12th House Vedic Astrology

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:11 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
mysbcrs wrote:
How can the need for Dharma ever vanish for anyone?
Can it be that Dharma is social while Moksha is personal (albeit to "lose" oneself)?

Well. If compared, 'Dharma' is probably more social than 'Moksha'.

Of course, 'Moksha' is a very personal experience; thus abs personal. I doubt if 2 natives together can achieve it like 'Romeo & Juliet' or 'Einstein & E=mcsquare'.
Isnt 'Dharma' less personal than 'Moksha'?! At least mathematically..

The D9 shows 'Dharma' and 'marriage' too.
Everyone has his own Dharma; Gets married or lives in with someone. Right?

'Living in', like 'marriage', is also a different level of 'Dharma'............But certainly 'Dharma' as its is contained in D9.


Unlike Biltu who likes to pick and choose statements and then focuses on that - which shows a somewhat focused and 'tiny bytes/bites" strategy, and shares beautiful images and imageries (like our revered Thakur and the simple but elegantly floral AURA with very meaningful colour and flower arrangements in the image he shared), I like to see a bigger slice in trying to connect the dots, primarily for my sake but like to share that as  I am doing in this post and have in other ones, which have caused some irritation and PITTA in others who are focused but too serious and in some kind of a hurry to emancipate! ;-))
Rishi== In the present fast paced world, its sad when people try to emancipate in a hurry......and ultimately go further away from it.

Biltu probably does this because of business and engineering background as he shared and I can understand his need to focus on small slices but with intensity! What I admire about him is his humour and passion for life and all that it offers! He is blessed that way! (sorry for long posting!!)
Rishi==This probably means that business & engineering is not a perfect qualification for attaining mosksha.
Humour aside, it is true that the trend of thinking is attained thru the background/thinking style one has.

But his innocent (seemingly...!) questions are like an ant-bite and at least make me get thinking...

It helps me purrsonally because I am a humble, open and samsarik praani who never claimed to be self-realized or pretending to be all-knowing and my directness at times have made some individuals think that I am arrogant or haughty or even condescending :-) WHAT A JOKE!! But such *medals* from individuals have helped me understand how astrology works and this so called mysterious and mystical entity called SYNASTRY! The interactions between two birthcharts and the individuals that those represent or encapsulate insofar as *descriptors and descriptions* go!
Rishi==Oh! Synastry is wonderful. Use vimshoaari dasa in operation in synastry to the partners chart position & vice versa for more specific results in terms of timings.
No books; just some tongue twisting. Came upon it by chance.

Divisional 9 or Varga 9 as I like to call navamsha is often concretely dismissed as the marriage chart or marriage partner's chart and some venturing a bit farther, very cautiously, lately even chart for dharma and religion and religiousness and the rest of the 9 yards! 9 Is such a mystical number <LOL>
Rishi==Dhasrma is main, I think. Dharmamsa makes a lot of sense. Many do not understand what Dharma is.
D9 shows the level of Dharma the chart is based upon... nothing material/directly material by nature.
Now the Dharma is dived in two extremes.... namely 'extreme dharma' & 'extreme Adharma'.
Navamsa shows both. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;............My understanding.

Navamsha has been almost intuitively picked up in recent several decades as the next most important chart to lagna chart (Rashi, D1, V1; KSHETRA VARGA) and few disagree or deny that and those who do, do so very feebly!
Rishi==Therefore it is the next most important as also it shows the psychology of the chart.

What if V9 has a personal indication, message that goes beyond those somewhat mechanical and superficial labels that are 'mechanically-employed'!
Rishi==Yes, I would think so too.

If we think of that varga as a chart that shows 'the missing part of the puzzle' and as a complementary chart? The chart that would make our current life-path mission COMPLETE?

Can be wife, can be dharma, can be bhagya (according to some!), but really it is not about material aspects alone! Rather -- it is the descriptor of what we need to complete the understanding, path and purpose of current life-time.

And the seeker must not dive too hastily into the usual indolent strategy: What if I have mercury in the 9th or 7th in my V9 or what would be the significance of pisces rising in V9 etc etc etc.

Jyotish has a built-in self-preserving *amulet* built-in and this is consistently demonstrated in nearly all ancient writings that have survived time! ;-)

Complement, mind you! Not compliment or suppliment!!

Love, Light, Sharing...!


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:00 am

RishiRahul wrote: ...

Too bad, Rishi that you decided to insert your comments in the body of the message!

Those help NONE!

They tend to be easier to 'deal with' for the responder but really -- create more questions and confusion! Ultimately!! ;-)

Though way better than the "pick and choose" and respond that some of us here have grown a bit too fond of!

If Vinay_Jha ji is tuning in, directly if his ISP is performing optimally or purrhaps through his better equipped friends, Hanumaan ji and Sunil ji, whom I request humbly that that should share this with their SOURCE,

ONLY SO MUCH CAN BE SHARED through a limited PRISON WINDOW! Particularly when such an imprisonment has been called upon by an individual UPON himself?

MA never said or decreed or intended THAT, for sure!

I do not usually go there, for I am but an ant, the lowliest of the lowly! No intuition, no moksha ambitions and all that sort of promises and Shangrila dreams...!

When I first encountered MA, she was sad and was crying and I began using a twig that I had and drawing shapes in her physical outpourings -- and my stupid participation made her rebuke me: KI KORCHISH?

MA came back and so did I with her! Not at all feeling chastised but taking that admonition as HER blessing! And the UNIVERSAL MA's..!

Decades later, still no cause for despair or hesitation! Staying the course...!!

We each get different INGITAS and some act on those, others do not!

Love, Light, Sharing!

Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:14 am

Namaste Rohiniranjan Ji,

My broadband is now OK, as you might have found my recent posts in JR.

Sunil is not my friend and not a member of MB, he is my disciple avowed to lifelong celibacy. GB Prashant Ji knows him personally (they had met in Chennai), and GBP stopped charges of socket puppet on him levelled by some of my "friends" in JR who are more interested in levelling charges on any pretext than on astrological discussion. MB also has such members who kill astrological threads through useless things.

Hanuman is a recent one, not a pupil or disciple. &nbsp;He feels offended due to me.

I am not in any prison. I am writing down and posting at my websites detailed case studies. I cannot provide links of those sites in MB, it is banned here, and writing down everything afresh requires much time. I will do it when I get more time.

I was more secular than you, and my return to religion was not logical or academic, but through personal experience helped by some yogis. I did not like your outpour on religion. You will better restrict you to astrological talks than to offend the sensibility of an entire civilization. You know that Jyotisha is a part of Vedic religion and Jyotisha is useless if traditional remedial measures are discarded which are 100% based on a particular religion. If remedies are discarded, what is the use of Jyotisha? But no need to argue at this point. If you have no faith in Vedic religion, avoid such discussions and focus on astrology. Such write ups from you dissude persons like me from participating in forum discussions of any sort. Secularism cannot be misused for offending others.


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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:47 pm

Rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote: ...

Too bad, Rishi that you decided to insert your comments in the body of the message!

Those help NONE!

They tend to be easier to 'deal with' for the responder but really -- create more questions and confusion! Ultimately!! ;-)
Rishi=Easier because picking & choosing is easier than reply reference to the context.
More questions and answers would naturally follow, if one wants. Going towards 'confusion' may help clear the path towards 'Spirituality', I think.

Though way better than the "pick and choose" and respond that some of us here have grown a bit too fond of!

If Vinay_Jha ji is tuning in, directly if his ISP is performing optimally or purrhaps through his better equipped friends, Hanumaan ji and Sunil ji, whom I request humbly that that should share this with their SOURCE,

ONLY SO MUCH CAN BE SHARED through a limited PRISON WINDOW! Particularly when such an imprisonment has been called upon by an individual UPON himself?

MA never said or decreed or intended THAT, for sure!

I do not usually go there, for I am but an ant, the lowliest of the lowly! No intuition, no moksha ambitions and all that sort of promises and Shangrila dreams...!

When I first encountered MA, she was sad and was crying and I began using a twig that I had and drawing shapes in her physical outpourings -- and my stupid participation made her rebuke me: KI KORCHISH?

MA came back and so did I with her! Not at all feeling chastised but taking that admonition as HER blessing! And the UNIVERSAL MA's..!

Decades later, still no cause for despair or hesitation! Staying the course...!!

We each get different INGITAS and some act on those, others do not!
Rishi='That' makes us different & the so many cultures 'Diverse'.

Love, Light, Sharing!

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:21 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
... Rishi='That' makes us different & the so many cultures 'Diverse'.

Can Jyotish reliably (>85-90%) identify the gender, culture, nationality, religion of a nativity, given only the birthchart or birthdata (with no peeking at the birthplace!) ;-)

Not simply claiming bombastically, but demonstrating?

Love, Light, Question...!

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Sep 22, 2012 6:16 am


I would not at all claim even 10%; Leave alone demonstrate.

When/if someone would like to guess at this the probability could be 50 % though.
50%  comes out of tossing a coin...right.

Also I have no clue if 12th. house would give clues to this....


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:53 pm

RishiRahul wrote:Dada,

I would not at all claim even 10%; Leave alone demonstrate.

When/if someone would like to guess at this the probability could be 50 % though.
50%  comes out of tossing a coin...right.

Also I have no clue if 12th. house would give clues to this....

In terms of 'gender' determination, jyotish does have several clear indications; whether they work in practice, no one seems to be sure! Nadis, tattwas etc have also been associated with genders but several questions do emerge as summarized though not comprehenively in at least one of the relatively recent books on rectification and more patchily in several other writings. Culture and religion are even more nebulous areas. Some dismiss those as possibly something beyond the scope of the birthchart.

Zodiac being a "circular" entity, no house is considered in isolation and hence we have all the references which seem to judge any one house in relation with others, 2nd and 12th being of note, as to kendra and trikona bhav-sambandhas (from any given house). 12Th house is the pre-birth house and therefore it makes sense that symbolically it must have some bearing on the following house, namely, the first where the current life-story begins. 12Th in that sense is also the 'pre-natal' house and we all accept I hope that the development in the prenatal stage (concretely in mother's womb and metaphorically or mystically the prebirth influence which is highlighted in certain paths as the pre-birth chi.

Vargas have a resonance to many similar numbered houses and the dwadashamsha is known to represent the parents of the nativity. 12Th, therefore, is not entirely irrelevant in the current context of discussion or as some may impatiently and disparagingly label the same as 'conversation' or diversion or derisively as *chatting* <LOL>

Love, Light, Learning!

Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:09 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:some may impatiently and disparagingly label the same as 'conversation' or diversion or derisively as *chatting* <LOL>

Good way of discussion !

Nothing is impossible in Jyotisha, although fallible mortals may not fathom out everything. But one thing is certain : the way to learn something does not pass through innuendoes.

There are 84 Astrological Chakras in ancient tantric texts which can enable us to comprehd precise ways of learning / discovering Locational Astrology. Second hand knowledge is not preferred by Rohini Ji. Hence, before discussing such esoteric topics, he should read those texts. Or, if he has already read them, he should teach a lesser mortal like me who is always at the receiving end of his great knowledge.


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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:37 pm

Vinay Jha wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:some may impatiently and disparagingly label the same as 'conversation' or diversion or derisively as *chatting* <LOL>

Good way of discussion !

Nothing is impossible in Jyotisha, although fallible mortals may not fathom out everything. But one thing is certain : the way to learn something does not pass through innuendoes.

There are 84 Astrological Chakras in ancient tantric texts which can enable us to comprehd precise ways of learning / discovering Locational Astrology. Second hand knowledge is not preferred by Rohini Ji. Hence, before discussing such esoteric topics, he should read those texts. Or, if he has already read them, he should teach a lesser mortal like me who is always at the receiving end of his great knowledge.


Dear Vinay ji,

If you are willing to tell us more about locational astrology, then we can split this thread to a new one named 'locational astrology.

Missed your absence due to weak broadband connection.

Thank you,


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:24 pm

Vinay Jha wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:some may impatiently and disparagingly label the same as 'conversation' or diversion or derisively as *chatting* <LOL>

Good way of discussion !

Nothing is impossible in Jyotisha, although fallible mortals may not fathom out everything. But one thing is certain : the way to learn something does not pass through innuendoes.

There are 84 Astrological Chakras in ancient tantric texts which can enable us to comprehd precise ways of learning / discovering Locational Astrology. Second hand knowledge is not preferred by Rohini Ji. Hence, before discussing such esoteric topics, he should read those texts. Or, if he has already read them, he should teach a lesser mortal like me who is always at the receiving end of his great knowledge.


Mr. Vinay,

You have several times tried to force upon me this 'teacher-hat' even though I have always maintained that I am not one of those! Also, I have not actively or intentionally ever tried to teach you. It seems that you pull out something or the other out of what I write and feel that it was written polemically towards you or as innuendos. I am not sure what makes you feel so paranoid or suspicious or why you are so obsessed? Perhaps, I remind you of someone from past or even present and you begin to see "meanings" and 'patterns' where there are none!

Is that my fault or for that matter, even my problem, brother (in the sense of all men being brothers...!) :-)

Love, Light, Reality!

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Post by Vinay Jha » Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:26 am

To Mr Rohini Ji,

I valued your experience in astrology although I could never learn anything from you (it may be due to my dull brain), but I am sorry to add that hardly 10% of what you used to write in astrological fora was astrologically relevant. In MB , during recent weeks you are contributing astrological materials for which I thank you. I hope you will restrict your writing to astrology in astrological fora. It is not "teaching", but a friendly advice in order to avoid unconfortable situations. There are members like Rishi Rahul Ji who are never minsunderstood by others, because unlike you they are SENSITIVE to the sensibilities of others and do not deliberately write ambiguous statements aimed at hurting others but under a guise of double entendre. You relish in your style of writing.

You have also started dissecting Vedic Astrology from its Vedic roots in arder to make it un-Vedic Astrology : just opposite of Rishi-Yajna. I do not want to press forth the point that I never misunderstand your meanings.
To Rishi Ji :

I am not omniscient, but I have over a decade of research experience in Locational Astrology. But presently I am busy in adding new modules to Kundalee software besides writing case studies and teaching in classes. Moreover, I had tried many a times in this forum as well as in some others to discuss geographical astology but nobody took interest. Recently, I have integrated my stand-alone softwares on geographical astrology into Kundalee Software, and I need to develop them further. I hope I will be able to post a detailed case study at this forum today. My internet is not okay, I had to format my computer thrice during past 2-3 weeks, but the problem lingers. Perhaps some spyware is creating problems.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:46 am

To Mr. Vinay ji,

After "unloading" your mind, how does it feel now? Clean -- I hope? :-)

Good! Now you can focus more on developing your SS software and continuing with your mission in life!

One can only hope and continuing to hope...!

For what it is worth, I am still remaining hopeful.

Best Wishes,

Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:56 am


Cleaning does not hamper work. Cleaning is a part of working.

You have a mission of cutting off Vedic Astrology from its Vedic roots and making it "secular". I have no mission of any sort, I work for my own &nbsp;satisfaction. It occurred much later to me that Kundalee software should be distributed to others . It will be uncharitable to declare that I do not work for persons who poke fun at me without any provocation, but I know my software will never help such persons. They will save their time by keeping away from me and my work.

Lust for fame is the source of all sins, according to Brihadaaranyaka Upanishada. That is why I do not care for votes.

You do not know why I called you Dada. My kundali-name was the younger brother of Balaraama at the end of Dwapar yuga.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:42 pm

YAWN ....!

Enough said... <LOL>

Love, Light, Clarity!!

Vinay Jha
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Post by Vinay Jha » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:03 pm

YAWN ....!

Balaraama &nbsp;did the same and went on Teerthayaatra when the younger brother was involved in greatest job of His life.

History repeats itself !

YAWN ....!


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