Rahu is more powerful...

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Rahu is more powerful...

Post by suresh » Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:45 pm

and that includes Jupiter. Any planet, be it moon or sun or venus, when it comes in contact with rahu not only loses its power, but starts acting like rahu. The power of sun is obscured by rahu, no other planet is capable of this. Powerful placement of rahu gives the native wealth, fame, and pretty much everything else.

No other planet is capable of bestowing everything at once. In Jupiter's case, it's spiritual knowledge, whereas venus gives beauty, and so on. All planets are restricted to a certain area. But rahu gives the results of all planets. Even good yogas produce poor results if there are afflictions. Many yogas don't even materialize.

So it's obvious that rahu's placement is the most crucial factor in a horoscope.

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Post by RajeevSharma » Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:20 pm

you r right... i ve all my hopes on rahu....

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Post by Astroman101 » Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:12 pm

How's Rahu's placement in Capricorn?

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Post by Vedicguru » Mon Aug 13, 2007 8:25 am

Saturn is considered the most powerful and dangerous planet in the ancient Indian system of Vedic astrology, as Saturn personifies time, limitations, loss, sorrow, and all forms of adversity. Everyone is under Saturn's control as he controls life destiny - if Saturn is happy good fortune will appear in one's life, if angry he can destroy everything.

Many astrologers feel that Saturn is to be given the highest of respect and worship, as it is his grace and divine duty to bestow upon us the teachings, that, left to our own devise, we would all to gladly avoid.

Vedic Astrologers refer to Saturn as the most powerful and the most dangerous of the nine Grahas (planets).  Throughout the centuries Indian Astrologers have come to respect and trust the mythology passed down to them portraying Saturn as the great master who controls  the duration of time, and the cycles of death and rebirth, which every individual is destined to endure. Saturn’s release of karmic forces is often followed by immense suffering, which results in a balancing of the karmic scales.  In the end, one is free to proceed on his or her evolutionary journey.  Consequently, astrologers of the Vedas associate Saturn as the divine teacher whose primary mission is to return the evolving soul back to its source.

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Post by srsmanian » Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:09 pm

My vote goes to Saturn the great. He is the most feared, not only is he the dispenser of 'Karmic Justice' but also seasons you into a matured man.When as a yoga karaka he gives the riches, it stays! Though Rahu's nature is as that of  Saturn, there is no peer to him. Call no man "complete" until he is visited by Sade sathi saturn!

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Post by SterlingRitu » Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:02 pm

I have always been advised that Shani is a teacher who teaches through adversity, and Rahu is temperamental, aggressive and grasping.  I would vote for Shani too.  Rahu seems to be not something that would contribute some substance to a person's life and way of thinking

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Ketu is the most powerful,though it is Rahu's slave

Post by pant » Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:41 am

Lord Shiva also known as MahaKala,great time,(Kala=time=Ketu),Sarpa is Rahu.Rahu and Ketu origionally where the demon Vasuki whose head is Rahu and Tail is Ketu.So when the mighty shiva or mahakala denotes ketu it is understood to be the strongest.

Another explanation:Sun is considered the most powerful but ketu is negative sun(meaning lack of confidence,lack of selfworth and esteem etc) and ketu eclipses sun and rahu eclipses the moon(rahu is negative moon or negative mind).
People always think rahu eclipses the sun,it is ketu which eclipses the sun and rahu which eclipses the moon.Ask the great Dr David Frawley(astrologer) or Robert Svoboda(the aghori),you will gt the answer.
As ketu can darken the sun it has the power to negate the sun which is the most powerful.

Though there is a story between a wrestling duel between Rahu with Aditya(Sun) where it Rahu (symbolically the elephant) hurled the sun(lion) into space and hence we see the sun.

So technically both Rahu and ketu are more powerful than the sun but rahu swallows poison,ketu harnesses it in its tail,thus the poison of the snake(rahu) resides in its tail(ketu).So which is more deadly?

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Post by srsmanian » Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:40 am

The Chhaya Grahas derive their strength from their sign dispositer, their own placement in the chart, aspects they receive from other planets & stellar ocupation.True to their name they only "shadow box". They can spoil a yoga with association and modify the good results. However, aspect on Rahu & Ketu from benefics could  mollify them. They are not the "causes" but definitely the "catalysts". So, better chemistry between the Nodes & the other planets is  'sine qua non' for a good chart. In that respect they are really power ful in posessing 'nuisance value'.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:51 am

[quote="SterlingRitu"]I have always been advised that Shani is a teacher who teaches through adversity, and Rahu is temperamental, aggressive and grasping.  I would vote for Shani too.  Rahu seems to be not something that would contribute some substance to a person's life and way of thinking[/quote]

Dear SterlingRitu,

Each lifetime is "back-to-Schooltime again!"

And, therefore, each time we are born, the horoscope becomes the new curriculam and all planets become teachers and each of the 12 houses in our natal horoscopes become NEW CLASSROOMS!

As you recall I am sure that some of the teachers and not all during your schooling impressed you more and taught you significantly more!

Not all teachers were equal, but each [[was]] a teacher par none, nonetheless!


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Power Games

Post by srsmanian » Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:19 pm

Power corrupts and obsolute power corrupts absolutely!,  unless we have checks and balances. So... Shall we say, " There is better power sharing arrangement and coalition dharma" in the Solar Ministry than what we are witnessing in mundane politics? What about the view ' The  power posessed by the planets in a horoscope is derived from one's Karmic Cycle? If that is true , then why not the strength of 9th house be checked for throwing  some light on 'Celestial  Superman' of that chart?

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