Relevance of selecting child's name as per Nakshatra & Charan.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat May 04, 2013 9:00 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:Thread getting too messy and long and convoluted and I fear shall soon risk becoming a veritable "dog's breakfast", a phenomenon witnessed many times before ;-)

Hence, I broke away from the QUOTE mayajaal!


I doubt very much that by changing name to what birthname had been soothes someone's mind :-), unless one had already scapegoated the name with some sort of inadequacy. In olden days, sometimes names were given without much thought and individuals had to live with those names some of which led to mockery and bullying or marginalization in schools etc. A name change even under the guise of astro-karmic tuning may have some therapeutic value but unless it is demonstrated to have astrological linkages and that is very hard to do, one should not assume that it was the name-change that changed the fate or stars or whatever was written by Vidhata. That is all I am saying, from what I see and have seen. Namely, that the future trend was written at birth, even before the name was chosen or given or carried out in the newborn's life. Then those raised in other cultures also have to be careful that the children's names will not get mangled and sound like a swear-word or cause for being picked upon by school bullies etc. The wider one opens ones eyes the more wonders of the Human family living on vasudha one appreciates! There is more to a name than a namakshar or sound or mere fancy!

And then there is the troublesome question. Even if success followed following a name change recommended by a divinator, how can one be sure that the luck would not have changed anyway, even if the name were not changed or had no rhyme or reason with astrology? Hence, I wrote with some thought given to the matter of names and shared that regardless of whether people were named according to the cannons of astrology or not, their birthchart did not note or reflect the change or change its course!

Baba/dad/bapi are not names really and do not really belong to the context which we are discussing here, *energies, feelings, vibrations* notwithstanding :-)

Love, Light, Reality!


I have not mentioned anywhere that destiny can be altered by the change of name to a modified/minor one. Have I?

The name change is like using muhurthas, remedies etc.
The name change can affect a persons life similar to muhuthas, remedies.
Destiny is above them all, but their strength/soothing influence cannot be denied.

This name change thing has very strong marketing like Kalsarpa & manglik doshas these days.

The given/birth recorded name may also be destiny. But again our parents have the option of choosing our name at random or numerically.

Whatever the 'Truth' may be it is a 'Fact' that the vibrations arising out of a name without the birth details does reveal powerfully enough the nature of the individual.
And the progressions arising out of That name shows major turns/changes/bends in life.
I use them quite successfully in my timings in divination.
Being able to do so successfully so many times proved (to me) the  wonderful value of the name.
I mentioned this as vivek ji had mentioned:="Now the Ancients followed a different system of naming as the name is infact the first mantra the child receives from the world. it has a great relevance to the natives image"  
; & the word 'image' struck a bell.



Where did I say that you said that name change leads to change in bhagya!!

But lots of divinators tell their clients exactly that and recommend a change in name etc to improve their destiny! I was commenting on that as being a very anecdotal type of practice with no evidence whatsoever. Divination including Jyotish is full of similar practices and that is simply a sad reality! And that includes KSY, mangalika and even flakier premises.

As Shetty ji said, "One's name is like the first mantra" so no wonder that you found that name alone gave you so much insight into the nature of individuals etc.

That would be a very different thing altogether. We are not discussing the association between the name and sense of self etc, but questioning the miraculous change with a change in name which sometimes divinators prescribe to their clients.

TWO entirely disparate things :-)

Love and Light!

Namaskaar to both my elder bros and all,
Rohiniranjan ji, it was bang on and Rishi ji was so tantalisingly close. See the words and sentences in bold in the above quote. I am reminded of how so many of our saints and babas (the originals and not the copies) were never known by their name but by funny names which people gave them because of some of their peculiarities. Like Joowale baba (the saint with head full of lice), Taatwale baba (the saint with matted locks of hair), tilaa wale baba (the saint who lived on a hillock).
Am also reminded of the name given during Sanyaasa deeksha (with a anand suffixed) or also Tantric deekshas even for householders which was known as their deeksha name.
Rohiniranjan ji the sentence underlined by me in your reply to Rishi ji just made my hair stand (romaahashana). No doubt only Chandra (Rohiniranjan) can really understand about names, image and the sense of self.
It is sad that the originator of the topic Aghase ji is absent from this wonderful discussion.
Thank you.

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Post by kagashe » Sat May 04, 2013 10:30 am

vivekvshetty wrote: It is sad that the originator of the topic Aghase ji is absent from this wonderful discussion.
Thank you.
Dear Vivekji,
Since I have re-visited this forum after more than 3 years I have read many posts where such exchanges between Rohiniranji and Rishirahulji have taken place. I was thinking what to write and today you have provoked me to respond.

My name (कमलाकर or कमळाकर) was selected as per my birth star Mrigasira 3 (Letter का where क can also be used). I don't know whether I was benifited or not. When I studied relation between my Number (2) as per Birthday *(11th) and name K (2) I switched from full name Kamalakar Agashe to K Agashe since Agashe gives 9. But most people called me Agashe which is 9 and I became गुस्से वाला आदमी. People avoid dealing with me because someone equated it to आग से मत खेलो.

Recently I am using Kamalakar Agashe once again and some people call me Mr Kamalakar which is very soothing.

My age is 60 on last birthday and this forum can do research on my nature but these are some of the facts about my experince with my name.

Let me now discuss about the child who was born on 12/04/2013 at 16:59 Hrs at Jharsuguda (Orissa) under Bharani 3. The parents and grand parents are still unsure of selecting the name and looking at me.

Jharsuguda is located at 84:02E 21:51N in case you don't have in the software.

Do you have any suggestions?


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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat May 04, 2013 3:15 pm

kagashe wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote: It is sad that the originator of the topic Aghase ji is absent from this wonderful discussion.
Thank you.
Dear Vivekji,
Since I have re-visited this forum after more than 3 years I have read many posts where such exchanges between Rohiniranji and Rishirahulji have taken place. I was thinking what to write and today you have provoked me to respond.

My name (कमलाकर or कमळाकर) was selected as per my birth star Mrigasira 3 (Letter का where क can also be used). I don't know whether I was benifited or not. When I studied relation between my Number (2) as per Birthday *(11th) and name K (2) I switched from full name Kamalakar Agashe to K Agashe since Agashe gives 9. But most people called me Agashe which is 9 and I became गुस्से वाला आदमी. People avoid dealing with me because someone equated it to आग से मत खेलो.

Recently I am using Kamalakar Agashe once again and some people call me Mr Kamalakar which is very soothing.

My age is 60 on last birthday and this forum can do research on my nature but these are some of the facts about my experince with my name.

Let me now discuss about the child who was born on 12/04/2013 at 16:59 Hrs at Jharsuguda (Orissa) under Bharani 3. The parents and grand parents are still unsure of selecting the name and looking at me.

Jharsuguda is located at 84:02E 21:51N in case you don't have in the software.

Do you have any suggestions?

Namaskaar Kamalakar ji,
Let me just give my thoughts on this, the Chranaakshar 'La' is of Ya varga and belongs to Chandra. Chandra in the 8th is not a desirable. The Graha which i feel is more auspicious is Guru (त varga) and its Akshar may be preferred. Amongst its letters the letter Dha ध  falls in Dhanu and this is trines to Chandra and also a kendra from lagna and so may be preferred. There is more but for that either pm me or post in the reading forum as i feel the discussion will be off tracked.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat May 04, 2013 7:36 pm

Dear Vivek ji,

Nice to hear your voice (cyber?) again :-)
It is unfortunate that Rishi ji felt (incorrectly) that I was implying/insinuating that he stated that name-change significantly (or at all) changes ones fate! :-)

Such 'practice' though is seen fairly often in Jyotish circles, perhaps not here or a few other forums, but certainly in the vaster Jyotishi community outside internet. Internet Jyotish, if I am not mistaken constitutes a very small percentage of the total numbers of Jyotishis in active practice even in India alone and definitely so if other countries are pooled as well. Sometimes, ads about name-change recommendations and articles are seen in magazines too. I was thinking of those when I shared my thoughts about name-changes and fate-changes or absence thereof.

What usually happens on most discussion threads is that a message gets posted that triggers some thoughts or additional nuances in other participants and the thread grows like a tree with many branches and so on. This is actually healthy because we each have slightly different experiences, even knowledge, and strengths and weaknesses and certainly different perceptions all of which sometimes view different facets of reality and then someone reading such thread can enjoy a 'fuller' and more complete picture. And through sharing our diverse knowledge, and experiences, our collective sense of REALity grows!

*Kamalakar ji* (to avoid getting him angry by addressing him by his family name :-)) has shared a very interesting instance of possible change in nature or response through use of different names, however this is quite expected. Many of us very closely learn to identify with our names but others seem to be less in tune with their names and interestingly enough, two individuals with the same name are often very different personalities, sometimes diametrically opposite even.

Among my friends, I had 2 to 3 each of Anils, Rajendras, Ashoks, Prashants, Deepaks, Pradeeps (one of the three spelt his name Pradip) etc. Interestingly, all had very different natures (within each pair or trios of similar names) and since they were in the same professional track, had quite a bit similar career tracks though with differences obviously, but more similar to each other when compared with other individuals conceivably with similar names but in other walks of life.

Another interesting thing to note. At least in my generation and certainly earlier ones, in India many names given used to be based on names of Gods, but I am sure no one will have difficulty in believing me that all or even many of these individuals were not necessarily divine! ;-)

In western societies, family names often are based on the original family trade or business/avocation etc. Pretty much none of the Smiths are smithing, and Foxes are not hunters nor are all Hunters necessarily violent.

This has been an interesting thread and make me think things through, for which Kamalakar ji, Vivek ji, Rishi ji and Biltu ji must be thanked by Rohiniranjan who is too scared to ride on horses, to ride anything (period) and does not enjoy painting or colouring and my moods do not change with the phase of the moon! Although I do love painting prose and prosetry! :-)

Love and Light,


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Post by kagashe » Sun May 05, 2013 12:53 pm

vivekvshetty wrote: Namaskaar Kamalakar ji,
Let me just give my thoughts on this, the Chranaakshar 'La' is of Ya varga and belongs to Chandra. Chandra in the 8th is not a desirable. The Graha which i feel is more auspicious is Guru (त varga) and its Akshar may be preferred. Amongst its letters the letter Dha ध  falls in Dhanu and this is trines to Chandra and also a kendra from lagna and so may be preferred. There is more but for that either pm me or post in the reading forum as i feel the discussion will be off tracked.

Thanks Vivek ji.
That brings us to the point that if Chandra is not well placed, strong we should look for another well placed benefic graha i.e. Guru in this case.

Where do we get this relationship between the Akshar and Graha and Rashi?


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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun May 05, 2013 1:31 pm

Namaskaar Rohiniranjan ji,
we all love the 'Jugalbandi' (yugal actually, here we see how some akshars are easily replaced by another and also so silently for us to notice) between you and Rishi ji and if there is a discordant note, even then it adds to the experience of the listener (reader). Rishi ji respects you and more importantly loves you a lot to really misinterpret your post.
As for some others it is easy to misunderstand your writing and then take it personally. Sadly they miss the whole point, your musings are worth more if understood properly. But this takes some recalibration on their part to bring the mind in sync with yours.

No doubt Name numerology is big business and there are many a numerologists who are celebrities themselves because they are consulted by celebrities. especially from the film fraternity and you have many of these celebrities or wannabes with funny spelling attached to their name. Which in turn throws a question - is a name written more or pronounced more? and is a change in the written vibration powerful enough to overshadow the verbal vibration? A name is spoken more than written.  

The discussion on this topic in this thread is very stimulating, triggering deep submerged thoughts to surface and hence adding to the richness of the topic. Like I was ruminating on your post and suddenly the practice of Naama Daana in the Sant Sampradaaya and its offshoots (like the Kabir pant, the Radha Saomi's and many others) came to my mind. It is not relevant to this topic but some what connected. And ofcourse the 'Mahimaa' of the Raama naama is well documented and profiled in our scriptures and stories in the life of devotees like Hanumaan. This may be the reason for naming children after Dieties - as every time we called them it would add to the japa count.      

Riding Horses - Dhanu is 6th from Karka and 8th from Vrishabha. Chandra like to paint with words and achieve effects on the listener which colour may not. colours are more Shukra. The difference between the emotional and the sensual- experience.

Thank you for the love and light.

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun May 05, 2013 3:18 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:Dear Vivek ji,

Nice to hear your voice (cyber?) again :-)
It is unfortunate that Rishi ji felt (incorrectly) that I was implying/insinuating that he stated that name-change significantly (or at all) changes ones fate! :-)

Such 'practice' though is seen fairly often in Jyotish circles, perhaps not here or a few other forums, but certainly in the vaster Jyotishi community outside internet. Internet Jyotish, if I am not mistaken constitutes a very small percentage of the total numbers of Jyotishis in active practice even in India alone and definitely so if other countries are pooled as well. Sometimes, ads about name-change recommendations and articles are seen in magazines too. I was thinking of those when I shared my thoughts about name-changes and fate-changes or absence thereof.

What usually happens on most discussion threads is that a message gets posted that triggers some thoughts or additional nuances in other participants and the thread grows like a tree with many branches and so on. This is actually healthy because we each have slightly different experiences, even knowledge, and strengths and weaknesses and certainly different perceptions all of which sometimes view different facets of reality and then someone reading such thread can enjoy a 'fuller' and more complete picture. And through sharing our diverse knowledge, and experiences, our collective sense of REALity grows!

*Kamalakar ji* (to avoid getting him angry by addressing him by his family name :-)) has shared a very interesting instance of possible change in nature or response through use of different names, however this is quite expected. Many of us very closely learn to identify with our names but others seem to be less in tune with their names and interestingly enough, two individuals with the same name are often very different personalities, sometimes diametrically opposite even.

Among my friends, I had 2 to 3 each of Anils, Rajendras, Ashoks, Prashants, Deepaks, Pradeeps (one of the three spelt his name Pradip) etc. Interestingly, all had very different natures (within each pair or trios of similar names) and since they were in the same professional track, had quite a bit similar career tracks though with differences obviously, but more similar to each other when compared with other individuals conceivably with similar names but in other walks of life.

Another interesting thing to note. At least in my generation and certainly earlier ones, in India many names given used to be based on names of Gods, but I am sure no one will have difficulty in believing me that all or even many of these individuals were not necessarily divine! ;-)

In western societies, family names often are based on the original family trade or business/avocation etc. Pretty much none of the Smiths are smithing, and Foxes are not hunters nor are all Hunters necessarily violent.

This has been an interesting thread and make me think things through, for which Kamalakar ji, Vivek ji, Rishi ji and Biltu ji must be thanked by Rohiniranjan who is too scared to ride on horses, to ride anything (period) and does not enjoy painting or colouring and my moods do not change with the phase of the moon! Although I do love painting prose and prosetry! :-)

Love and Light,



Oh! just a cyber mis-understanding of sorts. Not in reality I,m sure! Ones such as this deepens perceptions (at least for me) :)

Frankly, I had always been always pondering for much time in the strength of the modified name.

With time I realised that in certain circles certain names were adopted (mostly by the the circle).
The mathematical vibration the name brought was an important influence regarding how the native was perceived by the society.

There is more to this, but this is a vedic astrology forum.

I hope one day someone would start a post there & I could learn & share more, even from my numerology mini guru (user id:Enumero123)  :smt003


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun May 05, 2013 10:37 pm


Divination is ultimately a matrix in which the different subjects are feeding into. However, for simplicity we separate those into astrology (two subtypes) and the third one being nadi, and there is palmistry and numerology and tarot, iching, nimitta, etc etc etc.

However, as I see it, numerology (again different subtypes) even more than our mutual favourite palmistry, is more directly a part and parcel of astrology. While not a traditional application of numerology, numbers as a seed for horary for instance have been used in KP astrology and also the utilization of a series of numbers from 1-108 for finding the horary ascendant and so on so forth.

All jyotishis should try and read Harish Johari's book on vedic numerology and also try and understand the <nearly> tantrik utilization of numbers in kavachs etc as outlined in his other equally wonderful book on gemstones, also a subtopic that light up the eyes of jyotishis and their clients too...!

Love and Light,


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun May 05, 2013 10:56 pm

vivekvshetty wrote:Namaskaar Rohiniranjan ji,
we all love the 'Jugalbandi' (yugal actually, here we see how some akshars are easily replaced by another and also so silently for us to notice) between you and Rishi ji and if there is a discordant note, even then it adds to the experience of the listener (reader). Rishi ji respects you and more importantly loves you a lot to really misinterpret your post.
As for some others it is easy to misunderstand your writing and then take it personally. Sadly they miss the whole point, your musings are worth more if understood properly. But this takes some recalibration on their part to bring the mind in sync with yours.

No doubt Name numerology is big business and there are many a numerologists who are celebrities themselves because they are consulted by celebrities. especially from the film fraternity and you have many of these celebrities or wannabes with funny spelling attached to their name. Which in turn throws a question - is a name written more or pronounced more? and is a change in the written vibration powerful enough to overshadow the verbal vibration? A name is spoken more than written.  

The discussion on this topic in this thread is very stimulating, triggering deep submerged thoughts to surface and hence adding to the richness of the topic. Like I was ruminating on your post and suddenly the practice of Naama Daana in the Sant Sampradaaya and its offshoots (like the Kabir pant, the Radha Saomi's and many others) came to my mind. It is not relevant to this topic but some what connected. And ofcourse the 'Mahimaa' of the Raama naama is well documented and profiled in our scriptures and stories in the life of devotees like Hanumaan. This may be the reason for naming children after Dieties - as every time we called them it would add to the japa count.      

Riding Horses - Dhanu is 6th from Karka and 8th from Vrishabha. Chandra like to paint with words and achieve effects on the listener which colour may not. colours are more Shukra. The difference between the emotional and the sensual- experience.

Thank you for the love and light.

Vivek ji,

Brilliant thoughts! But then, what else can we expect from you! :-)

Please don't worry, Rishi and I sometimes walk on egg-shells around one another but just to clear the air and maintain what is sadly lacking from many internet gatherings: Sabha Maryaada! Please do not read anything more in those occasional exchanges.

I suppose I have a bit of both: Chandra and Shukra, but then who does not? :-)

Yes, I like your reasoning given for naming children with the names of Gods, Prophets and Saints, etc. And interestingly this practice exists in nearly all religions, cultures, nationalities etc. I have even met some atheists who were named after Gods, Saints etc...!

Hence the Bard wrote, as our Biltu bhai reminded us:

What is in a name!

Anyways, thanks for your contributions and also to other dear members and first and foremost, Shri Kamalakar Agashe ji.

Love and Light,


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Post by vivekvshetty » Mon May 06, 2013 1:26 pm

kagashe wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote: Namaskaar Kamalakar ji,
Let me just give my thoughts on this, the Chranaakshar 'La' is of Ya varga and belongs to Chandra. Chandra in the 8th is not a desirable. The Graha which i feel is more auspicious is Guru (&#2340; varga) and its Akshar may be preferred. Amongst its letters the letter Dha &#2343;  falls in Dhanu and this is trines to Chandra and also a kendra from lagna and so may be preferred. There is more but for that either pm me or post in the reading forum as i feel the discussion will be off tracked.

Thanks Vivek ji.
That brings us to the point that if Chandra is not well placed, strong we should look for another well placed benefic graha i.e. Guru in this case.

Where do we get this relationship between the Akshar and Graha and Rashi?

Namaskaar Kamalakar ji,
This is how I went about.
The Akshar of the Nakshatra charan is 'La', now 'La' belongs to the semi vowel group of the Devanaagri lipi, we can call it the 'Ya' varga. The letters containing this Varga are - Ya. Ra , La, va, Sa, Sha Shha etc. This varga is ruled by Chandra and when we scan the birth chart of the child we find Chandra is placed in the 8th in Maranakaaraka Sthaana. Hence we did not feel convinced to start a name with 'La'. In some other chart Chandra may be placed in different Nakshatra and the Charan Akshar may be ruled by a different Graha. If this Graha &nbsp;(the ruler of the Akshar) is well placed then we may prefer that Akshar even if Chandra may not be well placed. We have to see the Graha which rules the Charanaakshar &nbsp;in which Chandra is placed and not Chandras placement. In the given case the Charanaakshar is ruled by Chandra.
I hope I am clear and not confused you more.

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Post by kagashe » Tue May 07, 2013 1:15 am

vivekvshetty wrote:"the ruler of the Akshar". We have to see the Graha which rules the Charanaakshar  in which Chandra is placed. I hope I am clear and not confused you more.
I am not confused I understand what you are saying.

My question is where do we see which Akshar is ruled by which Graha? Like you said "Ya varga belongs to Chandra" and "Guru (&#2340; varga)" what about "Ka varga", "Cha varga" rulers. I want to know them all because this is interesting.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue May 07, 2013 1:53 am

kagashe wrote:
vivekvshetty wrote:"the ruler of the Akshar". We have to see the Graha which rules the Charanaakshar  in which Chandra is placed. I hope I am clear and not confused you more.
I am not confused I understand what you are saying.

My question is where do we see which Akshar is ruled by which Graha? Like you said "Ya varga belongs to Chandra" and "Guru (&#2340; varga)" what about "Ka varga", "Cha varga" rulers. I want to know them all because this is interesting.

And you want to achieve all that learning PASSIVELY, Kamalakar ji?

Perhaps you must approach Shetty ji, privately?

This forum does allow a PM option!

Love, Light, Reality?


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