Lahiri's Ayanamsha Offset

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Bhuwan Agrawal
Posts: 307
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Post by Bhuwan Agrawal » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:42 pm

You seem to be a gifted scholar of astrology. Could you please do some chart reading posted in vedic reading forum so that we I can personally learn your style and art.

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Post by nikodim » Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:50 am

Bhuwal Aqrawal. It probably bad idea with diagramme reading. I at all do not know English language, and teachers in this world are not present, only one God. I in last embodiments was the Egyptian priest, and here in this reincarnation I simply recollect that knowledge. After all the astrology then was applied to Soul resettlement in the future. You probably know conjectures of historians about sacrifices of people?
If you the Spiritual person then should know, that are not present death, and practice not acceptances in meat food is based on disposal of fear. After all at murder of an animal the hormone of fear which is transferred with food to the person is developed. For fear of death there is a rough vibration and energy loss. All our existence in this world is constructed on disposal of this fear. For example in Islam призирают cowards, it is connected with the same doctrine when in the course of Soul evolution there are its changes торсионной dynamics.
Here knowing it is ancient priests of the-teacher imparted Belief, through ceremonies.
Knowing an exact astrology they saw when where and during what time the Pharaoh, a priest-builder, the teacher and other devoted should реинкарнироваться. Mere mortals in a victim did not bring, after all the Spiritual person loves all live and knows, that really represents this world.
Those people went on a victim and to this generation of it not to understand. The ceremony мумифицирования was necessary for Soul restraint in this world. After all all ceremonies of memory about died this restraint through Souls in this world through thought. I support myself physically too through thought. It more more effectively than to swing muscles weights. Though also that too thought. All is created by means of thought. It is magic of creation of this world. Jesus казал: « People you Gods ”, it that we together with the nature create these levels of development, and the above your Spiritual level, the is given to you of abilities in it more. With Аyаnамsha the same situation if you from the higher worlds of development, to you owing to your operating time the exact astrology, and from the lowest worlds opens, is given less. That is why also have confirmed forces of a matter through citizens Аyаnамsha lаhiri. In Russian it associates with Лохом, he/she is the person not reasonable with which constantly plant, or to tell deceive easier. Here scientists also are servants архонтов it is favourable to them to constrain Souls in a matter. Gods are envious misters, at them the work, and at us the. It is regeneration of energy of the God in which process you change polarity with left for the right.
Those ancient people described in Ведах, and that no more than 30 % could change destiny, present sacred and clarified, after all disposal of it, this transformation to the public also are subject to law Кармы.
I conduct to what will be given everyone so much, on how many it close costs to the right party?
I already wrote, that an astrology principle, as well as at the world, to be developed and be turned off. This principle works in all horoscopes and on it it is possible to tell, who in forces to overcome a matter and who follows her tastes. Here I have exposed horoscope Manmohan Singh if it exact then this person already has died during lifetime, I speak about that death which gives freedom. It in a horoscope has a consciousness deployment, it very seldom happens, in the others, even great heroes of history of mankind, it is turned off. After all they only heroes of a matter, and it is one of stages of display of Spirit.
At an exact astrology variables signification work, applying them, you can reject those сигнификаторы which at a birth are not valid. This method of elimination in sequence helps with horoscope rectification. Fractional cards help to apply the same variables signification, in each area of a life, there sequence signification show, when and on what house there will be corresponding events. After all Souls come to this world at various times and for grids the destiny at (144) it much In the smallest fractional card varies it is possible to see. I did a horoscope on twins born by means of Кесарево sections, at which difference of time of a birth of all on two seconds. The doctor cut to both of them an umbilical cord in an interval of 2 seconds, so at one higher education, and other housewife. Have married in one day and have given birth to children in one day. They were born on transition of two houses, shown in this small fractionally card

I while do not fulfil a prediction, but only I practise on a birth and leaving. Knowing laws of creation of the world, which Gods have given to people through an astrology, it is possible to see destiny of the person, beforehand, in millenia. That writing about display of of planets is very deformed at present because not knowing an exact astrology, astrologists have started to copy nature laws under illusiveness of the perception. It is very evident in the western astrology, and in djotisha.
I read destiny only on Nakshatra, they in general transfer the general part of a code, and I yet did not consider smaller. About other points in an astrology also I can not tell they work at present, or not. I know precisely, that life cycle calculation as it is described in Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra for a long time already does not work. The matter for these millenia was deformed very fine, and astrologists which know an exact astrology owing to the Spirituality do not give to its children as it can do much harm it. They perfectly know, that only the God gives and to reach it it is necessary only the BIG BELIEF., but not fanatical, but reasonable. Fanaticism it also a condition of Soul which passes in due time.
Excuse, that has short stated, for this purpose it is required to more time and trial of the sacred writing. There the secret of an exact astrology is covered.

Bhuwan Agrawal
Posts: 307
Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:16 am

Post by Bhuwan Agrawal » Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:12 pm

Could you please refer some books that you follow. I am really interested in the art that you desribe, it seems to me that your astrological techinque is a little bit different perhaps based upon ancient Egyptian knowledge. This is the reason I requested you to read some of the charts from reading forum. Please don't worry about your english, you are doing fine.

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Post by nikodim » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:06 pm

Bhuwan Agrawal. The technician at me same as well as at other astrologists, Horoscopes I do under program Jagannatha Hora 7.1. It free also does rather exact calculations. I recognise only 7n planets and Lunar knots.
I use Vimsattori Dasa, another and it is not necessary, only I apply the Аyanamsha. I apply constants and variables significators and has read astrology bases. At me about ten astrological books and brochures which I do not read, I from them took only bases of an astrology and methods of manual calculation. Has read only Prasna Tantra and Parasara Hora Sastra. I read cards on Prasna Tantra as well as natal a horoscope, aspects there too I apply as in the Indian astrology, even I use Vimsattori Dasa. Also believe to me, shows very precisely.
I read books Spiritual, on all religions and world cults. In all of them of knowledge, and on an astrology too. And if is more exact, ourselves carriers of all knowledge. The Belief and cleanliness is necessary. All very simply and at the same time very long. For this purpose it is necessary much reincarnations and not only in this world.

Bhuwan Agrawal
Posts: 307
Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:16 am

Post by Bhuwan Agrawal » Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:45 am

What Ayanamsa do you use for accurate timings of Antardasa? Any work that you did in this area. With so many permuations and combinations of significators almost all of them work, but still the question remains what is the logically correct one?. I have seen so much debate all over but nobody seems to have benchmark baseline data of their predictions. If someone did but it was not in any public domain that I am ware of.

Posts: 61
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Post by nikodim » Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:12 pm

Bhuwan. It is bad. That you are whose fruit that dogmas which to you has hung pink glasses of the error. I do not belong to any of schools, I in the beginning of acquaintance with an astrology have rejected at once western and was not agreed with Indian. It is not agreed mentality of that level of Spiritual development, whence I have come to this world of development. I have started to search for an exact astrology, and only after many years, it has come to me as revelations. Time has simply come when I have developed karмa a wordly way and it was necessary to recollect who I is actually.
The matter was very much deformed presently, even yoga’s not levitate what to speak levels above an astral.

I will tell, that Аyаnaмsа size a constant, it corresponds to a matter condition as ideal error. All of us are mistaken, but there is a primary point of this error. Ancient priests of Egypt drew on the Zodiac on two Venus and two Мercury, differing among themselves. (The round Denderovsky Zodiac). The first held staffs, and the second put forward on before were with horns and tails. At Mercury in hands there was Hermes's staff. It is allegory of transition from a demon to the person and a method with which help it is possible to become the person. It also distortion of consciousness of each individual in this world which corresponds to its world and associates with time when at this level the law and the world from human level has exchanged has entered into the demonic. The first Pharaohs of Egypt forbade trade, only barter by a result of independent work after that the world was drained in by race behind a profit. The person is sciences and crafts, trade destiny of the lowest worlds. This world of war and exchange energies, here always will be war and a robbery. At present, it has reached tops of its development behind which its end is already visible.

Consciousness distortion means has gone not since fourth century of an era of the Christ, and even earlier. It is said that coincidence of Galaxies to a point of a spring equinox was even earlier Here from Hermes Trismegista: * very remote date of the life, attributed to Hermes, starts with following remark Beruni (chron. 342): on Hermes, rising of Galaxies coincides with a point of a spring equinox that took place more than 3300 years prior to the beginning of a Christian era (L.Massinon). We result also the co-ordinates of stars specified in "Liber Hermetis" and "Tractatus Enoch", the ice crust see. изд. - a lane comment *

The divergence of the Tropical and Siderites Zodiac also is fixing of consciousness of your centre of assemblage which defines your Spiritual level. As the consciousness as well as all this world has quality of deployment and turning, its restriction by code karma protects your biological cover from self-destruction. This process passes billions years and to you nobody will allow to run into chaos. Here nature laws accurately work. As well false Аyаnaмsа protects to you from nonsense in this world, it is concrete in this embodiment. If you awake to own an exact astrology, you will bring down economy of this world that will cause troubles, and you will kill continually. So, that a code karma both a damnation and your guarantor on normal existence in these material worlds. Here when you will forget such words as "GIVE", I "WANT", then to you and will give that knowledge which you will be ready to accept.
I like all have told, more I have nothing to tell.

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