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Post by astrobhadauria » Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:36 pm


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Post by Milind » Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:34 pm

Wow... thats Great.

Can you put "Kuber Yantra" too. I mean with Mantra Saadhna and Installation of it. I heard it bestows Native with Wealth.

Please Reply !!!

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Post by arian_1c » Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:58 pm

thanks bhadauria ji,
this is really great...
maybe you can tell us a bit more about the few variants we get, like the shree yantras made of sphatik, and the ones made in gold, silver, panch-dhatu, do they have any specific importance...

regards to all

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:03 am

Present time 10 Stars give expression in "Shri-Yantra"
In Shri Yantra,we can understand full values of 10 Stars,there are different meaning in the Vedic area but by the reading and making experiments,you can feel like this type affection of Stars in the Shri Yantra.
Sun - to integrate, to express, to project -See the Center point of Yantra.
Moon- to respond, to react, to regulate -Feel after seeing the Yantra.
Mercury- to communicate, to concentrate, to transmit-Start to write on paper or metal.
Venus- to relate, to unite, to connect-see the connections of triangles,with different type.
Mars - to initiate, to activate, to move-See the Sharp points of Triangles.
Jupiter - to expand, to mature, to experience-Feel after reading mantras.
Saturn - to limit, to control, to discipline-See the boundary wall of Yantra.
Uranus - to deviate, to invent, to reform -Feel after making,which idea rising in mind.
Neptune- to refine, to detect, to transcend-After seeing continue sly,which soul give best thinking,like the image of star.
Pluto- to eliminate, to transform, to regenerate-Feel after seeing this like a Vedic energy,how react in physical world.
Sun in Shri Yantra (Symbol of Goddess Bhuwneswari with Ten hands)
To integrate -- to make into a whole by bringing all parts together-Physical world.
To express -- to make known to the world-10 directions.
To project -- to thrust outward and forward into the world-make after seeing,physicals.
Everyone feels strong motivations to become a whole person, to let others know of his existence, and to become a significant part of his environment. The Bhuwneswari symbolizes one's motivations to accomplish these three goals,Artha,Kama and Moksha,intimations in  Yantra by the triangles.
The human heart has a close relationship with the Bhuwneswari, since it is both the heart and the Goddess that control the living organism. Further, the delicate network of veins and arteries circulate that which is distributed by the heart; hence, the circulatory system has a really meaningful correspondence to the Bhuwneswari. Difficult aspects to the Goddess point toward susceptibility to afflictions of these parts of the body. Note that these parts are the sustainers of life,everyone have both parts in body,if male,there are more indications of female parts but all closed by nature.
There are relationships between the Bhuwneswri and Yantra, determination, the masculine principle, dignity, self reliance, magnanimity, the man, and the father.
Moon in Yantra(Symbol of Goddess Parvati)
To respond -- to make a reply through the emotions
To react -- to undergo a change through the emotions
To regulate -- to control or to adjust into rhythmic function
Everyone has an inclination to make his emotions known, to effect revision of the emotions, and to conform to cyclic actions. The Goddess Parvati, as controller of the rise and fall of the tide, is the indicator of one's instinctive behavior in response to these three urges.
The Goddess Parvati has a close association with the stomach, the breasts, the lymphatic system, the pancreas, the ovaries, and the sympathetic nervous system. Difficult aspects to the Goddess point toward a susceptibility to afflictions of these parts of the body. Note that these parts are containers for and controllers of bodily functions.
There are relationships between the Goddess and instinct, emotions, memory, protectiveness, domesticity, patriotism, and mother.
Mercury in Yantra (Symbol of Goddess Durga)
To communicate -- to impart knowledge or ideas in order to reveal or to expose
To concentrate -- to direct thoughts toward a common center
To transmit -- to pass along from one person or place to another
Everyone has an urge to make his thoughts known, to give careful consideration to that of which he becomes aware, and to convey his feelings to others. Durga, the Goddess of the reasoning process, indicates one's inclinations in these matters.
Durga has a very close correspondence to the respiratory system, the sensory organs, the nervous system, the thyroid gland, and the brain in general. Difficult aspects to Mata Durga point toward a susceptibility to afflictions of these parts of the body. Note that these parts are for the communication tracts of the body.
There are relationships between Durga and intelligence, mobility, adaptability, reason, self expression, perception, young people, writers, teachers, and travelers.
Venus in Shri Yantra (Symbol of Money-laxmi)
To relate -- to show sympathetic understanding and awareness
To unite -- to bring together as a whole
To connect -- to join in proper association and perspective
Everyone has a motivation to achieve harmony, to effect beauty in his relationships with his environment, and to bring together that which should properly be linked. Laxmi, the Goddess of justice and balance, is the indicator of one's urges in these directions.
laxmi has a close association with the venous circulation, the lumbar region, the kidneys, and the throat. Difficult aspects to Goddess point toward a susceptibility to afflictions of these parts of the body. Note that these parts determine balance and imbalance within the whole body.
There are relationships between Laxmi and art, affections, wife, young girls, finery, and ornaments.
Mars in Shri Yantra Goddess Bhawani
To initiate -- to enter into expressions of physical energy
To activate -- to engage in liveliness
To move -- to change positions from one place to another
Everyone has inclinations to expend physical stamina, to set himself into worthwhile motions, and to resist inertia. Bhawani, as the Goddess of energy and motion, is the indicator of these natural urges.
Bhawani has a close correspondence to the sex glands, the adrenal system, the red blood corpuscles, and the muscular system. Difficult aspects to Mata Bhawani point toward a susceptibility to afflictions of these parts of the body. Note that these parts are associated with stimulation and activity.
There are relationships between Mata Bhawani and courage, war, passion, desire, heat, and young men.
Jupiter in Shri Yantra Like Goddess Sarswati,the Goddess of Knowledge.
To expand -- to reach out in order to understand
To mature -- to become fully developed and perfected
To experience -- to have a personal encounter or involvement
Everyone has innate desires to satisfy his intellectual curiosity, to become a well-informed person, and to become independently emotionally satisfied. Sarswati, as the Goddess of expansion and unrestrained development, has a close affinity with these inclinations.
Sarswati has a close association with the liver, which is the largest glandular organ in the body, and with the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which regulates growth. Difficult aspects to Mata Sarswati point toward a susceptibility to afflictions of these two glands. Note that the two parts are related to expansion and growth.
There are relationships between Sarswati and enthusiasm, optimism, generosity, professional people, and the higher mind.
Saturn in Shri Yantra Goddess kali The Goddess of Limitations.
To limit -- to restrict for justifiable reasons
To control -- to govern for purposes of benefit
To discipline -- to impress upon the mind or the memory
Everyone has an urge to exercise restraint, even upon himself; to be master of his own destiny; and to gain command of both his overt acts and his private thoughts. Kali, as the taskmaster Goddess, identifies and measures these urges.Mata Kali has affinity with the skin, the teeth, the spleen, the gall bladder, the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the pneumogastric nerve, and the bone structure of the body. Difficult aspects to Kali point toward a susceptibility to afflictions of these parts of the body. Note that these parts give form, poise, and support to the skeletal system.
mata Kali has a relationship to ambition, self preservation, convention, endurance, perseverance, stability, integrity, caution, and serious old people.
Uranus in Shri Yantra Goddess Gauri
To deviate -- to depart from that which is usual and ordinary
To -- to create or to originate that which is different
To -- to convert from within without destroying
Everyone has deeply seated desires to be individualistic, to design that which is yet unknown, and to improve upon that which has weakness or faults. Gauri, as the Goddess of the unusual and the unexpected, identifies these desires or urges.
Mata Gauri has a close correspondence to the sympathetic nervous system. Difficult aspects to this Goddess point toward a susceptibility to sudden and unexpected emotional breakdowns, cramps, hysteria, and all forms of paralysis. Note that the nervous system is also deeply involved in the psychological urges associated with this Goddess.
Gauri has a relationship to originality, independence, eccentricity, inventors, aerial matters, and unusual people.
Neptune in Shri Yantra Goddess katyayni.
To refine -- to cultivate insights beyond the level of consciousness
To detect -- to ferret out the significance of the abstract
To transcend -- to rise above ordinary worldly matters
Everyone has motivations to see below the surface, to attach meaning to the immaterial, and to elevate himself to the highest planes of understanding.Katyayani, as the Goddess of nebulosity, is the indicator of these motivations.
Katayayni has a close association with the spinal canal, the thalamus, and the overall mental and nervous processes. Difficult aspects to this Goddess point toward a susceptibility to afflictions that are mysteriously difficult to diagnose, as well as to deeply rooted neuroses. Note the high degree of sensitivity associated with these parts.
katyayni has a close relationship to intuition, imagination, idealism, compassion, illusion, mysticism, the unreal, liquids, and drugs.
Pluto in Shri Yantra Goddess Tara
To eliminate -- to cast out because of a need for replacement
To transform -- to convert from one status to an entirely different one
To regenerate -- to produce anew from the ruins of the original
Everyone has an urge to get rid of that which serves no positive purpose, to remodel completely that which is undesirable, and to reorganize that which has fallen totally from its original status. Goddess Tara, as the Goddess of no golden middle, indicates one's motivations toward these ends.
Goddess Tara has a close correspondence to cell formation, the system of reproduction, and the tracts of secretion. Difficult aspects to this Goddess point toward a susceptibility to afflictions of these parts of the body. Note that the functions of these parts relate pertinently to the physiological implications.
Goddess Tara has a close relationship to new beginnings, those who work below the surface of the Earth, group power, death, refuse, and the underworld.

After you have carefully studied these key words and the symbolic associations of each of the Goddess, review these principles often and systematically. Strive to establish firmly in your mind theGoddess principles so that you can, as your study progresses, expand the symbolic representation to encompass all matters that properly belong with each Goddess, including the magical ones.

For example, you should realize that Goddess Durga is associated with all matters of communication, including the abilities to reason and to express one's thoughts. Thus, this Goddess is logically connected with the media for communication. It is the key word extensions that suggest to you the vastness of the associations. Later, you will see how reasonably theseGoddess principles take on significant form and reveal through the birth chart both the disposition and the indisposition of the person concerned.

"Mata Durga Ko Navratra Mai Samarpit"

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