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Post by govardhanvt » Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:28 pm

Misdeeds, danger, anarchy, air accidents, rebellion, loss in wealth, spinal problems, untimely death, mental imbalance and fire accidents are some of the ill effects of Ketu.

Ketu likes sacred grass, flowers, red lotuses, horse gram, mustard-powder, cow-milk, dates, pineapple, sugar, seven-wick lamp, mid-night prayers, pepper, iron, neem and yam to mention a few. Seven is his favourite number and he should be worshipped on Tuesdays and Sundays. The Beejaakshara Mantra for Ketu is


The ordinary mantra is:


Other texts refer to Kethu mantra as:


Any of these mantras is equally efficacious.

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ketu in houses and aspects

Post by matmazel38 » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:12 pm

How is the placement of ketu in my chart and what are the overall effects of it in my life ?

09.Nov.1974, 13:00 pm, ankara, Turkey

Thank you very much.

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Ketu in Taurus / Rahu in Scorpio

Post by govardhanvt » Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:09 am

Ketu's Presences in the earthly sign, of the cow is anindicator of some artistic talent or an exggerated Venusian tinge in the nature of the native. The  native is ussully  astheticaly  oriented an ehibits a heightened sensitivity for refinement in the material realm.

The past life of such a native has usually been  a stable one as for as a material security is concerned. However in life  the native has togo through a period of uncertainity  in this regard, especially in the first half of his/her life. Suceess  material or otherwise  comes ater bit struggle. 'Try twice when you fail once" theory applies to the native  as nothing hapens for him in one go. The second half is more enjoyable than the first. Ketu is supposed to maintain a neutral relationship towards VEnus  and thus canbe said to be in neutral sign. It cannot give too many mateial benefits in its major or minor periods. It should be seen in a spirtualising influence, which puts the material world in its correct prespective.

The qualities of the sign Tauraus  earthy, fixed obstinate stable, acquiring, refining, accumulating, idealism in love, beauty, relationships etc for the backbone of the native.

Because of Rahu's presence in the mysterious sign of the angle the native has to confront the scorpionic realm destruction, regeneration , renewal , depth, internsity, passsion, obsession

A lot of reformers, revolutionaries, soldiers, social workers, spies, detectives, researchers, in every field, astrologers , philosophers, occulist and other people involved in bizarre vocations are born with this placement

Swami Vivekananda had such placement

Ketu In Fifth

Again is the one that takes the natives to extremes. The analogy of phoenix rising fromt he ashes usually does hold true for the native with such placemnet

As oftern the case with ketu in first half of the chart, the first half of life is not very enjoyable, There are breakes in education. The presence of ketu in the fifth gives an attitude  that doesnot think much on formal educations even though the native may go throught it under the grab of social obligation. A break in the formal education is usually the norm with this placement

When Ketu is strong in this postition it does give the native a penetrating and peircing intellect.  As is ketu's  disposition the learing is usually internalised.  the native with Ketu normaly persue the field of mysticism

The native with ketu in 5th have platonic love . The meet with frustration in love at the adaloscent age and thus  they have aversion  or negative feeling about love. In female chart this could indicate difficulty in childbirth
Osho Rajneesh and Queen Victoria had ketu in fifth house

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Post by astrobhadauria » Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:41 am

When you make Pooja of Deepawali,there are three deities,like Shri Ganesha,Mata Sarswati,and Mata laxmi.We call this combinations of deities "Deepawali pana",in Hindu mythology and by Sastras there not any bad thinking about Ketu.By the Indian Astrology the meaning of Ketu is Lord Ganesha,and in physical world meaning of Ketu is "Suported Artical those are related to life living.Ketu is Ganeshaji,Rahu is Sarswati,and Laxmi is Venus,it is the full meaning of three deities.Ketu is Sadhan,Sarswati is Vidhya,and Laxmi is money.We make worship for three deities on Deepawali to make proper combinations about Sadhan,Vidhya,and Laxmi,These three articals are most important in life.and when we know the proper calculations of above three,we success in life,like a Trikona,if any Bhuja of Trikona unbalanced,that means the area of troubles increased automatically.Ketu is not bad in any type in life,first think which Star or House making bad to Ketu,in worship ketu is Ganeshji,in family ketu is Son,Nephew,Brother-in-laws,in body ketu is like hand,feet,ears,nose,mouth,teeth,etc,and in physical world Ketu is like Telephone,instruments,supporting articals etc.
Mantra of Ketu is-Aum Straam Streem,Strom Saha Ketuve Namha

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Post by Phantom » Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:39 pm

ketu is electromagnetic radiation around us
any thing happening suddenly, without any visible cause, thunders in sky, spirituality, past karma, grandfather (paternal) , mystery, magic, illusions etc are controlled by ketu

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:04 am

But -- electromagnetic 'radiation' includes that which is visible (light!) as also that which can be felt (heat=infrared) and that which can be heard (=sound) and more! These are all 'physical' and felt and experienced sensations and reality!

Perhaps you may want to revisit your original concept about Ketu and electromagnetic spectrum ;-)


[quote="Phantom"]ketu is electromagnetic radiation around us
any thing happening suddenly, without any visible cause, thunders in sky, spirituality, past karma, grandfather (paternal) , mystery, magic, illusions etc are controlled by ketu[/quote]

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