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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:03 pm

It is an airy sign ruled by Saturn, the significator of dutifulness and responsibility. These factors render the Aquarians independent and prepared to go against the established ways of behavior, if they feel that in doing so they are morally correct. If Aquarius rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be mother divine, Goddess Lakshmi. This sign rules shanks, calves, ankles, shin bone, blood circulation, etc. If Saturn and the Moon are strong, the Aquarians enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are susceptible to colds and infections, and suffer from fractures in lower legs, cancerous diseases and wounds, etc., in the parts ruled by Aquarius. Rheumatism and arthritis are also indicated with age. This is the mooltrikona sign of Saturn.
Aquarius is a fixed, positive, tamasic, tri-dosha, male, fruitful, talkative and biped sign and signifies characteristics like honesty, ideals and sensitiveness, etc., according to the strength of its lord. The body description resembles Saturn i.e. long stature, thin body and with prominent veins if Saturn is strong. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Saturn, the sign Aquarius usually makes their natives willingly to serve, helpful, with initiative, persevering and concentrated in work, active, courteous, deliberate, full of new ideas, decisive, humane, industrious, intuitive, scientific, studious, sympathetic, talented and unconventional or stubborn, rigid and impractical. Depending upon the strength of Saturn, the Sun and Mars, Aquarians become industrialists, leaders of the underdog, servants, thinkers, writers, religious teachers, etc. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:04 pm

It is a watery sign ruled by Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge. Venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts, is exalted and Mercury, the significator of intellect, is debilitated in this sign. These factors render the Pisceans romantic, imaginative, compassionate and generous. If Pisces rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Shiva. This sign rules feet and toes, lymphatic system, bones of the feet and toe. If the Sun, as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Pisceans are healthy. Otherwise, they have a sickly constitution, suffer from gout pains, joint pains, and disorders related with blood circulation, lymphatic system, feet, toes, bones of the feet/toes, etc.
Pisces is a dual, negative, satvic, kapha, female, mute, fruitful and footless sign and signifies enjoyments, sensitiveness, etc. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Pisces usually renders their natives gentle, cheerful, empathetic, caring, devoted to duty, emotional, enthusiastic, idealistic, impressionable, intuitive, with moral values, mystical, philosophical, sentimental and tolerant or timid, vulnerable, indolent and ease loving. Depending upon the strength of Jupiter, the Sun and Mars, the Pisceans join the professions of commerce, development, financial advisor, legal advisor, training, etc. The person rises well in his profession and is generous. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:05 pm

"Remedial Measures in Astrology"
Tuesday is considered as day for Ketu and both Friday and Saturday are considered as the days for Rahu.

Offerings for Rahu and Ketu are given to alleviate the pitra sapa - the curses of forefathers found in the chart in the form of close afflictions of Rahu and Ketu. Services to parents, old-age needy persons and poor people is also recommended in that spirit.

For Rahu and Ketu the preferred propitiatory charities are for crows and street dogs, respectively. Crows in mythological literature represents forefathers. Ketu represents spiritual persons. In the days of sradhas (the lunal paksha dedicated to the forefathers) the food is offered to crows, street dogs and cows and it is believed to be for Rahu, Ketu and the parents.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:07 pm

sun and moon
For the Sun and Moon the preferred propitiatory charities are for the ox/cow and the cow, respectively. The afflictions of the Sun and the Moon are believed to be attributed to the king/father and mother respectively.

Offering of wheat and jaggery (Gur) to a cow on Sunday or daily as per the extent of affliction.
Service to the father.
Surya Namaskar at the time of sunrise.

Offering dough to a cow on Mondays or daily.
Service rendered to one's mother.
Offering of rice to beggars.
Offering of boiled rice with sugar to crows

For Mercury the preferred propitiatory charities are recommended for the poor and needy children/students. Close affliction of Mercury is believed to be attributed to the wrongs done to the poor and needy children/students.

Watering a tulsi tree on Wednesday or daily except Sundays.
Donating green leaves (Palak) to cows on Wednesday.
Donating green pulses.
Donating to orphan homes.
Charities to poor students.

For Mars the preferred propitiatory charities are recommended for the servants, younger brothers, etc. Close affliction of Mars is believed to be attributed to the wrongs done to servants and younger brothers

Exercising patience.
Helping younger brothers/servants.
Prayers/meditation in the morning daily for at least ten minutes.

For Venus the preferred propitiatory charities are recommended for the needy women, wife, etc. Close affliction of Venus in the natal chart is belived to be attributed to the wrongs done to females or one's wife in previous lives.

Offering fine quality food articles to crows like sweet rice made in milk burfy, rasagulla, etc.
Donating silken clothes of bright colors.
Donating sugar, rice and cooking oil.

For Saturn the preferred propitiatory charities are recommended for the poor people. The close affliction of Saturn in the natal chart is believed to be attributed to the wrongs done to servants or poor people in one's previous lives.

Watering a peeple tree on Saturdays or daily except Sundays.
Offering salty rice with dal to beggars/crows.
Offering namkeen roti with mustard oil applied on it, in pieces to crows everyday morning.
Donating black pulse or salt or mustard oil on Saturdays.
Being considerate to the servants/poor.

For Jupiter the preferred propitiatory charities/services are recommended for guru, learned people and husband. The close affliction of Jupiter in the natal chart is believed to be attributed to wrongs done to learned people, one's guru and one's husband in the case of females in the previous lives.

Watering a peeple tree every day except Sundays or on Thursdays.
Offering banana to beggars or crows.
Offering a yellow colored sweet to crows.
Service to preceptor.

rahu & ketu
Serving one's parents.
Offering sweet roti with sugar stuffed in it and fried, in pieces to crows every day morning.
Charities and service to lepers.

Offering usual food articles to dogs.
Donating dull brown colored items.
Prayers to Lord Ganapathi.
Service to elderly people and saints.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:08 pm

The dress of colors indicated against each planet when functional benefic on days ruled by the concerned planet, should be used.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:10 pm

For offering prayers the deities of planets are as
SUN Fire, Lord Vishnu
MOON Lord Shiva, Water
MARS Lord Hanuman, Lord Siva's son following Ganapathi
RAHU Bhairava
SATURN Bhairava
MERCURY Goddess Durga
KETU Lord Ganapathi
VENUS Goddess Laksmi

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:10 pm

(1) Sun signifies administration as also practice of medicine ;
(2) Venus signifies practice of life saving drug, a business of artistic nature, engineering or luxury items, financial advisor's role, etc.
(3) Mercury dealing in writing, accountancy, analytical studies, application of law, designing work of engineering involving calculations etc.
(4) The Moon rules love and care, house keeping, public relations, etc.
(5) Mars signifies execution, commandership in the armed forces, initiative and entrepreneurship.
(6) Jupiter signifies practice of law, teaching, financial management, advisory roles, propagation of spirituality, etc.
(7) Saturn signifies participation in mass production involving large work force, low technology industry, leadership of labor/industrial workers service, etc.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:14 pm

Assets: 4th House, 2nd House, Mars and Venus.
Basic Education: 4th House, Moon and Mercury.
Children: 5th House, 2nd House, Jupiter and Sun.
Comforts: 12th House, 4th House, 7th House, 2nd House, Sun, Venus and Moon.

Courage: 3rd, Sun, Mars.
Creative Intelligence: 5th House, 2nd House, Jupiter and Sun.
Easy Gains: 8th House, Jupiter and Sun.
Education (Basic): 4th House, Moon and Mercury.

Education (Higher): 5th House, 2nd House, 9th House, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter.
Education (Spiritual): 9th House, and strength of Sun and Jupiter.
Elder Brothers: 11th House and Jupiter.
Employment: 10th House, 2nd House and Sun.

Family: 2nd House, 7th House, 4th House, Venus and Moon

Father: 9th House, 4th House, Sun and Jupiter.

Financial Solvency: 6th House, 2nd House, Moon and Venus

Foreign Residence: 7th House, 12th House or influence of 7th lord or 12th lord or 9th lord on 4th House or 10th House, Rahu and Venus.

Foreign Visits: 9th House, 10th House or influence of 9th lord or 12th lord or 7th lord on 4th House or 3rd House.

General Fortune/Luck: 9th House, 4th House, 2nd House, Sun and Jupiter.

Happy Married Life: 7th House, 4th House, 2nd House, 8th House, 12th House, Moon and Venus.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:21 pm

Health (Emotional): 1st House, 5th House, 6th House, Moon and Mercury.

Health (Functional): 1st House, 6th House, Moon and Mercury.
Health (General): 1st House, 6th House, Sun, Mars and Moon.
Health (Physical): 1st House, 6th House, Sun and Mars.

Heart Disease: 1st House, 6th House, 4th House, Sun and Moon, Mars, Jupiter.

Husband: 7th House, 2nd House, 4th House, 8th House, 12th House, Jupiter and Sun.

Inclinations: 5th House, 4th House, 2nd House, Jupiter and Sun.

Income and Gains: 11th House, 2nd House, 10th House, 3rd House, Jupiter, Venus and Moon.

Inheritance: 8th House, 9th House, 4th House, Sun and Moon

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:22 pm

What is manglik?
Answer to this question is very tricky

Take ur ascendent or first count in anti-clock wise direction.........1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8...............if in 7th or 8th house u have Mars or wat u say mangal..........u r manglik..........

Another type of manglik,,,,,,,,,,if Mars is in the 1st or 12th house and is effected by Satrun or Rahu or Ketu........u may also be called manglik.

there are other types of manglik also when degree of mars is not between 12 to 20 and is effected by a malefic...............then also the person might be effected by the Grah Mangal.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:25 pm

Shud manglik marry manglik
in vedas and puranas there has been no word called manglik.

but the reasearchers have found out that the person whose 7th and 8th house is effected by mars............has difficulty in having a peacefull marriage........if he/she is married to the person not having mars in 7th and 8th house.

thus the marriage either ends up in divorce or in death of other individual or health related problems for other person
thus manglik shud marry manglik only to have a peace ful married life
Mangala Dosha, as per traditional texts, indicates a widow-hood, within a span of 1 year from marriage. This was not taken into consideration for Bridegrooms, but only for brides to be.
This Dosa is based on Position of Mars in the charts from Lagna. The positions are Rasi-wise only.
There are many exceptions to the simple rule of placement, from Lagna in Houses(signs) 1,2,4,7,8, and 12.
In olden days in India, seperation of lawfully married couples, was only by death. Temp seperation for professional reasons, was not considered.

The traditional method of Horoscope matching is the point at which this Kuja dosha arises, whereas the matching itself is questionable. Is it not prudent on the part of Astrologer to match / comment on the horoscope from the following points of view:

1. The probable longevity of boy and girl

2. Giving due regard for 2, 7 and 11 harmonious combination in both charts

3. The ensuing Dasas of both, to assess and make sure of a favourable period for both. For example the time may be ripe for marriage as promised in the natal chart for both, but whereas soon after the marriage in either of the charts the unfavourable dasa is in the offing, thus obviously it affects the 11th house of the partner.

4. The harmonious relationship between the lagna lords.

5. Progeny related issues (what if boy’s chart is strongly indicating progeny, whereas it is negated in that of girl or vice versa)

6. A comprehensive study of Asc star lord and sub lord and its impact to study the temperament, attitude and behavioural pattern.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:26 pm

Resarch by Astrologers
"In India, it is beleived that Mangala Dosha leads to more than one marriage, late marriage etc. However, when we tested 100 charts of westernwers, who had more than one marriage, i found this dosha present only in 10 cases or so. There is a difference between what North Indians consider as Mangala Dosha, and what South Indians consider as dosha. The North indians consider it from Lagna only, where as the South Indians consider it from Lagna, Moon, and Venus.

Since the research was a reverse engineering research,of the proposition that Mangala Dosha would produce multiple marriage, the conclusion drawn was that Mangala Dosha does not indicate such a thing for Westerners. If enough examples of Indians with multiple marriages are forthcomimg, I will test the same for Indian Births also."
Well inertpretations for saggitarius and scorpio is completely different as the houses become different so interpretations will also be different

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:28 pm

Kuja Dosha
We are already familiar that the word Kuja means the planet Mars [Mangala Graha]. So the term, Kuja Dosha would mean a fault or trouble created by the planet Mars. Though Mars can create many types of problems in a chart, by it's lordship and placement, but Kuja Dosha actually refers to the problem created by Mars in respect of marital life. For the present time social structure, it creates problems in relationship as well.

Kuja Dosha is also called Manglik , Manglik Dosha , Mangal Dosha , Bhauma Dosha etc.

Kuja Dosha is formed when Mars sits in specific houses in the Rashi chart. So he influences some particular houses by his placement and aspects. There are specific rules to check for Kuja Dosha while there are other factors which break or weaken this. Kuja Dosha is said to kill the spouse, but actually it does not happen this way always. Depending on the strength of the Dosha, it creates different scale or kinds of problems accordingly.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:30 pm

How the Dosha occurs -
Conditions for forming Kuja
It is generally said that in a chart [Irrespective to male or female native] When Mars is found in any of the houses 1, 4, 7, 8, 12 - Kuja Dosha forms. Some South Indian astrologers also take the 2nd house in addition - while most do not agree to this. [Mars in second can indicate bold or bitter speech, or using slang words etc.]

Mars is a planet of battle, war and fight. He is Tamasic in nature and belongs to the caste of warriors [Kshatriya]. He in general is fond of fights, battles and is given to anger. That is why, very naturally, when he takes over the marital matters, he likes to put quarrel, fight and 'battle' in marriage, which disturb marital happiness. Mars is also he planet of over sex drive, too much boldness, and too fierce in nature - all of them are against a peaceful marriage.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:33 pm

Mars in the 1st house - Mars is a planet of boldness, and kind of dictator in nature. That is why Mars in ascendant can make a person too bold, aggressive, or too dominating. He might want to be the all in all in his family, while not paying a good attention to what others [Or his spouse] are saying. He will be easily involved in fights and will express himself rather directly. He might be also of short temper. This causes the major problem.

Mars will also aspect the houses 4 (Happiness, family life), 7 (Spouse, married life) and 8 (Marital tie) and thus create problem in all these areas with ease. He will quickly create fights on unimportant issues.

Mars in the 4th house
Mars in the 4th house - The planet of battle is in the house of family life, so battle in family! Mars deprives the native from domestic harmony, there are misunderstandings among the family members. Mars will cast his 4th aspect on the 7th house of spouse and marital life. In 4th house Mars loses his strength for direction and creates more and more trouble in family life.

Mars in the 7th house
Mars in the 7th house - There will be clash and unhappiness in married life and this is perhaps the worst of all Kuja Doshas - a direct hit. Mars is a planet of abuse and violation and Mars being in 7th house very possibly can give violation in married life. In a female chart it might give physical or excessive mental torture from the husband. There will be also fight for the dominating power, and there might be lack of harmony in the sexual issues. The sexual and emotional needs of the partners might not match or might have a great difference. Mars might give over sexual desire / sickly sexual desire to the native or to his spouse and create mess in marital life for this issue. It might give a short tempered spouse.

Mars in the 8th house
Mars in the 8th house - The 8th house rules marital tie, from the 8th house we see the possibility of death of the spouse. Mars is the planet of accident, operation, assault from weapons and bleeding etc. - all of the things are ruled by 8th house. So being in the 8th house, Mars will be very eager to develop these tendencies. He might cause death of spouse, possibly through accident, operation or any other mishaps. Thus it can indicate an early death of the spouse. 8th house is also a house of hidden issues / immoral acts and Mars here can make the native / spouse be involved in hidden and sinful acts. When they come forward, storm blows in married life

Mars in the 12th house
Mars in the 12th house - 12th house rules all kinds of losses and also the bed pleasure, i.e. sexual enjoyment. Mars here can give a native sickly desires, or illegal unions with other people. Again, Mars will aspect the 7th house with it's 8th aspect.

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