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Post by Vishwas » Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:11 am


October 28, 2006 Mercury turns retrograde at 25° Scorpio
November 18, 2006 Mercury turns direct at 9° Scorpio

Mercury Retrograde: Mixed/missed messages having to do with most things especially transportation and communication. Plans change. Repetitions and Delays. Things are lost or forgotten. Decisions will be made and changed.

Three or four times a year, Mercury loops Earthward (to our eye) in a retrograde cycle back over zodiacal territory. During this passage lasting 20-28 days, our attentions move towards unfinished business. Since all backward movement symbolizes a return to source, we can use these times to attend to our inner perceptions, and reconnect with the spiritual source of our thoughts. This introversion can bring about a critical purification process that can help us gain new insights based on prior knowledge.

These are good times for completing projects, connecting with old friends, and settling accounts. Delays often point towards the need for more attention to detail and rethinking priorities. Be patient and thorough. Take advantage of this ebb in the cycle. Daydream and rest more. When we linger longer to relish the ground beneath us, we can see the flowers blooming in the dust raised during our busy recent past.

It is during this time when Mercury reverses our synapses. While energies may feel scattered at times, refocus often, as this is a good time to reconnect with old friends and practice listening skills. Also, journaling or letter writing allows us to access memories, and express undercurrents. Allow for inner dialogue to retract intentions. Use process in your communications, entertain old lovers.

Planning for Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the planet that rules the mind - the ability to communicate - machinery - transportation and neighbors.

At this time things connected with Mercury will be out of whack.

I refer to it as a time of 'Repetition' and 'Delays'.

With computers and computer systems - expect problems from your computer, your dial-up system, satellite problems, hard and software problems - not a good time to purchase computer products. Working on your website might be difficult as this time also. It will be hard to decide what you like.

Things that have to do with travel - your ability to think - get your messages across to others - make decisions - media - appointments - contracts - purchases - repairs - medical and dental work - will be affected.

If you are travel - please be sure to arrive on time - check for delays in flights - car rentals - lost luggage and related items - sudden cancellation / rescheduling of the trip.

Your car might have problems at this time causing you to be late for appointments.

Decisions made in this time frame - could be reversed after the retrograde ends.

Important contracts should not be signed.

If you meet someone 'special' the relationship may not last.

Try to schedule medical and dental appointments around the retrograde - as often a diagnosis is wrong.

Plans are often rescheduled or cancelled at the last minute.

Purchases are usually returned. They could be broken or you could change your mind about the purchase.

This does not mean that productive work can't get done. It can and often is.

For example - if you interview for a job in a retrograde - you will be called back for the next interview if needed. From what I am told - starting a job in a retrograde - means that it probably won't last forever.

If you have a communication project - conclusions won't be made and it will come around again to be discussed and completed.

In this day and age - as we go through many cycles in our lives which include:

- where we live - our lovers and friends - our families - our careers and goals - our spiritual, emotional, and physical direction, we will change these things many times over during the time we spend in physical planet Earth.

Nothing lasts as it once we knew it. Nothing ever did. Reality is in constant change.

The universe flows as does our brief journey here.

Everything we do here lasts for a split second on the universal timelines then moves into its next level of expression.

This is one of the reasons I urge you to let go of emotions and situations that keep you trapped. In the 'long run' you look back and say, "Why did I put so much energy into that situation?"

If you have life changing situations to make now - wait until after the retrograde period - see what you want to change - as if you are looking at it in the future - in retrospect. See if the importance you put on the situation is really needed - then make the change in December 1999 - before the new millennium.

We live - in part - as physical beings.

We try to keep our balance as the frequencies of the planet change --->humanity alters around us quickly.

We try to make sense of things that are in flux and cannot be made sense of.

Depression is running rampant as souls do not know what they want - can't think clearly - we are becoming more forgetful as the frequencies shift - are greatly affected by influences to which most are unaware such as the solar cycle (which is altering our DNA) - the magnetic changes - remember that our bodies are electromagnetic energy affected but the changes in the Earth's frequency.

We are becoming a higher frequency race - which makes it difficult if we are living in lower frequency thought patterns.

We seek out metaphysical websites as we seek out answers that cannot be found in the physical world.

If you find a website you like - during Mercury Retrograde - you will return to it many times.

If you make a friend - you will stay friends for a while - and somewhere down the line - most likely during another Mercury Retrograde - you will change our mind about that friendship and it will drift away.

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Post by Vishwas » Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:20 am

This is some of the things that happen during Mercury Retrograde, & I heard the effect of this retrograde may extend upto the 22nd of November.

Even the Uranus Retrograde ends on November 20th.

So I REQUEST Abhishek & swetha & all other admins & mods, to just plan about whatever changes we need to bring about. & we will implement them all after November 20th.

Even don't launch any new software or webiste till then. Plz take my request seriously.

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Post by swetha » Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:31 am

thats 10 days to go!

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Post by Samson » Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:01 pm

I'll keep an eye on it.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:01 pm

I have got the message from my wife that I might have been born when all planets was in Retrograde.....That might be the reason I never manage to move forward :)

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Post by Abhishek » Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:18 pm

Rhutobello wrote:I have got the message from my wife that I might have been born when all planets was in Retrograde.....That might be the reason I never manage to move forward :)
the more inportant thing in life is not to go backward...

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:10 pm

Well said abhishek.

& rutho, can u plz post ur date, time & place of birth in the westren astrology reading forum. I will get AARCANUM out of retirement to post a reading for u.

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