Kal Sarpa and Raja Yoga?

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Kal Sarpa and Raja Yoga?

Post by donthavealife » Fri Jul 28, 2006 6:35 pm

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Post by Vishwas » Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:18 am

If u have Rahu somewhere in the 1st to 6th House, then u have Kala Sarpa Yoga.

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Post by donthavealife » Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:20 pm

yeah..its in the second house

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Post by govardhanvt » Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:06 am

The fact that Rahu and Ketu moves in anticlockwise.

It is said if all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and ketu there is Kala sarpa yoga

I have the following question, which requires an answer

Let us take a case where Rahu is placed in Pisces and Ketu is placed in Virgo

There are two possiblities

All the planets , including the ascendant could be placed between aries and Leo- Case 1

All the planets including the ascendant can be placed between Libra and Aquarius- Case 2

Is there a Kalasarpa dosha in each of the case ? If so what sort of Kala sarpa Dosha is it
What would be gravity of problem in each of the cases

Can we have some discussion on this please?

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Post by Vishwas » Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:35 am

In case one there is no Kala Sarpa Dosha, but in case 2 there is Kala Sarpa Dosha. Now depending on the place of ascendent, position of planets, we can say what kind of Kala Sarpa Dosha is there, how effective it is, & How long will it be there in a person's life from minimum 22 years to maximum 54 years.

& then the the maha dasha & antr-dasha of Rahu & Ketu also comes into account.

Am I right??

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Post by govardhanvt » Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:01 am

In one of his books Sanjay Rath has said this

This is a very controversial combinations as different Vedic scholars have a different point ofview of it. The one point wherethere is general consensus is that that this combination takes place when all the planets are hemmed between the two

The problem starts when the following questions are addressed. In this combination valid if the planets are hemmed in between Rahu and Ketu (ie Rahu lies before ketuin the nativity) or ketu and Rahu (ie Ketu lies before Rahu in the nativity)? is this combination valid if the planets are hemmed in the second half(eith to twelfth houses) of the chart or does it only apply for planets primarily hemmed in the first half(first to seventh) of the chart?

On further argument the learned author feels that in both cases Kalasarpa yoga exist due to imbalance between the eastern and western half determined by drawing the line between Rahu and ketu

Thus the yoga would benow of two types, . The first type is where all the planets are hemmed within the eastern half,  Such native will show predominatly solar qualities like assertiveness, self assurance and self reliance etc but would to quite an extent lack Lunar qualities like gentleness, compassion, fostering etc

over to  vamsee and milind

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Controversy over Kalsarpa Yoga !!!

Post by Milind » Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:05 pm

Dear all,

First thing I want to make it clear that, I neither support this Yoga nor against it. This is because, each new thing has to prove itself infront of others. This is a new Yoga and a lot of Research is needed for that. By Experimentation and Analysis of the same leads to development of New Thing. And this is a Natural Course of Action !!!

From Varahamihira's and other Great Astrologer's times, Sarpa Yoga existed only. Sarpa Yoga is Combination of Rahu and Moon which makes native Lazy, Begger and prone to all sorts of Atrocities (This is because, Rahu is enemy of Moon and it is a Grahan Yoga). It is just like Visha Yoga i.e. Moon and Saturn combination, which gives similar types of results. If both Planets are apart just by 5-7 degrees or less than that then the Native faces worst results in general.

The present Kalsarpa Yoga came inbeing in somewhere 1930's. Its origine and person who first named this combination is unknown. Each one of the Astrologer added one more Controversial point to this Yoga.
What govardhanvt has said is true that East and West (Udit and Anudit) parts of Horoscopes with Yoga give different effects.

We will see the Contradictory Statements about this Yoga.
1. All planets in Rahu and Ketu forms this Yoga - But they don't count Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in it.
2. Whether Rahu to Ketu or Ketu to Rahu should be considered? There are differences in Opinion.
3. Nobody gives deep anaysis about the Yoga as per House/Rashi of Rahu Ketu. In general it is bad.
4. Some Astrologers have given all Snakes names to this Yoga relating different Houses (All Snakes from Anant, Thakshak, Vasuki, Karkotak till  Sheshnag all are there). e.g. SHESHNAG KALSARPA YOGA. Is it some kind of Fear Psychosis on the Mind of Native.
5. No Astrologer tells Success Stories of the Yoga even when so many Successful People had this Yoga.
6. This Yoga never gives Success to Native and the Yoga moves from One Generation to other till in the 7th Generation (from the first generation it started) where the Vansha-Kshyaya or Full Stop to Family Tree occurs.
7. Are there other Planetary Combinations which break this Yoga? No explaination to that.

Now we will see the Remedy Part of the Yoga.
Since Rahu and Ketu related to reincarnation and family Tree, the Shanti (Remedy) is NARAYAN NAGBALI (NAG PUJAN/KILLING THE SNAKE) and TRIPINDI (A TYPE OF SHRADDHA)

**TRIPINDI -  Here all the people (Ancestors) died before, in Native's family will be covered in this one Shraddha itself. It is a routine Shraddha for that purpose, even without Kalsarpa Yoga one can perform this Shraddha to get blessings from the ancestors. It is very much possible in Today's life not to observe Yealy Shraddha for every person, so this can be a ritual to cover all of them (Known/Unknown family members).

**NARAYANA NAGBALI - Here Narayan Pujan, Rahu Pujan and Killing of Snake (Not Actual Snake but one that is in the Horoscope of the Native !!) through Rituals and Mantras takes Place.

There are several Places to perform the Ritual - Tryambakeshwar (A Jyotirlinga near Nasik, Maharashtra), Nasik, Ujjain (M.P.) and some other places in North India.

Duration of Rituals - 2-3 Days.

Expenditure - Anywhere between 3-5 Thousands or may be more, depending on the Party.

***Contradictions in Remedy***

1. Only Rahu Pujan is there. No Ketu Pujan. Why?
2. If you are killing the Snake in the Horoscope, then who will do the Shraddha for that. It is a half done work. A seen?
3. No Rahu Adhi-Devata of Rahu - Chitragupta is called in Pujan? Why?

I wish others to put more light on the Topic and Share their experiences.

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Post by govardhanvt » Tue Aug 01, 2006 3:08 am

I recently met one astrologer and he was saying this

If all the planets were placed between Rahu and ketu , the evil effect will be  maximum , for the reason according to him are inside the snake body and the native is in clutches of the snake and does not know what is happening . Further, being inside the snake , the native has no means to enjoy the life , pleasure , see success as it cannot come out . While in other case case , he is of view that all planets being outside the body, it could be presumed that he is with a snake  and hence the native will not have any fears and enemies do not go near the native and protected by the snake.

Comments and views  on this please

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Post by donthavealife » Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:36 pm

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Explaination !!

Post by Milind » Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:18 pm

Yes govardhanvt, even I have seen this to some extent. The simple explaination to it is, Rahu is Mouth of the Serpent - Kalsarpa (Dragon's Head) while Ketu is Tail (Dragon's Tail), so if the planets are placed in between Head and Tail i.e. in Rahu and Ketu---Rahu to Ketu and not Ketu to Rahu as Planets are out of the Snake's Body. But again as I have said earlier few people support this. The generalised rule is "All Planets in Rahu and Ketu - No matter how they are placed". There are different opinions.

Regarding donthavealife's question - In technical language "You have Kalsarpa Yoga" but considering the issue which govardhanvt has put here, "You will get benefit of doubt."

About Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, some Astrologers are completely against the idea of these new Planets as their effect is negligible. But in Medical Astrology, these Planets have great importance, if you don't place them you wouldn't get clear idea of Native's Health.

If Uranus and Neptune both are Retrogade and placed in 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th (Particularly 12th), then it makes Native Handicapped. Ofcourse Mars and Saturn should be taken into consideration. Retrogade Uranus in 6th House gives uncurable and mysterious diseases. If Major Planets like Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are Retrogade and if they are placed in 3rd, 6th and 8th Houses with Retrogade Uranus, Neptune and Pluto then it makes Native completely Paralisesed and Mentally Dead.

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Kal-Sarp Yoga Remedies

Post by asethi19 » Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:45 am

First of all I don't think you have kaal sarp yoga it is broken by guru joing ketu in first 7 house

I guru was inside ketu's coor then you would have had Anant Kalsarpa Yoga:  Rahu in the 1st House and Ketu in 7th house
(Significes power for native and Corruption by power )

which i think is not a bad thing

if you still want remedies for kaal sarp yoga read the artice on http://groups.google.com/group/Astrolog ... cedf565da9

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Post by donthavealife » Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:50 am

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