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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:36 pm

Counters to Kuja Dosha
There is no need to be really terrified if Mars is found in the houses 1/4/7/8/12. There are many facts that can counter or even nullify the Dosha. The most popular way to nullify this Dosha is to find a partner or spouse who has the same Dosha. It is believed that if both the partners have this Dosha, then the Dosha is nullified. Experience shows that this might be true.

However, there are certain facts in the chart itself that nullify the Dosha.

Lordship is a very important fact here to consider. For the natives Cancer and Leo, Mars is very benefic being a Yoga Karaka. For natives Aries and Scorpio, for being the ascendant lord he will do good, on the other hand for ruling a Dusthana, he will not be purely benefic. For a Pisces native, he becomes the 9th lord as well as a mild killer (Maraka). However, Mars will undoubtedly produce strong Kuja Doshas to the ascendants he is a malefic for. (Virgo for an example.)

According to Dr. B. V. Raman, Kuja Dosha nullifies in the following conditions -

a. If Mars is in 2nd house in any of the signs of Mercury, i.e., Gemini or Virgo.
b. If Mars is in 4th house in own sign, i.e., Aries or Scorpio.
c. If Mars is in 7th house in exaltation or debilitation, i.e., Capricorn or Cancer.
d. If Mars is in 8th house in any of the signs of Jupiter, i.e., Sagittarius or Pisces.
e. If Mars is in 12th house in any of the signs of Venus, i.e., Taurus or Libra.
f. If Mars is in any house in Aquarius or Leo.

However, some hold the opinion that these conditions though weaken the Dosha, but does not completely nullify. I feel that it might be correct.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:38 pm

The conjunction/aspect of other planets are very important facts. Jupiter is the most benefic planet in nature and will try to protect the native to it's best. A strong Jupiter can save the native from many of the havocs. Jupiter rules Dharma that is why he can propitiate Mars' anger and aggressiveness to a great extent. That is why a Jupiter (Esp. if strong) joining or aspecting Mars will always fight against this Dosha. A benefic present with Mars in ascendant does not allow Mars to give the harsh nature too much, same applies to their Dristies (aspects) and also about other houses (4/7/8/12) as well.

The presence of Jupiter and/or Venus in the ascendant will work to protect from this Dosha. Moon joining Mars is also said to protect the native.

Mars becomes matured at the age of 28 and that is why some suggest to wait till 28 years and then marry. This Dosha is said to be nullified after the age of 28. However, some do not agree to this point and suggest that this Dosha will remain active even after 28th year of the native, and will create problems in the periods of Mars, especially. This seem to be more logical to accept.

Therefore i dont belive that u r not affected after the age of 28 by mangal...............this might not be a correct opinion

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:43 pm

Kaal Sarp Dosha
The Yoga
Rahu and Ketu are the vedic names for the ascending and descending nodes of the Moon respectively. The Sanskrit word kaal has several meanings, one of which is time. Sarpa means serpent. Kaalsarpa Dosha is a phenomenon in which the serpentine energy associated with Rahu and Ketu entangles itself around the other planets, thereby constricting and disrupting the planetary rays.
The Result
Kalasarpa Dosha can bring challenges to the finances, health and property of people. In addition, Kalasarpa Dosha causes delays and obstructions in our daily life, making it difficult to accomplish anything. No matter how hard one may try, it seems almost impossible to complete any work.
The Fact
You will be surprised to know that the ancient classics of astrology have not even mentioned it! Yet it has become one of the most feared Dosha.

It is not known who cooked up this nonsense, but rest assured that it is none of our RISHIS.

The latest introduction is the Partial Kalasarpa Dosha. The basics parameters of this are undefined. So anyone may have it!! I heard some comments that the horoscope of Ganguli has half KAAL SARPA YOGA and therefore his career has come to an end now. OHhhhh Rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other interesting comment is "The Dosha only affects Hindus or people born in Aryavarta"'. Can we believe such nonsense observation? It neither affects Hindu and Christians nor any living creature.

Do you know?
If you are still in dilemma, please have a look at some notable examples of this DOSHA.

Dhirubhai Ambani: the great industrialist
Ariel Sharon: the former Prime Minister of Israel.
Margaret Thatcher: the former Prime Minister of UK.
Rajnikanth: our darling cine star
And yes, Jawarharlal Nehru

If all planets are between Rahu and Ketu, it causes over -indulgence in mundane affairs and if all planets are between Ketu and Rahu, it causes over- spirituality.

KaalSarpa Dosha Remedies
KaalSarpa Dosha Remedies

1. Pray: Pray Lord Hanuman.
2. Nagdosh Puja: If there is Kalsarpa Yog in the Horoscope one hasto perform Nagdosh nivaran pooja at any of the 12 Shiva Jyotirlingas in India soas to keep away from the malefic effect of Rahu. This Nagdosh pooja is usuallyperformed on Wednesday and on Monday.
3. Feed ants and fishes.

MangalDosha Remedies:
MangalDosha Remedies:

1. Marry the one with Same Dosha: The way out of Kuja Dosha isfor a person with Kuja Dosha to Marry an Another with Kuja Dosha.
2. Planet Position: If the first house is Aries or Mesha and Marsis in Aries the Kuja Dosha is not effective as Aries is the Own House of Mars.
3. Fasting to balance Kuja: Fasting is a form of Yagya. If you arestrong and healthy, you can have a light fast on Tuesday, nourishing yourselfonly on a broth of red dhal (which corresponds to Kuja).
4. Vedic Yagya: Chanting or reciting mantras, shlokas or stotrasfrom the tradition of the Veda (pure knowledge) is what is most commonly know asYagya. People can do this by themselves and also hire professional Vedic punditsto perform specific rituals (pujas and homas) to pacify certain elements intheir charts.
5. Charity: Give to charity on Tuesdays (two hours after sunriseif possible) to strengthen the results. Direct your charitable nature towardsyoung entrepreneurs or pioneers, those who work with metals, knives or pointyobjects, such as butchers, surgeons or acupuncturists, military or defencepersonnel, or simply your brothers or sisters. Objects to donate (apart frommoney) could be red silks, knives or swords, foods made out of red dhal, redstones such as corals.
6. Other Activities: Beware of hasty decisions, quicktemper, one pointed views and arrogance. Maintain good relationships with yourbrothers and sisters.

Mangal Mantra

Dharanee Garbha Sambhootam Vidyut Kaanti Sam Prabham!
Kumaaram Shakti Hastam Cha Mangalam Pranamaamya Ham!!

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:46 pm

more on kaal-sarpa dosha
1 Rahu should be at the upper end of the planets, while Ketu should be at the lower end i.e. Rahu should be in the first six signs (Aries to Virgo).

2 All the seven planets should be within the orbit of Rahu and Ketu and no planet should be outside the ring.

3 There should be no planet conjuncting Rahu or Ketu. If any conjunction is present, then the degrees of the planet conjunction Rahu should be less than that of Rahu and the degrees of the planet conjuncting Ketu should be more than that of Ketu

4 It doesn't matter whether the ascendant falls outside or inside the axis of nodes.

5 This yoga gets cancelled, if Rahu is placed in Visakha star (200-206° 40').
Dreaded Outcome of the Yoga:
1 Contrary to normal belief, it doesn't affect mental faculty or physical health.
Longevity is affected slightly.

2 It causes some limitations and setbacks early in life.

3 Sudden rise and fall in career will be experienced.

4 It causes all types of sufferings even to a pure, honest, hardworking and sincere person.

5 It creates mis-understandings and enemies and also causes frustration, delays, failure and tensions.

Remedial measures: Worship of the consecrated Kaalsarpa Yantra reduces the ill-effects of the Kaalsarpa Yoga.

People with Kaal Sarp Yoga have their life full of struggle. It causes setbacks in life and creates obstacles in accomplishment of every job you inspire.

People having Kaal Sarp Dosha shall perform puja on Naag-Panchmi as well as establish energized Kaal Sarp Yantra in their house to protect themselves from the evil effect of this yoga.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:49 pm

Various kinds of kaal sarpa yogas
1. Anant Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in Lagna, Ketu in seventh house: The person is prone to be target of conspiracies hatched by people supposedly close to him. The person is likely to lose out in matters of courts. Married life would be marred by differences between husband and wife.
2. Kulika Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in second house, Ketu in eighth: This combination is not good for the person’s health. Expenses would be more then the income and the financial situation would remain fairly mediocre. He has to struggle a lot in life to achieve something.
3. Vasuki Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in third house, Ketu in ninth: The person would have trouble dealing with his brothers and friends. Travel to foreign countries would create problems. The person having this combination in his chart should take precautions in deals by paying extra attention towards legal documentation.
4. Shankapal Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in fourth house, Ketu in tenth: The person with this combination would never be satisfied with his financial situation and would always strive for more. The person is prone to troubles relating to immovable property - e.g. land, houses and modes of conveyance - e.g. cars. 5. Padma Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in fifth house, Ketu in eleventh: The person would have trouble with children. The person should never try his luck in lottery, share markets, and anything where speculation is involved.
6. Mahapadma Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in sixth house, Ketu in twelfth: The person would not do well in relationships and would have a very pessimistic view of life.
7. Takshak Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in seventh house, Ketu in first: There is a need for the person to be extra careful in matter relating to married life and business partnerships.
8. Karkotik Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in eighth house, Ketu in second: The person does not benefit from any paternal property. There would be a lot of trust issues between the person and his friends. This combination is not good for health and Rahu being in eighth house is usually not considered good as it indicates a sudden and violent death.
9. Shankhnaad Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in ninth house, Ketu in third: This combination indicates problems from higher authorities, government of the day and local administration in the field of business and commerce.
10. Paatak Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in tenth house, Ketu in fourth: Rahu being in tenth house indicates problem in employment and higher authorities whom the person would report to during his/her job.
11. Vishakt Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in eleventh house, Ketu in fifth: This combination indicates a lot of problems between the person and his elder brother. The person would also remain away from his native place throughout his life. The person would be prone to problems like heart trouble, insomnia etc.
12. Sheshnag Kalsarpa Yoga - Rahu in twelfth house, Ketu in sixth: The person would be prone to problems from people whom he does not know - mysterious enemies.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 4:55 pm

Various kinds of yogas

Pancha mahapurusha yoga’s are yoga’s that are easy to find in a horoscope. To begin our analysis for this group of yoga‘s, we note the position of the ascendant and the Moon.

The Moon is an exceptionally important planet in Indian astrology, and for this reason, we can use the sign the Moon is in as an alternative ascendant. So if we look for yoga’s we can look for them from the ascendant but we can also take the Moon as a starting point in our search for yoga’s.

For instance, if we say that a certain planet must be placed in a kendra house to be considered as a planet making a yoga, the kendra house is calculated from either the ascendant or from the sign the Moon is in.
And now to the yoga‘s and their consequences:

Ruchaka yoga: Mars in its own sign or in exaltation, and in a kendra house - brave, arrogant, the victor.
Bhadra yoga: Mercury in its own sign or in exaltation, and in a kendra house - intellectual, learned, rich.
Hamsa yoga: Jupiter in its own sign or in exaltation, and in a kendra house - religious, very fortunate.
Malavaya yoga: Venus in its own sign or in exaltation, and in a kendra house - wealthy, loves life, sometimes self-indulgent, good marriage, strong sense of justice.
Shasya yoga: Saturn in its own sign or in exaltation, and in a kendra house - powerful, strict, position of authority.
Raja yoga
Raja yoga: The lords of a kendra and a trikona house are in conjunction, mutually aspected or in reception. This is a combination of good fortune (trikona house) and action (kendra house), so take advantage of it. I would like to point out that a raja yoga could be formed by one planet, and also by two planets.
Example: With an Aries ascendant, the Moon is lord of the fourth house and the Sun is lord of the fifth house. Should the Sun and the Moon be in conjunction in a horoscope with an Aries ascendant, the two planets then form a raja yoga. In this case, the Moon is lord of a kendra house (the fourth) and the Sun is lord of a trikona house (the fifth).
Adhi yoga
Adhi yoga: There must be art least two, but preferably more, benefics in the sixth, seventh and eighth house calculated from the Moon - leadership.
Explanation: Benefics in the sixth and/or eighth house support the seventh house (refer to scissors yoga’s). A benefic in the seventh house will of course lead to a better functioning of that house. However, the seventh house is opposite the Ascendant. Because of this, it also has consequences for the functioning of the ascendant. When a planet is placed in the seventh house, it will aspect the first house. This is the reason that a strong seventh house also gives us a strong first house.

Inasmuch as the first house is the whole horoscope in short, a strong first house is of particular importance. It then follows that the consequence of adhi yoga is a strong first house, which will therefore lead to positive results.

Analogically an adhi yoga calculated from the Moon, will also allow the Moon to function much better. The Moon is the most important planet in Indian astrology. That the Moon should function well is therefore of great importance.
Amala yoga
Amala yoga: A benefic placed in the tenth house calculated from the ascendant or the Moon - philanthropic and benevolent attitude towards mankind, career in the social sector
If a malefic is placed in this position, it may be favourable for the owner of the horoscope (explanation: malefics in upachaya houses are good and the tenth house is an upachaya house). However, it may mean, that he attains a high-ranking position at the cost of others. At the very least, he will not be very particular in choosing the avenues leading to social success.

Gandhi has in his horoscope, amala yoga calculated from the ascendant (Moon in the tenth house) and amala yoga calculated from the Moon (Jupiter in the tenth house from the Moon).
Ashubha mala yoga: When all the benefics are placed in the sixth, eighth and twelfth houses - the benefics become powerless: misfortune, a difficult life.
Budhatiya yoga: The Sun and Mercury are in conjunction and are placed in the first, seventh, fifth or eleventh house - an intellectual. J.W. Goethe had this combination in his horoscope.
Explanation: The first house is the most important house in Indian astrology, and when the Sun and Mercury are placed in the seventh house, they aspect the ascendant. The intellect is a facet of the fifth house.

The intellectual combination of the Sun and Mercury is favourable for the intellect. When the Sun and Mercury are placed in the eleventh house, they aspect the fifth house. If Mercury is in combustion, the budhatiya yoga remains intact, but the person involved will find it difficult to convince the public of his good ideas. The budhatiya yoga will manifests, but it can only be publicly displayed with the greatest difficulty.

Chandra Mangala yoga: The Moon and Mars in conjunction or opposition - riches (often caused by women), probably made by unscrupulous means. It can also cause problems with the mother. Chandra is the Indian name for the Moon, and Mangala is the name for Mars.
Charussagara yoga: Planets placed in all the kendra houses - good reputation and good fortune (better when it is formed by benefics). The kendra houses are the pillars of the horoscope. Planets placed there are extremely effective. When planets are occupying all the kendra houses, their energy will be powerfully felt, which in most cases, will be a good thing (especially when it concerns natural or temporary benefics).
Srik yoga: This occurs when only natural benefics placed in the kendra houses - comfort, good luck, abundance

Sarpa yoga: Only malefics are placed in the kendra houses - misfortune, a difficult life.
Gaja Kesari yoga: The Moon and Jupiter are either conjunct, square or in opposition - good luck, intelligence, and high morals. In this yoga, the Moon and Jupiter influence each other. The connection between the planet, which is the most important for our life on earth, the Moon, and the planet of good luck and fortune, Jupiter, has favourable effects.
Both Gandhi and Kennedy have Gaja Kesari yoga in their horoscope. That of Gandhi is the stronger because in his horoscope, both the Moon and Jupiter are placed in kendra houses, whilst in the Kennedy horoscope the Moon in placed in a dushtana house.

Shakata yoga: When the Moon is placed in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house, calculated from Jupiter - fluctuating fortunes.
This is more or less the opposite of the Gaja Kesari yoga. When the Moon is placed in a dushtana house calculated from Jupiter, we have a difficult relationship between these two planets.

Maha Bhagya yoga: For a man: The ascendant, the Sun and The Moon are placed in uneven signs and he is born in the daytime - very fortunate. Uneven signs are, by the way, positive; masculine signs (the air and fire signs). Daytime is also masculine.
For a woman: The ascendant, the Sun and the Moon are placed in even signs, and she is born during the night - very fortunate. Even signs are negative; feminine signs (the earth and water signs). The night is feminine.

Saraswati yoga: When Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are placed in kendra houses, in a friendly sign, or even better, in the second house – writer, learned person, speaker, intellectual.
When they are in a favourable position, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury can provide wisdom.

In Gandhi's horoscope, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are placed in kendra houses. It is true that Jupiter and Mercury are placed in, for them, neutral signs, but as all the named planets are either in conjunction with each other, or aspect benefices, the Saraswati yoga here is extremely powerful.

Vasumathi yoga: Benefics placed in upachaya (the third, sixth, tenth or eleventh houses) houses calculated from the Moon or the ascendant - riches. Kennedy had Jupiter and Venus in the tenth house calculated from the Moon. Two out of three benefics in upachaya houses calculated from the Moon provide reasonably strong vasumathi yoga.

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when will a person die???????????????????

Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:00 pm

when will a person die???????????????????
well whenever anyone asks me this question i say live the present and dont think about the future.

but u know wat i came across this small book named laghuparashari which tells you about when will u die.

its fully in sanskrit.............i will be converting it into english.............
emme quote some words of laghuparashari (this is not from bhatprasharhorashatra)

"5 types of dashas are :- Dasha, Antradasha, antarantdasha, sookshandasha and prandasha"

about death
now what does prashar say about death

"from ascendant 8th house and 8th house from the 8th house(which comes out to be the 3rd house from the ascendant itself) are called death/age house. that means death of the person depends upon 8th and 3rd house and their lords"

"if the lord of 8th house or 3rd house are in main dasha and also in antar dasha a person may die within that period. or if there are some bad planets in these houses and their dasha is going on then also person can die"

"if the person doenot die in these period then the 2nd house from lagan's lord/malefics related with that lords dasha/ antardasha a person dies"

Symbolically, the two planets most closely associated with death are Saturn and Pluto. Medieval astrologers called Saturn the “greater malefic,” and sometimes depicted him as the Grim Reaper. Pluto, a "modern" planet, was discovered in 1930 and named after the mythological god Hades, lord of the Underworld, home of the dead. To investigate the rash of deaths at the university, an astrologer would naturally look at the relationship between Saturn and Pluto, considering both their transiting (current) and natal (at birth) positions.

the 2nd and 7th houses are considered to be maraka(killer), or death-inflicting, houses.Planets ruling or occupying these houses represent death, or termination of one stage of life. During the planetary periods of these planets, one may experience obstacles, death of someone close, or change from one way of life to another.

8th is ayur ghara(house of longevity), marak is 7th lord and 2nd lord.and so these houses

I remember my guruji told me as soon as 7th lord period commences ,one should start chanting , Maha Mrityunjay Mantra.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:04 pm

will a person visit/settle abroad
there are 3 types of lagnas/rashis...........Chr, sthir and dwiswabhav lagnas

chr lagnas/rashis are:- aries, cancer, libra and capricorn

sthir lagnas/ rashis are:-taurus, leo, scorpio and aquarius

dwiswabhav(having both the properties of chr and sthir) are:-gemini, virgo, sagittarius and pisces
If the ascendant and the sunsign both are chr then a persons will be fortunate in going to foriegn lands and will attain name and fame there rather than in his place of birth
If ascendant is chr and the governing lord of the ascendant is in the chr rashi and its been looked upon by planets-venus, moon and mercury. then a person will go and settle in abroad
If a person has a chr planet in the 2nd house he will have frequent trips abroad.  
I the lord of 6th/8th house is in 2nd house person has frequent trips abroad
If the lagna lord is the enemy of the lord of 2nd house then also person may visit abroad frequently

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:12 pm

Gains and Losses
1. If benefics are placed in the 11th, 7th, 5th and the 3rd houses they cause gain. Malefics placed in these houses do not yield desired result. Benefics placed in the 10th or 7th bestow status and position upon the native. When they are placed in the 2nd, 5th or 1st house they confer respect, honour and wealth upon the native.
2. If the Moon is placed in the 7th, 10th, 2nd, 6th, 3rd or 11th places and is aspected by benefics, the person will get good results through a lady or he will have gains through the help of a woman. But if the Moon is placed in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th or 9th houses aspected by evil planets, he will cause fear. There will be destruction or failure in undertaking and expenditure of wealth. If benefics are situated in these houses, they will confer status, wealth, property and other good results upon the native.
3. If Benefics are placed in triangular houses and quadrants and malefics in 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses, the querist will have gains very quickly. If they are situated otherwise (in the opposite manner) they do not produce any gain.
4. Satyacharya and Acharya Bali state that if Moon is placed in the 4th or 7th house and the Sun in placed in the ascendant or the 10th house, the person has monetary gains immediately.
5. If the ascendant of query falls in the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius the person gains some position (status) or post. If it falls in a movable sign, this does not happen. If the ascendant falls in a dual sign both results happen.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:14 pm

Travels (Coming and Going) in General
1. If the ascendant of query falls in a fixed sign, there is no coming and going (i.e., no travels). If it falls in a movable sign, travel (coming and going) definitely occurs. If the ascendant falls in a dual sign, the first and second half of the dual sign produce the results similar to movable and fixed signs.
2. Even if one among the planets Sun, Saturn, Mercury and Venus be placed in the ascendant identical with a Chara (movable sign) travel takes place early. But if this planet is retrograde there will be no travel.
3. If the ascendant falls in a fixed sign with one among Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or Sun is placed therein, the traveller breaks his journey and returns without any doubt.
4. If at the time of query, one of the planets Sun, Jupiter, Mercury or Venus be placed in the eleventh house, the person will have to go out on a journey very early. But if one of these planets be placed in the 12th house, he breaks his journey and returns - thus one ought to tell.
5. If the ascendant falls in a fixed sign and even if one of Saturn or Jupiter aspects the same and if the query relates to the return of a person who has gone to distant lands, the reply should be that there, is no return.
6. If the ascendants fall in a fixed sign and there is aspect of malefic planets on the malefics placed in 5th, 6th, and 9th houses travel is not to be predicted. But if the ascendant falls in a movable sign, travel will take place definitely.
7. If Venus, Jupiter or Mercury is placed in the 2nd or 12th sign from Lagna or Chandra lagna what is there to be told about travel, to the querist.
8. Time of return : Count the number of the signs in which the strongest planet is placed away from the lagna. The person in exile will return in so many months as indicated by this number. There is no doubt regarding this.
9. If the strongest planet is placed in a movable navamsha the time period is to be taken as indicated. But if it be in fixed Navamsha, the time period is to be doubled. And if the strongest planet be in a dual navamsha the time period is to be trebled.
10. Scholars, well versed in Horary Astrology declare that at the time when the lord of the 7th house from the ascendant of query becomes retrograde, the person in exile returns.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:18 pm

Recovery from Diseases
1. If a malefic is situated in the ascendant or the 8th house and aspects the sign occupied by Moon in the natal chart of the patient that patient surely dies.
2. If there is a prishthodaya sign on the ascendant, malefics occupy quadrants, the Moon is in the eighth house, that patient dies. If strong malefics aspect the ascendant and the Moon then the patient dies.
3. If the ascendant is occupied by the Moon or Mercury aspected by malefics, troubles and hardships are to be foretold to the querist.
4. If benefics occupy the 5th, 7th and 8th houses and there is aspect of benefic planets over the malefics and the Moon occupies 11th, 3rd, 6th or 10th houses and there are benefics in the same places counted from the Moon, the patient recovers.
5. If Saturn placed in the ninth house is combined with or aspected by malefics and it is not having conjunction and aspect of benefic planets, the patient goes to some foreign country. If such a Saturn is in the 6th or 8th house, the patient surely dies.
6. If the Moon is situated in an Upachayasthana and there are benefics situated in quadrants, trines and the eighth house or if there is aspect of benefic planets over the ascendant the patient recovers after going to a different place.
7. If there is Full Moon in the ascendant getting the aspect of Jupiter or if Jupiter and Venus are placed in quadrants the patient is cured.
8. If there is a fixed sign on the ascendant, death does not take place and the disease is also not cured. In a movable ascendant the result is reverse. In a dual sign the result is similar to that of a fixed sign.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:19 pm

Query relating to Marriage
1. If the Moon is placed in the houses 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or 11th from the ascendant aspected by the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury the querist is to be told that marriage is sure to take place. Similarly benefics placed in quadrants and trines cause marriage to occur.
2. Under these combinations, if a benefic is posited in the 7th house, he will get a good (beautiful) wife. If a malefic is in the 7th house, he will get a woman devoid of any beauty.
3. If Saturn is placed in the 7th house identical with an evn sign, the querist is sure to get a damsel for marriage. If it be in odd sign he will not get any girl. So say the masters on this subject.
4. If the Moon is placed in the 2nd, 7th or the Uphachaya houses aspected by Jupiter, he gets a young woman. If the same Moon is associated with a malefic planet or is aspected by malefic planets, he will not get any woman.
5. If at a query (relating to marriage), the Moon is placed in the 6th or 8th house, the person dies in the eighth year after marriage.
6. If a malefic is placed in the ascendant, and another malefic is placed in the 7th house therefrom, the person dies within seven years after marriage.
7. If the Moon is placed in the ascendant and Mars is placed in the 7th house, the person lives just for eight months after marriage.
8. If Venus or Mercury is placed in the ascendant or the 8th house, in a query relating to marriage, the girl will surely become a widow. If Mars is placed in the 7th house the girl dies before marriage

The location of a strong Mars in the 7th house of a female nativity where it is not exalted or in his own sign is dangerous for the longevity of the husband. This is quite understandable as Mars in the 7th house harms the house of the husband (7th) as well as the house of his longevity (8th from 7th) i.e. the second. We should therefore, examine both the 2nd and the 7th houses for this purpose.
9. If the Sun is placed in the 7th house, the children born to this girl will die. If the Sun is placed in the ascendant, he will make her immoral and unchaste. There is no doubt regarding this.
10. If Moon and Mercury placed in the 6th house are associated with malefics will make the girl ill-tempered and unlucky. If the Moon and Venus are placed in the eleventh or 7th house, the girl will become unchaste. If in these places, Mercury and Venus are associated with malefics the girl surely becomes a widow. In all the houses mentioned in the shloka if there exists association with malefics the girl becomes a prostitute.
11. If the Moon occupies any one of the house 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or 11th counted from the ascendant aspected by Jupiter, Sun and Mercury and not by other, it indicates that marriage is to take place immediately. If it is aspected by malefics, it will cause obstacles in the arrangement of the marriage.
12. If strong Venus aspects Mercury or the Moon placed in the ascendant, he will get a girl without any delay. If it is aspected by malefics, he will not.
13. If the ascendant and the Moon fall in movable sings and if both are aspected by Venus with a malefic placed in an angular house, he will get a good girl as bride.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:30 pm

Marriage and kundli milan
well the most important question which rise here is that when we match kundli we only look at the gunas not the other aspects,,,,,,,,we have seen many times that 32gunas match but the end of marriage becomes a divorce,,,,,somtimes 16gunas match but people live a happy life and live together till the end now wats this?

When we match kundli gunas are no doubt important but more important is matching of houses, rashis, grahas and various other from now i will be posting some information regarding this.

Definition of Arudha Pada
An Arudha Pada of a house or a planet is an image of that entity. It will indicate the Maya, or illusion connected to that entity. Arudhas of the houses will indicate the illusion or perception of others about the areas of life of the native, and Arudhas of the planets will indicate his illusion or perception about the entities indicated by the planets.

Calculation of Arudha Pada
Count the number of signs from the sign to its lord in a clockwise direction both inclusive. Then count the same number of signs forward from the lord and the sign arrived at will be the Arudha Pada of that sign. Arudha Pada of a planet is calculated as follows: Count the number of signs from the planet to the sign owned by it in a clockwise direction and count the same number forwards from the sign. The sign arrived at will be the Arudha Pada of the planet.

Addition 1.: If the sign is owned by two planets (like in case of Scorpio and Aquarius), the stronger planet should be taken as the lord of it for the calculation of Bhava Padas. For the calculation of Graha Padas also the stronger sign should be taken into account for planets ruling two signs. The comparative strength should be determined on the basis of rules given by Jaimini in Chapter II Quarter III. of Upadesa Sutras.

Addition 2.: If the Pada of a sign would fall into the same sign, then the 10th should be taken for Bhava Pada, and if it would fall into the 7th house from it, then the 4th should be taken.

The proper analysis of these Padas is very essential for correct predictions, as we live in the world of Maya (illusion), where most of the things look different than they are in reality. When judging someone’s marriage prospects, we usually look at the 7th house. It would be logical, therefore to take into account the Arudha of the 7th house, which is called Darapada. But we should note here, that the 7th house may not only refer to legal married relationships, rather some other relationships are also indicated like business partnership, travel companions etc. And also sexual contacts out of marriage may be indicated by this house. So when referring to the Darapada (Arudha of the 7th house) we will receive indications about all these things. And even within marriage the Darapada will more indicate the physical contact with the wife, rather than her role as a wife. Therefore the Maharishis advise to analyse the Upapada (Arudha of the 12th house) for receiving proper indications about the marriage and its outcome.

We may note the principle that the 2nd house from any house will indicate the Phalam (fruits or results) of that house. Therefore we look at the 8th house for the success or failure of marriage in the long run. Similarly, the indications of the 2nd house from the Upapada will even more vividly indicate the outcome of marriage. With the above in mind, let’s see what indications do the Maharishis explain for the Upapada:

1. The auspiciousness of Upapada confers on the native happiness from his wife, son etc. (in short family happiness). If the Upapada is occupied or aspected by benefics, the native will achieve full happiness with the above. If there is the aspect of the malefics, the native becomes an ascetic, a mendicant or goes without a wife, but if it receives the aspect of benefics at the same time, the combination is not the destroyer of the native’s wife. The Sun does not become a malefic if he is in exaltation or friendly sign, but it will be malefic if is debilitated or in an enemy’s sign. (As marriage is related to Dharma, the Sun and Ketu are not malefic towards the Upapada).

2. If the 2nd house from Upapada has benefics in it, aspected by them or is in a benefic sign, then the native will have happiness form his wife. But if the same house is occupied by a planet debilitated in Rasi or Navamsha, or a malefic planet, the native will be the destroyer of his wife.

3. If the 2nd from Upapada has a planet exalted in Rasi or Navamsha, or is aspected by an exalted benefic then the native may get a charming and virtuous wife
4. If the 2nd from Upapada has malefic aspects or conjunctions, the native loses his wife or renounces the world. But the aspect or conjunction of benefics will prevent this indication from manifestation.
5. Gemini in Upapada or 2nd from it gives more than one wife.
6. Exalted planets in the 2nd from Upapada give many wives or a long-lived wife.
7. If the lord of Upapada or 2nd is in own house, the native’s wife will die only at an advanced age.
8. If the Sthira Karaka for spouse (Venus for wife and Jupiter for husband) is in own house, the native will be devoid of wife in his later years.
9. If the lord of Upapada or Sthira Dara Karaka is exalted, the wife is from a noble family, and if debilitated then she is from a low class family.
10. If benefics are present in Upapada or 2nd, the wife will be beautiful and virtuous.
11. Jupiter/Moon in the Upapada give a fair complexioned spouse, while Saturn gives a dark complexioned wife.
12. Saturn and Rahu in the 2nd from Upapada indicate giving up the wife due to a scandal or death.
13. If the Upapada or 2nd have conjunction of Venus and Ketu, the native’s wife is troubled by bleeding and leucorrhea.
14. Mercury and Ketu indicates breakage of bones, while Rahu, Saturn and Sun indicate bone fever.
15. Mercury and Rahu in 2nd gives a stout bodied wife, Mercury with Ketu give a corpulent spouse.
16. Sun and Mars in the signs of Mercury or Mars give nasal disorders.
17. Jupiter and Saturn give disorders of ears, eyes and nerves.
18. Mars and Mercury in other than own signs or Rahu and Jupiter give dental problems.
19. Saturn and Rahu in Saturn’s signs or Pisces give windy disorders or lameness.
20. If benefics conjunct or aspect the above combinations, the evil effect will not manifest

The Darapada in quadrant or trine from the Arudha Lagna gives blessings of Sri Devi (prosperity and good fortune), but in other houses it makes the native unfortunate.
The Darapada in quadrant or trine from Arudha Lagna will also give marital harmony and physical compatibility.
The Darapada in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses from Arudha Lagna makes the couple inimically disposed towards each other.
So the attitude of the wife may be seen from the Upapada, the result of marriage or the life of the wife may be seen from the 2nd to it, the wife’s family may be seen from the sign occupied by the lord of the Upapada, and the physical appearance of the wife may be seen from the 7th house in Rasi/Navamsa.

After thus assessing the prospects for marriage from the charts of both the prospective bride and the groom, we could go on to finding the factors for marriage compatibility. Usually much attention is given to the Moon’s placement (i.e. the Janma Rasi and Janma Nakshatra), and an elaborate system has been developed by the ancient astrologers for the comparison of the Moon signs called 12 Kootas. Undoubtedly, the compatibility of the Moon signs is vital if we expect the couple to have mental and emotional happiness in their marriage, as the Moon is the natural karaka for the mind, emotions and happiness. But even if we find two people with finely compatible Moon Nakshatras, what would guarantee that any relationship will actually develop between them? Maybe the natures of a man and a woman are completely compatible, but they just don’t have the occasion to meet each other and realize that. So there is one thing in determination of the success of a marriage that is higher than the Moon or mind, and that is the karma. If they have the karma to meet and have a relationship, then the compatible Moon signs can work, otherwise there is no meaning for them. The karma is based on material activities or Maya, therefore the study of Arudha Padas gives a very good clue to it. Therefore Upapada matching is the most important factor for determining the scope for the manifestation of the relationship.

Rule: The Upapada of the native should fall into trinal or opposite signs from the Lagna of the spouse, and the Lagna of the native should fall into trinal or opposite signs from the Upapada of the spouse for being compatible.Of course, for any nativity it would give four signs which are compatible with his Upapada, the three signs of the same Tattwa and the opposite one. Suppose someone’s Upapada is in Gemini. Then his spouse’s Lagna should ideally fall into Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (trinal signs) or Sagittarius (opposite sign). So this would mean that every third woman would be compatible with him. Therefore the compatibility is acceptable only if it is there from the opposite side also, i.e. the native’s Lagna is in trines or opposition to the spouse’s Upapada. Suppose the same native had his lagna in Pisces.. Then his spouse’s Upapada should fall into watery signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) or Virgo (opposite sign). This would still make every 9th person compatible with the native. Therefore, to be sure that the karmic compatibility is there, the planets occupying and aspecting the Lagna of one sign and the Upapada of the other sign should be similar. Here and in judging the effects of Upapada as above, only the sign aspects (Rasi Dristi) can be taken as reliable. Suppose the native’s Upapada was Gemini, and his spouse’s Lagna falls into Libra. If in both charts the signs are occupied or aspected by Mercury, Sun and Ketu for example, then the karmic bond is confirmed. Then the relationship between his Lagna and her Upapada should be assessed in a similar way.

If the above rule is applicable to the Upapada of one chart and the Arudha Lagna of the other, then the marriage is based on externalities like money, position, wealth or beauty of the spouse, and not on his real personality. Arudha Lagna indicates the externalities, and such marriages are not very happy, as there is no real relationship between the souls.

If the two Upapadas fall into trines or opposition, then it indicates an arranged marriage, and if there is no other relationship between the two charts, then it will not really be a happy one.

The first thing is to check the marriage prospects in both individual charts according to the above guidelines. Then the Upapada matching should be looked at. After the Upapada matching is established, the astrologer should proceed in the following way:

1. Assess the age agreement. In Vedic culture the recommendation was that the husband be the elder person by 5-10 years. If the wife is too much older than the husband, it may create problems. The ideal age for a girl to get married is between 15 and 20 years, and for a boy is between 25 and 30 years. It is also not considered favourable if the girl lives much longer than the boy. So the longevity in both charts should be analysed, and if it is very low for the boy, and high for the girl, the marriage is not advised, as the girl will become widowed and without proper shelter at a young age.
2. The Navamsha Saptama (7th from Navamsha Lagna) of the native should be also compatible with the Navamsha Lagna of the spouse and vice versa according to the above guidelines.
3. The Darakaraka of the native should have some relationship with the Atmakaraka of the spouse and vice versa.
4. Check the Moon signs compatibility based on the 12 Kootas for emotional happiness of the couple
5. Check the Sun signs. The best thing is to have the same Sun sign in both charts, as this will indicate a spiritual brotherhood between them. Sun signs in opposition or trines are also acceptable. Other relations like 12th/2nd and especially 6th/8th are not advised as they may create a disturbance.
6. The other planets’ placements may be also compared. A simple method is to consider the watery signs to be compatible with the earthly ones, and the fiery signs with the airy ones. So if two planets are in one of the pairs, then it is all right. Like if someone has Mars in Aries and the spouse has mars in Gemini, it is acceptable. To this the principles of temporary relationship may be added. Thus, if the two planets are in 3 signs from each other in the two charts, it is considered auspicious, and if in 6 signs from each other, it is considered inauspicious, The rest is medium.
7. The two charts should be overlapped and the yogas caused by the planets in one chart appearing in the other chart should be examined. For example if the native’s Rahu is in the same sign as the spouse’s Jupiter, it is not the best. Rahu and Ketu in opposite sign sin the two charts or at least Navamshas are generally very good as they will destroy the bad karma in the charts.
8. Compare the time periods of the marriage in the two charts. This may be done by analysing the appropriate Dasas running from the beginning of marriage and see what effects will they activate in each other’s charts. The Dasa systems recommended for this are the appropriate Udu Dasas (Ashtottari or varieties of Vimshottari) and Narayana (Padakrama) Dasas for Rasi and Navamsha. The overlapping of Tajaka annual charts may also be attempted, although this area requires more research
9. Erect a Prashna chart for the time and place when the couple approached you for the compatibility reading. This Prashna will give more information on the prospects of the marriage
10. Select a proper Muhurtha for wedding (either legal or Vedic Vivaha ceremony) taking into consideration their birth charts as well.
11. Recommend the suitable remedial measures if necessary, like Kumbha Vivaha for alleviating the faults in the bride’s chart, or fasting on the days ruled by the lord of the Upapada or chanting the Mantras of the Upapada Rasi or lord etc.

1.It is desirable to conduct the marriage of girls in the even years of their birth, and that of boys in the odd years of their birth. Otherwise, it would be destructive of both

2.The months of Mägha, Phälguna, Vaiçäkha and Jyeñöha are auspicious; Kåttika and Mågaçérña are middling; the rest are censurable.

3.Never should marriage, installation of deities and upanayana be performed in ten asterisms from the time that the Sun enters the nakshatra Ärdrä.

4.Marriage should not be performed when Jupiter or Venus have set or when they are in the stages of childhood and old age (that is, just after they have risen or when they are about to set.). Neither when Jupiter is in the sign Leo or in a Leo-part (in any other sign).

5.For thirteen days after its rise in the West or in the East Venus would be in the ‘child’s stage’ and for five days before setting, the stage of ‘old age’. In the case of Jupiter, both stages would be 15 days duration.

6.So long as Lord Viñëu (Håñékeça) is asleep, it is not auspicious. There is nothing more auspicious than the festival day of Viñëu (Väsudeva).

7.The marriage of the first born, whether boy or girl, should not be conducted in the month of their birth, nor in the nakshatra of their birth, nor in the week-day of their birth.

8.In the month of Jyeñöha, the marriage of both the Jyeñöhaputré and Jyeñöhaputra (eldest daughter and the eldest son) should not be performed. It is best to have one ‘Jyeñöha’ at a time, not otherwise.

9.A marriage should not be performed for a week after a natural visitation (utpäta), like the appearance of a comet, earthquake etc., nor a complete eclipse. If the eclipse is partial (the prohibition) is for three days. Similarly, prohibited are the intercalary3 lunar day which touches three civil days touches three civil days (tridyuspåk) and expunged lunar day.

10.In the case of planetary obscuration, three days after their setting and three days before their rise should be eschewed.
11.Five days towards the close of the lunar month should be eschewed. So also the 8th and the riktä days viz. 4th, 9th and 14th. The yogas Vyatépäta and Vaidhåti, in their entirety, and half of Parigha are also to be eschewed.

12.Marriage is recommended in the following nakshatras: Revati (Pausa), Uttaraphalguni, Uttaräñaòha and Uttarbhädrapada (tryuttara), Anurädhä (Maitra), Sväté (Marut). Mågaçérña (Candra), Hasta (Arka), Maghä (Pitrya) and Müla, when these are not in vedha i.e., when they are not mutually afflicted.

13.If, in a marriage, the potencies of Jupiter and the Sun are required for the couple, effort should be made to worship those two weak planets

14.The strengths of the gocara, vedha and añöavarga reckoned in rüpa are higher in the ascending order. The strength gocaras is of a general nature compared to the others.

15.The potencies of the Moon and the nakshatras should be considered and then the strength of the five constituents of the païcäìga. Of the latter, if the strength of the tithi is one, that of the week day is two- fold, that of the nakshatra is three-fold, that of yoga is four-fold and that of karaëa (tithiyardha) is five-fold.

16.The prognostication as reckoned in the muhurata is much stronger than the previous. The combined strength of the above has to be duly considered. All the signs which are beneficently aspected are commended in fixing a marriage.

Arudha padas show the maya (illusion) of material world. Arudha pada of nth house shows the maya associated with the matters signified by of nth house.

For example, 1st house stands for self. While the first house from lagna stands for true self, its arudha pada (AL) stands for the maya associated with self. It shows the how the native is perceived in the material world. It shows the status of the native.

The 4th house in D-16 shows happiness from vehicle. It shows true happiness from a vehicle.

Benefics influencing the 4th house in D-16 show someone who is happy with his vehicle(s). Benefics influencing A4 in D-16 show someone who is perceived to be happy with his vehicle(s). So planets influencing A4 in D-16 shed light on the physical vehicle owned by a person. Someone with Venus in own sign in A4 and Saturn in 4th (in D-16) may own luxurious vehicles (i.e. perceived to be happy with respect to vehicle) but not be happy. Someone with Saturn in A4 and Venus and Jupiter in 4th (in D-16) may own a small vehicle (i.e. perceived to be unhappy with respect to vehicles), but be happy with it.

D-16 is Shodamasa chart

In D-24(chatur vimsamasa chart), 4th house deals with learning and education. A4 in D-24 deals with the maya (illusion) associated with learning. What is it?

If someone studied at IIT (a top engineering institute of India), people may think that he is very knowledgable. If someone studied at an obscure university, people may not get the same impression. But it is possible that people’s perceptions are wrong and the person who studied at IIT is less knowledgable.

So A4 in D-24 shows the school or university and the environment in which one’s learning takes place. Usually that decides what impression people form about one’s learning.

Similarly, A10 in D-10 shows the maya associated with one’s karma (action – career). We form an impression about one’s career based on the place and environment where one’s work takes place. So A10 in D-10 shows one’s workplace. One with Mars in A10 in D-10 may work at dynamic places or engineering companies. One with Jupiter in A10 in D-10 may work at a university or college or a court of law or a temple.

One important arudha pada used in Jyotish is upapada lagna (UL) – the arudha pada of the 12th house. This shows one’s marriage and spouse. Planets in UL show the kind of marriage one has and the kind of spouse one gets. For example, Mercury in UL can show intelligent (when good) or indecisive (when bad) spouse. Ketu in UL can show spiritual (when good) or short-tempered (when bad) spouse. Sun in UL can show a charming spouse from a respectable family. It can also show an authoritative spouse. Mars in UL may show a bold spouse (when good) and a quarrelsome spouse (when bad).

The 8th house from UL shows the longevity of marriage and the 2nd and 7th houses from UL show the end of marriage. Malefics like Mars, Saturn and nodes in these houses from UL can result in troubles for the marriage and even a divorce.

Nature of spouse and the length of the marriage are two different issues. If Mars and Saturn are in UL and Jupiter is in the 8th from UL, it may show a long marriage to an argumentative and mean spouse. If Jupiter is in UL and Mars and Saturn in the 8th from it, one may have a noble spouse but the marital life will be very rough and there can even be a divorce. In such a case, propitiating Saturn and Mars can help

The 7th house shows relations and A7 (darapada) shows the illusion associated with them, i.e. the kind of people one usually interacts with. Based on the kind of people one deals with, we perceive the nature of one’s relations. If one has a friend who is a prostitute, people may get a negative impression about one’s dealings. If one has a friend who is a famous film star, there is some glamour associated with one’s relations. Thus darapada shows the kind of people one associates with and that plays an important role in forming people’s impressions about one’s relations. In D-10, darapada may show professional associates. In D-24, it may show friends at college or colleagues in the pursuit of knowledge. In D-20, it may show colleagues or friends in religious activities.

The 3rd house shows one’s boldness. The 3rd house from lagna and the 3rd house from Mars show one’s true boldness and the 3rd house from AL shows how bold one is perceived. In addition, A3 shows the maya surrounding one’s boldness. It shows what drives the perceptions of people about one’s boldness. The weapons one possesses may drive those perceptions and A3 may show one’s weapons.

The 3rd house also shows one’s communication skills. The 3rd house in D-24 (chart of learning and knowledge) and D-10 (achievements in society) may show one’s writing skills. A3 shows the maya associated with one’s writing skills. One may have excellent writing skills, but not write any book. In such a case, people may not really appreciate one’s writing skills. One may be an average writer, but end up writing 20 books. In such a case, people may perceive him as a great writer. Thus the exact books written by one decide the perceptions of the world about one’s writing skills. So A3 in D-24 and D-10 may show the books or articles written by him. In this author’s D-10, for example, A3 is in Pisces. This can mean that he will be known for some books on saattwik and traditional subjects and astrology certainly fits the bill.

Method to calculate the Arudha Pada.
Suppose we need to calculate the Arudha Pada for the first house. We have to see how many houses he has moved from Lagna. That many number of houses if moved from his present position will give the Arudha Pada.

Example-For a Native Gemini Lagna. Mercury is in Scorpio. Now count the number of houses from Gemini to Scorpio. It is 6. Now count 6 houses from Scorpio. we get Aries. Therefore Arudha Pada for Lagna is Aries/Mesha.

SPECIAL RULE -The Same house or the 7th from it does not become its Pada.
Special Cases --If the Planet is in its house then the 10th from it be considered as Arudha Pada.

Example---Mars is in Scorpio. Scorpio Lagna. Now the Arudha will be 10th from Scorpio i.e Leo

Arudha for Lagna in Short can be called AL or A1 ARUDHA LAGNA
Arudha for 2nd house in Short can be called as A2 or DHANA PADA
Arudha for 4th House in short can be called as A4 VAHANA PADA/MATRI PADA/VIDYA PADA
Arudha for the 5th house - A5 MANTRA PADA
Arudha for 7th house - DARA PADA
Arudha for 9th house - BHAGYA PADA
Arudha for 10th house - RAJYA PADA
Arudha for 12th house - UPA PADA - To know status of Wife & about Wife.

If the Arudha Pada is in Benefic Sign & Aspected or conjoined with Benefics - Auspicious results & Good Gains. If Arudha Pada is in Malefic Sign & Aspected or Conjoined with Malefics - Inauspicious results & Loss.

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Post by kannadiga » Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:00 pm

good stuff, knowledge is power a well said proverb

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Great information

Post by » Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:44 am

Pls continue the good work do write something about Combust & retrograde planets.

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