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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu May 16, 2013 3:20 pm

I speak on this topic (and have always spoken) from a ground-level (feet placed on earth (terra firma) and head far below the 'clouds'). I am not a teacher and have never claimed so, rather I have gently persuaded people to learn jyotish. It can be acquired by self-study and keeping your eyes and ears open and focused. Anyone can do that and I am surprised that many more do not.

However, during self-study if you do not like a page or a chapter does not help or work well in practice, do not get discouraged or throw a tantrum and rip the whole book or library apart! That would be foolhardy or even foolish.

Jyotish is not a magical wand or a crystal ball that will show you everything and all and it must never be approached childishly as if it will bestow some kind of power or mantle of pride and glory.

Jyotish is a wonderful tool, and there are many such tools and approaches, for understanding the "human condition", or as I call 'Human Experience' or more appropriately, the Experiential State of being Human, or simply stated the 'life-time or life-plan'

We all like and yearn for a piece of magic in our lives, but please do not seek that in Jyotish, lest you become frustrated in the long run!

People have karmas, and not just personal but it is dovetailed into cohort-karmas. The family one is born in, the family one later on raises, the community one is born in: social, religious, national, etc That is why jyotish reminds one about Desh, Kal and Paristhiti (circumstances within the desh and kal). Some call the 'P' as the patra, but patra is the nativity that is experiencing Desh, Kal, and the often unique paristhitis.

Remedies are prescribed in Jyotish which can range from reasonable (common sense based) to exotic and magical. Get hooked to those and subscribe to those wisely and in a sane manner.

The primary duty of a jyotishi is to study and understand and explain to the nativity his or her karmic strengths and weaknesses and through those the picture of an individual's Life-Plan becomes clearer. Karma and its outcome Destiny are like a closed room. Rather than fighting the walls and trying to enlarge the range of movements, for most people, it would pay more if they focused on the room and its contents and got to understand those first.

Sometimes when you are lucky (good karma!) in the contents of the room you may find a key or several keys and one of them may fit the door! It is more intelligent to look for the key inside the *room* rather than to try a break down the walls of Karma, by effort or magic!

Buddhimaan kay liyay ishaara kafi hai. Hain na bhaiyon?

Love and Light and Peace!


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Post by RishiRahul » Thu May 16, 2013 3:41 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:I speak on this topic (and have always spoken) from a ground-level (feet placed on earth (terra firma) and head far below the 'clouds'). I am not a teacher and have never claimed so, rather I have gently persuaded people to learn jyotish. It can be acquired by self-study and keeping your eyes and ears open and focused. Anyone can do that and I am surprised that many more do not.
Rishi= The study of Jyotish would only be practical if the feet is placed on the ground, & eyes not in/above the clouds.
Guide in thinking jyotish rather than a Guru= is the best guide/guru

However, during self-study if you do not like a page or a chapter does not help or work well in practice, do not get discouraged or throw a tantrum and rip the whole book or library apart! That would be foolhardy or even foolish.

Jyotish is not a magical wand or a crystal ball that will show you everything and all and it must never be approached childishly as if it will bestow some kind of power or mantle of pride and glory.
Rishi=To the people who cant see properly, it can be a enlightening.
Wish I could find a magic wand :smt020

Jyotish is a wonderful tool, and there are many such tools and approaches, for understanding the "human condition", or as I call 'Human Experience' or more appropriately, the Experiential State of being Human, or simply stated the 'life-time or life-plan'
Rishi=Agreed to absolutely.

We all like and yearn for a piece of magic in our lives, but please do not seek that in Jyotish, lest you become frustrated in the long run!
Rishi=Not the 'magic wand' type of magic.

People have karmas, and not just personal but it is dovetailed into cohort-karmas. The family one is born in, the family one later on raises, the community one is born in: social, religious, national, etc That is why jyotish reminds one about Desh, Kal and Paristhiti (circumstances within the desh and kal). Some call the 'P' as the patra, but patra is the nativity that is experiencing Desh, Kal, and the often unique paristhitis.
Rishi=I always felt 'genetics' were more practical/realistic while thinking of karma, over past/future lives.

Remedies are prescribed in Jyotish which can range from reasonable (common sense based) to exotic and magical. Get hooked to those and subscribe to those wisely and in a sane manner.

The primary duty of a jyotishi is to study and understand and explain to the nativity his or her karmic strengths and weaknesses and through those the picture of an individual's Life-Plan becomes clearer. Karma and its outcome Destiny are like a closed room. Rather than fighting the walls and trying to enlarge the range of movements, for most people, it would pay more if they focused on the room and its contents and got to understand those first.
Rishi=Its good/useful to believe in remedies.

Sometimes when you are lucky (good karma!) in the contents of the room you may find a key or several keys and one of them may fit the door! It is more intelligent to look for the key inside the *room* rather than to try a break down the walls of Karma, by effort or magic!

Buddhimaan kay liyay ishaara kafi hai. Hain na bhaiyon?

Love and Light and Peace!


A lovely post. Dada!


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun May 19, 2013 2:27 am


When posting this thread, I was actually worried that like certain other irate moderators that it has been my fate to sustain, you may take me to task for posting non jyotish-related postings here!

WHEW! There exists an OASIS (a few OASES actually!) in this widening desert of sand (silicon - Internet?) engulphing the world...!

No Rishi, I was not really that worried! And truth be told, even if you were to feel that way, I would not have felt crushed or destroyed!

Ma trained her chela well. Or was it Sleepy, snoring $-ji? Or BEE wrapped in newspapers (yesterday's news, now only good for a bhikaaran's insulating blanket) or Misir_jee who keeps a close watch, over the sleepy villagers as well as chela and essentially ALL over his assigned Territory of watch!

Love, Gratitude and Blessings!

{It is night, so lights are out! But the YELLOW sodium lamps are on!}

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Post by Carmen6 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:25 pm

I loved this post. It has something unique. I read a lot lately on Internet and this is the first time somebody encourages to continue to (self-)study jyotish even if the beginning is hard. Thanks Rohiniranjan. Today I had this feeling when I opened the Jagannatha Hora software with so many abbreviations and terminology new to me. Slowly I started to remember and some things worked, I noticed it was worth to read and read in the last two months. So I don't give up, probably in another 2 months I will even feel better recognizing more things that I read these days.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:49 am

Carmen6 wrote:I loved this post. It has something unique. I read a lot lately on Internet and this is the first time somebody encourages to continue to (self-)study jyotish even if the beginning is hard. Thanks Rohiniranjan. Today I had this feeling when I opened the Jagannatha Hora software with so many abbreviations and terminology new to me. Slowly I started to remember and some things worked, I noticed it was worth to read and read in the last two months. So I don't give up, probably in another 2 months I will even feel better recognizing more things that I read these days.


JHora began for its creator with a lot of love, Carmen decades ago! I feel highly privileged to have been a witness to its delivery, in a sense, from a distance...! It was the creation of one of the greatest astrologers amongst us and began as a software for his personal use! But how can LOVE once found remain cloistered in a silo? And, IT has not ever since! To me, watching admiringly from a distance, it has been an ACT OF LOVE of PVR!

Rest has been simply history and I feel grateful to have witnessed perhaps from a distance what its human creator has accomplished! With all his blessings and more importantly his transparency and honesty all along...! From MS-DOS days...

Love and Light!


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Post by Carmen6 » Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:36 am

It is true, we can never thank enough P.V.R. Narasimha Rao's work unless we love it back. So much effort and work during years but of course over that must be love and vocation. As I decided to enter the jyotish door, close and don't look back I still find everything new and it is nice to know that he had such an historical impact as you say. I can just imagine, can't find much information about his work or him.  I just saw that he has articles on a page and collaboration on a yahoo group. As soon as I finish the books that I am reading since last month I will read all this too.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:36 pm

Carmen6 wrote:It is true, we can never thank enough P.V.R. Narasimha Rao's work unless we love it back. So much effort and work during years but of course over that must be love and vocation. As I decided to enter the jyotish door, close and don't look back I still find everything new and it is nice to know that he had such an historical impact as you say. I can just imagine, can't find much information about his work or him.  I just saw that he has articles on a page and collaboration on a yahoo group. As soon as I finish the books that I am reading since last month I will read all this too.
When I wish to read his or any other person's articles, blogs etc, I use google to search on the individual's name and generally speaking google has been more than generous and successful :-)

Love and Light!


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Post by Carmen6 » Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:46 pm

Yes, thank you Rohiniranjan, yesterday I found his page where he talks about himself. Like my husband he writes poetry and loves computer engineering. But their hobbies are different, my husband is not into Astrology ha ha.
I found (and read) some of your good articles too! ;) I was searching about "retrograde" and found your article from year 2000...

Kind regards,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:03 am

Carmen6 wrote:Yes, thank you Rohiniranjan, yesterday I found his page where he talks about himself. Like my husband he writes poetry and loves computer engineering. But their hobbies are different, my husband is not into Astrology ha ha.
I found (and read) some of your good articles too! ;) I was searching about "retrograde" and found your article from year 2000...

Kind regards,
PVR is an engineer and astrologer, your hubby is an engineer but no interest in astrology, I am not an engineer but also astrologer. All three of us write poetry (well prosetry in my case, the modern free-style which some love others hate!).

Yet, in astrological framework, neither of the three interests are correlated! Haha, isn't astrology so engaging, intriguing and interesting? ;-)

Love and Light!


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Post by Carmen6 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:04 am

Well, I see you have good sense of  humour in common as well, perhaps good Jupiter and mercurian positions. Yes, Astrology is irresistible. I will post something that I find intriguing, see board.

kind regards,

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:37 am

Carmen6 wrote:Well, I see you have good sense of  humour in common as well, perhaps good Jupiter and mercurian positions. Yes, Astrology is irresistible. I will post something that I find intriguing, see board.

kind regards,
Haha! Humour is a *bonus* that comes in handy, sister, no matter what our vocation, avocation etc is...


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Post by sammymakwan » Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:56 pm

Yes that's true jyotish vigyaan is now becomes very popular and it's helpful now day by day. We strongly believe that you do your daily work by some jyotish guideline.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:30 pm

sammymakwan wrote:Yes that's true jyotish vigyaan is now becomes very popular and it's helpful now day by day. We strongly believe that you do your daily work by some jyotish guideline.
How does one do that? Please share your preferred approach.



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