The Sun a Star or a Planet

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The Sun a Star or a Planet

Post by babulupmg » Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:24 am

Is it wrong to call the Sun,  a Planet

The Moon is treated as feminine even by scientists. The pronoun "she" is used instead of noun ‘Moon’.  How a planet be male or female.  The Infinite article is used before the Moon and the Sun.  But in reality every planet has a number of moons in the solar system. There are number of Suns in universe, say astronomers.
Americans call all Europeans as western people though Europe is in the east to America.  Japanese are called as Far eastern people though they are in the west to the people in Florida. Are these not anomalies.
In Chinese astrology there are 108 stars.  But they are not at all physical matter in the universe.  They are hypothetical and arrived at by five elements combination.
The word operation, Constituiton Father etc gives different meanings in different places. In “Operation Blue Star.”  and “Operation Theatre” does the word ‘operation’ gives same meaning?
The word Constitution in politics is different from the word constitution in medical terminology.
Every Science and treatise has its own terminology.  The word “GOODS” in Economics is not same as the word GOODS in Accounts. Computer HUB is different from Hub in a bicycle.

The word father in "Father in a church", "the father of a nation" doe not denote the father who really gave birth.
The cine star is not at all a permanent one. It fades away.
In Sanskrit ‘Bhaga’ means vagina.  Bhagavathi means revered or respected woman.  But a crooked clever scholar will explain the word “the woman with vagina”.
In Telugu ‘poolu’ means flowers. But in Tamil it means penis. The word facial has different meanings in different contexts. One should not apply as per his own wishes. Besides the custom and tradition, the context, the environment etc., should be observed.
Graha means which catches or shows influence. Though the word planet has been taken as synonym for Graha the definitions and meanings are different.

It is no matter whether it is big, large, small, little, tiny, self luminary or not, with physical substance or not, but only the qualification is showing influence on living beings on the earth.

This is the definition of a Graha. These nine,  Ravi (though astronomers call star), Chandra (who is called a satellite), the brilliant Sukra, Big and large Guru, the tiny Budha and Kuja, Sani who is irregular in shape, Rahu and Ketu who are not seen and has no physical body— all these are called grahas in vedic astrology.
All grahas receives light and energy from Sun.  Sun also catches energy heat etc from Major and fixed stars. It can be traced by observing the heat produced by the Sun in different seasons. The Sun is influenced by the stars.  In May and June Sun produces heavy heat because he is influenced by the stars Krittika and Rohini (Karthari). Generally people think the Sun is nearer to the earth at that time.  If it is so the Sun is nearer to the earth in the month of October also. Then he is not so heat as he is in May.
The nodes also show their influence on the Sun and the Moon besides on the earth. It can be understood by the word “Grahana”.  Grahanam means to catch or to get into hold.  The nodes catch the Luminaries. Then, latter’ influence is not felt on the earth.  Graha+na (No influene).

One should not keep one’s finger on  terminology of any subject.

Sun also is a graha only.  

There are other balagrahas which hurt the infant and children in various stages.
And we find some aprakasak grahas also in astrology. There is a saying in Sanskrit “Jamatha dasamo grahaha”.   This means the son-in-law is the tenth graha. Here the human being son-in-law is called as graha as he influences the wife’s family.   He is not a planet. In the word 'Vigraha' we see graha. It means Visishya Grihnathi. The figure influences the devotee excessively.

In Vedic astrology we find another term ‘Dhanya’.  Every graham is being represented by a Dhanya.  Among them Rice and wheat are called as cereals. Black gram, Toor gram, Green gram and Bengal gram are called as pulses. Beans are someway different from pulses. Sesame is called as seeds. We extract oil from sesame and not from other pulses or cereals. Horse gram is very different from all these.  But in Vedic Astrology all these are called as Dhanyas. That is its own terminology.
From Thousands of years, these are being called as Grahas. Who are we, to ask not to call them as Grahas. Dog is Dog. God is God.  
Cereal is a village in Alberta in Canada. Rice also is called cereal. What a wonder. Shall we ask the people of Cereal not to call their village, Cereal?

Whether Astrology is a science or not?

In my opinion Astrology is not at all a Science.  The scope of science such as Physics, Chemistry, etc. is limited. The scope of Astrology is unlimited. In every science only one or two aspects are dealt whereas in Astrology number of aspects is dealt and it is on living beings.  But in these fundamental sciences the observation and practical are done on non living things and in a limited Laboratory.
Up to intermediate or +2 level we study science subjects.  Then afterwords we do medicine or engineering etc.  At the time of study it is called computer science.  When he enters the job he is not doing any science. Then he is called a programmer or an analyst etc. Doctor does practice. Unto death his work is called practice and not science.  Invention of Microscope, X-ray and other apparatuses won’t come under science.  But they come under Technology.
The subject politics is called Political Science when it is being studied. The person who takes part in Politics is not called as Political Scientist.
I wonder why even the Indian Vedic astrologers are very eager to call the Astrology as a Science. Astrology is a Treatise. A Sastra.  It is like Meemasa Sastra, Vyakarana Sastra, Tarka Sastra etc. It is flexible. Greater in scope,  than any other fundamental sciences.
We should not apply the definition of the modern term Science to a Sastra.  The word science is modern. The word Sastra is an ancient one. The knowledge when we learn is called Science.  The invention of any drug, medicine or machinery comes under science but its practice is not called as science.  If so the nurse who injects a medicine to a patient, the driver of a car, the pilot in airoplane also is to be called scientist.

When we apply or practice the scope widens.

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Re: The Sun a Star or a Planet

Post by astro_scholr » Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:50 pm

babulupmg wrote:Is it wrong to call the Sun,  a Planet

The Moon is treated as feminine even by scientists. The pronoun "she" is used instead of noun ‘Moon’.  How a planet be male or female.  The Infinite article is used before the Moon and the Sun.  But in reality every planet has a number of moons in the solar system. There are number of Suns in universe, say astronomers.
Americans call all Europeans as western people though Europe is in the east to America.  Japanese are called as Far eastern people though they are in the west to the people in Florida. Are these not anomalies.
In Chinese astrology there are 108 stars.  But they are not at all physical matter in the universe.  They are hypothetical and arrived at by five elements combination.
The word operation, Constituiton Father etc gives different meanings in different places. In “Operation Blue Star.”  and “Operation Theatre” does the word ‘operation’ gives same meaning?
The word Constitution in politics is different from the word constitution in medical terminology.
Every Science and treatise has its own terminology.  The word “GOODS” in Economics is not same as the word GOODS in Accounts. Computer HUB is different from Hub in a bicycle.

The word father in "Father in a church", "the father of a nation" doe not denote the father who really gave birth.
The cine star is not at all a permanent one. It fades away.
In Sanskrit ‘Bhaga’ means vagina.  Bhagavathi means revered or respected woman.  But a crooked clever scholar will explain the word “the woman with vagina”.
In Telugu ‘poolu’ means flowers. But in Tamil it means penis. The word facial has different meanings in different contexts. One should not apply as per his own wishes. Besides the custom and tradition, the context, the environment etc., should be observed.
Graha means which catches or shows influence. Though the word planet has been taken as synonym for Graha the definitions and meanings are different.

It is no matter whether it is big, large, small, little, tiny, self luminary or not, with physical substance or not, but only the qualification is showing influence on living beings on the earth.

This is the definition of a Graha. These nine,  Ravi (though astronomers call star), Chandra (who is called a satellite), the brilliant Sukra, Big and large Guru, the tiny Budha and Kuja, Sani who is irregular in shape, Rahu and Ketu who are not seen and has no physical body— all these are called grahas in vedic astrology.
All grahas receives light and energy from Sun.  Sun also catches energy heat etc from Major and fixed stars. It can be traced by observing the heat produced by the Sun in different seasons. The Sun is influenced by the stars.  In May and June Sun produces heavy heat because he is influenced by the stars Krittika and Rohini (Karthari). Generally people think the Sun is nearer to the earth at that time.  If it is so the Sun is nearer to the earth in the month of October also. Then he is not so heat as he is in May.
The nodes also show their influence on the Sun and the Moon besides on the earth. It can be understood by the word “Grahana”.  Grahanam means to catch or to get into hold.  The nodes catch the Luminaries. Then, latter’ influence is not felt on the earth.  Graha+na (No influene).

One should not keep one’s finger on  terminology of any subject.

Sun also is a graha only.  

There are other balagrahas which hurt the infant and children in various stages.
And we find some aprakasak grahas also in astrology. There is a saying in Sanskrit “Jamatha dasamo grahaha”.   This means the son-in-law is the tenth graha. Here the human being son-in-law is called as graha as he influences the wife’s family.   He is not a planet. In the word 'Vigraha' we see graha. It means Visishya Grihnathi. The figure influences the devotee excessively.

In Vedic astrology we find another term ‘Dhanya’.  Every graham is being represented by a Dhanya.  Among them Rice and wheat are called as cereals. Black gram, Toor gram, Green gram and Bengal gram are called as pulses. Beans are someway different from pulses. Sesame is called as seeds. We extract oil from sesame and not from other pulses or cereals. Horse gram is very different from all these.  But in Vedic Astrology all these are called as Dhanyas. That is its own terminology.
From Thousands of years, these are being called as Grahas. Who are we, to ask not to call them as Grahas. Dog is Dog. God is God.  
Cereal is a village in Alberta in Canada. Rice also is called cereal. What a wonder. Shall we ask the people of Cereal not to call their village, Cereal?

Whether Astrology is a science or not?

In my opinion Astrology is not at all a Science.  The scope of science such as Physics, Chemistry, etc. is limited. The scope of Astrology is unlimited. In every science only one or two aspects are dealt whereas in Astrology number of aspects is dealt and it is on living beings.  But in these fundamental sciences the observation and practical are done on non living things and in a limited Laboratory.
Up to intermediate or +2 level we study science subjects.  Then afterwords we do medicine or engineering etc.  At the time of study it is called computer science.  When he enters the job he is not doing any science. Then he is called a programmer or an analyst etc. Doctor does practice. Unto death his work is called practice and not science.  Invention of Microscope, X-ray and other apparatuses won’t come under science.  But they come under Technology.
The subject politics is called Political Science when it is being studied. The person who takes part in Politics is not called as Political Scientist.
I wonder why even the Indian Vedic astrologers are very eager to call the Astrology as a Science. Astrology is a Treatise. A Sastra.  It is like Meemasa Sastra, Vyakarana Sastra, Tarka Sastra etc. It is flexible. Greater in scope,  than any other fundamental sciences.
We should not apply the definition of the modern term Science to a Sastra.  The word science is modern. The word Sastra is an ancient one. The knowledge when we learn is called Science.  The invention of any drug, medicine or machinery comes under science but its practice is not called as science.  If so the nurse who injects a medicine to a patient, the driver of a car, the pilot in airoplane also is to be called scientist.

When we apply or practice the scope widens.
also add this article ... rahas.html

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sun is a star and jupiter is a star in making

Post by triguna » Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:59 pm

This whole universe is mutating as we are mutating according to our environment.

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