide... my humble request...

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon May 02, 2011 8:55 pm

I fully agree....
We have had the same thing in our Religion, but for the last 15-20 years there have been a great change in the atitude from the church....I still remember the great uproar when we got our first femal priest.....not many years thereafter we got our first Femal Bishop...also under great protest......from the males.

Many time I have been ashamed to be male, when I have see the restrictions and values that have been laid on woman around the world.

We male have a lot to make up for.....lucky enough have we begun.....we are all equal.....and if anyone is superiour then in my view it is the woman..who carry the greatest burden in any society...but it is not the sex that shall count....but the person....and that goes even for those who are born Homo.

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Re: About declaration of someone's fertility and marriage

Post by prasanna » Tue May 03, 2011 12:28 pm

kunjan_shah10 wrote:To dear all,

With all due respect...I would like to say that no one has a right to talk about holiness of someone else's marriage as well as the fertility of a woman. Here, you are talking about old women (am I right?) or women older than their husbands. If a woman is 25 and the husband is 21 then what? Don't put science in this. A woman of 25-35 is more fertile with less health risks than a woman of 45. If a woman marries at 45 with a 48 year old husband then what??? She is better than that 25 year old? Ofcourse not.

There is a fair bit of hypocrisy in certain parts of our shastra because women haven't had the power to say anything or write anything even for next generations... Only men wrote the scriptures and only they were the rulers... Being a man in today's world...I feel women are equal to us and can do better than in all fields..

So I request you not to make comments as hard as cannot be called a wife...

I know we are talking about astrology here but sometimes clerical thoughts based on traditions hurt people like me because if we want we can take good things from every race and religion and try to avoid harmful ones...

Jai shri Krishna!!!

I really appreciate your sentiments about women
Can you answer me the following?
Are you married?
if not, are you going to marry a women older than you?
If not , can you give one valid reason
why you donot want to marry a older women?
I have no personal ill will  against you

This is Vedic astrology discussion forum and  we are discussing a topic , then why it is hurting U a lot ? And I ask the same to Seeking help too . We are not doing   it under religion belief or spirituality forum .

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Re: About declaration of someone's fertility and marriage

Post by Rhutobello » Tue May 03, 2011 1:14 pm

prasanna wrote:
This is Vedic astrology discussion forum and  we are discussing a topic , then why it is hurting U a lot ? And I ask the same to Seeking help too . We are not doing   it under religion belief or spirituality forum .
Yes it is vedic sections....just like the Religions leaders told when they fought womans rights.

The issue is not if it is any kind of BELIEF involved, (including Astrology) the question is what "Thoughts" you saw in the head of those listen to the Astrological Doctrine.

When such a doctrine promote that a woman who are older then a man has "lower value" as Wife object then a  OLD MAN marry a kid then something is wrong, and must be fought....even in an Astrological view......after all....Astrology is created by man..it is no Natural Law....and if you investigate you will find very few, if any, woman that has been a part of its development....that is why you must question it as well as learn it.

To only accept thing because that is how it always have been, stagnate Vedic....to Learn, to question, and to change will strengthen Vedic.....maybe Vedic has gone to far in its belief to micro control mankind....maybe its time to question its connection to clerical belief....maybe its time to understand that people have an influence over own life....and if they have...then maybe microcontrol about marriage, education, job position, travel abroad is something that a single individ is best capable to have control over self.

And if you don't believe me...then just look to the majority of worlds population...they manage without any Vedic...they seems to be educated...they seems to travel around....and please don't come with the divorces...that has nothing to do with lack of Astrology....it comes from personal freedom and the objection to be controlled by 1 person....marriage is a two way sytem that only can survive on mutual respect and understanding...anything else is a cage for 1 person own by the other.

I give another link, so you all can have another view on the subject about age differences.

http://www.realsexedfacts.com/relations ... rence.html

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Re: About declaration of someone's fertility and marriage

Post by govardhanvt » Tue May 03, 2011 1:52 pm

Rhutobello wrote:
prasanna wrote:
This is Vedic astrology discussion forum and  we are discussing a topic , then why it is hurting U a lot ? And I ask the same to Seeking help too . We are not doing   it under religion belief or spirituality forum .
Yes it is vedic sections....just like the Religions leaders told when they fought womans rights.

The issue is not if it is any kind of BELIEF involved, (including Astrology) the question is what "Thoughts" you saw in the head of those listen to the Astrological Doctrine.

When such a doctrine promote that a woman who are older then a man has "lower value" as Wife object then a  OLD MAN marry a kid then something is wrong, and must be fought....even in an Astrological view......after all....Astrology is created by man..it is no Natural Law....and if you investigate you will find very few, if any, woman that has been a part of its development....that is why you must question it as well as learn it.

To only accept thing because that is how it always have been, stagnate Vedic....to Learn, to question, and to change will strengthen Vedic.....maybe Vedic has gone to far in its belief to micro control mankind....maybe its time to question its connection to clerical belief....maybe its time to understand that people have an influence over own life....and if they have...then maybe microcontrol about marriage, education, job position, travel abroad is something that a single individ is best capable to have control over self.

I give another link, so you all can have another view on the subject about age differences.

http://www.realsexedfacts.com/relations ... rence.html
There is a word called Standard in English dictionary.  

When a country puts a rule that one should drive in right hand side only, it would be rediculous for a person to drive in the left side of the road.

Similarly a Pedestrian should not walk on the road

It is foolish to touch a live wear with bear hand

Like this many examples can be given

Incidentally , why is that a man should not have an affair with another man's wife and is called adultery and is punishable, just because Moses  or Allah or some Hindu God has said

Hence there are certain preset principle which needs to be followed by Human beings and should be accepted whether it is right or wrong

Hence  with due respect to your age and seniority again , I think you have to change your thought on vedic and your statements , that "o only accept thing because that is how it always have been, stagnate Vedic....to Learn, to question, and to change will strengthen Vedic.....maybe Vedic has gone to far in its belief to micro control mankind....maybe its time to question its connection to clerical belief....maybe its time to understand that people have an influence over own life....and if they have...then maybe microcontrol about marriage, education, job position, travel abroad is something that a single individ is best capable to have control over self" needs to be modified in tune with Vedic thoughts.

I am not finding fault in your thinking , but to me it appears that your lack of knowledge about Vedic principles , has made you to write like that.

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Post by govardhanvt » Tue May 03, 2011 2:21 pm

Last edited by govardhanvt on Tue May 03, 2011 2:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: About declaration of someone's fertility and marriage

Post by Rhutobello » Tue May 03, 2011 2:21 pm

govardhanvt wrote:
There is a word called Standard in English dictionary.  

When a country puts a rule that one should drive in right hand side only, it would be rediculous for a person to drive in the left side of the road.

Similarly a Pedestrian should not walk on the road

It is foolish to touch a live wear with bear hand

Like this many examples can be given

I will not disagree with you about anything from above.

BUT I will STRONGLY object to bring the above into a discussion about Vedic.

The above is International aproved regulations...and has nothing to do with any Belief system at all.

Vedic is a belief system that try to predict the outcome of stars position on humans and earth....Just like Religion they can show tons of valued books and scripts....just like Religion they can't prove a thing...but by follow some of the frustration in Vedic Reading Forum one can see there is lack of success for many.

The statement that Vedic always have right...it is the Reader that have done it wrong, is a catch 22 where you go from one thing to another in circles.

From Wiki
There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he were sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.

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Post by SeekingHelp » Tue May 03, 2011 2:25 pm

I only requested... If you all enlightened souls think what you are doing is right, then please carry on. I could only express my feelings coz, this is a public forum and everyone can post.. I meant no disrespect to any one.... As all of you have an opinion here, i expressed mine, not to be hostile or disrespectful... You all are older, much more knowledgeable than me... it is your call on what you all want to discuss.

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Post by govardhanvt » Tue May 03, 2011 2:51 pm

There is saying that Astrology is never wrong, but astrologer do go wrong. Just because you have noticed few  of the reading going wrong does not mean and make you to give a blanket statement that " Vedic is a belief system that try to predict the outcome of stars position on humans and earth."

There is what is called principles of Universal Morality

In this connection I wish to ask , what is the difference between an animal and Human Being

An animal have less number of sense than Human. An animal can have any conjugal  relations with out any concern for age, But the Human has an extra sense

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue May 03, 2011 3:39 pm

Of course are you are allowed to give your opinions Seekinghelp.....if we don't do so...then there will be little progress in any field.

When we exchange opinions...then we might saw thoughts....and hopefully evaluate them too.

I never think that I own the truth about anything....but that is not the same that I can't question thing I find strange.
With lack in English some of my post might sound like statements, they are not, and if the learned people of Vedic find that after an evaluation that their belief is right, and mine wrong...then that is ok for me.

People who believe strongly in a thing, is easy hurt, but that is NOT my intension....my intension is to give seeds...to challange....to hope that also the learned people will do so....start to ask themselves....

If we don't allow discussion.....then how shall you develop?

It is like sitting in a locked room with simelar thinking people developing air castles...because all have the same belief...none see the weakness because all know the scripture that have never been opposed.

As for animals/humans.

Most people are now starting to believe we have devloped from the first living organisme on earth....and as Humas we saw the light some 200 000 years ago.....so we are fairly new, seen in the age of earth :)


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Post by govardhanvt » Tue May 03, 2011 3:50 pm

Dharma: The Universal Principles of Morality

Wikipedia defines Dharma as an Indian spiritual and religious term that means one's righteous duty, or any virtuous path in the common sense of the term. Throughout Indian philosophy, Dharma is present as a central concept that is used in order to explain the "higher truth" or ultimate reality of the universe. Dharma ( Dhama ) is also the guiding principle of Buddhism.

The word dharma literally translates as "that which upholds or supports" (from the root, Dhr, to hold), and is generally translated into English as "law". It has governed ideas about the proper conduct of living - ideas that are upheld by the laws of the universe. Yet these laws are such that can never be reproduced in words in law books. They have to be understood intuitively.

Hinduism is one of the rarest religions that is not based on any "book" or "scripture" but on Dharma. Though there are numerous books that forms the basis of Hinduism but in reality, Hinduism is nothing more than the observance of these universal principles of morality. A devout Hindu can disregard any scripture if these are contrary to the dharma.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1597760

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