Most Confusing Lagna in Calculating Aspects

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Most Confusing Lagna in Calculating Aspects

Post by Odin100thor » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:39 pm

Of all the Lagnas, I really have difficulty in understanding the aspects of Jupiter and Saturn for Libra Lagna. In my experience, two astrologers have given me two contradicting replies to the same questions. And the questions I asked them were (all these questions are for Libra Lagna):
1. Jupiter is a natural benefic, but a functional malefic for Libra Lagna. So will the aspects of Jupiter considered positive or negative? This is a general question.
2. If Jupiter is aspecting 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house, 11th house, then it is aspecting its Karaka houses, then is that considered beneficial or not?
3. What is the best position for Jupiter in Libra Lagna. Is that in 6th house which creates Vipareeta Rajayoga or any other dusthana like 8th or 12th? Or is it in Lagna since Jupiter gets directional strength and aspects 5th and 9th (a Dharmic planet aspecting its Karak houses 5th and 9th) or 10th house where it gets exalted?
4. When Jupiter is exalted in 10th house and closely conjunct Lagna Lord Venus, then is that very positive as Lagna Lord is with exalted best natural benefic or very negative and results in affliction of Lagna Lord since he is with most malefic planet for this Lagna?
5. I read in books like "Fascinating Jupiter"by LR Chaudhury that according to Phaldeepika Jupiter exalted in 10th house is good because lord of two upachaya house as gone into another upachaya house and hence his aspect on 2nd house will result in a lot of money. But in reality, is this coming true? What are your experiences. Please share and enlighten me.
6. There is a shloka which says that Jupiter does not do good for the house where he stays but his aspects are always very benefic. Where as Saturn aspects are always malefic and he does good to the house where he stays. Now based on your experience for Libra Lagna is that true?
7. If Jupiter aspects 7th house is that good or bad and if Saturn aspects 7th house, is that good or bad? Or is it that both the aspects of Jupiter as well as Saturn on 7th House for Libra Lagna is Bad?

Now take all the 7 questions above and replace Jupiter with Saturn and answer all the questions, based on your experience. The two astrologers I mentioned above took exact opposite poles. One said positive for all Jupiter and negative for all Saturn and the other took the exact opposite stance and said positive for all Saturn and negative for all Jupiter.

Based on your experience in dealing with multiple Libra Charts, please enlighten me which one is true?

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Re: Most Confusing Lagna in Calculating Aspects

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:32 pm

Odin100thor (Luv ya's handle! ;-))

My thoughts in red below:

Odin100thor wrote:Of all the Lagnas, I really have difficulty in understanding the aspects of Jupiter and Saturn for Libra Lagna. In my experience, two astrologers have given me two contradicting replies to the same questions. And the questions I asked them were (all these questions are for Libra Lagna):
1. Jupiter is a natural benefic, but a functional malefic for Libra Lagna. So will the aspects of Jupiter considered positive or negative? This is a general question.
Functional pertains to a specific horoscopic array and more related to the specific houses in the chart. If an organization is corrupt even if the CEO is a saint the cloud of maleficience looms above his/her head

2. If Jupiter is aspecting 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house, 11th house, then it is aspecting its Karaka houses, then is that considered beneficial or not?
The aspect/aspects can be expected to have a positive promise, but modified by other roles of jupiter (functionl, strength, stars, other karaka-roles (there are more than just one), etc.

3. What is the best position for Jupiter in Libra Lagna. Is that in 6th house which creates Vipareeta Rajayoga or any other dusthana like 8th or 12th? Or is it in Lagna since Jupiter gets directional strength and aspects 5th and 9th (a Dharmic planet aspecting its Karak houses 5th and 9th) or 10th house where it gets exalted?
There is no black & white perfect position. Each horoscope is ideal for the indvidual's life-plan and purpose behind taking the birth. It may seem so, or be the stuff that wild dreams might be made out of, but astrology/astrologers must not peddle dreams. In fact replace 'astrologer' with 'divinator' since it is not just the astrologers who fall prey to such impulses...!

4. When Jupiter is exalted in 10th house and closely conjunct Lagna Lord Venus, then is that very positive as Lagna Lord is with exalted best natural benefic or very negative and results in affliction of Lagna Lord since he is with most malefic planet for this Lagna?
I would be wary of two preceptors with rather different EGO-structures and personal agendas teaching in the same class-room! Spells peril for the acolyte (nativty) or at least challenges. Of course that makes nativities enjoy (?) great strengths and achievements!

5. I read in books like "Fascinating Jupiter"by LR Chaudhury that according to Phaldeepika Jupiter exalted in 10th house is good because lord of two upachaya house as gone into another upachaya house and hence his aspect on 2nd house will result in a lot of money. But in reality, is this coming true? What are your experiences. Please share and enlighten me.
Not necessarily so!

6. There is a shloka which says that Jupiter does not do good for the house where he stays but his aspects are always very benefic. Where as Saturn aspects are always malefic and he does good to the house where he stays. Now based on your experience for Libra Lagna is that true?
old disciplines like astrology tend to attract and retain such 'quickies'. Sometimes these work but not always. One needs to explore with minds and eyes both open, rather than treat astrology as a religious faith!

7. If Jupiter aspects 7th house is that good or bad and if Saturn aspects 7th house, is that good or bad? Or is it that both the aspects of Jupiter as well as Saturn on 7th House for Libra Lagna is Bad?
Now take the above 6 responses and apply to this one!

Now take all the 7 questions above and replace Jupiter with Saturn and answer all the questions, based on your experience. The two astrologers I mentioned above took exact opposite poles. One said positive for all Jupiter and negative for all Saturn and the other took the exact opposite stance and said positive for all Saturn and negative for all Jupiter.
Variety is indeed the spice of astrology (=life?)

Based on your experience in dealing with multiple Libra Charts, please enlighten me which one is true?
That would be like cheating you out of possibly your personal life plan and purpose...! Sounds sinful, even though astrology is neither sin nor salvation per se!!

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