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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:57 pm

Hey Rhuto :) ,

I absolutely agree with what you said.  I only added an additional point by mentioning the above.


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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:02 pm

ranger wrote:
Surely there should be forgivable karma ( Karma that can get canceled due consistent good deeds ).
If karma and fate are almost same one snapshot in our first birth in sansara(life chakra -- birth , death and rebirth) leads to the next,
and the karma associated with that life(second birth), directly link to first(no free will)( what happens to karma associated with second – are they accumulated?
If so are they made from free will?, if it is free will is there fixed fate?

If you understand there is no fixed fate it can trigger a chain reaction enlightening.

When a 2 trees take birth in similar places, do they both suffer the same fate, even if the agricultural conditions are same.

Their destiny's are dependent on many other things, which we may or may not be dependent on. Isn't it.

Destiny and karma cannot be equated in lifetime.

Maybe, if we have more lives a balance could be struck. So let us not bother too much about it and try to do our karma to our best, intelligently in THIS LIFE.


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Post by ranger » Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:44 pm

Rhutobello wrote:
ranger wrote: Very interesting,
In my case 1000 stories within that one story. I do have a story mind you. I do no longer ask WHHHY? On a impulsive manner and can you tell me why? Is that CMY or anything else shed light please

It is very simple, and it only takes a calm moment to figure it out!

When you ask "Why", then you are bound to use "YOUR BRAIN" to control what is said to evaluate if you find it truth or false.

By only accepting what other people, traditions, scriptures tells you, you accept their truth...but you haven't got your inner truth because you haven't evaluated.

If we always shall accept what is told us as truth "as our truth", then we still would have lived in stone age.
The first Human on earth had a truth about thing...if he passed this along to the next..and so on...then you would receive this truth today...and live in Stone Age.

Because some People don't only accept others TRUTH as Theirs TRUTH ,but ask WHY, if it then change...other Truths are formed...we understand more...and we can with Pride say...
because I have formed my own opinion, and that opinion is right for me!

On the other hand, I am NOT saying that every "Truth" need to be changed by the one who ask "Why"...he/she might find that the Truth speaks to him/her, but then he/she own this truth, and don't only accept it because other sources says so, or because this is the way we always have done it.

So you go ahead...forget the Why...and live on all others truth....if that makes you Happy, but you will show little or no progress in new ways of creative thinking :)
Dear Rhuto,
The truths we talk about are the truths that exist and tested by time if they don’t fail they may be said to have some universal value.
Some truths get berried with time but then re-mergers after a lapse. Truths are what we find as the norms or a darmatha obviously within human sphere of knowledge.
Some truths change with time even Ishiware thinking falls in to this category (some percentage) what they said no longer holds true. Even social cultural norms change and so does astrology if it does not evolve with time it will get obsolete so there will be need to constantly do research and I can understand what Raman Ji was tying to do. Research need scientific metrologies. For example if we try to reverse engineer some people with certain traits and relationship it had with there fate – say suicide [how did we select the sample  was it randomly] [How many ended in the fate without a trait] [how many had the trait sans the fate] etc.? But there initiatives must be commended. Sometimes we forget to commend but show short comings. But it must be taken positively without crying fowl.
I agree 1000 times that by discussing these topics we re-enforce our own beliefs which  helps us better astrologers.
Take for instance a Doctor, if he just used his theory he would end nowhere the illness can be very hard  to diagnose no matter how much theory you know. You need second opinions. Group discussions are done among them. Medical Journals are read why to get updated and share.
It is exactly that we do here too.

Regards Ranger

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Post by ranger » Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:52 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
ranger wrote:
Surely there should be forgivable karma ( Karma that can get canceled due consistent good deeds ).
If karma and fate are almost same one snapshot in our first birth in sansara(life chakra -- birth , death and rebirth) leads to the next,
and the karma associated with that life(second birth), directly link to first(no free will)( what happens to karma associated with second – are they accumulated?
If so are they made from free will?, if it is free will is there fixed fate?

If you understand there is no fixed fate it can trigger a chain reaction enlightening.

When a 2 trees take birth in similar places, do they both suffer the same fate, even if the agricultural conditions are same.

Their destiny's are dependent on many other things, which we may or may not be dependent on. Isn't it.

Destiny and karma cannot be equated in lifetime.

Maybe, if we have more lives a balance could be struck. So let us not bother too much about it and try to do our karma to our best, intelligently in THIS LIFE.

Sometimes I wonder I knew these truths then too but why did not it sync then should it coincide with chance before it takes its effect. I mean knowing it and using it two things isn’t it?

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Post by ranger » Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:43 pm

Dear all
This  question I wanted to ask at the CMY post, but thought more appropriate here, The topic is “Questions for all experts” I have plugged in here but I do not wish to call myself an expert so I think it is appropriate for me to ask WHY’s in here since I do not wish any undue gains (which want  stick if I don’t deserve anyway). If some body says I am theoretical and rigid in my approach he or she has a certain point since I myself has acknowledged that I do not have practical knowledge. But yet who says that. Remember Astrology is not for the weak. I have observed[not studied] around 200 kendras. All my life..

Yet on the plus side I had the capacity to understand and apply what I read but still I am know expert for the first time I tried to predict or give my insight into somebody else chart in a forum I didn’t take my time but concentrated on few things in CMY
1. Placement of Lagna Lord
2. Placement depositor lagna lord
3. The Yoga
4. Sudarshan Chakra
5. Gunas (merits) and motivational implulses

But did I apply all of them correctly pertcularly 5.
Say my chart:
Moon (Mula) tasmic- kame
Passinate involvement (lack of)
Kuja (Uttara arshade) – rajasmic – mokshe
Reckless but motive is moksha
Moon + Kuja  together what does it make
So far I had an idea But now I don’t know whether it holds true. Some of you may not gain much while for me I am learning. I mean there lot ways you put this into words so far what did was use my experience and my chart to deduct. But surely there must be certain guideline. Or is it entirely on our own intuitive powers.
I know that when certain trait mentioned more than once in a chart it gives insight
Planetory placement also give some insight
But how to interpret this Gunas and motivational implulses ex:
Moon (Mula) tasmic- kame  Passinate involvement (lack of)
Is this correct is there any rules
Perticularly combining these Gunas and motives specialy in a Yoga
Regards Ranger

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:57 pm

Rhutobello wrote:That is one thing....but the main thing with my post is the saying;


With this I give your Indians right in your way of thinking, But I am NOT WRONG when I tell that we all can benefit to evaluate important truths in our life, and by that transfer it to our own truth...or work for a change.

It is illustrated when government use "book fires" when they take control over every news source, and then hit you with their truth...if you live on their truth...if you evaluate you might spot a Dictatorship.

It is illustrated with each election in any Country.
Each Party claim to have the truth, each party claim to do so and so for the people.
If you choose to listen to their truth, then you choose the Party that promise you most.
If you had asked their promises real...can they do it...then you find it is hard to see better find your own truth about which party is most trustworthy, even if it is the one who hit you most on your purse, because in the end you need to pay anyway, and maybe more, because the one who promised most for you, brought the whole country further down.

So ask yourself...What do Rhutobello gain with this post?  (I can't see anything, rather the opposite :) )
What do all you gain with such a post? (I can see awareness, the ability to start be more you, and not only a follower ....although I am NOT saying you are! :) )

Dear Rhuto,

A Brilliant Post. I wish and hope that others get the Real meaning from this post!!!!


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Post by ranger » Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:11 am

RishiRahul wrote:
Rhutobello wrote:That is one thing....but the main thing with my post is the saying;


With this I give your Indians right in your way of thinking, But I am NOT WRONG when I tell that we all can benefit to evaluate important truths in our life, and by that transfer it to our own truth...or work for a change.

It is illustrated when government use "book fires" when they take control over every news source, and then hit you with their truth...if you live on their truth...if you evaluate you might spot a Dictatorship.

It is illustrated with each election in any Country.
Each Party claim to have the truth, each party claim to do so and so for the people.
If you choose to listen to their truth, then you choose the Party that promise you most.
If you had asked their promises real...can they do it...then you find it is hard to see better find your own truth about which party is most trustworthy, even if it is the one who hit you most on your purse, because in the end you need to pay anyway, and maybe more, because the one who promised most for you, brought the whole country further down.

So ask yourself...What do Rhutobello gain with this post?  (I can't see anything, rather the opposite :) )
What do all you gain with such a post? (I can see awareness, the ability to start be more you, and not only a follower ....although I am NOT saying you are! :) )

Dear Rhuto,

A Brilliant Post. I wish and hope that others get the Real meaning from this post!!!!

Permit me to tell a little story,
I hope it is relevant,
In Sri Lanka there was one astrologer who predicted the nearest hour of assassination of a Sri Lankan President.
He achieved Fame overnight. But he did not presumably understand what was his fate going to be after his prediction.
He became little panoptic and overwhelmed by his achievement.
He started a news Paper with its literal meaning being “Fate”
He became its editor
He wrote editorial after editorial about a Fixed Fate
He became greedy
He was inclined towards richer and able people
Disregarded the rest (sometimes in very disrespectful passion)
In short he was mad
He charged exorbitantly on various remedies from clients but the pujas the fruits were in decayed state with visible worms on them
Finally he sold this noble science for money ( predicting of  Winner in an election )

Today we no longer here about him or his newspaper.
I think he was an example everything we shouldn’t do.

Rhuto is very right, what do I gain from this, actually the opposite If we seek money and Fame and become selfish fate may become little Fixed

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Post by ranger » Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:21 am

ChanDubai wrote:Hi,

You have answered your queries by kind yourself.... :)

Here: ... highlight=

Just remove Palm reading and add Astrology below what u have mentioned

i think we are controlled by destiny and palm reading shows us what to expect in life, there is nothing you could change. you will have some palm reader telling you that its all in the mind and our action make the destiny etc blah blah blah. but everything is already written, don't waste time thinking that you could change the events just by changing the thinking or attitude. in my experience i have not seen single line change in my palm, no matter what i try to change. the things went according to the palm, destiny is written and cannot be changed.
Dear Chan Dubai,
It’s a 360D I think the praise in bold has a very deep philosophical meaning and yet look awesomely simple. Let me Burrow from west “Its Gods Free will” I hope those of you who have dough’s about Fate do at least have faith in a Creator.

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:50 am

Yes. NATURE Creates.  Doesn't it?


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Post by ranger » Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:28 am

Ya, live the movement rest will take care of itself

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Post by vengatanarayan » Sun Jan 09, 2011 4:42 am

Now a days, in India, divorce rate has increased tremondously. You have to visit family court in state will understand what I say. btw, divorce has nothing to do with astrology. The couple must have tolerance and patience so as to make the marriage successful.

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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:43 am

Hi vengatanarayan ji,
If nothing has to do with astrology(as u hae said in difereent thread too) what are you doing in this Forum Other than adding comments to every other thread without adding any value to it.

Raman Deep Singh

vengatanarayan wrote:Now a days, in India, divorce rate has increased tremondously. You have to visit family court in state will understand what I say. btw, divorce has nothing to do with astrology. The couple must have tolerance and patience so as to make the marriage successful.

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Post by ranger » Thu May 12, 2011 11:37 am

ranger wrote:Ya, live the movement rest will take care of itself
I think best way to live the movement is the way Buddha thought. The hindus call this Deva Dharma. This Darma was confined to few people. Buddha preached a way of life based on pancha seela to achieve these ends and is said to be the most complete way to liberation, and preached it to masses.
The way has no lable he who follows will embrase opon his experience.
So Buddha said "Ewa Balawa" - Come and see.

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