Infertility, Childlessness, and other related issues

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Infertility, Childlessness, and other related issues

Post by govardhanvt » Tue Apr 19, 2011 2:45 am

On the one hand, there are many cases of Marriage not happening, or Breaking of Marriage, the otherside is the problem encountered by married couple as regards to progeny or matter related to childlessness

5th house has mainly to do with fecundity , birth of children, their prosperity In studying the 5th house , it is essential that the horoscopes of both the husband and wife are considered from the point of view of fertility or sterility

It has been common these for commercial reason, that the astrologer do only match the charts of the couple and determine whether they should get married or not depending on the points that match gives. Thus we hear many failures and breaks in marriage or issues related, even though the husband and wife match well.  According to me one should  not only go by the points to determine , but should thoroughly analyse the individual horoscope of the boy and the girl , independently aswell as by superimposing of both horoscope

Here I wish to post some views of B V Raman extracted from one of the book authored by him

"Science hold that masculine impotence, though of a physical character, as a phenomenon, it is very frequently determined by psychical factors. The secual hypochondria is supposed to frequently manifest itself in the belief on the part of the man that his genitals have some defects. Nonsensical as this  delusion is in most cases, it ma lead to serious psychical derangements. Impotence is therefore one of the cause for steritly, though sterility is often  associated with normal capacity for  coitus. In cases of sterility , sexual functions are apparently normal, but the semen contains either no sperms or too few. Absence of sperms is scientifically known as azoospermia, while the insufficiency  of sperms  is called oligospermia. In most cases the cause is supposed to lie in an earlier inflammation  of the epididimys of gonorrhoeal origin. This is to say the least, unwarranted, because  when the farther, or grandfather and great grandfather  of the person concerned had never been guilty of  moral lapses, and they  had never suffered from gonorrhoeal infection, how can the absence of sperm i the person concerned have gonorrhoeal origin.. When science cannot explain things with the aid of commonsense reasoning and ordinary logic  it resorts to unambiguous and unnatural causes. On the other hand, we have specimens of normal person perfectly healthy but unable to beget children. This form of masculine sterility is fairly frequent. Again the medical man attributes feminine sterility to defects in her genitals. We have been consulted by a number of person  about their 5th bhava and seeral couples have confessed  that their sexual lives have been perfrectly normal. Therefore sterility in woman cannot be due to sexual maladjustment on her part and the cause is something different. It has be been estimated that at the present  in US  about one in 6 marriages is infertile.

It happens frequently that in childless marriages, especially in HIndu Society, where the birth of son is of supreme importance, the fault is attributed by husband and relations alike to the wife alone and sometimes she is accused of having deliberately  concealed her deficiiency . It may be that the husband alone is responsible for sterility.

There are several rules given in astrological books which enable us to find out the details pertaining to the 5th house intimately. before the 5th house  is examined , it is very essential to find out the sterilty or otherwise of marrying couple . Though the 5th house may be strong and all the indications for birth or children be present, there will be no issues if there is no strength or vitality  for Beeja and kshetra. Beeja is the seed of male and kshetra is the bed of the woman. In other words beeja and kshetra represents not exactly the sperm and ovum, but the elements that really makes the male and female fertile. The husband and wife may be physiologically normal Their sex relations may be happy. But still if the beeja and the kshetra in their horoscope  are not strong, when judged according to astrological rules, they will not bring forth any issues.. When Beeja  is weak and kshetra is strong, then children may be born late in life after undertaking the necessary remedial measures. The strength to cause progeny is contributed by the SUn the lord of Vitality, . The seminal fluid  is governed by venus. These two must have favoruable postions in the horoscope particularly in odd signs. Similarly in female Mars governs the nature of blood and the Moon controls the strength to bear children. These two planets should preferably occupy even signs"

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Post by prasanna » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:03 am

Very enlightening post and  as well very important point to discuss now . Thanks for starting this topic., dear Dhan ji. .  Already few posts are available in our forum regrading progeny matter &  Virility too . ..........       Still,   Hope to see more participation in this thread by all . Let us all discuss.


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More information of conception of child.

Post by prasanna » Fri May 20, 2011 8:49 am

A Woman and the Moon

The Earth's one natural satellite, the Moon, is more than one quarter the size of Earth itself (3,474 km diameter). Because of its smaller size, the Moon's gravity is one-sixth of the Earth's gravity.


While there are only two basic types of regions on the Moon's surface, there are many interesting surface features such as craters, mountain ranges, riles, and lava plains.

The structure of the Moon's interior is more difficult to study. The Moon's top layer is a rocky solid, perhaps 800 km thick. Beneath this layer is a partially molten zone. Although it is not known for certain, many lunar geologists believe the Moon may have a small iron core, even though the Moon has no magnetic field. By studying the Moon's surface and interior, geologists can learn about the Moon's geological history and its formation.

The footprints left by Apollo astronauts will last for centuries because there is no wind on the Moon. The Moon does not possess any atmosphere, so there is no weather as we are used to on Earth. Because there is no atmosphere to trap heat, the temperatures on the Moon are extreme, ranging from 100º C at noon to -173º C at night.

How Do the Phases Get Their Names?

When the Moon appears smaller than a quarter, we call it a crescent. When the Moon appears larger than a quarter, we call it gibbous. When the moon is getting bigger (phases new to full) it is waxing. When it is getting smaller (phases Full to New) it is waning.

The Moon, with its emotional sensitivity, has traditionally been viewed as feminine. The Sun, with its charisma and force, has been seen as masculine.

The moon is the celestial body which is the most visible in the nightly sky. The moon dominates the nightly sky and can be seen far more clearly than any other planet or star.

The phases of the moon are one of humankind's best and most ancient means of measuring time. "Moon," "menses," and "month" all share the same root, meaning to measure.

The most visible symbol of feminine energy in the solar system is the Moon. Because it reflects the light from the sun, the pale orbit in the night sky has come to represent a woman's reflective nature, her internalized response to the world.

Earth's moon has been personified as female and has been perceived as a Symbol of the feminine principle since time immemorial. An increasing number of contemporary people are beginning to appreciate the profound truth and the high spiritual validity of this universal perception as they rediscover and reimplement ancient spiritual traditions which honor women and embody distinctly feminine spiritual values.

The coincidence of the menstrual cycle with that of the moon is a physical actuality structuring human life and a curiosity that has been observed with wonder. It is in fact likely that the fundamental notion of life-structuring relationship between the heavenly world and that of man was derived from this realization, both in experience and in thought, of the force of the lunar cycle.

The Lunar calendar year is divided into 12 parts, each of which is called a month. But the word month has other meanings. Several kinds of months are measured by the moon's motion. At one point in the moon's path, it is closest to the earth. This point is called the perigee. The time the moon takes to revolve from one perigee to the next is an anomalistic month. This period averages 27 days, 13 hours, 18 minutes, and 33.1 seconds.

If the moon were looked at from a distant star it would seem to make a complete revolution around the earth in 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, and 11.5 seconds. This period is a sidereal month. The proper lunar month, which is called the synodical month, is the period between one new moon and the next, an average of 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2.8 seconds.

It is note worthy to point out here that the the average menstrual cycle of women is exactly the same as a sidereal month of Moon.

The great sage Tirumular has dealt in Thirumanthram about the similarity of the women and the moon. The moon has Four phases. Likewise a woman has also four phases of a manstural cycle.

The influence of the moon on human life is very high. The moon influences the mind and the sensations of every human. The moon also influences the physiology of a woman very much. The birth star, the moon sign and the thithi of a girl's birth have greater influence on the important physiological cycles of a woman. The day of her attaining maturity, the day of her conception and the day of her menopause can be predetermined with these.

The moon takes a raising trend from new moon to full moon and a falling trend from full moon to new moon. The Vedic scriptures term the first trend as the Suklapaksa and the second trend as the Krishna paksa.

The full moon occurs on the 14th day of the new moon and a lady is prone to conception on the 14th day of her menstrual period.


A Mini Refresher in Female Physiology

What is Menstruation: -

Every month each ovary releases an ovum, which reaches the uterus via fallopian tubes. During this period, a soft and spongy lining develops in the uterus known as endometrium, which is the base of fertile ovum and develops as fetus. Unfertile ovum cannot stay there. The endometrium comes out in the form of a red liquid, for 3 to 5 days. This only is known as menstruation.

Every woman's cycle is approximately 28 days long.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It has 4 phases.

1. Menstruation.

The shedding of about three quarters of the endometrial lining of the uterus lasting 4 - 5 days triggered by a fall in the estrogen and progesterone levels

2. Proliferative Phase

Endometrium regenerating. This phase lasts around 10 to 13 days and ends with ovulation. During this time progesterone levels remain stable and low while estrogen increases. When estrogen levels reach first peak it sets off a chain of hormonal responses, stimulating ovulation.

3. Secretory Phase

Following ovulation the follicle from which the egg is released changes structurally into the corpus luteum and secretes progesterone. Progesterone levels and estrogen levels increase over 10 to 14 days and the endometrium itself is converted to an actively secreting tissue and the glands lining its surface become filled with glycogen. Glycogen is the main carbohydrate stored in cells.

4. Pre-menstrual Phase

If fertilization does not occur the corpus luteum disappears and with this its influence on hormonal levels. Over the two days prior to menstruation estrogen and progesterone levels drop to their baseline level.

Have you ever wondered about the connection between your body's 28 day cycle and the cycle of the moon? Here's the theory.

THE MIDPOINT OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE (About Day 14 in a 28-Day Cycle as the case of full moon)

The mature ovum bursts from the follicle about midway (approximately 2 weeks before onset of next menstrual period) through the menstrual cycle. This process is known as ovulation. The ovum then travels from the ovary down the fallopian tube, and into the uterus.

As the moon is raising from the new moon to full moon the Progesterone levels and estrogen levels increase till the 14th day of the menstrual cycle and the endometrium itself is converted to an actively secreting tissue and the glands lining its surface become filled with glycogen. In a woman who hasn't become pregnant, the level of progesterone peaks about a week after ovulation and then begins to drop along with the estrogen level. The flow of blood to the endometrium decreases, and its upper portion is broken down and shed during menstruation. At the same time, the corpus luteum withers. This marks krishnapaksa, the falling trend of the moon.

The influence of moon on child birth.

**A woman conceived on an Amavasya (new moon day) or Pradamai (the immediate second day from new moon/or of a full moon day thithis, delivers a spastic/under developed child or mentally unsound child.

**A women who conceives on her Chandraashtama day delivers a child who will be weak, suffers frequent ailments and illness and suffers with memory loss in the young age itself.

** If conceived on the Ashtami or Navami thittis, then the child likely to grow with some arrogance, aggressive tendency and never learns to adjust to the surroundings/situations.

** If Amavasya day also happens to be the Chandraashtama day for women who conceived on that day, and if Surya Dasa/bhukti too runs then, the child born will, mostly be blind or with defective eye sight.

Now, for the positive side :

Human body in itself is a mystery! No one can say for sure that one has fully control and knowledge of one's own body. Yes, now you can simply do this following test and find whether you are aware of this.

Now take a deep breath. Exhale the same slowly. Check with your pointing finger taking it near to your nose, from which nostril the breathed air is coming out. From right or left nostril? or from both side nostrils? If the exhaling is from the left nostril, it is the moon's breath and if the
exhaling from the right nostril, it is the sun's breath.


If the carbon is released through your right nostril then it is a good omen. When starting to do some thing new or when moving out of your home for some auspicious functions, check your breath is emitted from your right nostril. If it is from the left nostril or when the flow is from both nostrils then wait for few minutes to continue. The best timing for having sex with your partner is while the emission is from your right side nostril.


When the emission of carbon is from your left nostril, then it is the best time for you to start your activities. Also while planning for a child and having sex see that the carbon emission is through your left nostril. If emitted from both nostrils or from the right one then it is considered inauspicious.

Interesting facts:

Some other interesting facts about the coincidence of the moon and women are described here under:

The moon is the sub planet of the earth. While all other planets are rotating the sun, the moon is only rotating the earth. Consider the nature of women assuming the sun is the husband of the moon. The earth is the parent of the moon. This evidences the fact that a woman's heart is always centering around her parents wherever she is.

A moon becomes shinning and beautiful when it goes nearer to her husband Sun. Likewise a women is honored and respected while she is along with her husband. This is the day of full moon.

A moon becomes dark and unseen when it keeps away from the Sun. Likewise a woman looses her glory and respect when she keeps away her husband. This is the day of new moon.


This Article I pasted  here  for  the benefit of childless couple who can read them and get to know more about the causes of  delay in begetting Progeny .  . . So kindly take it  as a useful materiel  pl .

Iam Great Fan of Thirumular the Sidhha  of Tamil Nadu and I used to read his books  , verses  in Tamil . I used to wonder how this Sidha explained everything in detail , the modern science  is  dealing with now ? .  He has explained a lot in those olden days itself , clearly which our Modern scientific doctors are slowly started following now . Really worth reading .I feel I am blessed to understand His knowledge being  born a Tamilian. .So I felt like sharing it today when I found this treasure  while in browsing the net., Hope to see  feed back s from  all please.  


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