Judgement of Selfishness in Astrology

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:25 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
The urge to collect is greed.


Hmmm...yes and no..BUT..If your greed is greater then your need, then you move into selfishness....imho :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:08 am

Rhutobello wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
The urge to collect is greed.


Hmmm...yes and no..BUT..If your greed is greater then your need, then you move into selfishness....imho :)

When NEED is replaced by WANT, greed is born, Grandpa! Like I need a bicycle to go to work but I WANT a luxury car is GREED. Bicycle is not greed, it is sort of a necessity under some conditions, like distances larger than can be covered by walking or no bus service!

But if I don't want to let my friend borrow that bicycle, even when I do not need it, then that is selfishness (or its sister - pettiness!). Now I might have all kinds of rationalizations such as: my friend does not know how to use a bike, or my friend has a tendency to keep things borrowed, for too long and how am I going to get to work tomorrow, or he will scratch it, and on and on. All insecurities! Real or imagined! Hence I say that selfishness is born out of insecurity!

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:23 am

Well, even if we discuss greed like this....I more look at it this way....Taken from Wiki

Greed is an excessive desire to possess wealth, goods, or abstract things of value with the intention to keep it for one's self. Greed is inappropriate expectation. However, greed is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.
As a secular psychological concept, greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves. It is typically used to criticize those who seek excessive material wealth, although it may apply to the need to feel more excessively moral, social, or otherwise better than someone else.

In my opinion is this a part of selfishness because greed benefit only the one who are greedy.

Let us now take some more about selfishness, because selfishness many times is used wrong toward people who have had success in life, but who aren't always what we can call selfish.

From Wiki
Selfishness is commonly denoted by strong concern with oneself or concern with one's own interests, to the detriment of others.[1] Selfishness is the opposite of altruism or selflessness.

So you see both goes on strong urge for oneself on the COST of other.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:45 am

Rhutobello wrote:Well, even if we discuss greed like this....I more look at it this way....Taken from Wiki

Greed is an excessive desire to possess wealth, goods, or abstract things of value with the intention to keep it for one's self. Greed is inappropriate expectation. However, greed is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.
As a secular psychological concept, greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves. It is typically used to criticize those who seek excessive material wealth, although it may apply to the need to feel more excessively moral, social, or otherwise better than someone else.

In my opinion is this a part of selfishness because greed benefit only the one who are greedy.

Let us now take some more about selfishness, because selfishness many times is used wrong toward people who have had success in life, but who aren't always what we can call selfish.

From Wiki
Selfishness is commonly denoted by strong concern with oneself or concern with one's own interests, to the detriment of others.[1] Selfishness is the opposite of altruism or selflessness.

So you see both goes on strong urge for oneself on the COST of other.
Hence, dear Grandpa -- both selfishness and greed vanish when this SELF vanishes!

I think Hinduism and other ancient religions too teach that, though most just chant the verses, HOLY, without embracing!

From the WHOLE, if I remove an aliquot of WHOLE, does that reduce the whole or do I end up with a portion of the WHOLE?

Jyotish is an aliquot of the WHOLE, and yes it can remain an aliquot or simply the WHOLE! But never a BLACK HOLE! Of IGNORANCE, but some hard work is involved and it would not be found on Wikipedia  ;-)

Love! <<From one cat to another! We must unite and rule over these humans! And we shall!! MA willing! <that was a joke! Levity!!>>>

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:26 am

Rohiniranjan wrote: Jyotish is an aliquot of the WHOLE, and yes it can remain an aliquot or simply the WHOLE! But never a BLACK HOLE! Of IGNORANCE, but some hard work is involved and it would not be found on Wikipedia  ;-)
Yea, you are right....this subject was to discuss Selfishness from the window of Jyotish, and I was more looking out the windows of genes. :)


I therefore withdraw with a smile, and hope I have not been to selfish :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:00 am

Rhutobello wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote: Jyotish is an aliquot of the WHOLE, and yes it can remain an aliquot or simply the WHOLE! But never a BLACK HOLE! Of IGNORANCE, but some hard work is involved and it would not be found on Wikipedia  ;-)
Yea, you are right....this subject was to discuss Selfishness from the window of Jyotish, and I was more looking out the windows of genes. :)


I therefore withdraw with a smile, and hope I have not been to selfish :)

Why must you withdraw?

I love genes! Even though I don't own a single pair of Jeans!

Let us talk about genes! did you know that each of us inherit two distinct pair of genes? One set coming from both parents but one unique set coming just from our mothers that I call MA?

Why did Mother Nature dictate things that way?

Don't leave yet, so hastily! Let us both keep talking and learning from each other! And show our human friends that cats just do not fight but can teach too, particularly those that embraced them through human help! Mine were brought in by my children. One gifted when father came back home from a chance reunion from friends he had not seen for 35 years, and the other one was a mother's day present! That is the one that you see when you read any of my messages here!

Love, Light, Reality,

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:10 am

Rohiniranjan wrote: Let us talk about genes! did you know that each of us inherit two distinct pair of genes? One set coming from both parents but one unique set coming just from our mothers that I call MA?

Why did Mother Nature dictate things that way?
Thx for allowing me to ramble a bit more, although what I say just is how I understand it, and not what is the ultimate truth.

Why did Mother Nature do it?...well....to make each and one of us unique, by putting their own DNA into each family DNA, and when the egg is fertilized a  """random""" DNA containing each family DNA is created, where strong and weak points might vary, else parents would have created a clone each time they got an offspring. The DNA is also the reason for the family resemblance, and the fact that we can see both images, and ways to do thing, taken from older members of the family in the youngster.

When we mate with a none familial partner, our offspring will get benefits (and maybe not so good benefits) from both family trees.

When we mate inside families, our genes strengthen the families DNA, because nothing new is delivered except, for mom and dads unique DNA(although also part of same family).(mom and dad's contribution comes in the end of the , which can be pictured like a long scroll inside the family development, This scroll is called DNA, and are like a blueprint)
This might lead to unwanted illness, which have been seen in several family lines, where family marry inside family.

It is used in animal breeding, where one wish to promote something, and might fail,if not done after a plan with new "blood" (genes) now and then.

If we in our DNA have some latent urge to collect or to own, then our education from crib through school are important for our interaction with other people.

If we promote the single Native....which was done in the west from 1964 I think.... then we promote the ego way. (which has been complained about, from several groups that have had this way of education)

If we promote the importance of group, the value of other humans, and of course your own, and is given a more leading education through youth, you will have a greater chance to become a team player.
This is what they hope for now with greater use of Kindergarten.

Then we have another subject.....it shall be a strong soul that can handle power, without going into the selfishness trap.

Many, if not all, freedoms fighters start from one of the people. Many times when they manage to turn over the """Dictator"", and put themselves in power, they develop the urge to to stay with the power, and by that end up as cruel as the one they want to remove, in the name of freedom.

The same has been seen in different Religions, where the personal power, and view, override the gospel of any God.

http://africanhistory.about.com/od/biog ... o_amin.htm


And in our present time this one show Great Selfishness

BTW, I love your Cat image, and the way I see it, it also display our independence, which a cat always have....and on top of that you have increased the discussion rate in Vedic with several 100 % :)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:58 pm

It is all about entropy and enthalpy, Grandpa! Cats have learned to incorporate and demonstrate that basic Natural ability, elegantly, beautifully and hence some of us admire them and love them so much! Big Cats are becoming increasingly extinct which is a sad loss. But one of them got a human being hooked and taught him how to lay down his gun and pick up the camera. Instead of killing them with his bullets, he began capturing them on film. The name of that hunter was Jim Corbett. It was a beautiful and heart-warming transformation...

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:23 pm

Here is my "love" a Bengal Cat, a year old this month :)
Sirius look.jpg
Sirius look.jpg (247.69 KiB) Viewed 1972 times

Vinay Jha
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Moral IQ and Selfishness

Post by Vinay Jha » Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:25 pm

"We are all born into moral stupidity, taking the world as an udder to feed our supreme selves." - George Eliot , Middlemarch.

To Bahi Saheb :

>"Regarding attitudes towards parents, do you think it would be helpful, in addition to look at mutual dispositions-association between the relevant charakarakas for self and parents in the context of D12? "

D-12 shows actual events and not attitudes according to some enthusists who link attitudes to pada charts, e.g. Lagna-pada. But BPHS links padas to actual events as well. This question is tricky and needs much research.

Selfishness is also an ATTITUDE.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:18 pm

Certain wrote:...Horoscopes I have seen of some highly selfish people I came across:
Candidate A :
29 mar 1972
time of birth 1:59 pm
City Bahadurgarh Haryana

This guy despite of being quite well off , got married in 2006 after having broken engagement once , was married to very educated professional woman , despite of her working status , if she ever needed, he was not ready to pay for even grocery alone in the name of domestic expenditures to opearte a home. Had a very clear strategy that if in case for child birth ,if wife cudnt do  job for sixth months , He wud not pay for any expenditure or any bill of home, she should bring money from father as she didnt bring sufficient dowry. This man is raised in India , lives abroad and refuses to spend a single penny on wife , parents , brother or anything even after being financially very good. Girl finally left him and divorced him in 2008. Isnt bright or brilliant guy at all...
Dear Siya,

Since this is an 'astro-fit-o-logy' exercise, and not being done in a reading context (the primary utilization of astrology), feedbacks would be appreciated if you have the information. Does this person have forehead that is kind of narrow (in height) and the top of head somewhat flattened and the cheeks somewhat prominent and shoulders drooping. He also has a tendency to seem a bit distracted when he talks (as if he is thinking of something else rather than what the conversation is about, almost giving an impression that he is scheming something). He probably has a slight stammer or some speech related problems or delays in childhood. I am not sure if I managed to convey in words what I intend to express!

He is by nature a somewhat suspicious individual and over-protective of what he thinks are his 'entitlements'. The following which I share, may or may not be exactly according to mainstream Jyotish (in other words "keep or toss").

I have an observation that I shared in some of my articles. Firstly, notable is the observation that the lord of 7th (saturn)is in the 11th house with darakaraka venus, yogakaraka mars and that house also happens to the badhaksthana and is ruled by badhakesh which happens to be the darakaraka. These are malefic combinations but also underscore this tendency and expectation of financial gains from wife which were not met to his utmost satisfaction (badhakasthana). Additionally, rahu is placed in the 7th further damaging the house. Please note that in this chart, saturn wins over rahu for the lordship of 8th (aquarius). Like a defeated political candidate sitting in the 'riding' of the winner, this rahu is not expected to do anything positive to the wife or marriage, but eventually it hurt the marriage, through his attitude, suspiciousness (including her character, etc). His 'insecurity' is also reflected in the positioning of lagnesh which is not flanked on both side by any planet and its dispositor placed in the 7th which happens to be the debilitated mercury, with some cancellation due to jupiter being in kendra from moon and mercury. However, it itself is in the 6th house which happens to be the fourth pada and it itself is matrikarak. As observed in an article by me on karako bhav nashaya - I think there is some negativity associated with this individual's mother. Perhaps she has been overprotective and is in some way responsible for this insecure individual. Or she had been 'absent' or unavailable while he was growing up. No radical changes would probably occur in his attitude but in the next few years, there will be certain changes and events that would make him at least aware of his follies and nudge him towards the right direction, which in his case is simply growth.


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Post by Certain » Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:15 am

Thanks for dissecting this one out , I do have information you required.
Does this person have forehead that is kind of narrow (in height) and the top of head somewhat flattened and the cheeks somewhat prominent and shoulders drooping.
Head is flat , cheeks are big and shoulders also droop. But forehead is actually long and wide.
He also has a tendency to seem a bit distracted when he talks (as if he is thinking of something else rather than what the conversation is about, almost giving an impression that he is scheming something).
He is very dumb in communication , I have seen many having debilitated mercury but this one is really dumb (my apology for saying such things but it seems that Lordess Saraswati didnt like him at all), so parents had actually trained him with a very good camouflage act to hide his inadequacies by remaining silent in group conversations. To all and sundry he literally gives an impression of a very blank , conversationally challanged guy and also doesnt participate in any parties or any group activity , doesnt have freinds ,doesnt socialize at all.In fact they trciked that girl into that marriage to this dumb guy by creating a false emergency and getting courtship shortened , Girls parents got fooled by them. During courtship they had very few conversations which were mostly on phone  which were very well manouvered and scripted with help of younger brother, as couple cudnt, in person, meet much.
but eventually it hurt the marriage, through his attitude, suspiciousness (including her character, etc).
Suspiciousness was maximun about that she may fall in love with guys smarter than him in her own profession.He didnt fulfill any responisbility towards her , seeing him absoultely an unsupportive husband she left him
there is some negativity associated with this individual's mother. Perhaps she has been overprotective and is in some way responsible for this insecure individual.
Mother is overprotective.
No radical changes would probably occur in his attitude but in the next few years, there will be certain changes and events that would make him at least aware of his follies and nudge him towards the right direction, which in his case is simply growth.
Even If he doesnt change at all , I would not be surprised.
He and his family is literally 'Morally Bankrupt' and financially rich. I visited their home, they dont worship anyone except Lakshami. All the idols were in back side of pooja room , looked pretty unadorned and haggardly kept , only Lakshami s moorti was very well kept.
And their behaviour is literally without any virtue blessed by Narayan or Saraswati to be very honest.
Thanks a lot.

Last edited by Certain on Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:51 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by Certain » Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:23 am

Vinay Jha wrote:@Certain :

I checked your case-1, but due to uncertainty of 20 minutes in other cases I did not check them. Case-1 is well explaiend on following accounts :

Thanks for input about first one.

Candidate C is at 2:40 pm, I confirmed the birth time

Candidate B is not sure about the time , Cud be 11:05 or even 11:20 am

Last edited by Certain on Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:47 am

Thanks for the feedback. Forehead is not high is what I meant. Giving a sort of resemblance to the forehead and head a shape similar to a snake's head (cobra with its 'fan/fun/hood' raised). I can't think of any person that you might know (celebrity or public figure, etc. Sometimes a picture is indeed more descriptive than thousands of words!) but would try and see if I can send a name or picture.

Was the marriage consummated before July 25th, 2006? If you can share the date, that would help me with my studies.

Thanks and regards,

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Post by Certain » Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:06 am

I think I would call it a high forehead( nice and long , well wide , pretty much rectangular and larger than normal size of foreheads ).
Marriage date was 21 Jan 2006.

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