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Eternal Salvation?

Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:52 pm

Namaskaar All,
Rohini ji, a Guru is inevitable and by Guru i dont mean someone promising you eternal salvation in life or perfection in Jyotish. For me the first Guru and also the foremost one is my Mother (Ma) not only in Life but also in Jyotish because when i was a college going student she was the one who paid for my Jyotish books. You have your own Maa, when she is there where is the need for another Guru?
My Bhagwaan Dattatreya had 24 Gurus and that is something. Of course it is not a record of sorts because nowadays people take and break Guru far outstripping Dutta's score.
And as far as eternal salvation, self-realisation, moksha, Playing harp on fluffy clouds, having nymphs at service and that too virgins, eternal damnations et al goes then the basic requirement for all these is that there has to be a self to experience all this. But the real understanding or realisation (if it may be called that) is that there is no self so what is there to realise?
The self is but a reflection and hence false in the real Truth.

Anyone claiming to be self realised is farthest away from realisation. THe only thing to realise is that there is no self to realise.

When i said Rishi ji was a competition, it was my love for both of you speaking and i know you know.

It took a long gap (i am known for long pauses in this board) to post in this thread because a dear friend ( a brother you may say) left unexpectedly and the vacuum had to be filled with his memories and this took some adjustments.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:03 pm

Sorry to hear about that, Vivek ji. Please take care!


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