Guru Rahu Association

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{Jot say jot jagaatey chalo ...

Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:18 am

One additional point about the ellipse that occurred to me as I was reading your post.

Circle represents equillibrium. When forces are equally acting from all sides we get a circle, when there are 3 dimensions involved (outer and inner forces) then we get a sphere. This is the shape that a water bubble assumes in nature when it is allowed to be what it is!

An ellipse on the other hand represents stress. Forces are pushing and pulling the happy circle and the ellipse is the result (Is ellipse the stressed brother of happy circle?).

Yet, on the other hand (speaking of perspectives), the ellipse is the one that is willing to be different and therefore is willing to learn and grow. The circle is the yogi in perfect union with Creation, the ellipse is working towards becoming a circle.

It is interesting though not surprising that all planets describe an elliptical path and not circular (as originally mistakenly thought!). Hence its byproduct astrology is all about growth or should be! Circle almost sounds like destiny, while ellipse represents free-will, karma, action, efforts!

The mean motions of planets assume a circular path, I think, whereas the true motions are elliptical.

If rahu and ketu were here for us to grow, then their true positions may be more meaningful for most of us!

Makes sense?


[quote="Votive"]If I may, Sir, depends on the perspective from which the kettle is being watched, Grandmother said that too.

Ellipse, some say, is the forgotten brother of a circle. But it has the ability to generate innumerable circles . While a circle remains perfect, the ellipse introduces a point or points for the circle to get out of the perfecton and spiral in many splendid directions. But it has the ability to generate innumerable circles ; these points are the catalytical points for growth as well as decay.
I would suggest that the nodes are these points which perpetuate the amazing maze of creation. Following this, if we need to break the mould and look upwards Jupiter needs Rahu.
For all changes which create new moulds need the catalyst!
The choice then a double edged razor sharp sword which can be used to slice open the gates of history to build up a new one or to get hurt by it, this is what Rahu/Guru give.
And while many a charts can be discussed, strikingly one comes to mind. Jane Roberts and her contemplation with Seth.

Emerson,  once said that scholars had become too obsessed with ideas of the past, that they were bookworms rather than thinkers. The ball has been handed over, run with it or not, is a personal choice.

In my opinion the wisdom of Guru can have a multilying effect with Rahu too!


[quote="rohiniranjan"]Dear All,

Quite intrigued by the current discussion on the topic of guru rahu yuti and its association with break in education. I am following up a few individuals with guru rahu yutis in certain houses and following certain patterns. However, that *dish* is far from ready at this time and as my grandmother used to say: If you watch a kettle, it takes longer to boil! Anyone having a problem with that can go and discuss it with my grandmother who died in mid-sixties ;-)

But curious to see what is in the astrodatabank which I am certain all serious researchers have and utilize here and everywhere else for that matter.

There were 266 charts with the guru and rahu conjunct within 5 degrees (I decided to make the cut-off a bit stringent. This is what I found in this test-bed.

There were:

1 individual with limited IQ
1 individual with limited education
7 individuals with extensive education
8 individuals with high Mensa level IQs

There were not dupications, by the way so the same chart was not double-counted in case some astute researcher (hopefully) is wondering.

The 17 individuals are listed below, the numbers denoting their lagna rashi and rashi of guru-rahu yuti (1=aries, etc):
LOW IQ (sampling bias sentry:56 in database)
LIMITED EDUCATION(sampling bias sentry:93 in database)
EXTENSIVE EDUCATION(sampling bias sentry:281 in database)
MENSA LEVEL IQ(sampling bias sentry:377 in database)

Just some interesting data for those interested and certainly not addressing the matter of the broken education, which may be independent of mental ability and or total volume of education despite or perhaps due to breaks (challenging the individual to rise higher!)


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Re: {Jot say jot jagaatey chalo ...

Post by Votive » Wed Sep 05, 2007 2:47 am


It does make sense, for when we are perfect, a happy circle then it is an equilibrium so stable like the devotion which Radha had, absolutely no stress!
But then that is the very duality, one needs the stress to grow as life propels us onwards in seemingly unidirectional linear time; so perhaps, when we look with eyes wide open or closed for that matter, one realises that all the perspectives lead to the same objective.....


rohiniranjan wrote:One additional point about the ellipse that occurred to me as I was reading your post.

Circle represents equillibrium. When forces are equally acting from all sides we get a circle, when there are 3 dimensions involved (outer and inner forces) then we get a sphere. This is the shape that a water bubble assumes in nature when it is allowed to be what it is!

An ellipse on the other hand represents stress. Forces are pushing and pulling the happy circle and the ellipse is the result (Is ellipse the stressed brother of happy circle?).

Yet, on the other hand (speaking of perspectives), the ellipse is the one that is willing to be different and therefore is willing to learn and grow. The circle is the yogi in perfect union with Creation, the ellipse is working towards becoming a circle.

It is interesting though not surprising that all planets describe an elliptical path and not circular (as originally mistakenly thought!). Hence its byproduct astrology is all about growth or should be! Circle almost sounds like destiny, while ellipse represents free-will, karma, action, efforts!

The mean motions of planets assume a circular path, I think, whereas the true motions are elliptical.

If rahu and ketu were here for us to grow, then their true positions may be more meaningful for most of us!

Makes sense?

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Post by hemal_bhach » Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:02 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
rohiniranjan wrote:Bingo!

The only point I will disagree with in your post was where you were calling it "unfortunate" to not having had a Guru!

There is a certain charm in working besides many others in a structured fashion, wearing the school 'uniform' and chanting the school 'anthem', but there is also its downside, particularly in a discipline like Astrology where everyone including the *gurus* are on the learning curve which shows no sign of asymptoting ;-P


RishiRahul wrote:Hello All,

Maybe the writer/ creator of the Vedas wre wrong after all !

My silent Guru was and is Dr. B.V.Raman. Why? Because he made astrology interesting for me... learnable easily that is, in simple words. His profound insights through years of research, could explain things easily for the next generations with such a way as it does not attract bias.

With K.S.Y. dead, as pronounced by some, making the present world happier by calling a major yoga null and void will make even the Creator of the Vedas worried enough even their deep sleep ( unless they have re incarnated again)!

Wonder if my silent Guru Dr. B. V. Raman, or even the honoured Sri K.N. Rao did say so.
K.S.Y. stands as it always did. Only the in betweens misrepresented it.

Coming to the point. I have seen quite a few charts; where this K.S.Y. has affected it where it is supposed to affect, its effects were strong.
I would like to speak to anyone having a K.S.Y. yoga and test if it has not affected the sphere it is supposed to effect.

I learnt astrology without the help of a guru in person around, and consider myself unfortunate due to this. I read texts, quite a few of them. Found contradictions between them in quite a few cases again; Even contradictions while applying them in practicals, sometimes.
I told myself then, and even now, as I am still learning:=  "There is NO contradiction. Only that I am not able to see the similarity yet. Our expressive selves can express a  'fact' in dissimilar ways. Only we should have the patience, grace, flexibility, wisdom to 'sift the chaff' and understand better.... to arrive at the...'Truth'.

Again no yogas, even it be 'maha' can exist on its own. Our charts are such an intricate complicacy of mathematics with amsas, arudhas, varnadas, ashtavarga bindus etc. etc. etc. that sometimes even a yoga like kalsarpa or mangal dosha seem unimportant, and ineffective to some.

Jupiter signifies, in short, 'WISDOM'. There is no contradiction about this.
Wisdom can arise out of anything, or any house.... without going deeper, that is into the house factors.

Speaking of the Jupiter Rahu conjunction, with even Rahu exalted, there is conceit in wisdom, probably created by a material suffiency to boost the ego to vain pride. Again I have seen this occur in natives who earn much.. do not seem proud... fond of simple things and light enchantment( Jupiter Rahu conjunction in Taurus in the 11th. where the native was caring enough with seemingly simple lives, but actually their unflexible overconfident attitude had caused in their personal life).

Just some unfinished words to share,




Respected RohiniRanjanji,

I sometimes wonder if even you had a guru, or had accepted one has a guru?

Thank you  for the limitless praise you showered upon me.

Sir, I have learnt , through experience that if you try to teach any Jupiter Rahu combinations proper wisdom, you would temporarily fail. This sentence of mine, though seems to point out at a person, it is not exacltly.

Rahu increases the significtions of the planet it is with..... theory... but towards inpracticality. It is like a grille in palmistry... that is it increases the malefic qualities.

I would like to express that I have declared Dr. B. V. Raman as my silent 'Guru'. But I do not follow his ayanamsa while making predictions that i am known to.

I use it for fine tuning. This is besides the  other knowledge also gained from him.

While eating fruits, for example mangoes we have 'himsagar', 'alphonso', 'langra', and so many others. Again we enjoy their characteristics. Why not we try to suck the best feelings from their charactistic taste? And accept to remember them?

Hope I cotinue to receive your blessings which keep me going with better courage,

Rspectfully RishiRahul

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Re: some data for your consideration

Post by siva » Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:38 am


I have observed that people with Guru-Rahu are hypocrites. There is a deep insecurity in them which they dont wish to show out side out of their pride. They brag about 'ideals' but these ideals wont be there in their actions.

rohiniranjan wrote:Dear All,

Quite intrigued by the current discussion on the topic of guru rahu yuti and its association with break in education. I am following up a few individuals with guru rahu yutis in certain houses and following certain patterns. However, that *dish* is far from ready at this time and as my grandmother used to say: If you watch a kettle, it takes longer to boil! Anyone having a problem with that can go and discuss it with my grandmother who died in mid-sixties ;-)

But curious to see what is in the astrodatabank which I am certain all serious researchers have and utilize here and everywhere else for that matter.

There were 266 charts with the guru and rahu conjunct within 5 degrees (I decided to make the cut-off a bit stringent. This is what I found in this test-bed.

There were:

1 individual with limited IQ
1 individual with limited education
7 individuals with extensive education
8 individuals with high Mensa level IQs

There were not dupications, by the way so the same chart was not double-counted in case some astute researcher (hopefully) is wondering.

The 17 individuals are listed below, the numbers denoting their lagna rashi and rashi of guru-rahu yuti (1=aries, etc):
LOW IQ (sampling bias sentry:56 in database)
LIMITED EDUCATION(sampling bias sentry:93 in database)
EXTENSIVE EDUCATION(sampling bias sentry:281 in database)
MENSA LEVEL IQ(sampling bias sentry:377 in database)

Just some interesting data for those interested and certainly not addressing the matter of the broken education, which may be independent of mental ability and or total volume of education despite or perhaps due to breaks (challenging the individual to rise higher!)


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Post by govardhanvt » Thu Sep 06, 2007 2:51 pm

Bhagwan Mahaveer  had Guru And Rahu in cancer,and lagna being Capricorn

King Vikramaditya  had Guru and ketu in Gemini

Emperor Nero  Had guru and Rahu in Capricorn along with kuja and sukra

Varahamihira had Guru and Ketu in virgo

Adi Shankara charya had Guru and Ketu in pisces

Sri Ramanujacharya had Guru and Rahu in Taurus

Christopher columbus had Guru and Rahu in Capricorn

Nicolaus Copernicus had Guru and Rahu in Scorpio while saturn and ketu were placed in Taurus

Shri Vadiraja swami ( the greatest sain in the Madhwa tradition had Guru and Rahu placed in Gemini

Martin luther had Guru placed with Ketu along with other planets in Libra

Suleiman -I had guru Rahu, Kuja Sukra placedin Virgo

Sri Kanaka DAs  had Guru and Rahu placed in Scorpio

Rao Ganga Singh had Guru and Rahu in cancer

Guru Teg Bahadur had Guru and Ketu in Taurus

Michael Faraday had Guru, Rahu, Budha Ravi in Virgo

Balagangadhara Tilak had placement of chandra , Guru and Rahu in Pisces

George Bernard Shwa had Guru and Rahu in pisces

J J Thomson had similar placement as GB shaw

Orville wright one of the wright brother had Guru and Rahu in Gemini

Ernest Rutherford, had guru and Rahu in Gemini

Guru Rahu and Budha were seen to be placed in the horoscope of Smt Sarajoni Naidu

Jawaharlal Nehru had Guru and Ketu in saggitarius

Lord Mount Batten had guru and rahu placed in scorpio

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:09 pm

Sri Govardhanji,

Nothing like the bright light of facts and real data as opposed to opinions and anecdotal *experiences* often passing across our desks as evidence!

Thanks for sharing ...


[quote="govardhanvt"]Bhagwan Mahaveer  had Guru And Rahu in cancer,and lagna being Capricorn

King Vikramaditya  had Guru and ketu in Gemini

Emperor Nero  Had guru and Rahu in Capricorn along with kuja and sukra

Varahamihira had Guru and Ketu in virgo

Adi Shankara charya had Guru and Ketu in pisces

Sri Ramanujacharya had Guru and Rahu in Taurus

Christopher columbus had Guru and Rahu in Capricorn

Nicolaus Copernicus had Guru and Rahu in Scorpio while saturn and ketu were placed in Taurus

Shri Vadiraja swami ( the greatest sain in the Madhwa tradition had Guru and Rahu placed in Gemini

Martin luther had Guru placed with Ketu along with other planets in Libra

Suleiman -I had guru Rahu, Kuja Sukra placedin Virgo

Sri Kanaka DAs  had Guru and Rahu placed in Scorpio

Rao Ganga Singh had Guru and Rahu in cancer

Guru Teg Bahadur had Guru and Ketu in Taurus

Michael Faraday had Guru, Rahu, Budha Ravi in Virgo

Balagangadhara Tilak had placement of chandra , Guru and Rahu in Pisces

George Bernard Shwa had Guru and Rahu in pisces

J J Thomson had similar placement as GB shaw

Orville wright one of the wright brother had Guru and Rahu in Gemini

Ernest Rutherford, had guru and Rahu in Gemini

Guru Rahu and Budha were seen to be placed in the horoscope of Smt Sarajoni Naidu

Jawaharlal Nehru had Guru and Ketu in saggitarius

Lord Mount Batten had guru and rahu placed in scorpio[/quote]

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Post by siva » Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:45 am

Dear Govardhanji,

How can we ensure that these are correct birth dates and time? Especially that of copernicus, nero etc?

Also what should one infer from these? That people with Guru-node combination are great or is that one cannot judge people just based on a single combination?? Hope it is the second.

Out of million people in this world, we may be able to find a few great people with these combo(or say any other particular combination). Against that small percentage there can be a huge % with same combination who are not great, who dies as ordinary people. Say for example, out of 1000 people born on a day with a particular combination, 5 become celebrities, what do we say then about the rest of the 995 with the same combination??

Is it possible to drill down to such a minute level where we can clearly say so and so planetary combinations are responsible for their greatness?? I am just asking my doubt, not in any way questioning you. Please dont mind.

govardhanvt wrote:Bhagwan Mahaveer  had Guru And Rahu in cancer,and lagna being Capricorn

King Vikramaditya  had Guru and ketu in Gemini

Emperor Nero  Had guru and Rahu in Capricorn along with kuja and sukra

Varahamihira had Guru and Ketu in virgo

Adi Shankara charya had Guru and Ketu in pisces

Sri Ramanujacharya had Guru and Rahu in Taurus

Christopher columbus had Guru and Rahu in Capricorn

Nicolaus Copernicus had Guru and Rahu in Scorpio while saturn and ketu were placed in Taurus

Shri Vadiraja swami ( the greatest sain in the Madhwa tradition had Guru and Rahu placed in Gemini

Martin luther had Guru placed with Ketu along with other planets in Libra

Suleiman -I had guru Rahu, Kuja Sukra placedin Virgo

Sri Kanaka DAs  had Guru and Rahu placed in Scorpio

Rao Ganga Singh had Guru and Rahu in cancer

Guru Teg Bahadur had Guru and Ketu in Taurus

Michael Faraday had Guru, Rahu, Budha Ravi in Virgo

Balagangadhara Tilak had placement of chandra , Guru and Rahu in Pisces

George Bernard Shwa had Guru and Rahu in pisces

J J Thomson had similar placement as GB shaw

Orville wright one of the wright brother had Guru and Rahu in Gemini

Ernest Rutherford, had guru and Rahu in Gemini

Guru Rahu and Budha were seen to be placed in the horoscope of Smt Sarajoni Naidu

Jawaharlal Nehru had Guru and Ketu in saggitarius

Lord Mount Batten had guru and rahu placed in scorpio

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Post by govardhanvt » Fri Sep 07, 2007 4:52 pm

Dear Siva
Out of million people in this world, we may be able to find a few great people with these combo(or say any other particular combination). Against that small percentage there can be a huge % with same combination who are not great, who dies as ordinary people. Say for example, out of 1000 people born on a day with a particular combination, 5 become celebrities, what do we say then about the rest of the 995 with the same combination??

Is it possible to drill down to such a minute level where we can clearly say so and so planetary combinations are responsible for their greatness?? I am just asking my doubt, not in any way questioning you. Please dont mind.
At the outset, I am not even as  great a  person like Dr B V Raman or Sri K N Rao to explain you doubt. But with my limited knowledge I humbly wish to say this

Vedic astrology , you should appreciate, is based on 12 houses. Each house is divided in 30 degrees, and each degree has 60 minutes, each minute is again divided in to seconds. Further, We have 9 planets & its lordship.Added to that, each sign is divided into fixed movable and dual and into 4 categories like earthly, fiery , airy and watery. Further Rasi chart is divided into various sub division , which for all practical purpose can be divided into 150 charts , it is even more. You can think how many Combination of charts can be had out of this . Added to this longititude and lattitude of the place of birth is also has impact on the individual. Hence, It should be appreciated , in millions of births, one few take the lead and become conspicous.Thus , it could be said that  the magnitude of the science of astorlogy is so much that it would be difficult to answer in simple word. I would say that one has to dwleve into the subject of astrology to get know the minute of difference in chart.

Hence don't you think even a fraction of second makes whole lot of difference.

Incidentally, there are other factors like 120 years of dasa period, yogas etc, which also contribute for making a dfference in characteristics of person

For instance, as we are talking of Guru Rahu Combination. I would like explain like as follows. Take two individual, born on the same day with two different time one at 6 am and otheer at 6 pm.  In such situation assuming it is period when Sun is in Aries, then Lagna may be at Aries for person born at 6 am and at Libra for the person born at 6 pm. When Ascendant changes, automatically, the lordship of Guru, and characteristics of guru changes accordingly and more so that of Rahu. Hence , it goes without saying that planetary combination too play a vital role in forming an individual . But I hasten to say, it is not the one and only one which determines that. For your information, I wish to bringout what B V Raman in his one of his book said, a person may have strong Rajayoga, but if the Dasa period in operation is not good, and he has a short life due to bad placement of planets either in 7th or 8th house, then he may not be able to enjoy the benefit of rajayoga. So for your query, what would we say for 995 , I only wish to say that each case is to analysed on a case to case basis. But at the same time, I would say, the characteristic of such combination would be depicted by each of the individual at some point of time or other. If you see a in practical life, you would have seen certain lunatics taking sometimes sane, or vice versa.

Pages can be written to answer your query, but  I wish to end with such a short explanation. I leave the rest to other stalwarts & seniors in the board
to elucidate further and explain more clearly.

Incidentally, if you happen to read the works of Jaimini, then you would find a interesting fact, that  , it would not be difficult to find out when  a individual got consumated in the womb, at what conditions, at what place, what was the mood of the parents at the time of consumation etc. With such precision don't you think it is not that difficult for an expert  or master in astrology  to identify


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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:38 am

To ALL the seekers,

Let us deal with the 2 present topics creating such disrupt: (1) The Guru Rahu conjunction. (2) Kaalsarpa yoga.

Let us not think rigidly as we always tend to do. It would be best to never look at any yoga rigidly. I never do it.

When I see the supposed kalsarpa yoga in a chart, I know that the Rahu Ketu axis affects some house axis (1, 7 or 2, 8 or 3, 9 etc.). Again all planets towards one side of the chart (any side) make a chart lop sided. One should not use kalasarpa yoga literally.

Maybe some people took advantage by using Kalsarpa yoga to scare people, like they with so many other things; less or more!

Sri K.N. Rao, Dr. B.V. Raman etc were no doubt great in knowledge and their findings should be respected... and I do too. But we should have the individuality of thought to try to read their minds better, or what they are trying to say....THE UNDERLYING MEANING. TO STATE THAT HE IS CORRECT AND HE IS WRONG ONLY WILL SHOW IMMATURITY IN UNDERSTANDING. Try to understand what the person is trying to mean.

There are so many Jyotish Commentators.. and there are so many living commentators. They all had and have different styles of explanation or different understanding or expression levels! THAT we have to realize.

Coming to Guru Rahu combination:  

Do realize that no yoga by itself is capable of causing total destruction and or no yoga is complete by itself.

Jupiter Rahu is said to give Guru Chandala yoga; but only if Jupiter Rahu conjunction is afflicted…. Is my view.
Jupiter Rahu conjunction can be in so many rasis and houses. The general reading is that that the wisdom of Jupiter gets inflated…(increase of wisdom at its best… and increase of pride leading to folly; though wisdom and pride both increases.). There is no logic denying that some elated souls may not have them.

How does a spiritually elated person get spiritually elated? Is the path easy as a cake walk? Or is a person born spiritually elated in actuality? (barring exceptions like Sri Krishna, who we have met in stories. However whether he at all existed or existed to give us wisdom is another story….But I believe in him though.. and should not go out of context.). Or did the spiritually elated native have Rahu exalted (at his finest); But whether the spiritual elevation was due to Guru Rahu conjunction is another question.

Personally felt: the extra pride and its realization later could have led to the soul getting elevated.

Jupiter Rahu conjunction on its own, even in charts of spiritually elevated souls, did not act as an aid to spiritual elevation. Look for other yogas.

Let us not use the logic which may be used to prove that Robindranath was a goat; just because Robindranath and goats have beards.


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Post by Votive » Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:53 am

Aptly pointed out, Rishiji, that no single combination can portray a chart.
I have just one point, the connotation of the words, "Guru Chandaal" is automatically scary to laypersons.
I would suggest that this phrase is of recent originlike th Kaalsarpa yoga and never existed in cassics.

RishiRahul wrote:To ALL the seekers,

Let us deal with the 2 present topics creating such disrupt: (1) The Guru Rahu conjunction. (2) Kaalsarpa yoga.

Let us not think rigidly as we always tend to do. It would be best to never look at any yoga rigidly. I never do it.

When I see the supposed kalsarpa yoga in a chart, I know that the Rahu Ketu axis affects some house axis (1, 7 or 2, 8 or 3, 9 etc.). Again all planets towards one side of the chart (any side) make a chart lop sided. One should not use kalasarpa yoga literally.

Maybe some people took advantage by using Kalsarpa yoga to scare people, like they with so many other things; less or more!

Sri K.N. Rao, Dr. B.V. Raman etc were no doubt great in knowledge and their findings should be respected... and I do too. But we should have the individuality of thought to try to read their minds better, or what they are trying to say....THE UNDERLYING MEANING. TO STATE THAT HE IS CORRECT AND HE IS WRONG ONLY WILL SHOW IMMATURITY IN UNDERSTANDING. Try to understand what the person is trying to mean.

There are so many Jyotish Commentators.. and there are so many living commentators. They all had and have different styles of explanation or different understanding or expression levels! THAT we have to realize.

Coming to Guru Rahu combination:  

Do realize that no yoga by itself is capable of causing total destruction and or no yoga is complete by itself.

Jupiter Rahu is said to give Guru Chandala yoga; but only if Jupiter Rahu conjunction is afflicted…. Is my view.
Jupiter Rahu conjunction can be in so many rasis and houses. The general reading is that that the wisdom of Jupiter gets inflated…(increase of wisdom at its best… and increase of pride leading to folly; though wisdom and pride both increases.). There is no logic denying that some elated souls may not have them.

How does a spiritually elated person get spiritually elated? Is the path easy as a cake walk? Or is a person born spiritually elated in actuality? (barring exceptions like Sri Krishna, who we have met in stories. However whether he at all existed or existed to give us wisdom is another story….But I believe in him though.. and should not go out of context.). Or did the spiritually elated native have Rahu exalted (at his finest); But whether the spiritual elevation was due to Guru Rahu conjunction is another question.

Personally felt: the extra pride and its realization later could have led to the soul getting elevated.

Jupiter Rahu conjunction on its own, even in charts of spiritually elevated souls, did not act as an aid to spiritual elevation. Look for other yogas.

Let us not use the logic which may be used to prove that Robindranath was a goat; just because Robindranath and goats have beards.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:14 am

The yogas themselves were described in relatively recent texts I believe and the names are even more recent, though mind you I am not a historian and jyotish for me is a vibrant living language and not an anthropological or geological museum (let alone a mausoleum!).

But what is in a name? In that vein, the header for this thread is very apt! It talks about guru and rahu combined (yugma) together without any emotion-charged labels attached.

Now Guru can have several roles in charts. It can be lord of 2/12 houses, it can be one of three karakas and its signs can house one or more arudhas/padas, it can be in association with one of the 7 or 8 planets that were assigned to form the current cabinet (this lifetime) and rahu likewise can have fewer but still several roles, particularly when it owns a sign in a given chart and its other roles.

It is those roles of the two planets that must be considered in a given chart I suppose and then the journey begins!


[quote="Votive"]Aptly pointed out, Rishiji, that no single combination can portray a chart.
I have just one point, the connotation of the words, "Guru Chandaal" is automatically scary to laypersons.
I would suggest that this phrase is of recent originlike th Kaalsarpa yoga and never existed in cassics.

[quote="RishiRahul"]To ALL the seekers,

Let us deal with the 2 present topics creating such disrupt: (1) The Guru Rahu conjunction. (2) Kaalsarpa yoga.

Let us not think rigidly as we always tend to do. It would be best to never look at any yoga rigidly. I never do it.

When I see the supposed kalsarpa yoga in a chart, I know that the Rahu Ketu axis affects some house axis (1, 7 or 2, 8 or 3, 9 etc.). Again all planets towards one side of the chart (any side) make a chart lop sided. One should not use kalasarpa yoga literally.

Maybe some people took advantage by using Kalsarpa yoga to scare people, like they with so many other things; less or more!

Sri K.N. Rao, Dr. B.V. Raman etc were no doubt great in knowledge and their findings should be respected... and I do too. But we should have the individuality of thought to try to read their minds better, or what they are trying to say....THE UNDERLYING MEANING. TO STATE THAT HE IS CORRECT AND HE IS WRONG ONLY WILL SHOW IMMATURITY IN UNDERSTANDING. Try to understand what the person is trying to mean.

There are so many Jyotish Commentators.. and there are so many living commentators. They all had and have different styles of explanation or different understanding or expression levels! THAT we have to realize.

Coming to Guru Rahu combination:  

Do realize that no yoga by itself is capable of causing total destruction and or no yoga is complete by itself.

Jupiter Rahu is said to give Guru Chandala yoga; but only if Jupiter Rahu conjunction is afflicted…. Is my view.
Jupiter Rahu conjunction can be in so many rasis and houses. The general reading is that that the wisdom of Jupiter gets inflated…(increase of wisdom at its best… and increase of pride leading to folly; though wisdom and pride both increases.). There is no logic denying that some elated souls may not have them.

How does a spiritually elated person get spiritually elated? Is the path easy as a cake walk? Or is a person born spiritually elated in actuality? (barring exceptions like Sri Krishna, who we have met in stories. However whether he at all existed or existed to give us wisdom is another story….But I believe in him though.. and should not go out of context.). Or did the spiritually elated native have Rahu exalted (at his finest); But whether the spiritual elevation was due to Guru Rahu conjunction is another question.

Personally felt: the extra pride and its realization later could have led to the soul getting elevated.

Jupiter Rahu conjunction on its own, even in charts of spiritually elevated souls, did not act as an aid to spiritual elevation. Look for other yogas.

Let us not use the logic which may be used to prove that Robindranath was a goat; just because Robindranath and goats have beards.


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To RohiniRanjanji, Votiveji and ALL

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:06 pm

The above to 'all seekers' were posted by me on September 10th. in this thread, was in a hurry without going thru the contents; and I felt it did not explain itself well enough, though RohiniRanjanji and Votiveji understood it well.

I am posting my corrected thoughts below for your perusal:=

To ALL the seekers,

Let us deal with the 2 present topics creating much disrupt: (1) The Guru Rahu conjunction. (2) Kalsarpa yoga.

Let us not think rigidly as we always tend to do. It would be better to never look at any yoga rigidly. I never do it, and it should be never done.

Rahu Ketu axis always affect some house axis (1, 7 or 2, 8 or 3, 9 etc.) in a chart adversely.
When all planets are posited in one side of the Rahu Ketu axis (eg: also in Kalsarpa yoga) it makes the personality/destiny lop sided. This is in addition to some axis being affected. Thus one should not take Kalsarpa yoga too literally, as even at the absence of Kalsarpa yoga the Rahu Ketu affects some axis adversely; Also all planets in one side of Rahu Ketu axis affects a chart adversely.

Maybe some people took advantage by using Kalsarpa yoga to scare people, like they do so with so many other things; less or more!

Sri K.N. Rao, Dr. B.V. Raman etc were no doubt great in knowledge and their findings should be respected by all. We should be able to exercise enough individuality of thought in trying to understand their minds, or what they are trying to say…THE UNDERLYING MEANING.

There are so many Jyotish Commentators.. and there are so many living Jyotish commentators. They all had and have different styles of explanation or expression levels! THAT we have to realize.

Coming to Guru Rahu combination:  

No yoga, by itself, is capable of causing total destruction and or no yoga is complete in itself.

Jupiter Rahu is said to give Guru Chandala yoga; but only if Jupiter Rahu conjunction is afflicted…. Is my view.
In Jupiter Rahu conjunction the wisdom of Jupiter gets inflated… (increase of wisdom at its best… and increase of pride leading to folly at its worst; though actually the wisdom and pride both increases.).
The increase of wisdom, in this case, is due to Rahu. The planet Rahu always takes us away from spirituality, it being a material planet. At best, the wisdom attained can be useful for the material minded, or the wisdom attained acts best in a material plane. There is no logic denying that some elated souls may not have them.

How does a native get spiritually inclined and become a spiritualist? Is the path easy as a cake walk? Or is a person spiritually matured from the beginning? (barring exceptions like Sri Krishna, who we have met in stories. Whether he at all existed or was made to exist to give us wisdom is another story….But I believe in him though.. I guess a discussion on this would be out of context.). Or did the spiritually enlightened native have Rahu exalted (at his finest).
Whether the spiritual elevation was due to Guru Rahu conjunction is another question!?

Personally felt: the extra pride and its realization later ( due to other yogas) could have led to the soul getting elevated.

Jupiter Rahu conjunction on its own, even in charts of spiritually elevated souls, did not act as an aid to spiritual elevation. Look for other yogas.

Let us not use the logic which may be used to prove that Robindranath was a goat; just because Robindranath and goats have beards.


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Guru Rahu association....

Post by Votive » Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:11 pm

Maya bhi tumhari, Ram, jeev bhi tumhara...
says a song.
Therefore, the very creation then can be attributed to the  existence of the nodes, for they generate the game of life which all people have to go through whether they are spiritually or materialistically inclined.
As a poet said,
"sansar se bhage phirte ho bhagwan ko tum kya paaoge
apmaan rachaita ka hoga rachna ko agar thukraoge"
Material wisdom arising from a strong Guru/rahu conjunction should then be almost as good as a rajyoga rather than being termed as Guru chandaal yoga.

rishi aka Votive

Rishiji, we share the same name and I go by the name 'votive' to avoid any confusion in this forum!

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Re: Guru Rahu association....

Post by RishiRahul » Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:46 pm

Votive wrote:Maya bhi tumhari, Ram, jeev bhi tumhara...
says a song.
Therefore, the very creation then can be attributed to the  existence of the nodes, for they generate the game of life which all people have to go through whether they are spiritually or materialistically inclined.
As a poet said,
"sansar se bhage phirte ho bhagwan ko tum kya paaoge
apmaan rachaita ka hoga rachna ko agar thukraoge"
Material wisdom arising from a strong Guru/rahu conjunction should then be almost as good as a rajyoga rather than being termed as Guru chandaal yoga.

rishi aka Votive

Rishiji, we share the same name and I go by the name 'votive' to avoid any confusion in this forum!

Thank you Votiveji,

It was a lovely praise for me to receive. I thank you heartfully!

When we want to escape from Rahu, Ketu follows us and vice versa. We just need to feel and follw their wisdom.

Better understanding comes if we treat Ketu as the past of our present life or previous life; and Rahu as the future of our present life or next life.

Some say...let us forget the past and go ahead with the future... never holds in actuality ( leads to grief).

Learn from the past while working with your present, keeping in mind your future.  

Future= Past + Present.


Present= Future - Past.

The nodes, thank god, do not have the status of  the monotony of general planets; like so many mathematical points in charts that many well meaning astrologers even do not follow.

The mathematical points, being more important point towards astrology being a perfect science... (not yet founded)... pardon my wrong english.


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Re: To RohiniRanjanji, Votiveji and ALL

Post by siva » Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:54 am

Hi Rishiji,

I hope I can share some 'real life examples' on this. My mother has Guru-Rahu conjunction in Cancer. She is Libra ascendant. As far as spiriuality is considered, my mother is my Guru, (not in the practical sense of getting a mantra), instead it was she who instilled in me the right sense of devotion to God. She was not at all religious till marriage. But she gradually took interest in all these and had her own ways of communication with God. I have always wondered at her innocence behind the veil of pride. She does have an attitude that nobody needs to teach her anymore of spirituality, that she doesnt have to read any more books, whatever needs to be known she already knows and such kind. But whatever it is, I admit that she is much more spiritually elevated than my father who chants mantra daily, but still is short tempered at sometimes doesnt show the qualities of a spiritually matured person. As you said correctly, the rahu-guru conjunction helps to use the wisdom on a material plane. My mother is a person who always opines that there is nothing wrong in enjoying life provided our enjoyment doesnt hurt others, a sort of epicurean attitude which I admire. All wisdom is useless if we dont put it in use. It is my mother who taught me 'to get wisdom from Guru' and use it for 'Rahu purpose' :) . Unless and until we are not that spiritually elevated to get a realisation, little mortals like me has no other option but to live in the materialistic plane with a spiritual base.

I am yet to understand the negative effects of this yoga, with respect to my mother.

I know some of my friends with this yoga, but it appears in Navamsa, so  not sure if the same results can be said of that in rasi. Probably the scholars in this forum can shed some light on that.

Regarding KSY, inspite of the controversies about its existence, I have seen that people with KSY experiencing children related problems-not having children, getting children very late in life, giving birth to autistic children etc. My cousin has the yoga and her child who is 3years now still hasnt spoken a word. Another colleague of mine is 40 plus and doesnt have children.

I am just sharing my experience, so that it will be useful to others. I hope it wont be taken as misleading the readers. After all shouldnt we cross check the theories with real life experience?


RishiRahul wrote:The above to 'all seekers' were posted by me on September 10th. in this thread, was in a hurry without going thru the contents; and I felt it did not explain itself well enough, though RohiniRanjanji and Votiveji understood it well.

I am posting my corrected thoughts below for your perusal:=

To ALL the seekers,

Let us deal with the 2 present topics creating much disrupt: (1) The Guru Rahu conjunction. (2) Kalsarpa yoga.

Let us not think rigidly as we always tend to do. It would be better to never look at any yoga rigidly. I never do it, and it should be never done.

Rahu Ketu axis always affect some house axis (1, 7 or 2, 8 or 3, 9 etc.) in a chart adversely.
When all planets are posited in one side of the Rahu Ketu axis (eg: also in Kalsarpa yoga) it makes the personality/destiny lop sided. This is in addition to some axis being affected. Thus one should not take Kalsarpa yoga too literally, as even at the absence of Kalsarpa yoga the Rahu Ketu affects some axis adversely; Also all planets in one side of Rahu Ketu axis affects a chart adversely.

Maybe some people took advantage by using Kalsarpa yoga to scare people, like they do so with so many other things; less or more!

Sri K.N. Rao, Dr. B.V. Raman etc were no doubt great in knowledge and their findings should be respected by all. We should be able to exercise enough individuality of thought in trying to understand their minds, or what they are trying to say…THE UNDERLYING MEANING.

There are so many Jyotish Commentators.. and there are so many living Jyotish commentators. They all had and have different styles of explanation or expression levels! THAT we have to realize.

Coming to Guru Rahu combination:  

No yoga, by itself, is capable of causing total destruction and or no yoga is complete in itself.

Jupiter Rahu is said to give Guru Chandala yoga; but only if Jupiter Rahu conjunction is afflicted…. Is my view.
In Jupiter Rahu conjunction the wisdom of Jupiter gets inflated… (increase of wisdom at its best… and increase of pride leading to folly at its worst; though actually the wisdom and pride both increases.).
The increase of wisdom, in this case, is due to Rahu. The planet Rahu always takes us away from spirituality, it being a material planet. At best, the wisdom attained can be useful for the material minded, or the wisdom attained acts best in a material plane. There is no logic denying that some elated souls may not have them.

How does a native get spiritually inclined and become a spiritualist? Is the path easy as a cake walk? Or is a person spiritually matured from the beginning? (barring exceptions like Sri Krishna, who we have met in stories. Whether he at all existed or was made to exist to give us wisdom is another story….But I believe in him though.. I guess a discussion on this would be out of context.). Or did the spiritually enlightened native have Rahu exalted (at his finest).
Whether the spiritual elevation was due to Guru Rahu conjunction is another question!?

Personally felt: the extra pride and its realization later ( due to other yogas) could have led to the soul getting elevated.

Jupiter Rahu conjunction on its own, even in charts of spiritually elevated souls, did not act as an aid to spiritual elevation. Look for other yogas.

Let us not use the logic which may be used to prove that Robindranath was a goat; just because Robindranath and goats have beards.


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