Meaning of Marriage in Current times

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Raman Deep Singh
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Meaning of Marriage in Current times

Post by Raman Deep Singh » Sat 26 Aug, 2023 12:17 pm

Hi Everyone,
I was just giving a thought about marriage in current times and houses/lords we should consider to understand and predict about marriage.
In plain simple astrology 7th house represents marriage and life partner but this doesn't work always atleast in conclusive sense when we use it for
prediction, i was always of opinion that prediction might be getting missed because of lack of knowledge but what if there is lack of understanding about meaning of marriage.

Considering DKP (Desk Kaal and Paatra) for our times what is the meaning of marriage-
1. Physical relationship , so just being physically involved with someone makes them your partner
2. Emotional relationship , emotional closeness with your partner
3. Social Marriage , usual arrange marriage where we get married without knowing or not knowing your spouse
4. Living relationship, where you are living with your partner
and may be more meanings too.

What is your opinion and understanding while predicting about marriage time or quality of marital relationship,
I would like to know about your opinion and approach . There no right or wrong answer, I just wanna know about your side and may be
we can discuss.

Its my first post in may be in more than a decade, but this forum has always been favourite , its good to be back.
May be we can have more similar discussions here and not just readings.

Raman Deep Singh

Raman Deep Singh
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Joined: Wed 10 Aug, 2005 6:23 am

Re: Meaning of Marriage in Current times

Post by Raman Deep Singh » Wed 30 Aug, 2023 8:01 am

There might be bit less interest in this but let me continue this thread.

Even though there can be exceptions but in general i feel social marriages means alot more in general, though there can be cases where native is living with his/her partner in living relationship or have a relationship but it is Social marriage which will give it more acceptable to the society.
Thus i think Arudha should play a stronger role in the marriage timing because in most cases thats what shows up , though there should be role of 7th house too.
So not just to understand about marriage but i think timing also can show up more clearly if arudha is used for timing.

Raman Deep Singh

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Re: Meaning of Marriage in Current times

Post by swetha » Wed 30 Aug, 2023 8:03 am

Hello Raman,
Lovely to see you back here. I am still working on solving the mail issue, so you might not get notifications at the moment when someone replies.
And what a coincidence I was just thinking yesterday about the definition of marriage:smt002

Someone had asked me a few years ago to arrange these 3 words for marriage in order of importance: Love. Convenience and Security'
For me it will always be Love first but when I spoke to different people, I realized for many it is convenience.

In today's world, I don't even know why people want to get married.

RishiRahul, can give more insight to this I am sure.

Great to see you back

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Re: Meaning of Marriage in Current times

Post by RishiRahul » Thu 31 Aug, 2023 5:48 pm

Raman Deep Singh wrote:
Sat 26 Aug, 2023 12:17 pm
Hi Everyone,
I was just giving a thought about marriage in current times and houses/lords we should consider to understand and predict about marriage.
In plain simple astrology 7th house represents marriage and life partner but this doesn't work always atleast in conclusive sense when we use it for
prediction, i was always of opinion that prediction might be getting missed because of lack of knowledge but what if there is lack of understanding about meaning of marriage.

Considering DKP (Desk Kaal and Paatra) for our times what is the meaning of marriage-
1. Physical relationship , so just being physically involved with someone makes them your partner
2. Emotional relationship , emotional closeness with your partner
3. Social Marriage , usual arrange marriage where we get married without knowing or not knowing your spouse
4. Living relationship, where you are living with your partner
and may be more meanings too.

What is your opinion and understanding while predicting about marriage time or quality of marital relationship,
I would like to know about your opinion and approach . There no right or wrong answer, I just wanna know about your side and may be
we can discuss.

Its my first post in may be in more than a decade, but this forum has always been favourite , its good to be back.
May be we can have more similar discussions here and not just readings.

Raman Deep Singh
Hello Raman,

Its grand knowing that MB is going to be active again; and Really Great to see you back!

Not only do you fire my our imagination (s), but believe so well in the word 'data' (not the 'Data' of Star Trek serials).
On second thought, the Data of Star Trek serials too believed in the importance of data, and used it for good judgements; in a funny way of course :) .

Marriage had much simpler and shorter flavors years ago, when life was simpler with less distractions like smart tv, cellphones and other fancy ipods etc, which make our life more inclusive; rather more away from the value of and attention/focus on relationships.

The above distractions making us more inclusive, along with the increasing pace of performing in this world, including 'net'working are actually diluting the dependence on relationships; be it same age ones or even parent , children types.
But we need to be limited to the 'marriage' type.... that being the essence of this thread.

(1) The 7th house and its lord from natal Lagna signifies marriage as per all astrology books. (which also signifies interpersonal relationships, by the way; and need not be opposite sex relationships, as gays exist many added flavours coming into the modern world....!).
(2) 7th house & 7th. lord from Arudha Lagna.
(3) 7th house & 7th lord from Atmakaraka
(4) The Upapada Lagna & its 7th lord
(5) The Arudha of the 7th. house from natal Lagna.
(6) The Natural Darakaraka (Venus)
(7) The chara Darakaraka:

I wonder if I have missed any? Maybe include Jupiter for females.

Thus rightly mentioned by you, the present DKP (desh, kaal,patro) factors have divided (rather diluted) the simpler marriage sense of yore to the 4 divisions mentioned by you above--- That being the need of the present ages we need to adapt too.

My take is that;-

(a) the points 1 -7 mentioned above should be used judiciously to form a complete judgement.
Eg: the 7th. house from Lagna signifies how the native feels about the relationship; while the 7th. house from Al would show how others view the natives relationship.
These 7 paremeters existed probably since the birth of astrology, but we did not need to use them so diversely in the earlier ages.

Yes, its great to be responding to MB and you again!
Wonder where is RohiniRanjan ji? his correcting was so perfect and thought provoking! and Pravinji? and others...??


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