Virgo / Libra & A leo

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Virgo / Libra & A leo

Post by airyearthgoddess » Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:12 pm

The title says just about you have any suggestions or recommendations for snagging this Leo for life.....the path has already been blissful

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How to get your Leo to love you!

Post by pipi » Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:17 am

OK, so you want to get this leo fellow? Well there is a few things you're gonna have to do and I know because I am a leo.  Oh yeah and I have some virgo cousins, so I know how leos react to them.

Number 1: You have to compliment them and always recognise their efforts.  Make sure you always say, "Oh thank you, you're so nice!"
I know that's pretty hard for a virgo to do but a leo will do that for you and so you will HAVE TO reciprocate, or else they will feel like they are not appreciated.

Number 2: If you were born in the virgo/libra cusp, try to block out your virgo behavior, if you start acting too virgoish, be sure that they will leave you...NO DOUBT.  But the good thing is that leos like libras, they get along, just remember that libras as well as virgos are very capable of making hurtful and unnecessary comments and the leo will most probably disappear even if what you said was true.  They don't need to hear it if it's not nice.  They live on the principle, "If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all."

Number 3: Try not to take take advantage of their generosity. If you take too much from them without giving anything back (which virgos are known to do) the leo may still continue to be generous but they will never want to be in a relationship with you and they will keep their distance from you.  Also DON'T mooch off them (like eating all their food when you visit their house or making them pay for too many taxi fares) ... it could really piss them off.

Number 4:  You have to nurture them.  It's all about them, or at least make it seem like it's about them, cuz leos ALWAYS need to feel special.

Hope this helps. :)

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Post by earth2bella » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:00 am

remember your please and thank yous,
have patience (bite your tounge),
make sure you share the microphone,
listen to them (really listen and try to relate with them for their sake),
dont get jealous when hes being extremely friendly or flirtacious with others because it isnt like that and they will get offended if you try to call them out,
you can never show them too much affection
its the little things that they'll love you more for,
light compliments go a long way,
respect their need for 'alone time' (it isnt personal),
dont even attempt to control him or you've got trouble,
the mysteries you yearn to know about him will be revealed to you in due time but dont ask or pressure for this will make him withdraw,
basically just love him for the king that he can share the thrown, just dont tell him!

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:02 pm


This does not relate to a Western astrology reading. Is being tranferred to the Western astrology forum.


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