Learn Lal-Kitab Astrology Step by Step in "Hindi"

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:02 pm

I, and most of us cannot understand undertand hindi too well, I am sure in and English forum.
Maybe translated in English would be better. Astrology Literature wriiten by the aged ones cannot be just meaningless. Maybe the expressions are not understood by us, or were diluted by later writers.
I wish  We the "seroius" people came to understand this.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Sat Jun 02, 2007 3:48 pm

श्री मान रिशी जी,
मुझे अन्ग्रेजी कम आती है,अगर आप मेरी लिखने मै सहायता कर सके तो बहुत ही मेह्र्बानी होगी.जो मै हिन्दी मै लिखता हुन और वह आप अन्ग्रेजी मै ट्रान्स्लेट करके इस फ़ोरम के लोगो को दे सके तो बहुत ही ठीकहोगा.
आप के लिये काम की चीज लिख रहा हू आप इस बात को लोगो को जरूर बतादे
लाल किताब से जब जनम के ग्रहो पर गोचर से कोई ग्रह जनम के ग्रह पर अपना प्रभाव देता है,तो जो फल मिलते है वे किसी भी लालकिताब मै नही लिखी गई है,अन्ग्रेजी ज्योतिष मे इसी बात की मान्यता को प्रमुख माना गया है,और इसी बात से अन्ग्रेजी ज्योतिष की लोग दुहाई देते है.
जिस प्रकार से गोचर का सुर्य जब जनम के चन्द्रमा पर अपना प्रभाव देता है,तो सामाजिक अपमान सहना पडता है,जो लोग जानते है वे बेकार की बातो पर राजनीति करने लगते है,इसके बारे मै लिखा है:-
ग्रह चौथे जब कोई आता तासीर चन्द्र वो पाता है,असर मगर उस घर मै जाता शनि जहा टेवे बैठा हो,
चन्द्रमा चौथे घर का मालिक है,और जनम कुन्डली मै चन्द्रमा किसी भी घर मै बैठा हो,वह असर तो मन पर ही देगा,पहले घर मै होगा तो मान मर्यादा पर फ़रक देगा,गोचर का सुर्य जब जनम के चन्द्रमा पर गुजरेगा तो घर मै ही राज्नीति बनने लगेगी,जो अपने ही लोग है,वे ही अपने को मान्सिक रूप से परेसान करने लगेन्गे,लगन मै चन्द्र के होने पर माता शरीर की मालिक हो जाती है,जैसा स्वभाउ माता का होता है वैसा ही जातक का हो जाता है,वह दिमागी रूप से अन्य ग्रहो के ऊपर निर्भर हो जाता है,शनि अगर किसी प्रकार से चन्द्रमा को लगन से देखता है तो जातक यात्रा प्रिय हो जाता है,जमीन जायदाद के मामले मै लोग चन्द्र की सिफ़्त के अनुसार काम करते है,काम धन्धा चन्द्र के अनुसार हो जाता है,काम जो भी होता है बो शनि के अनुसार ही होता है,काम को मन के अनुसार किया जाता है,गुरू जो लाल्किताब मै जीव का कारक है,जीव जो पिता के द्वारा मिला है,पानी की मशीन के रूप ने उस जीव को माता के गरभ मै पका कर सन्सार मै उतारा है,उस जीव की मान्यता शनि के आगे समाप्त हो जाती है,जातक केवल काम पर ही विश्वास करता है.उसे बाकी के लोगो और धरम पूजा पाठ आदि से कुच्ह भी लेना देना नही होता है आगे जो बात सामने आती है उस्के अनुसार लिखा है:-
चन्द्र सूर्य जब मिल जाते है,रूप धुआ का होता है,रात अमावस काली होती,नकली राहु बन जाता/
फल बिल्कुल सही मिलता है,जिस दिन चन्द्र और सूर्य मिलते है उस दिन अमावस की काली रात ही होती है,और जो अन्धेरा मिलता है वह नकली राहु की तरह से ही होता है.लोग अमावस को ही पितरो की पूजा अर्चना करते है,राज्स्थान मै आज बी लोग अपने घर के दूध को अमावस के दिन केवल इस्लिये नही बेचते है कि दूध और पूत मै उन्को कोई अन्तर नही दिखाई देता है.चन्द्रमा के ऊपर जब सूर्य की किरन पदती है तो चन्द्रमा पानी भाप बन जाता है,वह भाप जब गुरु हवा के साथ आस्मान मै उठती है तो सामने की रोशनी धुन्धली ही दिखाई देती है.मगर इसी जगह पर अगर चन्द्रमा जो जनम का है उस पर गोचर का चन्द्रमा गुजरता है तो शरीर का पानी मन के माफ़िक हो जाता है,जो मन मै होता है चाहे वह खाने के लिये हो या पकाने के लिये कामना पूरी हो जाती है.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:15 pm

[quote="RishiRahul"]I, and most of us cannot understand undertand hindi too well, I am sure in and English forum.
Maybe translated in English would be better. Astrology Literature wriiten by the aged ones cannot be just meaningless. Maybe the expressions are not understood by us, or were diluted by later writers.
I wish  We the "seroius" people came to understand this.

Being just an ordinary individual, I could be mistaken, Rishi ji, but here is the situation as it presents itself:
a) For the most part the classics (not including the more recent 14th cent. onward texts etc) while sages are named and attributed to certain texts, it is not really known who wrote them down and when (soon, much later, many many generations later) and then how much of that got distorted over the years. Astrologers have always been regular people and subject to all kinds of human virtues and blemishes.

b) Astrological tenets for the most part sound like principles revealed to individuals, somewhat like channeled information or intuited facts. For the most part, there is no indication of those having been deduced or developed. This in itself is not a quality criticism but just keeping the two kinds of knowledge separate (which many modern savants tend to mix and make a muddled mess of)

c) There do not exist any evidence of these astrological principles having painstakingly practiced. If they were, we would have at least some body of the horoscopes and case-histories. It bothers me that we have all the rule books in fair degree of preservation but no work books! Even from the 14th century onwards and almost all the way down to 18th or 19th century after which we have tonnes and tonnes of such charts and illustrations. What possibly could be the DIVINE grand plan behind this anomaly escapes me!

d) Asking questions and exploring and pushing the envelope and horizons to me does not represent disrespect towards the Sages or Old Masters but a healthy practice. I wish more astrologers engaged in that instead of accepting everything as is. Astrology never was and should never become a religion which cannot be questioned.

e) By the same token none of us should take things personally when something we state is questioned. None of us really have created anything original here in jyotish, and there is no ownership. So when a question is asked of me, for instance, the person asking is not questioning me but the original source, be it Parashara, Jaimini or Mukunda Vallabh or Kalidasa. Once people adopt that mindset, the tendency to jump and dodge or throw a tantrum etc vanish and we begin to touch the soul of astrology.

I do not wish to lecture anyone but I have already explained where I come from on this when I described what Jyotish is not!


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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:25 pm

To RohiniRanjanji and ALL.

I am wondering at the idea of learning 'LalKitab' well, but I feel that the present versions will do well to serve my purporse, as it would help me to well to earn money well.

Again my conscience tells me not to be confuse others as the present versions are not logical, or are adulterated.



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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:02 pm

Very complex posting :-)
Are you endorsing the current version of LK or denouncing it?

And why address the post to me? I do not even want to learn Lal Kitab ;et alone being interested in it ;-)


[quote="RishiRahul"]To RohiniRanjanji and ALL.

I am wondering at the idea of learning 'LalKitab' well, but I feel that the present versions will do well to serve my purporse, as it would help me to well to earn money well.

Again my conscience tells me not to be confuse others as the present versions are not logical, or are adulterated.



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not able to download file

Post by tinkuawasthi » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:44 am

the lal kitab hindi's pdf file is not downloadable plse provide link, id id

no personal/sales links please.
The place for your email adddress or links is your C.P.


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Post by astrobhadauria » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:32 pm

Ok Iwill follow that.

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Post by mohitbeniwal » Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:30 pm

thankx for link

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Post by asro » Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:38 pm

Hi Astrobhaduria-ji

apart from the Lal Kitab info you have provided us .. i am keen to know is the following is true ? On internet in few articles i found it mentioned that Ravana Himself  had composed this Lal Kitab astrology and hence its considered to be Tamsic in nature , also it has certain remedies which are to do with lesser souls... Could you provide some information on this too ??Is what i read true or its regular "internet gossip" ...


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Post by astrosoul » Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:05 am

Dear Astrobhadauriaji,

Please can you explain in what conditions sun in 1st house (or any palnet in any house) considered benefic and under what conditions as malefic?

Thank You

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Post by astrosoul » Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:07 am

Dear Astrobhadauriaji,

Please can you explain in what conditions sun in 1st house (or any palnet in any house) considered benefic and under what conditions as malefic?

Thank You

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venus+saturn in 7th house

Post by rrajeshdash » Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:55 am

Dear Astrobhadauriaji,
can you please explain that venus+saturn both are in 7th house and vrishav rashi what is the remedeis

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