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Post by hemal_bhach » Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:38 am

A guru Rahu conjunct is always bad?...Does it lead to yogas like imprisonment, forgetfulness, or cheated severly by close ones?...Please elaborate and discuss, its effects in various houses

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:52 am

Dear LORD, I hope not!

You know, what I think? I will tell you anyway :-)

I think the jyotish texts are really pithy. Terse to the point that they can lend to confusion.

Or perhaps it has to do with the TIMES and ERA in which classics were composed. Even though they had a clear inkling and concern about kaliyuga as is clearly stated in BPHS when discussing ashtakavarga!''

The social rules were different, the code of conduct was too. If we consider that Mahabharata was not a fable but a historical account, then even war was considered as a karma and not a 24/7 living a horrid reality! They fought in the daytime and during sundown, enemies visited each other's camps as friends would.

To the modern mind this would be weird and so out of the ordinary that many feel sanity return to the seat when they just dismiss these accounts with dismay and disdain.

But what if there was a time when people did certain thing deliberately and not because that was some overarching REALITY.

I have an example in mind.

Many modern parents discipline their children not out of anger or random loss of control or sanity! They deliberately create and orchestrate experiences so that their children may learn things. This is always done as a temporary measure and as the children grow, the parents do too with them and life goes on harmoniously! When that does not happen, it is chaos city.

My point is that parents often 'play act' or create modified realities for the advantage and learning of their children. Some parents do it better than others! They do it because that is their ROLE to play and the role demands that SCRIPT.

Kind of like the Mahabharata soldiers who when they fought, fought passionately and yet without attachment to the consequences.

Is anyone else on the same page as me or am I the only one who is getting it?

GEE, I hope not! I hate to be alone on the island of reality!


[quote="hemal_bhach"]A guru Rahu conjunct is always bad?...Does it lead to yogas like imprisonment, forgetfulness, or cheated severly by close ones?...Please elaborate and discuss, its effects in various houses[/quote]

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